Craftsman EZ3 917.377562 Owner'S Manual Download Page 14

Summary of Contents for EZ3 917.377562

Page 1: ...E POWER PROPELLED ROTARY LAWN MOWER Model No 917 377562 Safety Assembly o Operation o Maintenance o EspaSol Repair Parts CAUTION Read and follow all Safety Rules and Instructions before operating this equipment Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 ...

Page 2: ... States This Warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO D 817 WA HOFFMAN ESTATES ILLINOIS 60179 TRAINING Read this operator s manual carefully Become familiar with the controls and know how to operate your mower properly Learn how to quickly stop mower Do not allow children to use your mower Never allow adults to ...

Page 3: ... of damage stop the engine safely check for the cause of vibration and repair as required Do not run the engine indoors Exhaust fumes are dangerous Never cut grass by pulling the mower towards you Mow across the face of slopes never up and down or you might lose your footing Do not mow exces_ sivety steep slopes_ Use caution when operating the mower on uneven terrain or when changing directions ma...

Page 4: ...mbly have been placed in the parts bag To ensure safe and proper operation of your fawn mower all paris and hardware you assemble must be tightened securely_ Use the correct tools as necessary to ensure proper tightness TO REMOVE LAWN MOWER FROM CARTON Remove Ioose parts included with mower Cut down two end comers of carton and lay end panet down fiat Remove at_packing materials except padding bet...

Page 5: ... readyto be used asa mutcher Toconvertto baggingor discharging Open reardoor and remove mulcherplug Store mulcherplug in a safeplace Youcan now installcatcheror optional dipping deflector To retumto mulchingoperation install mulcherplug into discharge opening of mower Be sure all tabs are seated properly 1 Mutcher plug __ CAUTION Do not run your lawn mower wi_out mufcher plug in place or approved ...

Page 6: Drive control lever Srarler handle Grass catcher Handle knob Muleher plug Gasoline cap Housing Drive cover Engine oi cap wtdipstick Wheel adjuster on each wheel MEETS CPSC SAFETY REQUiREMENTS Sears rotary walk behind power lawn mowers conform to the safety standards of the American National Standards Institute and the tJ S Consumer Product Safety Commission The blade turns when the engine is r...

Page 7: ...TO ADJUST CUTTING HEIGHT Raise wheels for low cut and lower wheels for high cut Adjust cutting height to suit your require ments Medium position is best for most lawns_ To change cutting height squeeze adjuster lever toward wheel Move wheel up or down to suit your requirements_ Be sure all wheels are in the same setting NOTE Adjuster is properly positioned when plate tab inserts into hole in lever...

Page 8: ... Fill fuel tank Use fresh clean regular unleaded gasoline with a minimum of 87 oc u_qe Do not mix oil with gasoline Purchase fuel in quantities that can be used within 30 days to assure fuel freshness IMPORTANT When operating in temperatures below 32 F 0 C use fresh clean winter grade gasoline to help insure good cold weather starting WARNING Experience indicates that alcohol blended fuels called ...

Page 9: ...ORTANT_ For best performance keep mower housing free of built up grass and trash See Cleaning in Maintenance section o this manual The special mulching blade will recur the grass clippings many times and reduce them in size so that as they fall onto the lawn they will disperse into the grass and not be noticed_ Also the mulched grass will biodegrade quickly to provide nutrients for the lawn Always...

Page 10: ...ain mower as instructed in this manual Some adjustments will need to be made periodically to propedy maintain your uniL All adjustments in the Service and Adjustments section of this manual should be checked at least once each season Once a year replace the spark plug replace air filter element and check blade for wear A hew spark plug and clean new air filter element assures proper air fuel mixtu...

Page 11: cannot come in contact with spark plug Tum lawn mower on its side Make sure air filter and carburetor are upo Use a wood block between blade and mower housing to prevent blade from turning when removing blade bolt Protect your hands with gloves and or wrap blade with heavy cloth Remove blade bolt by turning counter clockwise Use a 9 I6 box or open end wrench Remove blade and attaching hardware ...

Page 12: ...hairpin cotters and washers Remove wheels from wheel adjusters Remove any trash or grass cuttings from inside the dust cover pinion and or drive wheel gear teeth Put wheels back in place If after cleaning the drive wheels do not turn freely contact your nearest authorized service center GEAR CASE To keep your drive system working properly the gear case and area around the drive should be kept clea...

Page 13: ...m solvents such as kerosene are not to be used to clean carLfidge Pney may cause deterioration of the cartridge Do not oil cartrtdge_ Do not use pressurized air to dean or dry cartridge MUFFLER Inspect and replace corroded muffler as it could create a fire hazard and or damage SPARK PLUG Change your spark plug each year to make your engine start easier and run better Set spark plug gap at 030 inch...

Page 14: ... Your lawn mower handle can be _sed or lowered for your mowing comfort Four 4 positions are available high medium high medium low and low Handles are shipped mounted in the medium low position To change from medium low to medium high position the upper and lower handle sections will have to be turned over Remove cable dips Remove the controls and operator presence control bar from the upper handle...

Page 15: ... handle will automalically lock into the mowing position Lower handle Squeeze to Iold Handle bracket Hairpin cotter O Upper peralor presence control par _ handle Fold oward _J_ _ I lot storage _ iSf _ _ i l Fola Lower __ Mowing handle position ENGINE FUEL SYSTEM IMPORTANT It is important to prevent gum deposits from forming in essenlial fuel system paris such as carburetor fuel filter fuel hose or...

Page 16: ...breathe which albws condensation to form and will cause yourunittorust IMPORTANI Never cover mower while engine and exhaust areas are still warm CAUTION Never store the lawn mower with gasoline in the tank inside a building where fumes may reach an open flame or spark Allow the engine to cool before storing in any enclosure TROUBLESHOOTING CHART CAUSE Dirty air filter Out of fuel Stale fuel PROBLE...

Page 17: ...her not venting air Grass is too high or wheel height is too low Rear of lawn mower housing or blade dragging in grass Grass catcher too _lL Handle height position not right for you CORRECTION Set to Higher Cut position Set to Higher Cut position Clear replace air filler Clean underside of mower housing Check oil level Cut at slower walking speed Replace blade Tighten blade boll Set all wheels at ...

Page 18: ...osUnities Esta Gerantia le otorga derechos tegales especificos y puede qu_ tarnbi_n tenga otros derechos que vaffan de estado a estade Sears Roebuckand Co D 817WA Hoffman Estates IL 60179 USA Los estandrares de seguridad exigen la presenda deloperator en los controlespera redudr a un minimo el r_esgodeI_e Su unidad viene equipada con dichos controles_Perningunmo_o Iratedel e_irninar lafunc_n de lo...

Page 19: ...ndo la segadora hacia usted Siegue a trav_s de la cam de las pendientes nunca hacia ardba o hacta abajo pues puede perder el equilibdo No siegue pendientes demasiado empinadas Tonga cuidado cuando opera la segadora en lerreno disparejo o cuando cambie de direcci6n mantenga un buen equitibdo Nunca opera la segadora sin tas protecciones adecuadas las planchas el recogedor de c_sped y otros dispositi...

Page 20: ...peradorj_Ttoconel mango superior E mango de la segadora puedeajustarse segun le acomodeparasegar Refi_rase a AJUSTE DEL MANGO en la SecdSn de Servido y Ajustes de este manual Haga rodarla segadora hacia afuera de lacaja de cartSny revl sela cuidadosamente para verificar sl todav aquedenpartessueftas adiciona_es 20 Lea estas instruccionesy este rr ar_el completamente antesde tratarde montar u opera...

Page 21: ...tor alrededor del anancador despejada y sinrecortes de c_spedy paja_Estoayudar_el tiujo delaJredet motory extender su duraci6n CONSEJOS PAPA SEGAR Y ACOLCHAR IMPORTANTE Paraobtenerel meier rencfrneinto mantengala cajade la segader a sin acum_don de cesped y basur Vea LIMPIEZA en section de Mantenimenio de este manual La o _llaacok_hadomespecialva a volver a cortarlos recortesde cOspedmuchasveces y...

Page 22: ...ora de nivet Caja Cebador Ajustador de la rueda en cada nJeda CUMPLE CON LOS REQ0iS TOS DE SEGURIDAD DE LA CPSC Las segadoras a motor que se conducen desde la pade de atr_s rotatorias Sears cumplen con los est ndares de seguridad del American National Standards Institute y de ia UoS Consumer Product Safety Commission La cuchilla gira cuando el motor est_ funcionando _ i IIIII IIIL Barra de control...

Page 23: ...6n dot medb es la meier para la rnayoda de los c_spedes Para r_ ambiarla aJtura de cotte empuje la palancadel ajustador hacia la rueda Muevala ruedahada aniba o hacia abajode modo que se acomode a sus requisitos Asegureseque todas as ruedasqueden k3ualmente ajustadas ATENCIQN El ajustador esta correctamente colocado cuando las orejas de la placa asian inserladas en el agujero tel mango Tambi_n los...

Page 24: ...l depdeito del aceite y apri0tela Cambie el aceite despu_s de 25 horas de operaciSn o una vez por lemporada Puede necesitar cambiar el aceile m s a menudo cuando las condiciones son polvorosas o sucias GASOLINA Lfene el estanque de combustible_ Use gasolina regular sin plomo nueva y limpia con el minimo de 87 octanos No mezcte et aceite con ta gasolinao Para asegurar que la gasolina utilizada sea ...

Page 25: ...l llujo del aire del motor y extendem su duraciSn CONSEJOS PARA SEGAR Y ACOLCHAR IMPORTANT E Para obtener el mejor rencfimeinto rre_tencja la caja de la segador a sin acumladon de cesped y basur Vea LIMPIEZA en seccion de Manlen_mento de este manual La cuch_ la acolchadora especial va a votver a cor_ar los recortes de cesped muchas veces y los reduce en tamar_ de mode que si se caen en ef c_sped s...

Page 26: ...e que mantener la segadora segQn las instrucciones descdtas eneste manual Hay algunos ajusles que se tienen que hacer en forma ped6dica para poder mantener su unidad adecuadamente Todos los ajustes en ia secei6n de Servicio y Ajusles de este manual tienen que ser revisados por to menos un vez por cada lemporada Una vez al afio cambie la bujfa limpie o cambie el elemento del filtro de air y revise ...

Page 27: ...PAPA REMOVER LA CUCHILLA Desconecte el aJambre de la bujia y p6ngalo en deride no pueda entrar en contac o con 6sla Haga descansar la segadera en su lade Asegdrese que el 61trode aJrey que el carburador queden mirandohacia arriba Use un bbque de rnadera entre la cuchiIla y la ca_ de la segadera para evitar que la cuchiIla gire cuando se le quite el pemo Proteja sus manos con guantes ylo envuelva l...

Page 28: ...ata mantener el sislema de impulsi6n funcio ando en lorn m adecuada la caja de engrar_es y el _rea alred_or de la impulsiSn lienen que mantenerse limpias y sin acumulacion de basura Umpie debajo de la cubierta de la impulSi6n dos veces por lemporada La caja de engranajes se Ilena con lubdcante hasla et rWel adecuado en la f _bric La _nica vez que et lubricante necesiia atenci6n es coando se le ha ...

Page 29: ...toda acumulaci6n de mugre lnserle el lilb o nuevo en la cubiertao Ponga la cubierta del filtro de aire denlro del collar alineando la oreja con la ranura Empuje la cubieria hacia adenlro y 9irela en el sentido contrario de las manilfas del r64oj para apretarla Gire en el Abrazadera sentido Collar Alas manillas del r64o1para retarla Remover Orela del liltero de aire Gire en el senlido contario las ...

Page 30: ...oonlroles y la barra de control que exige la presenda del operader del mango superior Remueva la gula del cordon arrancador det intedof Remueva las da_4ias de horquilla Desconecle el mango inferior de los pentales del mango De mleliael mango y vuelva a montar las davijas de horquiIla que se hab_an removido Vuelva a montar la guia del cordon a_dor Vueiva a montar los controles y la barra de oonlrol...

Page 31: ...e de que todas las tuercas y davijas y todos los pemos y lomillos esten aprelados en forna segura Inspeccione las partes que se mueven para ve_car si est n dar3adas quebradas o desgastada Cdmbielas s_es necesa_ Retoque todas las superficies que est_n oxJdadas o con la pinlura picada use una lija antes de pintar MANGO Puede doblarel mangode su segadora para almacenarl Aprietelos extmmosinfedores de...

Page 32: ...otor ca_ienle y c_mblelo con aceite de motor limpio Vea MOTOR en la secci6n de Responsabilidades del Cliente de este manual ClLINDRO Remueva la bujia Vacie una onza 29 rr_ de ace_tea Irav_s del agujero de Ia bujia en el c_lindm Tire la rna_fia de arranque le_amente una s cuantas veces para dlstribu r el ace_te_ Vuelva a _tar la nueva bujla QTROS No guarde ta gas_lina de una emt x3rada a la otra_ C...

Page 33: ...s y basura debajo de la sega dora r Demasiado aceite en el motor CCION Limpie cambie ei fiitro de aire Llene el estanque de combustible Drene et estanque y vuelva a Itenado con combustible limpio y nuevoo Drene el estanque de combustible y el carburador y vuelva a Ilenar el estanque con gasotina nueva Conecte el alambre a la bujia Cambie la bujiao Apdete el pemo de ta cuchiila o cambie el adaptado...

Page 34: ...arraslr_ndese en el c_spedr Recogedor de c_sped dema siado Ileno Posici6n de la allura del mange no adecuada para usted CS REcci6N Cambie ta cuchill Apriete et pemo de la cuchi la i juste todas las ruedas a la misma allura Limpie la parle inferior de la caia de la segadora ii Cambie la cuchilla Apdete el pemo de la cuchilla P6ngase en contaelo cen su centre de servicio autorizado m_e cercane Presi...

Page 35: ...074 1_tt4 t0 57079 Engagement Bracket 11 131484 Shifter 12 700343 Seal 13 86447 Gear Case Halves Kit 14 137050 includes Key Nes 4 5 15 750436X and 7 16 750369 Bearing 17 12000003 Worm Shaft 18 850848 19 81585X004 DESCRIPTION Drive Shalt Hardened Washer Clutch Yoke Bushing Plug HelicaE Gear Clu ch Jaw Grease E Ring Hi Pro Key Spring Bracket NOTE All component dimensions given in U S inches 1 inch 2...

Page 36: ...ROTARY LAWN MOWER MODEL NUMBER 917 377562 6_ 27 44 14 4 2037 3_ 35 53 34 56 52 41 35 29 26 ...

Page 37: 53 74760612 Hex Bolt 3 8 t6 x 3 4 Self Tapping Screw 1024 x 5 8 55 751592 Locknut 3 8 16 Hex Tapping Screw wtSems 114 20 x 112 56 88652 Hinge Screw 114 20 x 1 1 4 Nut 1 4 20 57 51793 Hairpin Cotter Back Plate 58 157081x47g Lower Handle Side Baffle 59 131959 Handle Bolt Discharge Baffle 6 132001 Rope Guide Rear Baffle 62 134612 Debns Shield Rear Skirt 64 Engine See Breakdown Engine Pulley Tecum...

Page 38: ...ROTARY LAWN MOWER MODEL NUMBER 917 377562 r_ Co 64 ...

Page 39: ...achine Screw 32 137052 1t4 x 20 33 48386 V Bell 35 151521 Spring Retainer 36 702511 Hubcap 37 137090 Flanged Nut 38 ST0541425 Nylon Bushing 40 75192 Wheel Tire Assembly 4 1 151520 E Ring 53 144747 Pinion 54 154870 Dust Cave 55 86012 Felt Washer 57 144748 Washer 1t2 x 1 1 2 x 134 Selector Knob HexWasher Head Screw _10 24 x 3 4 Drive Cover Hex Flange Nut Drive Pulley Dnve Controt Cable Kit Wheel Adi...

Page 40: ...CRAFTSMAN 4 CYCLE ENGINE MODEL NUMBER 143 98650G 120 I19 I4 416 17V_ 275 125 48 4O ...

Page 41: ... 298 28763 thru 83 300 36916 Oi1Drain Ptug It d 73 Drai_ Plug Gasket 301 36246 Oil Se_l 305 35647 Governor Shaft 306 38996 Washer 307 35499 Governor Gear Assay 309 650562 Ind 8t 310 35648 Governor Spool 313 34080 Screw 1 4 20 x I t 4 347 651038 Flywheel Key 370A 35261 Flywheel 370 3 36861 Be_leviIIe Washer 380 640069 _1 Nut 390 59 702 SoFd SLa_ Ignition 400 36792B Spark PlugC over Screw Torx T 15 ...

Page 42: ...IPTION Carburetor Incl 184 el Engine Parts List Throttle Shaft Lever Assembly ThrotUe Return Spring Dust Seal Washer DustSeal Throttle ThmlJJg Shutter Shutter Screw Fuel F_ Throttle Crock Screw k_le Speed Screw Tension Spring Idle Reslriclor Screw Idle Reslf cto_Screw Cap Float Bowl Float Shaft Float Float Bowl ff3t Ring Inlet Needle Seat Clip lr ct 31 spr_ a_ Primer Bulb Retainer Ring Main Nozzle...

Page 43: ... 7 590699 Dog Spring 8 590700 Pulley Rewind Spring Ass y 11 590703 Starter Housing Ass y 40 degree grommet 12 590535 Starter Rope 98 X 9 64 dia 13 590701 Starter Handle KEY PART NO_ NO DESCRIPTION 590739 Rewind Starter 3 590740 Retainer 6 590616 Starter Dog 7 590617 Dog Spring B 590618A Pulley Rewind Spring Assty t 1 590638 Starter Housing Assly 40 degree grommet 12 590535 Starter Rope Length 98 x...

Page 44: ...raci6n a domicilio 1_800_676 5811 For the location of a Sears Parts and Repair Center in your area Call 24 hours a day 7 days a week 1 800 488 t222 For information on purchasing a Sears Maintenance Agreement or to inquire about an existing Agreement Call 9 am 5 pro Monday Saturday 1 800 827 6655 When requesting service or ordering parts always provide the following information Product Type Part Nu...
