Craftsman 320.17256 Operator'S Manual Download Page 35

Summary of Contents for 320.17256

Page 1: ...ON Read understand and follow ati Safety Rules and OparalJng tns_ ru_ons _nthis m _nuaI before using this product Sea s Roebuck and Co_ Hoffman E_ t_te_ IL 60179 U SJ_ V_d put Cr_ltsman webs_e wv w_cr_tstnan_com WARRANTY SAFETY UNPACKING DESCRIPTION BLADE INSTALLATION OPERATION ADJUSTMENTS M AfNTENANCE ...

Page 2: ...Ioa d_feclin_t_lal or _ansf_ip _in onr_ Y e_Item th_ _ _I_ ofpu_cha_ RETURN ITTO TIIE NEAREST SEARS STORE OR PART S AND REPAIR CENTER OR OTHER CRAFTSMAN OUTLET IN THE UNWED STA _ S FOR FR_ REPLACEMENT Th_s _anly does nolIndud_ r_ndable parlssuch _ lamps b_ll_ b_s Dr I_ades Ii this CtalP smi_ produd is used lot cornmetd_ c__er_al purp_ this warrant applies Io_rely 90 days l_ omlhe dal_ ol p_ _chase...

Page 3: ...DO NOT by I_em_eive_ eliminate _ny d_ nger The in_tru _o_ and warnings lhW g_o are no _ub_li_te_ lot p_eper accident preve hi on me sums _ WARNIN G BE SURE to _e qd and undt_zmnd _tI _lfrd Ix_st _lOrl_ In this I _nuai IltcJudln galt atoty lile_ _ymboh uch _ DANGER WARNING lind I _U R ON _ _EFORE t_ir_g _r saw F r_l_ to Ir_l_w l fn_lonp_ ilsled b_tow mt_y msu I n eC_lr lifm_ fbe and m smUDge p_en l...

Page 4: ...AF _Et Y PRECALrI IONS FOR LASERS pr e r _t _n op_ al _ Howevo_ DO NCR _ _o _ the b_m a _ this r_n _u _ Ti_ f_lowir_gI_Ix_I I_on your I_oL SURE U at any bysta ndem In the _ inlty _ _ w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a r ...

Page 5: ...T all ell_pt _ modiiy ho pz ftormBr o r_ t l t_laser devi_ in nny way This may _ sull _ a danQcmus e _os_Jro to t ts_ radlaUon 9 ALWAYS use _ lho n ccu orle _ th_ _ro recommended by Se_s l_ _rm_ w_h I_ p_u_t Uc o _ _ _ te _ h wo br_ _o_ned for L_O with oth r asU t O_ _ d o _ Jn in mri_u s _JlJry _0 For fur h_ information reg _ing _ _e _ rutc_ o ANS Zl_36 1 The 5 TAf_DARD FOR THE SAFE USE OF LASER_...

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Page 7: ...m_ng p_rt_ Ropta o d0magod cc_d_ nm_iate_ Damaged o _ dsincr_ _o the r_k of I_ENSION CORDS UCO a proper oxto_ton o_d ONLY usn ords lisled by Und_r_witors I_b t_ _ UL C_te_ e xlendon c_ds can canso a drop tn line volta gx _o_ll_g _ I_ _ nl power _md ov_dma_n_ d tooL F_ this _ an AWG lAmoric_n Wire Gaugo _ _ at le_t 14 gaugo is _ ec_mmend0d for a i mind 1 co_ d ol 25 1L Ot le_s in _g_h U_ 12 g at_ge...

Page 8: ... b_ J_n In the _r_ n_ _r_ _1 1f1_ Of _h rrc rd_L U_ a tma_h_rlzed SAFETY RULES FOR r_BRE SA_ _Ke_p h_nda tlw y t_om CuRing a_ mn_ b_a K_p yot_r _r o nd hand on _e n_x l i_ hand_ or m_l r h_z_ _ I b_th hend_ are h_ldlng lit_ _n _ the J b l der _rm_t r _ her_ CAUTION B_d_ c_ t _f_r _a w t r _d Off I 6 I K_EP yol_r bodl pr _ lJormd t_ el bet _id_ of the caw blade end no_ in dimc_ Eno w_ h _ raw _ade ...

Page 9: ... blade binding _10 NEVER cut more then o_ p_ec_ at a llm_ DO NOT S AC_ more the one work_k the emrktu hie at u flrn_ 11 AVOID awkward op_r_tiona an_ h_nd p_ _ t o_ wl_m a _udden srlpcoai_ 1L_ _ y_ h_lnd t_ maw _nt11tJ_o blade _2 NEVER mad_ Into the malting p_th uf the b_de 13 BLADE GUIDE ROLLERS must mJppo_t the b_ado whc n t_ll_g T_o r_r mud _ og_r_ tho b_ edge _ bL _d0 THE ONLY I_Jtting _atiof_ ...

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Page 12: the power r_rd or _era_e _w on_ th_ broken r_ mL_lng part_ are repl _ced_ F_ u_ to do _ r ould te_ uit n po_ _lbie cer_o_v In L_ ...

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Page 14: ... _t _111 _ Wht_ h ra_ _Ur _ r _zloU_ personal Injury NO_ Whr_n ir_s a_J_ng o_ ramo_lng the cutting blade from the sa_ a_wWs h_e tl_ scmlli_g_rbll _ _ 1m I_I In the SMOOTH p_Idtlo_ If _ U It_v_the l v rIn II_ _CROLL_ tG pO _ l lo h__e blode hotde_ a_ _emh_ _tll keep lumi_g and _u won t be ebte 1o In _ed or mmow lh_ bl _de R_ up the detU cblp shiol_ Jill or_e_B_rout _ IL_ mmut_ting dot _n_ ll_m_ the...

Page 15: ... 6 5 Relea_a _o blade t_d_ _ lock the blade Jnpla_ 6 Pulldov _n on g_e b_ado to m _l_ _ tl_e I_a d_ is r _e_f _od_d _ ptac_ 7 _ tile doai chip shietdIr_oi1 s moUrl_ _oI_ _od _p hO _ie_ld RIt 6 _ ade gvide ro_ _t_p_r_ _e b_do vchen ct _Jeo in a tt o i NOT_ For _ wltll bo_h 3_ _nd U hank ed b_de I CAUTION _ b_ Nade t_ t_ a _l In the _w it _ _tvc_y_ expm_td T_m I no Im v_ b_de g_ _J ti o _ _uU_n whea...

Page 16: ...c IiJrlg I Ft_ 6 _nd 7 k CAUTION _ hi do g_ido r_ie_ uppor the bL_do when cuttin _ The b_de guido tdh m mtl _t _g_ _r_t th_ b_d odgo of P _ b _do THE ONLY cutting op_mf_on wh_r_ th_ blado guide ro_le_ do tt_t uppOrt th_ Uad_ _ _d_en th_ r_W t_ in th_ r_ling m_de Wh_ _ m l dIln g tl_ biado mu t _wtv_l it 1 guided ta O1_ the cml l_tl_rn ALWAYS mOv_ the b_4 o bac_ rid _ado gu do ml em Up rod _ t k _w...

Page 17: ...IGHT _ut _obre r_ zwhoe an LED v_r_ ight thai t _m _ _DN a I _ore3 I 311y when the s_w lugged _t_ a pov _ r_ _L_ e Tho li_l_ r_ p_ov_de eaay _ d_lIity Ofthe Cutting _ne LIVE TOOL iNDICATe R LED LIGHT R g t 0 Yau_ sow h_ _z Jve Tool fndic _l_ groe_ LED ligh_ th_ t lurr_ IO_ _ _tcm_lJ al_ v_on thn t _w iS ptugged _lr a power sou_e Thl_ light I_ Ioc _l od on both _deS d the _ _o ot the bJ_e_ swish ha...

Page 18: ... v_ ff_ _o _pe_ diai l_rafed on top of _ho tti_gu _ _ P _ h handle The _t _ ad d_al _ n_mb_t_ 1 tht _u_h _5_ v O_ _mber 1 the _dow_f _eed 3_d numbs _tho f_s_f _pe_ Stir Fig 12 a ndT2a The pt opl_ I_ade _ood v_fl _K_er d_pon_ ng o_ the typ 0 _nd _ so r _ oi the w_t I_ _ _ttd v he g_m you _te slm g ht c_t_i_g Or iOtiOW_g _ inthrate _Oll pat_e n O 9er_ef_ rule _ l_ w_ _poeds a_e J defter mato_taL_ an...

Page 19: ...ADJUST_NGTHE CUT t3NG SPEED W_H THE VARIABL E SPEED DiAL cord F3g 12 and 12_ ...

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Page 21: ...NG posltt_ alid lr Ilia blade t_ held with the guido mlle_ I_ outd I_ ld _nd b_t_ Rg tS t_bde gufd mll0_ s ul pod the blade wh_ _ llng in _lti_lj mod_ mcepl _ olling Ftg 16 Bt_do guid_ _rs up and b_d_ liw_y trlim_ade wh_n rpm_1_g I U_ug the r_ Z_ WARNING ALWAYS ueplu _ r _w from tim power _oume BEFORE rooking i _y d t _tment or aL_chleg _ _r_urt_ J Z M_O the _ t_it_0YOrbIl co ll ol level lo cldlin...

Page 22: ... the r ova h_n_le ta j 0_ h_r_d an_ mt_t_ the _ cmt_tng kn_ _th you_ other h 11d_v_ t opptying pr_es_ lhe trent of th_ r_e_u_ _t _oe _ n_ ll_mp _ o _he ar_te_ NOTE Vth_n e cml r_tting Int_i a_t_de_l_e_r ALWAYS _se tscmtl c uP3ng blad_ J Z_ ÙAUT ON Esu s_tv tde prmc_um te the blade _ JId b_ak the bride 1 wh_ h _ eU_d da_J le the mote_et bolnl t_ J 2_WAY SAW DUST REMOVAL Fig 18 P nd_ to btow_ to bl_...

Page 23: ...way they Will appear en the _ftnl_hed _lde 3 AIw_ SlaeC_ the CD_r_C_b _de for y_ calling applicaEor _ 4 p_c_ fr_f edou _ s_v b_rm on t_o m_ted_ Io be cut and _no up tt_e blade w_th y_u_ _J_g I_ne H_d r_W firmly end turn It _n P_es _ dow t tO_T_ _w be_ _t _ _b1_ d he W_pIaso aS yOU St_r _ ly p_ _ 1 Ih_ sew in thl_ di_aclhxl _ th_a cuL 7 Gr_d_a_yb_ _pth_lede_ po_d ce_ltnoasr Jo_ototh_t_easpc _3h e u...

Page 24: ...per c _tr_l Of caw Fattum to c_mp snd upport work p ece and _o_ Of r ont_t Of _ aw ou d _ uit in _rlou _njury cLrt3 tNG wTn_ A STRAIGHTEDGE F ig 2D i M _k thO _ de edge d the _ _v bP _ and ttt_ la_ the r_f_J_ed_o on the rr_rk _nd parapet tn thn _SL 2 A_ y_u CUL k_ p the _ _ ba_ 24 ...

Page 25: ..._Jnding the corner 2 At_af the opening ts c_mplo e go b_ _ _o e_ch cc_n_ and cut am lhe T_p_ e di_tlon o _r_uare _ o_ TO A_JUSTBASE PLATE FOR BEVEL Cb T lING F iE _ _ I Z_ WARNING ALWAYS unpt_ g Caw from the power aoerce BEFORE e_ldng _ny ad t_atme nL_ tr a_t chteg acC_ _Od_ J Z_ CAUTION To pr_wnt damage to the tool when _ngle or have cl L U ng j _ _cJ o l mech_n_m MUST BE locked I1_pla_ with ff _...

Page 26: ...iy ALWAYS mtn_ln proper m l_J of r _ w F _ ure t_ cfamp _d t uppott work pk_ _ anm Io _ t of ont _l of w could tt _ _ in r _ _i_um Jury BEVEL ASSIST HANDLE INSTALLATION AND USE FIB 23 _0 bo _l ur_ _Id h_dle _ provide rr _mum _nltoI whon making b_vl_l 25 ...

Page 27: ...NG EDGE GUIDE F3g 24 Z_ WARNING ALWAYS unptu_ _w1tom tim pc w_ _ourco BEFORE m_ldng _ny adlt _tmen_ or at_ddng acc_ ad_ r_ly _ft in ad_p_dn_ at tntem_ J wt_ and cci_po_ nt_ _ dch could cat_e a odoU h_ _rd ...

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Page 29: ...NG TI_ _ _ u_ hr_n_ o_ a u_ort_ that m _ot l m orrtrnm_d_d _or th_ 10ol _gbt be dang_a_ and could rm tdt _ _ _1_ tnj_ t s_f_Ig_ _d _e_ Crating _F tidP_ _nd a _atgo _ _ d clan _ps to help _ w 01 a I _ng ne ad _ 29 ...

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Page 31: ...3700 725001 B _n_ _olmS I 16 370022400t A B_r_ e pblmA 2 17 3700203pO t W o_ h_t 1 1B _tT0014S001 W _hf _ 19 _ 5 _00_7001 S_ _ty _g 2 20 3520058001 P_UlUm bl_t k 1 21 _0001 Rotl_r bet_tin_ 1 22 G_a_ 23 3700 63P0 G W _ho i 24 5660007001 5ztfeW Pir g 1 2 _ _50 _4001 R_t in_ t_ng 1 25 332X110300 t S_tol_tng Knob 1 _7 3320104004 Mncb cover I _8 3120477003 _a _tnghc dor I _ 31 312145_001 _ _t h _r 1 32...

Page 32: ...5_4300 1 Sp_n_ I 57 355D50 _ 001 G_da v ho _1 3_5DI_4_001 Pin 1 51 312137D001 B_F olatre c_ _ 1 E2 i 56113_7pOg S_e_w 3XB 1_ _4 5_200140D _ Scmw 4X25 1 65 37001 B2OD t _ W_ _h_ 1 _ 3420340_ D t _S_ DI_I_ 1 6S 3i2_513001 _tod_ HotOe_ I 59 493DOO_DO_ JlJp_ f i_ POR 7_ 4870055001 _vi_h _ 72 31_f_34D_2 Ant bongo _ _ 73 56_00240_2 ScrI_ W _X1 _ 2 74 3 S _O_46001 pin 1 7_ 370D_64001 t_ 1 78 35502450_ _ ...

Page 33: ...ER320 17256 Tr e t_d _1t lut_ b_ r _ _ illI_11 t_nd _n _h_ NameplalB A h _ _ me n _o tlhe Mode Number _n _ c or_esp_nd nco tega_ag y_u_ _r_l 1 C_r_ _f _pri_9 Wo lfen 1 IJ_er a_ _emble I _ _rd and pl_t 1 8_ _ _a _ Set 1 Ml_ _ 5wlt_ _ ASSY 1 33 ...

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