Craftsman T1200 247.203770 Operator'S Manual Download Page 34

Summary of Contents for T1200 247.203770

Page 1: ...tart the engine read and understand this Operator s Manual Before using this equipment read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions For answers to your questions about this product call 1 888 331 4569 CraftsmanTractorHelp Line 7 am 7 pm CT Mort Sun Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com Form No 769 09487 Nov...

Page 2: ...acement is impossible the ridingequipment will be replacedfreeof chargewiththe sameor anequivalent model All ofthe abovewarrantycoverageis void if this ridingequipmentis everusedwhileprovidingcommercialservicesor if rentedto anotherperson ThiswarrantycoversONLYdefectsin materialandworkmanship Warrantycoveragedoes NOTinclude Expendableparts exceptbattery thatcan wearoutfromnormalusewithinthewarrant...

Page 3: ...pmentisto beused Remove allstones sticks wire bones toys andotherforeignobjectswhichcould bepickedupandthrownbytheblade s Thrown objectscancause serious personal injury Planyourmowingpatterntoavoiddischarge of materialtowardroads sidewalks bystanders andthelike Also avoiddischarging materialagainst awall orobstruction whichmaycause discharged materialto ricochet back towardtheoperator Always wears...

Page 4: ...peed ordirection Rapid engagement orbrakingcouldcause thefrontofthe machine to lift andrapidlyflip overbackwards whichcould cause serious injury Avoidstartingorstoppingona slope Iftireslosetraction disengage the blade s andproceed slowlystraightdowntheslope Do Not Donotturn onslopes unless necessary then turn slowlyandgradually downhill if possible Donotmowneardrop offs ditchesorembankments Themow...

Page 5: ...gineto preventunintended starting Periodically check to makesurethebladescometo complete stopwithin approximately 5 fiveseconds afteroperatingthebladedisengagement control If theblades donotstopwithin thethistimeframe yourmachine shouldbeserviced professionally bya Sears orotherqualifiedservice dealer Check brakeoperationfrequentlyasit issubjected to wearduringnormal operation Adjustandservice asr...

Page 6: ...Thismachineisequippedwith aninternalcombustionengineand should not beusedonor nearanyunimprovedforest covered brushcovered or grass covered land unlesstheengine sexhaustsystemisequippedwith a sparkarrestor meetingapplicablelocalorstate laws if any If a sparkarrestor isused it shouldbemaintainedineffective working order bythe operator In the Stateof Californiathe aboveisrequiredbylaw Section 4442of...

Page 7: ... the cutting deck Contact with the blade s can amputate hands and feet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury BYSTANDERS Keep bystanders helpers children and pets at least 75 feet from the machine while it is in operati...

Page 8: ... 4 Adjust gaugeupor down until the left cornertouchesthe slope SeeFigure1and Figure2 5 15 dashed line If there is agap belowthe gauge the slope is too steepfor safeoperation SeeFigure2 above Figure2 Slopes are a major factor related to tip over and roll over accidents which can result in severe injury or death Do not operate machine on slopes in excess of 15 degrees All slopes require extra cautio...

Page 9: ...operatingthetractor J Shipping BraceRemoval Makesuretheriding mower s engineisoff remove theignitionkey and set the parking brakebefore removing the shipping brace Referto the jOperatonsect onfor nstructonsonhowto set the park ng brake Locate theshippingbrace ifpresent andaccompanying warningtagfound ontherightsideof themower betweenthedischarge chutedeflectorand thecuttingdeck See Figure 2 Figure...

Page 10: ...he Seat Toadjustthepositionof theseat pull upandholdtheseatadjustmentlever Slide theseatforwardorrearwardto thedesired position thenrelease theadjustment lever Makesureseatislocked intopositioninaseat stop beforeoperating the tractor SeeFigure 5 Beforeoperatingthe tractor makesurethe seatisengagedina seat stop Engage the parkingbrake Standbehindthe machineand pull backon seat until itclicksintopla...

Page 11: ...Blade Engage G Cup Holder H ShiftLever I SeatAdjustment Lever J Brake Pedal NOTE Anyreference inthismanual totheRIGHT orLEFT side ofthetractor isobserved from operator s seat position facing forward towards thefrontoftractor Meets ANSi SafetyStandards Craftsman Tractors conformto the safetystandardof the AmericanNationalStandards Institute ANSI 11 ...

Page 12: ...ed ontheright sideof thetractor alongtherunningboard Depress thedrivepedalforwardandthetractorwill moveinthedirectionthatthe shift leverisengaged in Tocause thetractorto travelforward whileata complete stop movetheshift leverintotheForwardposition Gradually steponthedrive pedalandthetractorwill beginto moveforward TomoveinReverse follow the sameprocedure onlymovetheshift leverintothereverse positi...

Page 13: ...coolat least2minutesbeforeremoving thefuelcap The gasoline tankislocated underthehood Remove thefuel capbyturningitcounterclockwise 2 Fillthefueltankwith gasoline Use onlyclean fresh nomorethan30days old unleaded gasoline Filltankto nomorethan1 2inchbelowbottomof filler neckto allowspace forfuelexpansion 3 Reinstall thefuelcap MPORTAN_ Donotoverfillthetank Filltankto nomorethan 1 2inchbelow bottom...

Page 14: ...k adjustments Starting the Engine Donot operate the tractor ifthe interlock systemismalfunctioning This systemwasdesigned for your safetyand protection NOTE Refer to theGasoline andOilfill up instructions earlierinthissection 1 Insertthetractorkeyintotheignitionswitch 2 Place thePTO Blade Engage leverinthedisengaged OFF position 3 Engage thetractor sparkingbrake 4 Activatethechokecontrolbymovingth...

Page 15: ... NOTE The operatorMUST beseatedinthetractorseat 1 Starttheengineaspreviously instructed ontheprevious page 2 TurnthekeyfromtheNORMAL MOWING Green positionto theREVERSE CAUTION MODE Yellow positionofthekeyswitchmodule SeeFigure 9 3 Press the REVERSE PUSH BUTTON Orange Triangular Button at thetop right corner ofthe keyswitchmodule The redindicatorlightat thetop left corner of thekeyswitchmodulewill ...

Page 16: ...njury keepbystanders helpers childrenandpetsat least75feet from the machinewhile it is in operation Stopmachineif anyoneentersthearea Thefollowinginformationwill behelpfulwhenusingthecuttingdeckwith your tractor Planyour mowing pattern to avoiddischargeof materialstoward roads sidewalks bystandersandthe like Also avoiddischargingmaterial against awall or obstructionwhich maycausedischargedmaterial...

Page 17: ...vents Batteryterminals Midsteeringarms pivotshafts andaxles Front wheelbearings Front deckwheels Deck spindles andidlerbracket Pedalpivotpoints Service morefrequentlyunderdustyconditions Engine Maintenance Follow the maintenance schedule givenbelow Thischartdescribes service guidelines only Use theService Logcolumn to keeptrackofcompleted maintenance tasks Tolocate the nearest Parts RepairServiceC...

Page 18: ...ler andsurrounding metal surfaceswillbehot andcancauseburnsto theskin Exercise caution to avoidburns NOTE Theoilfilter shouldbechanged at everyoilchange interval Theengineoilshouldbechanged in thefirst5hoursandthenevery50hours or onceaseason Tochange theengineoil proceed asfollows 1 Run theengineforafew minutes to allowtheoilinthecrankcase to warm up Warmoilwill flow morefreelyandcarryawaymoreof t...

Page 19: ...mthe In lineside sidetowards thefueltank ofthe fuelfilter Replacement partsmustbethesameandinstalledinthesamepositionas theoriginalparts If fuelspills wait until it evaporates before startingengine Beforereplacing thefuelfilter drainthefueltank Otherwise fuelcanleak outandcause afire orexplosion ToDrain the fuel Locate thefuelfilter seeFigure 11 whichisrouted ontheleft side of the engine between t...

Page 20: ...Afl Never runtheengine withouttheairfilter Rapid engine wear will result 1 Unscrew thethumbscrews andremove theairfilter cover SeeFigure 14 Thumb Screw Air Filter 2 Figure 14 Remove theairfilter SeeFigure 15 Figure 15 5 f Air Filter Figure16 Tocleanfoamelement washinamild liquiddetergent andwater Squeeze orpressthefoamelementto rinseoutdirt andwater Donottwist this coulddamage ortearthefoamelement...

Page 21: ...terthespark plugseats to compress thewasher Whenreinstalling a usedsparkplug tighten1 8 1 4turn afterthesparkplugseats to compress thewasher IMPORTANT Thesparkplugmustbesecurely tightened Animproperly tightenedsparkplugcanbecome veryhotandmaydamage theengine Muffler Temperatureof muffler and nearbyengineareasmayexceed150 F 65 C Avoidcontactwith theseareas Inspect mufflerperiodically andreplace if ...

Page 22: Freezing Undercharging Corroded connections These failuresareNOT covered byyourtractor swarranty Cleaningthe EngineAndDeck Anyfueloroilspilledonthemachine shouldbewipedoffpromptly DoNOT allow debris to accumulate around thecoolingfinsof theengineoronanyotherpart of themachine IMPORTANT Theuseofa pressure washer to cleanyourtractorisNOT recommended It maycause damage to electrical components spi...

Page 23: ...ure 23 4 Balance thedeckby usingawrenchto turntheadjustmentgear found immediately behindthehexcapscrew just loosened clockwise up or counterclockwise down Thedeckis properly balanced whenbothbladetip measurements takenearlierareequal Retighten the hexcapscrew ontheleft deckhanger bracketwhenproper adjustmentisachieved Hex Cap Screw Figure 23 SeatAdjustment Refer to theAssembly sectionof thismanual...

Page 24: ...removingthe belt Figure24 5 Looking at thecuttingdeckfromtheleft sideofthetractor locatethebow tie pinthatsecures thedecksupportrodontherearleft sideof thedeck See Figure 25 Remove thebow tie pinthatsecures thedecksupport rod and carefully remove thedecksupportfromthedecklift arm 6 Repeat theabove stepsonthetractor srightside NOTE The bow tieclipsshouldbere installed fromthetopdown 7 Movethedeckli...

Page 25: ...thetractor sparkingbrakebeforeremoving thejumpercables inreverse orderof connection Charging give off an explosive gaswhile charging Chargethe battery inI Batteries a well ventilated areaand keepaway from an open flame or pilot light as ona water heater spaceheater furnace clothes dryer or other gas I lapp antes J Whenchargingyourtractor sbattery useonlyachargerdesignedfor 12Vlead acidbatteries Re...

Page 26: ...mber stampedinit facingtheground whenthemowerisintheoperatingposition Use atorque wrench totightenthebladespindlehexflange nut to between 70 bs ft and 90 bs ft Changing the DeckBelt Besureto shuttheengineoff removeignitionkey disconnectthe spark plugwire s and groundagainst theenginetopreventunintendedstarting beforeremoving the belt Ai beltsonyourtractor aresubjectto wear andshouldbereplaced ifan...

Page 27: ...completely depressed orifthetractor srearwheelscanrollwith theparkingbrake applied thebrake is inneedof adjustment Contact the nearest Parts Repair ServiceCenterto haveyourbrakes serviced Tolocate the nearestParts RepairServiceCenteror to scheduleservice contact1 888 331 4569 Changingthe Transmission Drive Belt NOTE Several components must be removed and special tools ie air impactwrench in order ...

Page 28: ...certain conditions Draingasolinebeforestoring theequipment for extended periods Drainfuelonly into anapprovedcontaineroutdoors awayfrom anopen flame Allowengineto cool Extinguish cigarettes cigars pipes and othersourcesof ignitionpriorto draining fuel Storegasolineinan approvedcontainerin safelocation c Reconnect thefuellineandruntheengineuntil it startsto falter then usethechoketo keeptheengineru...

Page 29: ...hoke position 6 Filltankwithclean fresh lessthan 30daysold gas 7 Replacethe fuel lineandreplacefuel filter 8 Clean adjustgapor replaceplug s 9 Crankenginewiththrottlein FASTposition 10 ReplaceFuse s See Fuse in Serviceand Maintenance section 1 Deactivate the CHOKE 2 Connectsparkplugwire s 3 Replacethe fuel line fill tankwithclean fresh gasolineandreplacefuel filter 4 Clearventor replacecap if dama...

Page 30: ...This page intentionally left blank Use this page to make any notes regarding your tractor 3O ...

Page 31: ...This page intentionally left blank Use this page to make any notes regarding your tractor 31 ...

Page 32: ...This page intentionally left blank Use this page to make any notes regarding your tractor 32 ...

Page 33: ... a period of two years The warranty period begins on the date the outdoor equipment is delivered to an ultimate purchaser or first placed into service Subject to certain conditions and exclusions as stated below the warranty on emission related parts is as follows 1 Any warranted part that is not scheduled for replacement as required maintenance in the written instructions supplied is warranted fo...

Page 34: ...e need for repair or replacement of the part That notwithstanding any adjustment of a component that has a factory installed and properly operating adjustment limiting device is still eligible for warranty coverage Further the coverage under this warranty extends only to parts that were present on the off road equipment purchased The following emission warranty parts are covered if applicable 1 Fu...

Page 35: ...tion phone support from a Sears representative Think of us as a talking owner s manual Once you purchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule service You can call anytime day or night or schedule a service appointment online The Repair Protection Agreement is a risk free purchase If you cancel for any reason during the product warranty period...

Page 36: ...sisepartedelareparaci6n o reernplazo esirnposible elequipo deequitaci6n sereernplazar_ gratuitarnente conelmisrno oequivalente Todos losdelaanterior garantia esnulasiseutiliza esteequipo deconducci6n rnientras queproporciona servicios cornerciales o Sialquila aotrapersona Estagaranfiacubresolarnente defectosenmaterialy rnanodeobra Coberturade lagaranfianoincluye Piezasfungibles exceptola bateria q...

Page 37: ...sea arrojado rnantenga a los observadores a los ayudantes ni_osy rnascotas alejadosal rnenos25 metrosde la rn_ quina rnientras est en funcionarniento Detengala rn_ quina si alguienentraen lazona Inspeccionerninuciosarnente el Areadondeutilizar_ el equipo Retiretodaslas piedras palos cables huesos juguetesy otros objetosextra_osquepodrianser recogidosy arrojadospor la acci6nde las cuchillas Losobje...

Page 38: ...ed altopuedeocultarobst_ culos Vayaa bajavelocidad ElijaunavelocidadIosuficienternente baja de rnodoquenotengaquedetenerse ohacercarnbios rnientras est sobrela pendiente Losneurn_ ticos podrianperdertracci6n sobrelaspendientes aQn cuandolosfrenosfuncionaran apro piadarnente Siernpre rnantenga larn_ quina en carnbiornientras desciendelaspendientes parapoderfrenarconel motor Sigalas recornendaciones...

Page 39: ...uelo Siestonoes posible Ileneel equipoen unrernolqueconun contenedorport_ til envezde hacerlocon unaboquilladispensadora degasolina Mantengala boquillade Ilenadoencontactoconel hordedel dep6sitode combustibleocon la aberturadel recipiente en todo rnornento hastaterrninarlacarga No utiliceundispositivode boquilladeapertura cierre Apaguetodosloscigarrillos cigarros pipasy otrasfuentesde cornbustidn ...

Page 40: instrucciones segQnseanecesario Respetelas normasreferentes a ladisposicidncorrectay las reglamentaciones sobregasolina aceite etc paraprotegerel medicambiente SegQn la Comisi6ndeSeguridadde Productosparael Consumi dorde los EstadosUnidos CPSC y laAgenciade Protecci6n Ambientalde los EstadosUnidos EPA esteproductotieneuna vida Qtilmediade siete 7 aSos 6 270horasdefuncionamiento AIfinalizarla vi...

Page 41: ...LIGRO ESCOMBROS LANZADOS Quite objetos que pueden ser lanzados pot la I_imina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve gafas de seguridad PELIGRO ESCOMBROS LANZADOS Quite objetos que pueden ser lanzados pot la I_imina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve gafas de seguridad ERSONAS PRESENTES Guarde alas personas presentes a los ayudantes y a ni_os pot Io menos 75 pies lejos PELIGRO CUESTAS Use extra la precauci6n en c...

Page 42: ...gura 2 Ajuste el pendiente decalibre arriba o hacia abajo hasta los toques esquina izquierda el pendiente consultar Figura 1 and Figura 2 Si hay un espacio por debajo de la pendiente de calibre el pendiente es demasiado escarpa por operaci6n segura consultar Figura 2 above Figura 2 Las pendientesson un factor importante relacionadocon un vuelco y renovaci6nde los accidentes que pueden provocar les...

Page 43: ...da enla partesuperior dela bateria cargue la bateriacomoseindicaenel Servicio y Mantenimiento delaseccidn deestemanual antesdeoperareltractor EnvioBraceeliminad6n Asegurese declueel motor del tractor cortacdsped es retire laflare de encendido yporterel freno antesde quitarlaflare deenvio Consulte la secci6ndeOperad6nparaobtenerinstrucdonessobrec6moestablecerel freno deestadonamientoo Busque lallav...

Page 44: ...dado denodobleni retuerza elcabledealimentaci6n ysigalas instruccionesabajo parafijarla 1 Retirelosdostornillosdecabeza hexagonal ylastuercas delasedesoporte depivote 2 Alinear losagujeros delanteros delasiento conelsoporte demontajelos orificiosdelsoporte depivotedelasiento desutractoryseguroconque quit6lostornilloshexagonales y tuercas Vea lasAenFigure 4 3 Conecte el mazodecables enel interrupto...

Page 45: ... BladeEngage G Portavasos H DeVelocidad I Palanca deajustedelasiento J Pedal defreno J NOTA Cualquier referencia hecha enestemanualalladoDERECH0 o IZQUIERD0 deltractordebe entenderse tal comoseobservadesde laposici6n deloperador Cumpleconlosest_ndaresde seguridad de ANSi Lasm_quinas quitanievedeCraftsman cumplen conlosest_ndares deseguridad delinstitutoestadounidense deest_ndares nadonales ANSI 45...

Page 46: ...longitudinaldelasiento Consulte lasecd6n delaAsamblea delmanualpara obtenerinstrucdones m_sdetalladas paraajustarlaposid6ndelasiento Auto unidadde pedal Launidaddepedalseencuentra enelladoderecho del tractor a1olargodelestribo Presione elpedalhacia delantelaunidadyeltractorsemueve enladirecdbnquela palanca decambios est_comprometido pulgadas acausar queeltractorparaviajar haciaadelante mientras qu...

Page 47: ...ombustible Este motorest_haNlitadoparafundonarcongasolina sinplomo Para obtenerelmejorresultado Ileneeldep6sito decombustible t_nicamente con gasolina sinplomolimpiayfresca enunsurtidorqueindiqueunoctanaje iguala87o m_s Elgasohol hasta10 dealcoholetilko 90 degasolina sinplomopor volumen esuncombustible aprobado Noseaprueba elusodeotras mezclas degasolina alcohol comoE85 El_termetilicoterciario but...

Page 48: ...madefuerza BladeEngage palanca comprometido ndependientemente desiest_ activado elfrenodeestadonamlento Withthe ignition keyintheNORMAL MOWING position theelectricPTO BladeEngage clutchwill automatically shutoff if thePTO BladeEngage knobis moved intotheengaged ON positionwiththedrivepedalin positionfor reverse travel Acdonadoel freno de estacionamiento Paraactivar el freno deestadonamiento I Comp...

Page 49: ...edela bujia s y tierra contrael motor Inspeccionar cuidadosamente el equipode losda5os Reparad6ndelosda5osantesdereinidar y defundonamiento 2 3 Sisededkanalashojas colocar latomadefuerza BladeEngage palanca enla posid6nOFF desconectado poski6n GirealaizquierdalaIlave deencendido alaposici6n STOP RetirelaIlavedelaIlavedeencendido paraevitarelarranque nodeseado Laconducci6ndeitractor Evitecomienzapr...

Page 50: ...elaslegao posid6nnormalSTOP Eloperador secompromete el frenodeestadonamiento totalmente depdmente elpedaldefrenoy mantenerla presionada mlentras semuevela palanca decontroldeveloddadenlaposid6ndefrenodeestadonamlento geverseModePrecauci6n ElATENCION INVERSOR mododeposid6ndel m6dulodeinterruptordeIlavepermite queeltractorparaoperarensentidoinverso conlascuchillas PTO haejerddo IMPORTAflTE Cortarala...

Page 51: ...ormad6nser_i t_tilcuando seutilizalaplataforma decorteconsu tractor Plandesupatr6n decorte paraevitar ladescargadematerialeshada las carreteras aceras transeuntes etc Adem_is evitematerial quesedescarga contraunaparedo unaobstrucd6n quepuedecausaralta material a rebotarhada eloperador Nocorteelc_sped a laveloddaddeterrenoelevado espedalmente slseha nstalado unkitdemantilloo colector dec_sped Para ...

Page 52: ...elanteras delaplataforma Cada 50horas 1 Elaceitedel motor elfiltro deaceite 2 S lendador Anualmente AntesdeAlmacenaje I 2 3 I I 2 3 1 2 3 Comprobar Limpie Limpie Cambie Limpie Limpie Lubdque Limpie Limpie Lubdque 4 Lubdque 5 Lubdque 1 Cambie reemplace 2 Comprobar 1 Filtrodeaire 2 Eldepurador del filtro deaire 3 Bujia 4 Sistema derefdgerad6n poraire 5 Flltrodecombustible 6 Directivo Engranajes 1 2 ...

Page 53: ...mbiodeaceite motor y filtro Nora Elfiltro deaceitesedebecambiarencadaintervalodecambio deaceite Debe cambiarse elaceitedel motorenlasprimeras 5 horas y luegocada50horas o unavezportemporada Para cambiarelaceitedel motor proceda comosigue 1 Haga funcionar elmotorduranteunosminutospermitirqueelaceiteen elc_irter caliente Aceitecalientefluyam_is libremente yIlevarm_is del sedimento delmotorquesehanas...

Page 54: ...le delfiltro decombustible Las piezas derecambio debeserlamismaeinstalados enlamismaposici6n quelaspiezas originales Sisederrama combustible espere hastaqueseevapora antesdearrancar el motor Antesdereemplazar el filtro decombustible vaciareltanquede combustible DeIocontrario elcombustible puede filtrarsey provocar un incendio o unaexplosi6n Para drenar el combustible 1 Localice elfiltro decombusti...

Page 55: ...amelement 5 Attachthenewairfilterwith foamelement aligningtheholein theairfilter with theintake manifold SeeFigure 17 3 Figure 15 Retireelfiltro deespuma dealrededor delfiltro deairedepapel Veala Figure 16 Reemplace elelementodepapelcuando est_sucio odaffado Limpiarelelemento deespumaoreemplazar daffado Manifold Figure 17 Coloque latapadelfiltro deaire asegur_ndose dealinearlascaracteristicas dela...

Page 56: ...ientaparacomprimirlaarandela Cuando vuelvaa instalar unabuj a usada apriete1 8 1 4vueltadespu_s delosasientos dela buj apara comprimirlaarandela IMPORTANTE Labujiadebeestarbienapretada Una buj amalapretada puedecalentarse muchoypuededaffarel motor Silenciador Temperatura del silenciador y_reascercanas del motor podr_sersuperior a 150 F 65 C Eviteel contactoconestas_reas Inspeccione peri6dicamente ...

Page 57: ...bater a con uncepillodealambreparaquJtarlosdepdsitos Escudo termJnales yloscables expuestos congrasaovaselJna paraevJtar lacorrosidn Faltas de la bateria Algunas causas comunes defallas enlabatefia son lossiguientes Laactivacidninicialincorrecta Sobrecarga Congelacidn La subfacturacidn Conexionescorroidas Estos fallos noson cubJertos porlagarantia deltractor kimpieza de las m_quinasy la cubierta C...

Page 58: ... Balance delacubiertaconunaIlaveparaencender elequipodeajuste que seencuentra inmediatamente detr_is del torn llohexagonal s61o aflojar hacialaderecha arribao hacialaizquierda o hacia abajo Lacubiertaest 1 bienequilibrado cuando lasmediciones deambashojapuntaadoptada anteriormente soniguales ogona j Figure 23 Ajuste del asiento Consulte lasecci6n delaAsamblea deeste manual para instrucciones deaju...

Page 59: ...r lavarilladeestabilizador dela plataforma a lacubierta Deslice eltiradordelacubiertadelsoporte enla cubiertacomosemuestra enla Figure 26 ZZZZ C cZZZZ_ LZZZ I J Figure26 7 Retireconcuidado el cablede PTO de aparteposterior de aplataforma de torte quitando el pasador decorbata delazoqueIoasegura Quiteel resorte de soportede acubJerta intermedio V_ase aFigure 27 8 Suavemente Deslice laplataforma det...

Page 60: ...ornomenos deochohoras Fusible Unfusiblede20AMPest_instalado enlosjuegosdecables desutractorpara protegerelslstema el_ctrlco deltractordedaffos causados porelamperaje excesivo Sielsistemael_ctrico nofundona oel motordesutractornoarranca compruebe prlmeroquetenerlacerteza dequeelfusiblenosehaquemado Sepuede encontrar enlapartetraseradelaunldad debajodelguardabarros situadaporla batefia Nuncasaiteini...

Page 61: ...poleayelprotectorde lacorrea 4 Retire concuidado ladnta decubiertadealrededor delasdospoleasdel husilloy lasdospoleaspoleatensora delacubierta V_ase la Figure 30 5 Para colocar lacorrea nueva empiezahaciendo queel dntur6nalrededor de lasdospoleas exteriordel huso comosemuestra enla Figure 30 6 Luego lacintaderutaalrededor delasdospolinespoleas delacubierta comosemuestra enlaFigure 30 7 Volver aapr...

Page 62: ...Cubierta de la orrea Figure 30 62 ...

Page 63: ...ustibleunicamentedentro deun recipiente aprobadoy al airefibre lejosdecualguierllamaexpuesta Dejeque el motor seenffie Antesdedrenarel combustible apaguecigarrillos dgarros pipasyotras fuentesdecombusti6n Vadelagasolina enun_rea bienventilada lejosdecualquierfuentedellamaochispas incluido cualquier artefactoconluzpiloto Almacene lagasolina enunrecipiente aprobado enun lugarseguro Extraiga labujiay...

Page 64: ...bustible Ilene el tanque con gasolina limpia y nueva y reemplace el filtro de combustible 4 Destape la ventilaci6n o reemplace la tapa si est_fi dahada 5 Vacie el tanque de combustible Llene el tanque con gasolina limpia y nueva 6 Reemplace el elemento de papel del filtro de aire o limpie el depurador de espuma 1 Llene el c_firter con la adecuada cantidad y peso de aceite 2 El motor vacila a altas...

Page 65: ...con el Departamento del Servicio T_cnico de MTD Consumer Group Inc al tel_fono 1 800 800 7310 o por correo electronico en http support mtdproducts com COBERTURA DELAGARANTiA DEEMISIONES GENERALES MTD Consumer Group Inc garantiza al comprador final y a cada comprador subsiguiente que el equipos de exteriores est 1 dise_ado construido y equipado de modo de cumplir con todas las regulaciones aplicabl...

Page 66: ...a PIEZAS 6ARANTIZADAS La reparaci6n o el reemplazo de cualquier pieza garantizada que de otto modo pudiese estar cubierta por la garantia podr_i set excluida de tal cobertura de garantia si MTD Consumer Group Inc demuestra que el equipos de exteriores es objeto de uso incorrecto negligencia o mantenimiento inadecuado y que tal uso incorrecto negligencia o mantenimiento inadecuado rue causa directa...

Page 67: ...soluci6n RApida el apoyo telef6nico de un Chamusca al representante Pienseen nosotros como el manual de un dueSohablador Una vezadquirido el Acuerdo puede programar el servicio con tan s61orealizar una Ilamadatelef6nica Puede Ilamaren cualquier momentodel dia o de la noche o programar un servicio en linea ElAcuerdo de Protecci6nde Reparaci6nes unacompra sin riesgo Si usted anula por alguna raz6n d...

Page 68: ...cto en www craftsman com registration Join the Craftsman Club today www craftsman com signup Receive exclusive member benefits including special pricing and offers project sharing expert advice and SHOP YOUR WAY REWARDS Como miembro exclusivo recibe diversos beneficios como ofertas precios especiales proyectos nuevos consejos de expertos y nuestro programa de puntos SHOP YOUR WAY REWARDS Registere...
