Craftsman 536.884821 Owner'S Manual Download Page 9

Summary of Contents for 536.884821

Page 1: ...ns Before Operating This Equipment CRRFr IRN 5 HORSEPOWER 24 DUAL STAGE FREE WHEELIHG TRACK SNOW THROWER Optional Electric Start Assembly Operation Maintenance Service and Adjustments Repair Parts _ _ _ _ _ ql U q IIII1 ill SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO Chicago IL 60684 U S A i nl ii ii 11 IIII I _ Z ...

Page 2: ... structures or buildings Check shear bolts and other bolts at frequent intervals for proper tightness to be sure the snow thrower is in safe working condition Disengage all clutches and shift into neutral before starting the engine_ Adjust the snow thrower height to clear gravel or crushed rock surface Let engine and snow thrower adjust to outdoor temperatures before starting to clear snow FUEL SA...

Page 3: ...ace heaters clothes dryers and the likenAllow the engine to cool before storing inany enclosure_ REPAIR ADJUSTMENTS SAFETY o After striking a foreign object stop the engine remove the wire from the spark plug or dis connect the cord from the electric motor Thoroughly inspect the snow thrower for any damage and repair the damage before restart ing and operating the snow thrower If the snow thrower ...

Page 4: ... is available for this snowthrowerand may be ordered throughSears Retailor CatologStores Installation instructions forthe electricstarter are includedinthiskit CUSTOMER RESPONSIBILITIES Read andobservethe safetyrules Followa regularscheduleinmaintaining caring tot and usingyoursnowthrower FolJow the instructions under Maintenance and Storage sectionsof thisowner smanual TWO YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY O...

Page 5: ... Hex Shaft 15 22 l gnilion Key 0 1 I 13 14 ndex 5 L Levers AugerDrive Clutch 7 9 10 1 Io 18 Choke I0 1 I 13 I4 Shffler 9 10 Throttle Controt I0 11 13 14 Traction Dr_e Clulcn 7 9 10 11 18 Lubrication Auger Gear Box 15 Auger Shatt 15 26 Chart 26 Engine 14 16 Hex Shaft and Gears 15 Weight Trans er System 12 15 M Maintenance Agreement 4 Auger Gear Box 15 Auger Shaft 15 Engine 16 GeneraIRecommenoations...

Page 6: ...and Adjustments sectionof this manual Checktrack adjustmentand fastenersreguladyo CONTENTS OF SHIPPING CARTON 1 Snowthrowercompletelyassembledexceptfor the crankassembly and the upperhandle which is inthe foldeddownposition 1 Partsbag containing 1 Owner smanual not shown and Pans shownbelow TOOLS REQUIRED FOR ASSEMBLY 1 Knife to cut carton and plastic ties 2 1 2 inch wrenches or a_ustabre wrenches...

Page 7: ...youfirstuse yoursnowthrower It loosensup as youuse ito e To completeupper handle installationand install chutecrankassembly see To InstallThe UpperHandle and CrankAssemblyparagraphon page8 NOTE Ifthecableshave becomedisconnectedfromthe clutchlevers reinstall the cablesas shownin Fig 3 HOW TO SET UP YOUR SNOW THROWER o Your snow throweris equippedwithheightadjust skids See Fig 2 on the outsideof th...

Page 8: ...endof the eye bolt Fig 4B Installeye bolt throughlower hole on the left hand sideof the handle See Fig 4B _ Installthe 3 8 ftatwasherandthe3 8 nylonlocknut looselyon the eye bolt as showninFig_4Bo Removetheptasticcap thecotter pinandthewasher from the wormedend ofthe crankassembly andset aside See Fig 5 _ Rotate the notchedsectionof the dischargechute towardthe crank adjusting rod Installthe worme...

Page 9: ...See Fig 6 i I L SNIFTER KNOB NUT LEVER FIG 6 llll TO CHECKJADJUST CLUTCH CONTROL CABLES The controlcables Fig 7 attachedto the augerclutch lever andtractionclutchlever may needto be adjusted before youuse yoursnowthrower For instructions on checkingor adjusting the control cables seeToAdjust Clutch ControlCablesparagraph on page 18 i I I i 11 iiiiiiiiiiii _T AUGER CLUTCH TRACTION CLUTCH LEVER LEVE...

Page 10: ... SHIFTER LEVER _ Selects the speed of the snowthrower 6 speedsforwardand2 speedsreverse CRANK ASSEMBLY Changesthe direction of snow throwing throughthe dischargechute CHUTE DEFLECTOR Changes the distance the snowis thrown DISCHARGECHUTE Changestheheightanddirection the snow isthrown KLICKPIN Changesthe trackdrive fromnormaltofree WEIGHT TRANSFER PEDAL When engaged by lifting up on the upperhandle ...

Page 11: ...fterlever to the speed you desire Ground speed is determinedby snowconditions Select the speedyou desireby movingthe speed _hifferlever intothe appropriate coloredareaonthe control panel Red Wet Heavy Slushy Extra Deep Amber Moderate White Very Light Green Transport only Engage the traction drive lever See Fig 11 left hand As the snowthrowerstarts to move maintain a firm hold on the handles and gu...

Page 12: ...EL FEATURE Uftuphere WEIGHT TRANSFER PEDAL UPPERSLOT _ FIG 12 Thetracksystemonyoursnowthrowerhasaddvetlree wheelfeature See Fig 12A whichallowstheunitto be transportedeasilywithoutthe enginebeingstarted Touse free_heeling liftupthe loopof the klickpin inthefronttrack wheelandpullthe pinouLInstall Ihe pinthroughthe holeinthe shaftoutsideofthe track wheel Repeaton the oppositesideof the unit Touse n...


Page 14: snap back againstthestarter If the enginestillfails to start repeat untilit starts_ To help preventpossiblefreeze upof recoilstarterand engine controls proceed as fol ows after each snow removaljob o With the engine running pull thestarter ropehard witha continuous fullarmstrokethreeorfourtimes Pullingof starterropewillproducea loud clattering sound This is notharmfulto the engineorstarter With...

Page 15: ...ith clinging type grease such as Lubrip_ate every ten 10 hours and before storage See Lu brication Chart on page 26 e Auger Shaft Using a hand greasegun lubricatethe auger shaft zerk fittings See A Fig 16 every ten 10 operating hours Each time a shear bolt is replaced see TO Replace Auger Shear Bolt para graph on page 23 the augershaft MUSTbe greased e For storage or when replacing shear boils rem...

Page 16: ...ower so that the oil drain ptug is lowest point on the engine Remove oil drain plug and oil fill captdipstick Drain oil into a suitable container Oil will drain more freely when warm Replace oil drain plug and tighten securely Refill crankcase with S_AE i0W 30 motor oit or equiva lent S A_E 5W 30 motor oil may be used to make starting easier in areas where the temperature is 20 F or Iower_ SPARK P...

Page 17: ...scraper bar may have to be returned to its odginal lower setting to maintain the original performance lever To adjust o Position the snow thrower on a level surface o Loosen the carriage bolts and nuts securing the scraper bar _othe auger housing o Adjust the scraper bar to the proper position Tighten the carriage bolls and nuts making sure hat the scraper bar is parallel with the working surface ...

Page 18: sstillslipping see To Replace Beltsparagraph on page 19 AUGER DRIVE BELT See Fig 25 Ifyour snowthrowerwillnot dischargesnow checkthe controlcable adjustment if it is correct thencheckthe conditionof the auger drive bell tt may be loose or damaged If it is damaged replace it See To Replace Beltsparagraphon page 19 If the auger drive belt is loose adjustas follows Disconnectthe sparkplugwire Remo...

Page 19: ...housing to motor mount frame Loosenbottom two bolts Auger housing andmotormountIramewillseparate hinged by bottom two bolts e Remove brake arm from housing Do not remove spdng e Remove the belt fromthe augerdrive engine pulley e Installthe original equipmentreplacement bell in reverse order of removal e Reinstall brake arm intohousing Insure brake arm isfullyinsertedinto housingand brake pad is ri...

Page 20: ...t See Fig 28 The distance should be 3 32 for each guide_ If adjustment is necessary loosen the belt guide mounting bolts Move the belt guides to the correct position Tighten the mounting bolts e Reinstall the belt cover Reconnect the spark plug wire LOOSEN BOLT _ i REMOVE BOLT OTTOM PANEL li I BOTTOM PANEL LOOSEN BOLT If the snow thrower will not move forward youneed to checkthe trackdrivebelt the...

Page 21: ...OVE BOLT lit _ LOOSEN BOLT TRACK CONNECTING ROD FIG 32 _emot e fhe right side bearing plate Leave hex shaft in originalposition e Remove friction wheel from hub Slip friction wheel offhex shaft towards right sfde_ Position new friction wheel onto hub _ See Fig 34 Installbearing plates to original position Ensure hex shaft is engaged with both bearing plates e Secure bearing plates using boils remo...

Page 22: ... section pages 15 16 Align the holeinthe auger withthehole inthe auger shaft Install the new shear boll and shear boll spacer provided Reconnect the spark plug wire TO ADJUST TRACK Ifthesnowthrowerdoesnotmoveforward evenlyand the trackslipsslightly youneedtocheckthetrackas follows Pull up gently on the centerof the track near the center Measurethedistancebetweenthetrackandthetop of the track suppo...

Page 23: ...h speed screw out in1 8 turn increments until the problem is resolved e Let the engine run undisturbed for 30 seconds between each setting to allow the engine to react to the previous adjustments IMPORTANT NEVER TAMPER WITH THE ENGINE GOVERNOR WHICH IS FACTORY SET FOR PROPER ENGINE SPEED OVERSPEEDING THE ENGINE ABOVE THE FACTORY HIGH SPEED o Clean the spark plug by carefullyscrapingelec trodes do ...

Page 24: ...T 10 MINUTES AFTER STABILIZER IS ADDEDTO ALLOW MIXTURE TO REACH CAR BURETOR STORESNOWTHROWER INA SAFE PLACE SEE WARNING ABOVE You can keep your engine in good operating condi tion during storage by Changingoilo Lubricating the piston cylinderarea This can be doneby firstremovingthesparkplugand squirting cleanengineoilintothesparkplughole Thencover the sparkplug holewitha rag to absorboilspray Next...

Page 25: Before hours Usa Hours Houm Season Storage CheckF__j_ OaLave Change _gme Oil 1_ I I u i i _ JJ T_jh_n All Screws _ Nuts SERVICE DATES ill Check Aug_ Clu c hCabLe Adj_nt See Cable Adius_l LUBRICATION CHART r _bfi_te auger shaft Coat with a clinging type grease such as _briplate lUll l ll lmill l l mill ll lllll l ll l UI I U IIIIII CCC C _ ...

Page 26: ...a_ buretor IIIII IIIIIIIILIL IlL i I Ilmlll Stop engine immediately and disconnectspark plug wire Tightenatlbo _ and make all necessaryrepairs if vibration continues havethe unitservicedby a competentml_irman Replace d 6ve belL Adiustt_ction drivec_le Rel_a cef dct_on wheel iillllllllllllllllll i i i i iiiiiiiiiii i i i i ill Jli J I I I _iillilliill II I I I i i lililllllllll III L J Adjustauger ...

Page 27: ...i NOTES i i i iii iii i _11 i i ii I H I _ _ 27 ...

Page 28: ... Auger Drive Lever RH Traction Drive Lever LH Nut Push On Cap 5 16 In Pin Clutchftandle Pivot Cable Clutch Screw Hex 5 16 18 x 2 3 4 In Ratwasher 11 32 in Lockwasher Split 5 16 In Nut Hex 5 16 18 TI_ I 5 PARTNAME Slop Red Plastic 5t16 In Screw HHC 5 16 18 x 2 In Spring Drive C_utch LH Boot Clutch Spdng Nut Hex Nyt 11420 in Screw HHC 5116 18 x 3 4 In Spdng Auger Clutch RH Hand e Lower Bra_et Shift ...

Page 29: ... 4 In 17 71060 Lockwasher SpFd 5 16 In I8 71037 Nut Hex 5 16 18 Thd 19 7055 Rod ChuteControl i 20 7058 Nut Hex Jam 1 2 20 Thdo i 21 7059 Lockwasher Split 112In 22 309059 Bracket Chute R0tate StOP Indicates Standard Hardware Items 319044_14008C REF PART NO PART NAME NO 1 307665 2 308931 3 302634 4 302680 5 71391 302843 57171 8 71037 9 307698 10 305236 11 71067 12 73826 13 308839 14 85480 15 309057 ...

Page 30: ...4 20 x 5 8 Ino Flatwasher 9 32 x 5 8 in Lockwasher Split 1 4 tn Nut Hex 1 4 20Thdo Auger Assembly RH Auger Assembly LH RE PART NAME NO 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 26 Indicates Standard Hardware ltems_ A 01 9524 73826 301375 302627 302626 306224 3O6225 307983 70993 71071 71060 70983 3943 Screw HHC 1 4 20 x i 3 4 In L o_ _nut 1 4 20Thd Beating Flange Nut Wd R 5116 18Thd Screw Wa 5116 18x 3 4...

Page 31: ...lrjvy i rtrtt vvlc rt _ lu oo_o _ g BELT COVER REPAIR PARTS Ref It_rnHOo REF NO PART NO PART NAME uu 1 580773 Cover Belt 2 70978 Screw WaTap 1 4 20xl 2 Ino 3 71067 Flatwasher 518Ino IndicatesStandardHardwarettems_ 31B778_31i4018 A 31 ...

Page 32: ...Clutch Screw HHC 3 8 16 x 1 1 4 in Ratwasher Pulley Idler Locknut Jam 3 8 16 Thd REFo NOo PART NO 18 579860 19 71360 20 71067 21 71035 22 580944 23 302623 24 580946 25 581540 26 318468 27 579872 28 70985 29 73795 30 579865 31 71038 32 53704 33 1502 34 120393 PART NAME Spool Cable Auger C_utch Screw HHC 1 4 20 x 1 3 4 In Flatwasher 286 x 63 x 065 Nut Hex Nyl 1 4 20 Thd Cam Brake Arm Bolt Carriage 1...

Page 33: ...79932 579861 53715 581264 50677 71063 71015 Engine Craftsman ModelNo HSS0 67326K See Engine Repair Paris list Screw HHC 51t6 18x1 114Inn Loci washer Split 5116x 58x 08 Bracket Belt Guide Screw HHC 5 16 24x5 8 In Washer Crankshaft PulleyHalf Belt TractionDdve Ratwasher o752xr91x 02 Pulley Engine Belt AugerDrive Ftatwasher 375x1 25x 104 Lock_asher Split 381D Screw HHC 318 24xl In 33 3t g026 313992 B...

Page 34: ...haft Hex Traction Bearing Assembly Trunion Ratwasher 50 x I _00x 06 Ring Retainer Flatwasher 680 x 1 12 x 06 Bearing Rolter r i 1 16 _7 8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 PART NO J 580970 j 580961 580965 578962 579052 1413 70982 71060 579858 579897 579867 581773 53830 579B93 PART NAME Key Square Pulley Auger Drive Wave Washer Ftatwasher 281x 1 00 x 063 Screw HHC 1 4 20 5 8 In Bearing Retainer Asse...

Page 35: ...WhizWdFI 3 8 16 Thd_ Ratwasher 656 x 1 31x 095 V neel Pin Cotter Track 4 WDx 15 Pitch Pin Ktick Ring Retaining Sprocket Track Drive Compact 35 NO 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 PART NO 70974 316863 46931 7t 034 580634 580764 73839 53836 579868 71035 581119 581170 580877 302618 71067 580654 PART NAME Screw HHC 1 4 20x 3f4 In Bearing Track Lockn_Jt Wd Fi 1 4 20Thd Nut Hex 1 4 20 Thd...

Page 36: ... H Screw HHC 1t4 20x3 4 in Locknut Wd Fi 5 16 24 Thd Nut Hex Keps 1 4 20 Thd_ Screw WaTap 3 8 16x112In Seal Oil Bearing Range Ratwasher 752x1 24x 09 Shaft Auger 24 In REF NO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 PART NO PART NAME 51279 51405 431787 50221 580294 580295 454565 50684 307969 Gasket Gear Case Gear Worm Key Woodruff 61 Bearing Range Shaft Worm Impeller Collar Thrust Pin Spring Bearing Roll Impelle...

Page 37: ...8 9 10 302487 70141 70142 302922 3O8766 318509 308768 3902 3903 319033 PART NAME Decal 9 impefler Decal DangerAuger Decal DangerChute Decal Dangertr_ lnJctJon Decal Craftsman Decal 5124AugerHousing Decal DangerStripe Chute Decal TractionDrive Engage Decal Auger Drive Engage Decal Gear Selector 314005 A 37 ...

Page 38: ...3 2 302638 3 73826 4 318486 5 304438 6 318460 7 579944 8 318461 9 71111 PARTNAME Rod Shift Screw WdFI 1 4 20x5 8 In_ Locknut Hex 1 4 20 Thd Nut HexJam 112_13 Thd Knob Shift 112 13Thd Plate ShiftLever Bearing Range ShiftYoke Assembly Locknut Hex 3 8 16 Thd Indicates StandardHardwareitems ...

Page 39: ...Ind NOr 311 631O22 Spr_ng Clp 27t36A Bowl Drain Assy Incl No 33 2 F354 Drain Plunger Gasket 31839 Ma_n Ad Scow Assy ind Nos 41 42 _43 630740 O Ring H_gh Speed Mixture Screw 6307 39 Washer High Speed Mixture Screw 630 T_ Tension Spring High Speed Mixture Screw 27110 Bow4 Nut Wa_rter 630748 Welch Plug Idle Mixture Well 631027 Welch Rug Atrnosoheric Vent 31840 Repair Kit incl Parts Marked with 1 REWI...

Page 40: ...CRAFTSMAN 4 CYCLE ENGINE IIq II1 Ilql J MODEL HSS0 67326K IIIIII II III1 111111 t i 131 173 4O ...

Page 41: ... 10 24 x 9 16 Solid State Assyo Cover Spark plug Stud Sotid state mounting Screw Torx 15 hex washer hd_ Seres 10 24 x i Ground Wire Gasket Cylinder head Head Cytinder tncL No 131 Valve Exhaust StdJ incl No 151 ReL Part No No 125 126 126 127 129 29315C 32644A 32645A 65O691 650818 130 6021A 131 650694A 135 353_S i50 31672 151 31673 169 27234A 170 27666 171 31410 172 34146 173 35350 174 65O128 178 29...

Page 42: ... x tl 16 Washer Rat Primer Assy_ Line Primer B_ffia Heat Extension Baffle Screw Hex washer hd_ 8 32 x 1 2 Hand e Starter Carburetor Incl No 1841 Starter Rewind Electric Starter Kh 33290C Optional Sold as accessory GBsket Set ncL i_ems marked Oil 4 Cyc e SAE 5W30 quart MODEL HSS0 67326K PartName indicatesPartsIncludedin GasketSet Ref No 400 tin original production the speed con tro assembly is dvet...

Page 43: ... ii i OTES _ L L _L _ LH I I III 1 1 I I I 43 ...

Page 44: ... may be ordered through any Sears Service Center Department and most Sears Stores WHEN ORDERING REPAIR PARTS ALWAYS GIVE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION PRODUCT SNOWTHROWER MODEL NUMBER 536 884821 ENGINE MODEL NUMBER HSS0 67326K PART NUMBER PART DESCRIPTION YourSears merchandise hasadded valuewhen you considerthat Sears has serviceunitsnationwide staffed withSears trainedtechnicians Prolessional technic...
