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Balance board
Exercise 6 - Pushup position with squats
Assume the pushup position. Clasp the convenient handles on the
balance board with your hands. Now try to maintain the pushup
position and while doing so, move your knees toward your chest.
Your whole body should thus be rigid. Try not to make a hollow back.
The edges of the board should not touch the floor during this exercise,
the board should be in a balanced position. After a few repetitions
switch to the other leg.
30 repetitions per leg, pausing 15 seconds between sessions.
Exercise 7 - Lower arm pushups
Now assume the lower arm pushup position. To do this, place both
lower arms on the balance board. You can hold onto the handle with
both hands. Now try to maintain the pushup position (static exercise).
Static exercise 3 x 20 seconds, pausing 15 seconds between sessions.
Exercise 8 - Balance on one leg
Stand with both feet on the balance board, keeping your knees
slightly bent. Now bring your right leg slightly away from the balance
board and try to keep your balance on one leg. The edges of the board
should not touch the floor during this exercise, the board should be
in a balanced position. After pausing a few seconds, switch to the other leg.
3 x 20 seconds per leg, pausing 15 seconds between sessions.
Exercise 9 - Twist
Stand with both feet on the balance board, keeping your knees slightly
bent. Now try to cause the balance board to rotate by moving your upper
body slightly back and forth. The edges of the board should not touch the
floor during this exercise, the board should be in a balanced position.
3 x 20 repetitions, pausing 15 seconds between sessions.
Exercise 10 - Buttocks lift
Lie flat on your back and place your feet midway on the balance board.
Raise your buttocks and repeat these movements several times.
3 x 20 repetitions, pausing 15 seconds between sessions.