Craftsman 247.889981 Operator'S Manual Download Page 77

Summary of Contents for 247.889981

Page 1: ...g this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions o SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST ESPANOL R 49 Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FormNo 769 06544B January13 2012 ...

Page 2: ...s nails thorns stumps or glass Tireor wheelreplacement or repairresultingfromnormalwear accident orimproperoperationor maintenance Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatorabuse includingbutnot limitedto damagecausedby impactingobjectsthat bendthe frameor crankshaft orover speeding theengine Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatornegligence includingbut not limitedto electricalandmechanicaldamagecausedby impr...

Page 3: ...safeoperationpracticesin thismanualandon the machineandshouldbetrainedandsupervisedbyan adult Only responsible individualswhoarefamiliarwiththeserulesof safeoperationshouldbe allowedto usethis machine Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to be used Removeallstones sticks wire bones toysandotherforeign objects whichcould betrippedoverorpickedupandthrownby the blade Thrownobjectscancauseser...

Page 4: ...ratingthis machineon a slopedor hillyarea Ifthe slopeis greater than 15degrees donot mowit Do o Mowacrossthefaced slopes neverupanddown Exercise extremecautionwhenchangingdirectiononslopes Watchfor holes ruts rocks hiddenobjects or bumpswhichcan causeyou to slip ortrip Tallgrasscan hideobstacles Alwaysbesureof yourfooting A slipandfall can causeserious personalinjury Ifyou feelyou arelosingyourbal...

Page 5: ...lowobjectsto bethrown Forsafetyprotection frequentlycheck components and replaceimmediately withoriginalequipment manufacturer s O E M partsonly listedinthe Partspages of thismanual Useof partswhichdo notmeetthe original equipmentspecifications mayleadto improper performance and compromise safety Donot changethe engine sgovernorsettingor over speed the engine Thegovernorcontrolsthe maximumsafeoper...

Page 6: ... DANGER BYSTANDERS Do not mow when children or others are around DANGER HAND FOOT CUT Keep hands and feet away from rotating parts DANGER THROWN DEBRIS Remove objects that can be thrown by the blade in any direction Wear safety glasses DANGER SLOPES Use extra caution on slopes Do not mow slopes greater than 150 WARNING GASOLINE IS FLAMMABLE Allow the engine to cool at least two minutes before refu...

Page 7: ...e gaugewith the object SeeFigure1 andFigure2 4 Adjust gaugeup or down until the left cornertouchesthe slope SeeFigure1 andFigure2 5 _O _daShed _ fine If there is agap belowthe gauge the slope is too steepfor safeoperation SeeFigure2 above Figure2 Slopes are a majorfactor relatedto tip over and roll over accidents which can result in severe injury or death Do not operate machineon slopes in excess ...

Page 8: ...The negativecable heavyblackwire maybe securedto the negative batteryterminalat the factory If it hasn tbeenattached proceedas follows f Removethe carriagebolt andhexnut fromthe positivecable heavyredwire Removethe redplasticcover if present fromthe positivebattery terminalandattachthe positivecableto the positivebattery terminal withthe bolt andhexnut See Figure2 Figure2 3 Removethe carriagebolt ...

Page 9: ...ethe screwandthe locknutthatsecuresthe shift leverto the shift leverplate SeeFigure5 f Figure5 2 Removethe remainingscrewandnut fromthe lowershiftlever plate SeeFigure5 3 Positionthe uppershift leverintoa verticalpositionaligningthe holesinthe leverwith the holesinthe shift plate SeeFigure6 f Figure6 4 Securethe leverto the plateusingthe two screwsandtwo nuts removed earlier SeeFigure6 Checking Ti...

Page 10: ...onfor instructions onsparkplug replacement Oil Cap Dipstick Referto the Maintenance sectionfor instructions oncheckingthe oil MOWER CONTROLS Referto Figure7 for locationsof the mowercontrols Throttle Choke Control NOTE Whenoperatingthe mowerwiththe cuttingdeckengaged becertainthatthe throttle chokecontrolis inthe fast position THEthrottle chokecontrolis usedto adjust enginespeeds to activatethe en...

Page 11: ..._ ignition position Release key into the RUN _ position once the engine has started Move the key nto the RUN LIGHT_ _ _post on to run the mower to STOP F _ with the headlight on Turn the key to stop the engine See Figure 9 Run Light Stop 1 Position _ Run Figure9 Nevermovethe keyintothe Startpositionwhile the engineis running doingso maycausedamageto the engine sstarter Alwaysreleasethedrivecontrol...

Page 12: ... hoursof moweroperation Oncethe engineis started the monitorcontinuallydisplaysan hour glassandthe hoursof moweroperationon its LCD SeeFigure10 NOTE Hoursof moweroperationarerecordedanytimethe ignition keyis rotatedout of the STOP_i _position regardless of whetherthe engineis started The IndicatorMonitorwill also remindthe operatorof maintenance intervalsfor changingthe engineoil The LCDwill alter...

Page 13: ...ithupto 10 ethanol gasohol is acceptable Figure11 Refuelina well ventilated areawiththe enginestopped Ifthe engine hasbeenrunning allowit to cool first Neverrefuelthe engineinsidea buildingwheregasolinefumesmayreachflamesor sparks Gasolineis highlyflammableandexplosive andyou can be burnedor seriouslyinjuredwhenrdueling Stopengineandkeep heat sparks andflameaway Refuelonlyoutdoors Wipe upspills im...

Page 14: ...eckthatthe areabehindis clear b Placethe gearshift leverinReverse R c Slowlysqueeze the DriveControl againstthelefthandlegrip andthemowerwill move Releaseitanddrivemotionwillstop DoNOTattemptto changethe directionof travelwhenthe moweris in motion Alwaysreleasethedrivecontrolandbringthe mowerto a completestopbeforerepositioning thegearshift leverfromaforward gearinto Reverse Failuretodo so mayresu...

Page 15: ...ngthe mower MULCHING TheCraftsmanProWideCutmoweris equippedwitha mulchkit sup pliedwiththe mower whichusesspecialbladesto recirculategrass clippingsrepeatedly beneaththe cuttingdeck The ultra fineclippings arethenforcedbackinto the lawnwheretheyact asa naturalfertilizer Observethe followingpointsfor the bestresultswhenmulching Neverattemptto mulchif the lawnis damp Wetgrasstends to stickto the und...

Page 16: ...Oil 2 FrontWheelBearings 1 Sparkplug 2 Air Filter 3 Pre cleanerf 4 RearWheels 1 Fuelsystem 1 IfEquipped 1 Change 1 As required 2 Tightenor replace 3 Check 4 Check 5 Checkfor properoperation 6 Checkfor properpluginstallation 1 Clean 2 Sharpenandbalance 3 Lubewithlightoil 1 Change 2 Grease 1 Replace 2 Replace 3 Replace 4 Grease 1 Runengineuntilit stopsfromlackof fuel oradda gasolineadditiveto the ga...

Page 17: ...the enginehardto start or not to start If overthe FULLmarkonthe dipstick drainoil levelto FULLmarkondipstick Changing the Engine Oil Ifthe enginehas beenrecentlyrun the engine mufflerandsur roundingmetalsurfaceswill be hotandcan causeburnsto the skin Exercisecautionto avoidburns Theoil inthe engineshouldbe changedafterthe first fivehoursof operationandevery50 hoursof operation 1 Runthe enginefor a...

Page 18: ...e15 f Electrode Porcelain 030inch 26 ram gap Figure15 Replacethe sparkplugif electrodesarepitted burned or the porcelainis cracked Usea Champion RC12YC sparkplug Servicing the Air Filter Iffilters or coversare notinstalledcorrectlyseriousinjuryordeath could resultfrombackfire Do notattemptto startthe enginewith themremoved Donot use pressurized airor solventsto cleantheair filtercartridge Cleanor ...

Page 19: ...uel oroil spilledonthe machineshouldbe wipedoffpromptly Do NOTallowdebristo accumulatearoundthecoolingfinsof the engine the transmission s coolingfanor onany otherpartof themachine especiallythebeltsandpulleys Smart Jet Yourmower sdeckis equippedwitha waterport onits surfaceas part of its deckwashsystem Usethe SmartJetto rinsegrassclippingsfromthe deck sunderside andpreventthe buildupof corrosivec...

Page 20: ...every50hoursof moweroperation f BLADE TIMING BELT The cuttingdeckspindlesaredrivenby a timing cogged belt assuringthatthe deckbladesarealwaysperpendicular to eachother At leastoncea season or afterstrikingany foreignobject checkthe timingbeltas follows 1 Removethe beltcoverby removingthethree screwsandwashers whichsecureit to the frame SeeFigure19 Donot operatemowerwithoutthe belt coverinstalled F...

Page 21: Theupperhandleis securedto twosupportbarsthatcan beadjusted to raiseor lowerthe handleheight Adjustif necessaryas follows 1 Removetheupperstarknobandcarriagescrewonthe rightside of the handleandthe leftside of the handle SeeFigure21 Donot operatemowerwithoutthe belt coverinstalled Failureto fol low thisinstructioncould resultin personalinjuryor propertydamage Figure21 2 Pivotthe handleforwardor...

Page 22: ...e mower slift assemblyfromthe reardeck supports 11 Usethe deckheightleverto raisethe liftassemblyto its highest position 12 Removethe woodenblocksfromunderthe deckandgentlyslide the cuttingdecktowardthe rearof the machine 13 Pullthe click pinout andunhookthe drivespringcablefromthe idlerarm assembly SeeFigure25 Figure25 14 Gentlyslidethecuttingdeckto theright outfrombeneath themower To installthe ...

Page 23: ... the bladesalongthe cuttingedges parallelto the trailingedge at a250 to 300angle Alwaysgrind eachcutting bladeedgeequallyto maintainproperbladebalance SeeFigure27 Ifthe cuttingedgeof the bladehas previouslybeensharpened or if any metalseparationis present replacethe bladeswithnewones A poorlybalancedbladewill causeexcessivevibration maydamage to the mowerand or resultin personalinjury Figure27 5 T...

Page 24: ...tery 2 Connecttheotherendof thecableto the positive postof the jumperbattery 3 Connectthesecondcable negative to the otherpostof the jumperbattery 4 Makethefinal connectionon the engineblockof the mower away fromthe battery Attachto an unpaintedpartto assurea good connection Ifthejumper batteryis installedona vehicle i e car truck do NOT start thevehicle senginewhenjump startingyourmower 5 Startth...

Page 25: ...tnot remove the nutandbolt whichsecureseach deckidlerpulley See Figure29 f CHANGING THE DECK TIMING BELT Severalcomponentsmustbe removed and specialtoolsusedin orderto changethe mowerdeck stimingbelt SeeyourSearsor otherqualifiedservicedealerto havethe decktimingbelt replaced CHANGING THE TRANSMISSION DRIVE BELT Severalcomponentsmustbe removed and specialtoolsusedinorder to changethe mower stransm...

Page 26: ...proximately 1oz 30 rnl of clean engineoil intothe cylinder Pullthe recoilstarterseveraltimesto distributetheoil and reinstallthe sparkplug 4 Cleanengineof surfacedebris PREPARING THE LAWN MOWER Whenstoringthe mowerinan unventilated or metalstorageshed careshouldbetakento rustproofthe non paintedsurfaces Using a lightoil or silicone coatthe equipment especiallyany springs bearings andcables Removea...

Page 27: ...mowingperformance 1 Dullblade s 1 2 Broken loose or wornbelt s 2 3 Blade s out of balance 3 1 Placethrottle chokecontrolleverinto chokeposition 2 Placethrottle chokeleverintofast position 3 Connectwiresto sparkplug 4 Clean adjustgap or replace 5 Filltankwithclean freshgasoline 6 Havefuel linecleanedby a Searsservicedealer 1 Movethrottle chokeleverout d chokeposition 2 Connectandtightensparkplugwir...

Page 28: ...Craftsman 33 inch Wide Cut Mower B Model No 247 889981 5O 5O 33 34 28 ...

Page 29: ...k 3 8 16 Click Pin 092 x 1 64 Handle Grip Belt Cover Snap Spacer 63 ID x 75 LG Deck Height Lever Washer Bell 340 x 872 x 060 Washer Flat 330 x 1 25 x 120 Washer Flat 760 ID x 1 50 OD Lube Fitting 3 16 Bolt Shoulder 625 x 2 515 x 3 8 16 29 m m 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5O 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6O 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 7O 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 8O 741 0660A 787 01496 4028 787 01510 0637 ...

Page 30: ...Craftsman 33 inch Wide Cut Mower Model No 247 889981 13 12 12 10 38 72 4 1 34 14 60 41 47 55 51 3O ...

Page 31: ...a Flat Sheave 7 75 Engine Pulley 3 20 x 4 35 Dia Idler Pulley 3 50 Dia Shift Rod Lower Shift Rod Upper Belt Keeper 38 39 4O 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 6O 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 787 01523A 918 04438C 918 04439C 631 04252 987 02420 687 02476 0691 710 0451 710 0514 710 0560 710 1260A 710 3184A 931 04244 712 0417A 912 0641 912 3017 732 04406 732 04452 7...

Page 32: ...Craftsman 33 inch Wide Cut Mower m Model No 247 88998 29A 67 29B 157 47 6A 8 26 15 35A 31 31A 13 MODELandSERIAL NUMBERS HERE 37 41 40 157 32 ...

Page 33: ...ID 062 32 TC 788083 OilSeal5 8 32A TC 792001 O Ring 823 OD 34 TC 780194 Bushing 563 35 TC 780193 FlangedBushing 625 ID 35A TC 780197 FlangedBushing 751 ID TC 790075 BrakeDisk 37 TC 790007 BrakePadPlate 38 TC 799021A BrakePad pkg of 2 39 TC 786026 DowelPin 3125 x 750 40 736 3078 Washer 312 ID 059 41 TC 790104 BrakeLever 42 TC 792177 Screw1 4 20x 1 3 8 43 912 0237 LockNut5 16 24 44 TC 790025 BrakePa...

Page 34: ...e Model No 219807 3712 G5 For Craftsman Mower Model No 247 889981 40SHORTB OOK I 10_0OPERATO_SMANUA I I132_EP AO_M_NT_I_I _3_0_E_I_U_ 11 850 307 _ 24 1044 D _ _ _ q _ 741 _ 200 691 616 404 0 842 i_ 524 0 614 _ 505 34 ...

Page 35: ...Craftsman Engine Model No 219807 3712 G5 For Craftsman Mower Model No 247 889981 635 _ 850 914 1022 238 o 1022 L 868 1034 870 830 1029 3s_ 51A _ j_ lO2O _ 415 s_ 617 186 51 53 35 ...

Page 36: ...Craftsman Engine Model No 219807 3712 G5 For Craftsman Mower Model No 247 889981 130_ U 95 8 987 _ lO6_ 51 1091 127 0 lO2 104 1127 24O 1266 964 36 ...

Page 37: ...Craftsman Engine Model No 219807 3712 G5 For Craftsman Mower Model No 247 889981 202 _ _ 209 _ 232 216 _ 222 188 883 3001 823 613A _ 81 613 1119 _ r z_ 635 J 334 _Y 37 ...

Page 38: ...Model No 219807 3712 G5 For Craftsman Mower Model No 247 889981 I 1036E MISSIONS LABEL I 1040 305 3O4 305A 305B 305C 445 415 968 1044 1005 23 __3 _Y h t_J _ Y V y I_ _h 78 _ F 37 _ J 510_1051 0 783 _h 513 801 802 310 38 ...

Page 39: ...n Mower Model No 247 889981 51 121 CARBURETOR OVERHAUL KiT 104 _ 51A _ 105 127 _ _ 95 _ 633 _ _o 617 0 987 r_ 3 k_ _4 358 ENGINE GASKET SET 12 _ _ _ _ __ 20 524 0 842 51 617 O 1022 691 868_ 51A _ 883 1266 _ 1266A 51 1095V ALVE GASKET SET 868_ 51A 1022 39 ...

Page 40: ...Muffler Screw 94 793610 Kit IdleMixture 4O Screw ThrottleValve 98 695408 Kit idleSpeed 104 694918 Pin FloatHinge 105 696136 Valve FloatNeedle 108 698773 Valve Choke 117 796079 Jet Main Standard 118 698788 Jet Main HighAltitude 121 796184 Kit Carburetor Overhaul 125 590399 Carburetor 127 690727 Plug Welch 130 698774 Valve Throttle 131 698776 Kit Throttle Shaft 133 694914 Float Carburetor 135 698780...

Page 41: ...rnor Shaft 697 791680 Screw DriveCap 718 690959 Pin Locating 729 691224 Clip Wire 741 697128 Gear Timing 783 693713 Gear Pinion 789 698329 Harness Wiring 801 691283 Cap Drive 41 Cap End 823 698941 Screw MufflerAdapter 830 691095 Stud Rocker Arm 842 691031 SeaI ORing DipstickTube 847 790442 Dipstick Tube Assembly 850 100106 Sealant Liquid 851 692424 Terminal Spark Plug 864 796002 Adapter Muffler 86...

Page 42: ...egulationsfor 2011 model year EVP Family BIVlTDPNHEQNCI 777D15612 777122815 777122814 777122809 1 insert Mulch Plug s front tab into slot on outside of deck 2 Pivot Mulch Plug inboard into discharge opening 3 Slide rearward until slot bottoms out against edge of discharge opening 4 Lower Discharge Chute to lock Mulch Plug in place 777X43688 42 ...

Page 43: ...43 ...

Page 44: ... workmanshipthatcausethe failureof a warrantedpart to be identicalin all materialrespectsto that part as describedin MTDConsumerGroup Inc sapplicationfor certification The warrantyperiodbeginsonthedate theoutdoorequipmentengineis deliveredto anultimatepurchaserorfirst placedintoservice The warrantyperiodis two years Subjectto certainconditionsand exclusionsasstated below the warrantyonemission rel...

Page 45: ...r warrantycoverage Further the coverageunderthis warrantyextendsonly to partsthat were presentonthe off roadengineand equipmentpurchased Thefollowingemissionwarrantypartsare covered if applicable 1 FuelMeteringSystem Cold start enrichmentsystem softchoke Carburetorand internalparts or fuel injectionsystem Fuelpump Fueltank 2 Air InductionSystem Air cleaner Intakemanifold 3 IgnitionSystem Sparkplug...

Page 46: ...ectsare judgedonnormalengineperformance The warrantyis notrelatedto an in use emissiontest Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowing arespecific provisions relative toyourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Itisinaddition totheSears engine warranty fornon regulated enginesfoundin theOperatingand Maintenance Instructions 1 WarrantedParts Coverageunderthis warrantyextend...

Page 47: ...hind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July ...

Page 48: ...tion phone support from a Sears representative Think of us as a talking owner s manual Once you purchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule service You can call anytime day or night or schedule a service appointment online The Repair Protection Agreement is a risk free purchase If you cancel for any reason during the product warranty period...

Page 49: ...mplazoo reparaci6nde neum_ticos o ruedascomoresultado del desgastenormal unaccidente o funcionamiento o mantenimiento incorrectos Reparacionesrequeridascomoresultado del abusodeloperador incluyendoperonolimitadoa da_oocasionadopor objetosque impactan la m_quinay quetuercenel bastidoro cig Je_al o debidoa queel motorfue aceleradoenexceso Reparaciones necesariasdebidoa negligenciadeloperador incluye...

Page 50: ... regulatesy parasolicitarrepuestos Estarn_ quina es unapiezade equipode precisi6n no unjuguete Portanto tengala maximaprecauci6n en todornornento Su unidadha sidodise_adapararealizarunatarea cortarel c_sped No la utilicecon ningOn ottoprop6sito No perrnitanuncaque losni_os rnenoresde 14a_osoperenesta rn_ quina Los ni_osde 14a_osy rn_ s debenleery cornprender las instrucciones contenidasenestemanua...

Page 51: ... cuerpoen el_ reade lacuchilla hastaqueest_seguroquelacuchillahadetenidosu rnovirniento rotatorio Nuncaoperela cortadorasin las guardasapropiadas cubiertade descarga guardapararecorte rnanijadecontroldela cuchilla y otrosdispositivosde seguridady protecci6nensu lugary funcionando Nuncaoperelacortadorasi los dispositivosde seguridadest_ nda_ados Si noIo hace estopuedetenetcorno resultadolesiones El...

Page 52: ...inflarnables podrianacurnularse en el_ rea Nuncasaquelatapadel gasni agreguecombustible rnientrasel motorest calienteo en rnarcha Dejequeel motorse enfriepor Io rnenosdos rninutosantesde volvera cargarcombustible Nuncarecargueel tanquedecombustible Lleneel tanqueno rn_ s de 1 pulgadapor debajodela basedelcuellode Ilenado paradejarespacioparala expansi6ndelcombustible Vuelvaa colocarlatapade la gas...

Page 53: ...horasdefuncionarniento AI finaiizar adda dtilmedia adquieraunarn_ quina nuevao hagainspeccionar anualrnente_staSearsporunou otrodis tribuidorde serviciosparacerciorarsedequetodoslos sisternas rnec_ nicos y de seguridadfuncionancorrectarnente y no tienen excesivodesgaste Si noIo hace puedenproducirseaccidentes lesionesornuerte NO MODIFIQUE EL MOTOR Paraevitarlesionesgraveso larnuerte nornodifiqueel...

Page 54: alrededor PELIGRO DE EL CORTE DE PIE Guarde manos y pies lejos de hacer girar partes PELIGRO ESCOMBROS LANZADOS Quite objetos que pueden ser lanzados pot la I_imina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve galas de seguridad PELIGRO CUESTAS Use extra la precauci6n en cuestas No siegue cuestas mayores que 15 o ADVERTENCIA DESPIDA Para reducir el riesgo de incendio mantenga la m_iquina limpia de pasto hojas ...

Page 55: ...Figura 2 4 Ajuste el pendientede calibre arriba o hacia abajo hasta los toques esquina izquierda el pendiente consultar Figura 1 and Figura 2 5 Si hay unespacio pot debajo de la pendiente de calibre el pendientees demasiado escarpa pot operaciCn segura consultar Figura 2 above Las pendientesson un factor importante relacionadocon un vuelco y renovaciCnde los accidentesque pueden provocar lesionesg...

Page 56: ...cornoPos El bornenegativode la bateriaest rnarcadocornoNeg Elcablepositivo grueso decolor rojo vienedef_ brica sujetoal bornepositivode labateria pormedicde unpernohexagonaly unatuercahexagonal Elcablenegativo grueso decolor negro puedevenirde f_ brica sujetoalbornenegativode labateria Si nose entregaunido proceda del siguienternodo 1 Retireelpernodel carroy latuercahexagonaldelcablepositivo cable...

Page 57: ...anteriorrnente 4 Ajustelas periNas en estrellasuperiorese inferioresy los tornillos delcarro paraasegurarla rnanijasuperiora la inferior Veala Figura4 5 Despu_sdearrnarla rnanija paraextraercon seguridadla unidaddel p_ let saqueprirnerolos torniNos quefijan la cortadora alcaj6n Colocaci6n de la palanca de cambios 1 Extraigael torniNo y latuercade seguridadque sujetanlapalanca Figure6 4 Asegurelapa...

Page 58: ...rniento paraobtener detalles Bujia de encendido Consultela secci6nde Mantenirniento paraobtenerinstrucciones sobreel reernplazo de bujias Tap6n de aceite varilla de medici6n del nivel de aceite Consultela secci6nde Mantenirniento paraobtenerinstrucciones sobrec6rnoverificarel aceite CONTROLES DEL CORTADORA Consultela Figura7 paraver la ubicaci6nde loscontrolesdel motor PALANCA DE CONTROL DEL REGUL...

Page 59: ...stecontrol aprieteel controldela transmisi6n contra laempu_aduradela barrade control Para detenerlatransmisi6n suelteel controlde la transmisi6n IMPORTANTE Sueltesiempreel control de latransmisi6nantesde cambiarlas velocidades f Sueltesiempreel controlde latransmisi6nantesde cambiarde velocidad DeIo contrariopuedeocasionargravesdaSosa la transmisi6n PALANCA DE CAiVlBIO DE VELOCIDADES Useestapalanc...

Page 60: ...rniento de la cortadora Unavezqueel motorha arrancado el monitorrnuestra continuarnente un relojdearenay las horasdefuncionarniento de la cortadoraenla pantalla Veala Figura10 NOTA Lashorasde funcionarniento de lacortadorase registran cada vezque laIlavede encendidose rotafueradela posici6nSTOP detener independienternente dequese hayaarrancadoelmotor Elmonitorindicador tarnbi_nle recuerdaal operad...

Page 61: ...ia del motor Decombustibledebecumplirestosrequisitos Limpia fresca lagasolinasin plomo Un minimode 87octane 87AKI 91RON FJgura11 La gasolina con hasta un 10 de etanol gasohol es aceptable Echegasolina en un a reabien ventiiaday con ei motor parado Siel motor haestado funcionando deje que se enfrie primero No eche gasolina a la ma quinaen ei interior de unedificio donde los vapores de la gasolina u...

Page 62: ...ocidadesde avance Seleccioneunavelocidadadecuada alas condicionesy con lacual se sientac6rnodo b Oprirnaelcontrolde la transrnisi6n c Oprirnalentarnente el controldela transrnisi6n contrala rnanijade laernpuSadura y la cortadorase mover Su_ltelo y se detendr_ elrnovirniento dela transrnisi6n ParaconducirhaciaATRAS a Verifiquequeel_ readetr_ ssuyoest despejada b Coloquelapalancade carnbiosen rnarch...

Page 63: ...a Controlesiernprelacorreadesincronizaci6n de lacuchilla cornose indicaenla secci6nMantenirniento deestemanual Repare el da_oantesdeencenderla y hacerfuncionar la cortadora ABONO Lascortadorasde cespedanchasSearsvienenequipadascon unkit paraabonoqueincorporacuchillasespeciales quevienendeserieen su cortadora pararecircularlos recortesdec_spedrepetidasveces pordebajode la plataforrna decorte Losrec...

Page 64: ...rea demantenimientoen lacortadora RECOMENDACIONES GENERALES Respetesiernprelas reglasde seguridadcuandorealice cualquiertareadernantenirniento enlacortadora Lagaranfiadeestacortadoranocubreelernentos que han estadosujetosal rnalusoo la negligenciadeloperador Para recibirel reernbolso totalde lagaranfia el operadordeber_ dar rnantenirniento a la podadoracornose indicaenestemanual Elcarnbiode la vel...

Page 65: ...lenadode aceite lavarillade niveldeaceite deltubo deIlenado Varilla tap6n del aceite J J _ Figura14 6 Insertela rnanguera de drenajede aceite ernbaladaconeste manual dentrodel orificiodedrenajede aceite Coloqueel extrernoopuestode la rnanguera enun recipientede recolecci6n de aceiteadecuadoconcapacidadparaporIornenos2 5 cuartos de gal6n 2 4Ntros pararecogerelaceiteusado 7 Aprietelas leng Jetas de ...

Page 66: ...VO rojo Cuandovuelvaa instalarla bateria conectesiempreprimero el cablePOSlTIVO rojo a suborne y a continuaci6nel cable NEGATIVO negro AsegQrese de queloscablesest_nconectados a los terminalescorrectos ya quesi los inviertepuedecausarda_os gravesal sistemaalternadordelmotor PRESION DE LOS NEUiVlATICOS Lapresi6nm_ xima delos neum_ ticos encualquiercircunstanciaes de 30psi Sedebe mantenerunapresi6nu...

Page 67: ...ospor Io rnenosparaperrnitirque se sequetotalrnentela parteinferiorde la rnisrna LUBRICACI6N Antesde lubricar repararo inspeccionar desconectela potenciade arranque PTO coloqueel frenode rnano apagueel motory retire la Nave paraevitarel encendidoaccidentaldel motor Puntos de pivote y varillaje Lubriquetodoslos puntosde pivotedelsisternadetransrnisi6ny el variNaje de elevaci6nconaceiteNgero porIo r...

Page 68: ...ataforma Nohagafuncionarla m_ quina si lacorreade sincronizaci6n noest correctamente colocada Si no seobservanestasinstruccionesse puedenproducirlesionespersonaleso da_osmateriales AJUSTES Apagueel motory retirela Ilavedeencendidoantesde realizar ajustes Altura de la manija Lamanijasuperiorest sujetaa dos barrasde apoyoquese pueden ajustarparasubiro bajarlaalturade la manija Deser necesario realic...

Page 69: ...descansarsobrelos tacosde madera 5 Extraigaeltornilloy latuercade bridaquesujetala varilladel guardacorrea al ladoizquierdodel bastidordela cortadora Vea la Figura23 Figure23 Extraigala variNa delguardacorrea y extraigalacorreade laplataformaqueest alrededorde la polleadel motordela cortadora Mirelaplataformade cortedesdeel ladoizquierdoy saquecon cuidadolos pasadoreshorquiNa quesujetanlos soporte...

Page 70: ...taforrna dedebajode la cortadora consultela Extracci6nde laplataforrna de estasecci6n luegovolteecon delicadezala plataforrna paradejaral descubiertosu parte inferior 2 Coloqueuntacode rnaderaentreel deflectordelalojarniento centralde laplataforrna y lacuchillade corte paraqueactQe cornoestabilizador Veala Figura26 3 Extraigala tuercadebridahexagonalqueaseguralacuchillaal rnontajedel husillo Veala...

Page 71: ...osenel sistema reproductivo Laveselasmanosdespu_s de estarencontacto con estoscomponentes Si poralgunaraz6nextraelabateria desconecte primeroelcable NEGATIVO negro de suborney a continuaci6n el cablePOSITIVO rojo Cuandovuelvaainstalar la bateria conectesiempre primeroel cablePOSITIVO rojo a su borne y a continuaci6n el cableNEGA TIVO negro Arranque con pinzas para bateria Nunca arranque con pinzas...

Page 72: ...rnanera 1 Extraigala plataforrna decortede lacortadoracornoseha indicadoantesen estasecci6n Evitelas lesionesporcornpresi6n AI extractlacorrea nocoloque nuncalosdedosen el resorteinterrnedio o entrela correay una polea 4 Afioje perono saque latuercay el pernoquefijancada polea Iocadela plataforrna Veala Figura29 Polea Ioca de la J Figure29 5 Retirelacorreadealrededorde todaslas poleas 6 Coloquelac...

Page 73: ...ala bujfade encendidoy viertaenel cilindro aproxirnadarnente 1onza 30 rnl de aceiteparamotorlirnpio Tirevariasvecesdel arrancadorde retrocesoparadistribuirel aceitey reinstalela bujfa PREPARACI6N DE LA CORTADORA DE CO SPED Cuandoalrnacenela cortadorade c_spedenun galp6nrnet_ lico tengaespecialcuidadode realizarleun tratarniento antioxidante a las superficiesnopintadas Cubraelequipoconunacapade ace...

Page 74: ... encendidoest sucia 2 Elfiltrode aireest sucio 1 Lascuchillasde corteest_ n fiojaso desbalanceadas 2 Lacuchillade corteest da_ada desafilada odoblada 3 Herrajesfiojos 6 Pidaa un distribuidor de servicioSearsque lelimpie lalineade combustible El motorvacilaa altas 1 revoluciones El motorfuncionarealen 1 Extraigala bujiay regulela separaci6n marchalenta 2 Reemplaceelcartuchodelfiltrodeaire Demasiada...

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