Page 1: ...Model No 358 798540 358 798570 II WARNING Read and follow all Safety Rules and Operating Instructions before first use of this product For answers to your questions about this product Call 7 am 7 pm Mon Sat Sun 10 am 7 pm 1 800 235 5878 Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 USA 530 084027 03 22 96 ...
Page 2: ... RETURNING THE WEEDWACKER LINE TRIMMER TO THE NEAREST SEARS SERVICE CENTER INTHE UNITED STATES This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may atso have other rights which vary from state to state Sears Roebuck and Co Dept D 817WA Hoffman Estates IL 60179 WARNING When using gardening appliances basic safety precautions must always be followed to reduce the risk of fire and serious injury...
Page 3: ...and repair fuet leaks before use Keep in good working condition Replace trimmer head parts that are chipped cracked broken or dam aged in any other way before using the unit Make sure unit is assembled correct ly as shown in this manual Make carburetor adjustments with lower end supported to prevent line from contacting any object Keep others away when making car buretor adjustments removing fuel ...
Page 4: ...nk Finding fuel or oil residue on muffler is normal due to carburetor adjustments and testing done by the manufacturer ASSEMBLY WARNING If received assembled repeat all steps to ensure your unit is properly assembled and all fasteners are secure Ber sure to assemble the handle to the unit before you assemble the shield ATTACHING THE HANDLE some units are already assembled WARNING Make sure unit is...
Page 5: ...ngine oil We recommend Craftsman brand oil Mix gasoline and oil at a ratio of 40 1 A 40 I ratio is obtained by mixing 3 2 ounces of oil with 1 gallon of unleaded gasoline DO NOT USE automotive oil or boat oi These oils will cause engine damage When mixing fuel follow instructions printed on container the primer bulb by pressing it and al lowing it to return to its original form CHOKE The choke hel...
Page 6: ...cutting To stop engine Release the throttle trigger Push and hold the engine stop switch in the STOP or OFF position until the unit has fully stopped TWIST N EDGE Pull the tab toward the engine Twist the tube to the edging position release tab Trigger Bulb Squeeze and hold trigger through all remaining steps Pull starter handle until engine at tempts to start but no more than 5 pulls Move knob to ...
Page 7: ...d decrease head wear especially During light duty cutting Near 0bjectsaround which the line can wrap such as small posts trees or fence wire For mowingor sweeping use full throttle for a good clean job WARNING AIways wear eye protec tion Never lean over the trimmer head Rocks or debris can ricochet or be thrown into eyes and face and cause blindness or other serious injury TRIMMING Hold the bottom...
Page 8: ...rallel toandabove thesurfaces being swept andmove the toolfrom side toside EDGING The Twist N Edge feature allows foreasy edging ofsidewalks patios driveways etc Adjust trimmer totheedging position Allow only the tipof the line to make contact Do not force trimmer line into work area Edging __ 8 ...
Page 9: Cover REPLACE SPARK PLUG Replace the spark plug each year to ensure the engine starts easier and Refer replacement of damaged worn parts to your Sears Service Center Engine Stop Switch Ensure switch functions propedy bypressing and holding the switch in the Stop posi tion Make sure engine stops then restart engine and continue Fuel Tank Do not use unit iffuel tank shows signs of damage or leaks...
Page 10: ...idle speed Carburetor adjustment is criticaland f done improperly can permanently damage the engine as well as the car buretor if you require further assis tance or are unsure about performing this procedure call the 1 800 number listed on the front of this manual Old fuel a dirty air filter a dirty fuel fil ter or flooding may give the impres sion of an improperly adjusted carbu retor Check these...
Page 11: ...rting Store unit and fuel in a well venti lated area where fuel vapors cannot reach sparks or open flames from water heaters electric motors or switches furnaces etc Store unit with all guards in place Position unit so that any sharp object cannot accidentally cause injury Store unit and fuel well out of the reach of children EXTERNAL SURFACES If your unit is to be stored for a pedod of time clean...
Page 12: ...rrect Spark plug incorrect Carburetor requires adjustment Carbon build up REMEDY See Starting Instructionsi Fill tank with correct fuel mixture Install new spark plug Check for dirty fuel filter clean Check for kinked or split fuel line repair or replace Contact Sears Service Adjust idle speed screw clockwise to increase speed Adjust idle speed screw counter Clockwiseto reduce speed See Carburetor...
Page 13: ...Shield Spring Compression Actuator Washer Drive Shaft Hag Ass y Line Limiter Screw Line Limiter Shield Kit Ass y IncL 12 13 Culling Head Ass y Incl 16 t9 Ref 16 17 18 19 20 Part No 53O 09538O 530 401958 530 401957 71 85816 530 047912 21 530 047911 22 530 016173 23 530 016119 24 530 094543 Net Show 530 084027 530 049100 530 0491O3 530 049102 Description Hub Ass y Spring Clip Retainer Head Spoof w L...
Page 14: ... 530 019223 1 530 069754 530 015882 530 047914 530 015557 530 049298 530 015254 530 015852 530 049089 580 047932 530 049095 1 530 015966 530 049066 530 049299 530 015953 530 036793 530 069247 3 62 Description Ref Muffler Cover 54 Muffter BaSle Exit Muffler Baffle First 55 Muffler Spring 56 Rear Shroud 57 Gasket O case Cylinder Kit 58 Carb Adaptor Kit Screw Garb Adptr 59 Gasket Cytinder 60 Carburet...
Page 15: ...i DI DAID DADT_ lr_ _ Carburetor Assembly Kit Number 53 0 069754 WA226 1 I Ref 1 Part No 530_038404 i Description Limiter Cap 5 ...
Page 16: ...O EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS Estagarantia le otorgaderechoslegales especfficos y ustedpuedetambi_nten er otrosderechosquevarian de Estadoa Estado Sears Roebuck and Co Dept DI817WA Hoffman Estates IL 60179 ADVERTENCMu AI usaraparatos deja dinerfa es nec_ ario siempre ooservarprecaucionesbdsicasde seguridedpata reducirel riesgode I r_ er_io y asgravesheddas Lea y ga toaas Bs mstmcciones p_te apata_ de fu...
Page 17: ...cesodosy mp_ Seam recomendados SEGURIDAD CON EL COMBUSTIB_ Mezcle y vierta el combustible al aim libre M_gase alejadode laschispasy de las llamas Use recipienteaprobadopara el combustible No fume ni permita quese fume cercadel combustiblenidelapamto nimientms6ste estd en uso Umpie todo el combust_le derramado AI6jese a por Io menos3 metros 10 pies del iugar de abastecimiento antes de porteren marc...
Page 18: ...emanual AVlSOESPECIAL El estarexpuestoa las vibraciones a travds del uso prolongado de herramientas defuerzaa gasolina puede causar dafios a los vasossanguineoso a losnerviosde los dedos las manos y ascoyunturasen aquellas personas que tienen pmpensidad a los trastomos de ta circulaci6n o alas hinchazones anormales E uso prolongado en tiempofdo ha sideasociadocondaJ_os a los vasos sanguineosde per...
Page 19: ...EL USUARIO Y LAS REGLAS DE SERGURADAD ANTES DE PONER ENMAROHA ELAPj_P_TO Corr_ lasilustracionesasu aparato parafamiliafizame coi_ Ia ubicaciSnde los diversoscontroles y ajustes Guardeeste manualpara uso fUtLlrO lntermptor Man Aux r Tubo Interruptor Soga de Arranque Gatillo Acelmador J Protector Pedlta Bombeador TapadetTanquelJmitador deCombustible de I Jnea IINFrERRUPTOR Se uUlizael interruptorpar...
Page 20: ...en el tanque de _O_d_que hacerlopuede DE SU UNIDAD ADVERTENCIA El cabez_decortese moverd cuando comienze aencender elmotor de su unidad Cuandoel silenciador se encuentra calientepuede causar graves quemaduras COMO ARRANCAR EL MOTOR FRIO O DESPUES DE REABASTECER CON GASOMNA Ponga launidad enunasuperlicie plana Lentamente apriete labombilla principel 12 races Mueva lacebadora laposici6n FULL Apnete ...
Page 21: ... suelo donde hays c_ped El coco ontralas superficiestaJes como el cementoo asfaltocausa_ desgasteexcesivode cabezaL AVI O S no quedan m_ qua dos o trespulgadasde Ifnea habr_ qua hater m_sde untoque pare obtenerel de nea rn_ eflciento ADVERTENCIA Use _Jusivamente I_neacondidmetrode 2 mrn 080 de pulgada I asIineas concualquierotto didmetrono avanz _ debidamentey podrdn ausargrovesheddas No use ningu...
Page 22: ...e cabezal _ente Pard trabajoslivianos Cersa de los objetosen los que la linea se pueda enredar tales como los postesy _ bolespequefios o el _ambm de las cersas Pare cotterc_ped o barter use el acelerador a fondopare conseguir una buena limpieza ADVERTENCIA Use siempre pmtecci6nde ojos Nunca se incline sobreel saber El aparato puede arrojaro hacer rebotarpiedmsy escombrosque pueden der enlos ojosy ...
Page 23: ...suariodebrdmantenerel aparatoseg0n las instrucciones en estemanual Serdnecesafiohacer variosajustesped6dicarnente para mantenerel aparatodebidamente VERIFIQUE QUE NO HAYA _PIEZAS SUELTAS NI FIJADORES FLOJOS Capuchade la Bujia Filtrode Airo Tomillosde la Caja Tomiliosde la ManijaAuxiliar Protector VERIRQUE QUE NO HAYA PIEZAS DA_IADAS NI GASTADAS E Centrode ServicioSears deberd efectuartodocambiode ...
Page 24: ...jos Pantalon_ Zapatos Corte desde su derecha hac_a su _u_rd_ PAPA AVANZAR LA LINEA DE CORTE Haga avanzar la ffnea tocando el aSe _ levementeen i_ tiem mientras el cabezal esld girando a toda velodda_ r_d0r de Ifnea una cuchiUa de metal instal_da en e protector codalaIfne_al largocorrecto PAPACAMBIAR LA UNEAR Retire la bobina tirando firmememe delbotchde toque Umpiela superficieentera delcubo y de ...
Page 25: ...ebe acelerar Vea Ajustede la Aceleraci6n bajo el proosdimiento de ajuste Falta de potenciaparacortar Vea Ajustede la Mezcla H bajo el procedimiento de ajuste Hay dostomitlosde ajusteen el carburador Estdnmarcadoscon H y T Estdnubicadosardba del bombeador PUNTOS DE PRECALIBRACION A hacerajustesne fuercelas tapas limitadoras de pldsticorods alld de los retentores o puedehaberda_os Si no se necesitan...
Page 26: ... del Motor en la secci6nde Usoen este manual vea el mensajemarcado IMPORTANTE acercadel usode combustibles mezclados con alcohol en el motorde su aparato Losestabilizadores de combustible sonuna altemativaaceptablepara minimizarla formaci6nde dep6sitos de gomaduranteel aimacenamiento A_adaestabilizador a la gasolinaen el tanquede combustible oen el recipientede almacenamiento de combustible Sigala...
Page 27: ... carburador requiere ajuste Acumulaci6n de carbdn SOLUCION Vea lasInstrucciones de Arranque Lleneel tanqueconla mezcla correcta de combustible Instaieunabuj anueva Verifique si el flltro de combustible astdsucio tfmpielo Veriflquesi haydoblecesen la t neade combustible o siestdpattida rep_relao c_uTtbiela Entreencontacto conel Concesionado de Servic o Ajustee tomillode marchalenta a la derechapara...
Page 28: ...ara pedir servicio de reparaci6n a domicilio 1 800 676 5811 For the location of a Sears Parts and Repair Center in your area Call 24 hours a day 7 days a week 1 800 488 1222 mmmlm mmmmmm For information on purchasing a Sears Maintenance Agreement or to inquire about an existing Agreement Call 9 am 5 pm Monday Saturday 1 800 827 6655 When requesting service or ordering parts always provide the foll...