Page 1: ... Safety Instructions FailureToDo So CanResult in Serious Injury Do Not Throw Away Always Wear Eye Protection During Operation L WEEDWACKER 2 Cycle Engine Assembly Operation b _uelMix 40 1 Maintenance Repair Parts Sold by Sears Roebuck and Co Chicago IL 60684 U S A 5304167877 6 03 31 93 1993 Sears Roebuck and Co ...
Page 2: ...AND CO DEPT DISITWA HOFFMAN ESTATES EL _0IY9 o _ TABLE OF CONTENTS WARNINGS AND SAFETY INSIRUCrIONS 3 KNOW X DUR TRIMMER ASSEMBLY 6 ACCESSOR _ 9 S IX RAGE 9 ENGINE INFORMATION 10 A Furling Your E_gine l0 B Pre_tion Che_ 11 C Starting h _ons 11 D Op_rati_ Imstr_ctions 12 USING YOI_ TI_MVIMF_ 12 A LineTrimmer Safety 13 B Automatic Line ASvanee 13 C Cutting M_ods 14 D Line Replaeemeat I5 GENERAL MAIN...
Page 4: ...Stop engine be ore removing fuei _ 7 Run fuel out of the fuel tank before storing the tool 4 K Storetoot and fuel in an uea where fuel vapors cannot reach sparks or open iiame from water heaters elec tric motors or switches furnaces etc im II 1 Inspect the area to be cut before each use Remove objects rocks broken glass nails wire string etc which cart be thrown or become ent aagled in the trim me...
Page 5: ... SCleW A _i_ _mdte 1 U HexSocket HeadScrew ClutchShroud 2 12 Hex Lock Nut ClutchShroud 2 13 Large Oap Washer 1 14 Hex Wrench Small I 15 Hex Wreneh Lavg_ I 16 Hex Screw Throttle Trigger Housing 1 17 Hex Nut Tlnut_ Trigger Housing 1 Hardware is shown in actual size drawings in the assembly imtm_ons Comparethehardwareintheloose partsbagwith the hardwarein thedrawingsto dctermim fl_ correctlint to us_...
Page 6: ...E Dirt on the Shaft will significantly reduce the life of the tool If the Flexible Drive Shaft falls out of the Housing clean relube then reinstall See _Flexible Drive S_ Lubrication in the Main tenance sectiom d Remove the shipping cap from the straight end of the Drive Shaft Housing Make sure the Flexible Drive Shaft does not fall out of the Drive Shaft Housing e Turn Handle around and position ...
Page 7: ...n to idle when the trigger is released The trimmer head must not turn at idle speed to avoid serious injury to the operator and others 3 AS_ D LE _ Figures 6 7 a Be sure the Handle is positioned between the Safety Label and the Throttle Trigger Figure 6 b Push the lower end of the Assist Handle onto the Drive Shaft Housing c Drop the threaded end of the square head Screw through the opening in the...
Page 8: ... the Her Wrench NOTE To remove the Trimmer Head insert the hex wrenchinto aligned holes in the Dust Cupand Gear Box Unthread the Trimmer Head 6 OPE TmG tmsmos 9 a Before starting the Engine stand as shown in Figure9 and_treek_ f_ng 1 Rightarm fullyexlended hand holdingthe Foam Grip fingers on Throttle Trigger 2 Leh_ fullyextended hand holding the Assist 3 Engine below waist level 4 Weight of tool ...
Page 9: ..._t_on a n ffK_ formation of acids durlngstot age Acidic gas can damage the fuel system of an englr_wh_e_ storage I Allow the engine to cool empty the fuel system and secure the tool before transporting or storing 2 Before storing the tool use up fuel left in Ihe fi_el lines and carburetor by starting the engine and letting it run until h stops NOTE If you do not wa_nt to remove the gasoline from y...
Page 10: ...lways mix the fuel thoroughly in a con tainer since gasoline and oil do not readily combine Do not mix gasoline and oil directly in the ftii_ ii_ 3 USE THE FOLLOWING SEARS CRAFTSMAN 2 cycle engine oil mixed at 40 1 is strongly recommended Consult the instructions on oil container for proper mixing I PART OIL TO 40 PARTS GASOLINE 3 2ft oz oil toI gallon gasoline 8 0 ft oz oil to 2 5 gallon gasoline...
Page 11: ..._n ground supportirtgTrim mer Head off the ground away from trees bushes or__Figure 10 d If usingoptional Shoulder Strap place Shoulder Strap on _urshoulder Start engine b_re clipping Shoulder Strap to the tool 2 For a Cold Engin _ a Move OrdOffSwitch to on Figure IL b Move Choke to full position Figure 12 c Grasp Foam Grip and squeeze Thro tle Trigger fully I_ep Throttle Trigger fully squeezed un...
Page 12: ...ThrottleTiigger and allow the engine t0retaratoidte speed when notcat6ng 3 MakesuretheTrtmm_ Headsto_ mn_ _ea the Thro_ liigger is rdeased and the eagiae runs at idle speed For correction refer to _ at_ w lor Adjustments 4 To stop the engine engine is accelerated make sure the Drive Shaft a Relea_ the Throttle Trigger Housing is propedy seztcdin the Clutch Shroud b Move On Off Switch to the OiT po...
Page 13: ...buretor adjnslmen_ h Use only accessories or attachments as recom mended for this tool by Sears 3 tr rr NG a rInSp_ t he ar_ _o he cm b_ _ usP_ _ love objects Rxks hx_m g_ s mi_ wir_ s_ g _ whie h canbe th v_ or beco m_entangled in the trimmer head b Always keep the englne on the right side ofyour body c Hold the tool t wndy with both hands d Keepffu m foo_and balan_ Do notover teach e Keep the tr...
Page 14: ... orsweeplng use full throttle for a good dean job Irqm_ 14 waaamo Always _ear yt pmtecCon Neverkan o_a the trin_ met head Rocks ordd_can rtmc_orbethnm nimo eyesand _ceand causebSndaessm otherseriousl_u y x r a e xs Hold theIx_onlofthc tzimmerhead abo_3incl esatx_ abovethegnmnd and at anangle Allow onlythetipof the lineto make contact Do notforcethetrimmerline intothe work area 2 SCALPING Figure 16...
Page 15: ...he Hub Ilwooghthe Line Exit Holeto theoutsideto_eep lhe L__kF glill ffth _head Figure 21 f Route the Line behind the Balancing Pin Figure2l while carefially p acing the Spool in the Hub _g Pull on theLine e x ending outsidethe Hub to make sure the Line will not ad ance See Inset Vlgur_21 This indicates that the Line is routed properly h Reinstall Cover L Atign the four catches on the Hub with the ...
Page 16: ...start the eaglae wah the_utch shroud tamaoved The clutch can fly apart and cause serious injury 3 Disconnectthe spark plug before perfotmlag maintenanee_cept for carburetor adjustments 4 Make carburetor adjustmeats with the iveshaft housing supported toIa evemthetrimater line from cOntacting any object Hold thctoOl with your hand do notuse the optional shoulder strapforsupport 5 Keep others away w...
Page 17: ...or _ike _zeclu_ in m_y way Other 5i Hold the Flats of the Clutch Figure 27 with an atljustable wrench as shown in Figure 28 inset and removethe Nut _ntea clcckwise with_ wrench NOTE Clutch will slideofftheclank_haR intact Do nat disassemble clutch 6 Remove the Beveled Washer Clutch and Large Rat Washer as shown in Figure 28 7 RemovethePulIey Housing fromtheEngine Figure28 Remove Rope Retention Scr...
Page 18: ... of operation l__e_et_ has_ forg0 days or longer e Use the following procedure for best results e Use Flex Shaft Lube Part No 530 030102 NOTE A tube of Flex Shaft Lube hasbeen supplied with your unit to be used after the first 10 hours of operation lfenginebasjust beenope_ated avoid touching the tour tier A hot muffler can cause serious burns 18 r x 30 ms tre 31 Lay tl_ _ble dri_shaft on a clean s...
Page 19: ... beginwith 2 Basic Carbu_tor Setti gs I The trimmer line will be spinning during most of this procedure Wearyourprotectiveequipmentandobserve Iall instrnc o s 2 lht_SlC CJkKBURETOK SETTINGS NOTE In most cases your engine can be made to run properly with minor carburetor adjustments Refer to T ouble Shooting Suggestions in the left column for the condition you are experiencing and follow the instru...
Page 20: ... Note this position 4 Set the low Speed Mixture Screw at the mid point between the two positions 5 Follow instructions in c Acceleration Check and d Deceleration Cheeky f IlIGH SPEED MIXTURE ADJUSTMENT Do not operate engine at full th q_e for prolonged periods while _ high speed adjustments as damage lo theengine cau o_ Uro l Suppon the drive shaft housing so the trimmer line is offthe ground and ...
Page 21: ...xt 3 4_ Noneof the above 4 I Carburetor requiresadjustment L 2 Throtlle trigge_rscrew too tight 3 Clu_h requiresrepair I _fiv_ _hafihmk_ nnrnotenoagcgt 2 Carburetor requiregadjustments 3 Clutchrequiresrepair r L Line improperly routedin head 2 Line improperlywound onto spool 3 Line size incorrect 4 Toolittle lineoutside head Line size incorrecL Incorrect spool Crowd_g line against materia being cu...
Page 22: ... 530 094568 _ Gear Bo_ Ass _ 530 015775 Screw 530 015774 Screw 530 010959 Throttle LeverAss y Incl 22 24 Se_ G_ Washer Screw _CT_W Lackvcasher H_ Wre_ch 5 32 I Ie_ W_ v_ cb 3 16 D _ _haC_ Warning D c_ Eh_dd Da _ _ 1_ _ Vibe Handle 530 015768 530 094640 530 094571 530 094616 530 094612 530 015328 530 001642 530 001 711 530 031111 530 031098 530 029159 530 029763 530 029764 Throttle Cable Ass y Driv...
Page 23: ...i _s e _j__ t r T ...
Page 24: ...pring Ass y Screw 81 Piston Pin Retainer 82 Piston Ring 83 1 C ylindetGasket 84 Piston Kit Incl 32 33 85 pin Inner Bearing 86 Retaining Ring Crankshaft Seal 87 Bearing Outer Rope Kit 88 Screw 89 Retainer 90 Muffler Kit 91 Muffler Attachment Spring Screw Ignition Module Kit Screw Cylinder Part NO 530 03OO77 530 015768 530 O39136 530 347987 530 027517 530 069291 530 029395 530 027569 530 010961 530 ...
Page 25: ...n Spool 17 Routing in Head 16 Safety 14 Sizeto Use 17 Welding onto Spool 13 17 22 Trouble Shoo6ng 17 22 LUBRICATION Engitm II Flexible Drive Shaft 19 Gear Box 21 MAINTENANCE Air Filter 17 Carburelor 20 Flexible Drive Shaft 19 Gear Box 19 Safety 1 7 Starter Rope IS Trimmer Head 16 Trouble Shooting Chart 22 MODULE IR GAP 2 OIL ENGINE Patio to Gasoline II EI_T ON TYPeSlt Us_ not to Use II OP Advancin...
Page 26: ... an appi oved marke_dcontainer 5 Mi x _ndpom _ucli _l uardo_ _ 6 Move a minimum of 10feet away from the fuel and fueling site before starting engine START NG THE ENGINE 1 2 I Extend line 6 inches from the head 2 Rest the shieldon the ground supportingthetrimmerhead upoffthe ground away from objects and oa4ookers 3 Keep throttle trigger squeezed fully until engine runs 4 Pull _ starter rope sharply...
Page 27: ...N 4 The NAME OF ITEM 26ccGas Weedwecker If the parts you need are not _ocked locally your order will be transmitted to a Sears P epalrPmt_Distribution Center for handling When you buy merchandise from Sears you get an extra veltte that nobody else can offer _ Sears Service Across town oracross thecountry Sea rs Service is Mways near pro riding trustworthy competent service technicians using only S...