Craftsman 917.25759 Owner'S Manual Download Page 3

Summary of Contents for 917.25759

Page 1: ...91 OWNER S MANUAL GAssembly o Operation Customer Respensibilities o Service and Adjustments _ Repair Pa_s CAUTION Read and follow atl safety ruses and _nstructlons before operating this equipment ...

Page 2: ...he engine ruenir g_ Allow engine to coo_ before iefue_ir_g Do no smoke Never _ efuel the machine indoors Never tore the reacttins or rue container nsde where there is an open fin he such as a water _eater Never ren a machine inside a closed area Keep nu_s and bolts especiaf_y binds attachment bolts tight and keep eq_iprnen_ in good condition Never tamper with safety devices Check thor proper req_i...

Page 3: ...manua Sears Aathor zed Servce Centel fttrough yeur nearest See REPAIR PARTS section of i _s manua L M TED TWO YEAR WARRANTY ON ELECTRIC START RIDING EQUIPMENT For two 2 years from the date of purchase if this riding equipment is maintained _ubiieated and tuned up accord nq ta the instructions in the owners manual Sears wil repair o rep _ce free of ch_trge ary pa_ls found to be defective n matera_ ...

Page 4: ...l Type 12 Stora9e 24 Fuse 2 H Hood Remeva fnstsI ation 22 L Leve_ing Mower Deck 19 Lubrication C ha_l t 4 Engine 16 M Maintenance Schedule 14 Mowers Adiustment Front Io Back 19 Adiustment Side4o Side I9 Blade Replacement 15 Blade Sharpening 15 Cutting Height 11 Installation 18 Operation 11 12 Removal 18 Mowing Tips t3 Muffler I 7 Spark Attester 340 0 OiL Cotd Weather Cendit ons 12 16 Engine 16 Sto...

Page 5: ...even terrain For mower decks not so SNOW BLADE forsnow removat say 14qnch high424nch wide Made ciears 38qnch path when angled _eftor dght Raises b aers with side bver Adiustab e skds rep_aceaMe reversiMe scraper bar Use with tire chains and wheel we ghts andor rear drawbar SNOWTRROWER has 40 _rich swath Drum_type auger h_ndles powdery and weVheavy snow Mounts easily wit _ simple pn arrangement Dis...

Page 6: ... x 1 Shoulder Bolt 5 16d8 1 Lock Washer i 2 1 Washer 17 32 x I 3 16 x 12 Gauge 2 He Boits 1 4 20 3 4 2 Hex Nuts 4 20 2 Washers 9 32 x 5 8 x 16 Ga 2 LockWashers 1 4 ii Ji I I Wheel Boot Owner s ManuaI Pads bag contests not shown full size _ Whee x r_Se r_ Steerir_g Wheet 2 Keys Battery Caps 15 Slope Sheet and Instructions 6 ...

Page 7: the steering shaft o Raise steering shaft forward untif screw holes in dash Iine up with steering bushing Instal two 2 sheet meta screws and tighten securely o Position steedng boot over steering shaft o Place tabs of steering boot over tab slots in dash and push down to secure Slide steering wheel adapter onto upper steering shaft Position front wheets of the tractor so they are pointing Posit...

Page 8: ...ery acid NeutraIize acid for paddle whi_e addng baking soda unti the addition of more soda causes no more foaming Follow instructions on how to insta batte_7 INSTALL SEAT See Fi9 3 Adjust seat before tightening adjustment boit Remove cardboard packing on seat pan Place seat on seat pan and assemble shoutder bolt Assemble adiustment bot bck washer and fiat washer loosely Do not tighten Tighten shou...

Page 9: ...S T P_R NCE AND SA TISF74CTION FROM 7HtS QUAUT Y PRODUCX PLEASE REVfEW THE FOLLOWING CHECKLIST Ali assembly instruc Iions have been completed No remaining tDBSBparts in cartDn v Battery is properly prepared and charged Minimum 1 hour at 6 amps _ v Seat is adjusted comfortably and tightened securely v All tires are properly infiated_ For shipping purposes_ the tires were overinflated at the factory...

Page 10: the mower btades or other attachments mounted to your tractor LIGHT SWITCH Turns the headlights on and offi THRO_L_CHOKB CONTROL Used for starting and controlling engine speed CLUTCHTBRAKE PEDAL Used fordec utchingand brako ing the tractor and sta_ing the eng Re PARKING BRAKE LEVER Locks clutch brake pedal rite the brake position MOTION CONTROL LEVER Selects the speed and direction of tractor U...

Page 11: ...g tractor on grass areas TO USE THRO_LE CONTROL See Fig 7 Always operate engine at fut throttle Operating engine at _essthan fun thmttb reduces the batleq_ charging rate_ Fu thmttte offers the best bagging and mower pedor_ mance TO MOVE FORWARD AND BACKWARD See Fig 7 The direction and speed of movement is contrelted by the motion cDntrDI ever Stad tractor wth motion control lever n neutral N Relea...

Page 12: ... the tJbe and rest el fii cap on the tube Do not Ihread the cap onto the tube Rernove and read oii ieveL ff necessary add oi unti FULL mark on dipstick is reached Do not oved l o For coid weaiher operation you should change oi for easier sta ing See OIL VISCOSITY CHART in the Customer Respons b I ties secl or_ of ths manuat o To change engine el see the Cus omer Responsib i tes section in ths man ...

Page 13: ...ERVICE OR REPLACEMENT T SHOULD BE PURGED AFTER REINSTALLATION BEFORE OPERATING THE TRACTOR_ o Place tractor safely on level sudace with engne off and parking brake seL o Sitting in the tractor seat stalt engine After the engine MOWING TiPS o Tre chains cannot be used when the mower housing is attached to tractor o Mower should be properly leveled for best mowing performance See TO LEVEL MOWER HOUS...

Page 14: ...n or replace air filter and check btades and beets _or wear A new spark plu9 and c_ean air fi_ter assure proper airquel mixture and help your engine run bette_ LUBRICAT_ON CHART CLUTCH PIVOT BEFORE EACH USE Check engine oil levet o Check b_ake operation o Check tire pressure Check for loose fasteners _SAE 3 MOTOR OIL APi 5G _GENERAL PURPOSE GREASE REFER TO CUSTOMER R_SPONSIBIL TtES ENGINE SECTION ...

Page 15: ...e can be sharpened with a file or on a grinding wheel Do not attempt to sharpen while on the moweh S_ideblade on to an unthreaded po_ion of the steeI bet or pin and hold the bolt or pin paral et with the ground If blade is balanced it shoWd remain in a horizontal position If either end of the blade moves downward sharpen the heavy end until the blade is balanced NOTE Do not use anai for balancing ...

Page 16: ...very 50 hours thereafter or at least once a year if the tractor is not used for 50 hours in one year Check the crankcase oil ievel before sta rting the engine and after each eight 8 hours of operation Tighten oii filf cap dipstick securely each time you check the oil ievel TO CHANGE ENGINE OIL See Fig 14 and 5 Determine temperature range expected before oil change All oi must meet APi sewice class...

Page 17: ...and or damage N LINE FUEL F LTER See Fig 18 The fueI er shoud be replaced once each season _ffuet filter becomes clogged obstructing fuel flow to carburetor replacement is required With engine coo_ remove fiiter and plug fuel Iine sections Ptace new fuei fiiter in position in fuel Ine with arrew pc nting towards carburetor Be sure there are no rue iine _eaks and c_amps are properly positioned o Im...

Page 18: ...utch rod from clutch _ever by removiR_ retainer spring o Disconnect anti _sway bar frem chassis bracket by removing retafner spr ng_ o Disconnect suspension arms from rear deck brackets by removing retainer spdngs o Disconnect front links from deck by removing retainer o Raise lift _ever to raise suspens on arms_ Side mower out from under tractor _MPORTANT IF AN ATTACHMENT OTHER THAN THE MOWER _S ...

Page 19: ...O_SiDE iF THE FOLLOWING FRONT TO BACK ADJUSTMENT IS NECESSARY BE SURE TO ADJUST BOTH FRONTUNKS EQUALLY SO MOWER W_LL STAY LEVEL SIDE TOo SIDE To obtain the best cutting results the mower housing should be ad usted so that the front is approximately I 4 to 3 4 Iower than the rear when the mower is in its highest Check adjustment on right side of tractor Measu e dis tance D directly n front and behi...

Page 20: ...ipped with an adjustable brake system which is mounted on the fight side of the transaxte if tractor requffes mere than six 6 feet stopping distance at high speed in highest gear then brake must be adiusted Depress ciutch brake pedal and engage parking brake o Measure distance between brake operating arm and nut A on brake rod o _fdistanceisotherthant_3 4 oosen jam nut andtum nut A until distance ...

Page 21: ...l FRONT WHEEL TOE4N CAMBER The frort whee toeqn and camber are not adjustable on your tractor If damage has occ_ _rredto affect the front wheef toein or camber contact your nearest author zed sew ce center depadment TO REMOVE WHEEL FOR REPAIRS See Fig 28 Block up axle securely o Remove axle cover retaining rungand washers to allow wheel removal rear wheet contains a square key _Do FiG 26 TO ADJUST...

Page 22: ...he BLACK cable to good CHASSIS GROUND_ away from fuel tank and batter TO REMOVE CABLES REVERSE ORDER BLACK cable first from chass s and then from the fuiy Repiace bulb n holder and push bulb holder securely back into the hole n the backside of the grE o Close hood INTERLOCKS AND RELAYS BOSeor damaged wiring may cause your tractor to run poorly stop running or prevent it from sta4ing Check wring Se...

Page 23: ...rbu retor when making carburetor adjustments o Be sure the throttle control cable is adiusted propedy see above With engine off turn idie mixture valve in clockwise ctosing it finger tight and then turn out counterclock wise 1 fuli turn FINAL S TTtNG o Sta_l engne and anew to warm for five minutes Make fina_ adjustments with engine running and sh ftimotion control lever in neutraI N pos tion Move ...

Page 24: ...O EXPER ENCE _ND CATES THAT ALCOHOL BLENDED FUELS CALLED GASOHOL OR USING ETHANOL OR METHANOL1 CAN ATTRACT MOISTURE WHICH LEADS TO SEPARATION AND FORMATION OF ACIDS DURING STORAGE ACIDIC GAS CAN DAMAGE THE FUEL SYSTEM OF AN ENGINEWHLE N STORAGE Drain the _uei tank Sta_ the engine and iet it run until the fueJ ines and carburetor are empty Never use engine or carburetor c eanet products n the fuei ...

Page 25: ...peration section 3 War severn minutes before atlemphng to start 4 Rap ace spek p_ug 5 Cea Frepaee a r fter 6 Repass fuel f ter_ 7 Dra n f_e lank and cad_uretor rafif tank wit_ freer gasol ne and replace fl_el fi_ter_ 8 Cheek a_ wi ing_ 9 Contact an authorzed service oenter _epartment 10 Contact an auIhorzed service cenler depadment 1 OlearFrep_ec air fte_ 2 Replace spark plug_ 3 Recharge or repla ...

Page 26: ...of adjustmer_t 1 Freewheel control in d sengeged _posit on 2 Moron d_ve belt has worn damaged or broken 3 Air trapped in transmission dudsg shpment or sew sing t Engine throttle eontre_ not sat at SLOW _ position for 30 seeo _dsbefore stopping sng se t Ch_ck wirir _ swtches aed conr_eations_ If not corrected sea act an euthor zed service canted dsparlment 1 Replace biade Tghten biade bet 2 Levai m...

Page 27: ...CE ...


Page 29: ...l number for your engine wit be found on the blower housing of the engine Ail parts listed herein may be ordered from any Sears Roebuck and Co Sewice Center Depa ment and most Re_ tail Stores WHEN ORDERING REPAIR PARTS ALWAYS GLOVE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION PRODUCT TRACTOR MODEL NUMBER 917 257590 ENGINE MODEL NO 28N7_7o0121 01 PART NUMBER _ PART DESCRiPTiON Your Sears merchandise has added value w...
