Craftsman 247.889330 Operator'S Manual Download Page 64

Summary of Contents for 247.889330

Page 1: ... 889330 CAUTION Before using this product read this manual and follow aim safety fumes and operating o SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LISTS ESPANOL R 40 Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our web site www craftsman com FORMNO 769 02963 1 15 2007 ...

Page 2: ...000professionalrepairspecialists Unlimitedserviceand nochargefor partsand laboronall covered repairs Productreplacementif yourcoveredproductcan t befixed Discountof 10 fromregularpriceof serviceandservice related partsnotcoveredby theagreement also 10 off regularpriceof preventivemaintenancecheck Fasthelpby phone phonesupportfroma Searstechnicianon productsrequiringin home repair plusconvenientrep...

Page 3: old and overshouldreadand understandthe instruc tionsinthis manualand shouldbetrainedand supervisedby a parent Only responsibleindividualswho are familiarwiththese rulesof safe operationshould beallowedto usethis machine o Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to beused Remove allstones sticks wire bones toys andotherforeignobjectswhichcould betrippedover or pickedupand thrownby the bla...

Page 4: ...ispensernozzle o Keepthe nozzleincontactwith the rimof the fueltankor container openingat alltimesuntil fueling is complete Donot usea nozzle lock opendevice o Extinguishallcigarettes cigars pipesandothersources of ignition o Neverfuel machineindoorsbecauseflammablevaporswillaccumulate inthe area o Neverremovegascapor addfuelwhile engineis hotor running Allowengineto cool at leasttwo minutesbefore...

Page 5: ...o 8_ E 0 S 0_ 0 E T_ s o O9 cd 09 cd g_ Sight and how this levelwith a vertical tree 15 ...

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Page 7: and followall instructionsin this manual before attempting to operate this machine Failureto comply with these instructionsmay result in personal injury When you see this symbol HEEDITS WARNING Your ResponsibiJity Restrictthe use of this power machineto personswho read understand and followthe warningsand instruc tions in this manualand on the machine 7 ...

Page 8: ...itto pallet Leaveuniton pallet duringassembly to safelyremoveunitfrompallet waituntilyou haveassembledthe handle 2 Removeany protectivepackagingandplastictie straps REMOVING THE CHUTE HOLDER The chuteholdermustbe removed and discardedbeforeoperating the mower 1 Locatethe chuteholderwhichsecuresthe dischargechutein a verticalposition Figure1 2 Pullchutebacktowardsthe engine Whileholdingthe chutewit...

Page 9: ...rto the plateusingthe twoscrewsandtwo nuts removedearlier Figure5 FINAL ADJUSTMENTS Rear Tire Pressure Neverexceedthe maximuminflationpressureshownonthe sidewall of tire The recommended operatingreartire pressureis approximately 20 psi forthe reartires Checkthe tire pressureperiodicallyandmaintain equalpressurein bothreartiresat alltimes IMPORTANT Referto the tire sidewallfor exacttire manufacture...

Page 10: ...ngawayfromany movingpartson engine and lawnmower THROTTLE CHOKE CONTROL LEVER IMPORTANT When operatingthe mowerwiththe cuttingdeckengaged becertainthatthe throttle chokecontrolleveris alwaysinthe fast position Thisleveris usedto adiustenginespeeds to apply the enginechoke andto stopthe engine Always runengineat fast speedsettingfor bestmower performance Choke Usewhenstartinga coldengine Fast Usedu...

Page 11: ...the moweris not inuse Toavoiddamagingthe transmission donot shiftgears whenthe moweris moving Releasedrivecontrolbeforeshiftinggears ENGmNE CONTROLS Referto Figure7 for locationsof the enginecontrols Recoil Starter The recoilstarter is usedto pull start the engine Oil Drain Vamve Usethe oildrainvalveto drainoilfromthe engine Referto the Maintenancesectionfor instructions Air Cleaner Handme The air...

Page 12: ...yventilatedareas Engineexhaust containscarbonmonoxide anodorbss anddeadlygas Keephands I feet hair andlooseclothingawayfromanymovingparts Oil Fill IMPORTANT The moweris shippedwithmotoroil inthe engine however you MUSTcheckthe oil levelbeforeoperating Oil shouldbe changedonce afterthefirst twohoursof operationandevery25hours of operationthereafter Usethegradeof engineoil specifiedinthe Maintenance...

Page 13: control STOPPING THE MOWER 1 Releasebladeanddrivecontrolto stopwheelsanddeck blades 2 Movethrottle chokecontrolleverdownto slow turtb position Wheneverpossible graduallyreduceenginespeed beforestoppingengine 3 Movethrottle chokecontrolbver allthe waydownto stop position 4 Disconnectsparkplugwirefromsparkplugandgroundagainst the engine MOVmNG THE MOWER WITHOUT ENGmNE POWER The mowercan be man...

Page 14: ...rushing andwashingwitha commercialsolvent Removeandinspectthe sparkplug Checkgapto makesure it is setat 030 SeeFigure9 Replacethe sparkplugif electrodesarepitted burned or the porcelainis cracked Porcelain Servicing the Air Cleaner If filters or coversarenotinstalledcorrectlyseriousiniuryordeath could resultfrombackfire Do not attemptto startthe enginewith themremoved Do not usepressurizedairor so...

Page 15: ...tof the engine 6 Afterthe oil hasfinisheddraining pushthe oil drainvalvebackin rotateit clockwiseto lockthe valveclosed removethe hose and re capthe endof the oildrainvalveto keepdebrisfromentering the drainport 7 Refillthe enginewith newmotoroil untilthe oil levelonthe dipstickreadsFULL Replacethe oil fill cap dipstick 8 Pivotthe right handlebracetubebackinto position Alignthe middleholeinthe bra...

Page 16: ...pmoving anddisconnect sparkplugwire 2 Releaseall mowercontrols 3 Removebelt coveras instructedunder Removing the BeltCover 4 Usethe deckheightleverto movethe cuttingdeckto its highestposition 5 Placesmallwoodenblocksunderthe deck 6 Usethe deckheightleverto lowerthe deckso thatit restsupon the woodenblocks 7 Lookingat thecuttingdeckfromthe leftside of the mower locate the hairpinclip thatsecuresthe...

Page 17: ...donthe machineshouldbewipedoff promptly Do not allowdebristo accumulate aroundanycomponentsonthe mower Cmeaning the Engine Enginepartsshouldbe keptcleanto reducethe riskof overheating andignitionof debris Thisis especiallyimportantif cuttingtall grass Cleaning the Cutting Deck Deck WashSystemTM Usethe DeckWashSystem TM to rinsegrassclippingsfromthe under sideof thedeckandto preventthe buildupof co...

Page 18: ...esat alltimes IMPORTANT Referto the tiresidewallfor exacttire manufacturer s recommended or maximumpsi Do notoverinflate Uneventire pres surecouldcausethecuttingdeckto mowunevenly REPLACmNG THE TRAIUNG SHIELD 1 Bend bow thetrailingshieldinwardoneachside to releasetabs fromthe holesinthe mowerframe Figure19 2 Replacewith newtrailingshieldby bendingthe shieldto allow eachtab to fit intoholes inmower...

Page 19: ...igure20 3 Removethe hexflangenutthat securesthebladeto the spindle assembly Figure20 Bmade Sharpening IMPORTANT Ifany metalseparationis present replacethe blades withnewones 1 Toproperlysharpenthe cutting blades removeequalamounts of metalfrombothends of the bladesalongthe cuttingedges parallelto the trailingedge at a 25 to 30 angle Figure21 a It is importantthateachcuttingbladeedgebeground equall...

Page 20: ...s attachedto the undersideof the mowerframe Figure22 5 Loosenthe idlerpulley B by looseningbolt andnut Figure22 6 Removebelt C fromaroundpulleys Figure22 7 Routenew beltaroundthe pulleysmakingsure to tightennuts bolts andbelt keeper 8 Replacethe belt cover Replacing the Deck Engagement Belt 1 Stopengine waitfor allpartsto stopmoving anddisconnect sparkplugwire 2 Releaseall mowercontrols 3 Removebe...

Page 21: ...belt D from spindle assemblies Figure 25 Installing the Timing Belt 8 Before installing areplacement timing belt the marks oneach spindle assembly must bepositioned insuch away astoensure the blades areperpendicular toeach other Figure 27 a Turn the spacer spindle assembly E sothat the arrow punched onthe spindle isfacing the front ofthe mower Figure 25 b Turn the drive spindle assembly F sothat t...

Page 22: ...ars Service Center or to schedule service simply contact Sears at loS00o4oMYoHOME EachUse 1st2 hours 25 hours 50 hours Annuallyor 100hours BeforeStorage 1 Mowerblades 2 Looseor missinghardware 3 Belts 4 Engineoil level 5 Controls 6 Mulchplug if fitted 1 Engineoil 1 Engineoil 2 Aircleaner 3 Mowerblades 4 Controllinkagesand pivots 1 FrontWheeIBearings 1 Sparkplug 2 RearWheels 1 Fuelsystem 1 As requi...

Page 23: ...proximately 1oz 30 ml of clean engineoil intothe cylinder Pullthe recoilstarterseveraltimesto distributetheoil and reinstallthe sparkplug 4 Cleanengineof surfacedebris PREPARING THE LAWN MOWER Whenstoringthe mowerinan unventilated or metalstorageshed careshouldbetakento rustproofthe non paintedsurfaces Using a lightoil orsilicone coatthe equipment especiallyany springs bearings andcanes Removeall ...

Page 24: ...luggapsettoo close 1 Engineidles poorly 1 Fouledsparkplug 1 2 Dirtyair cleaner 2 Excessivevibration 1 Cuttingbladeslooseor unbalanced 1 2 Damaged dull or bentcutting blade 2 3 Loosehardware 3 Unitfailsto propelitself 1 Drivebelt looseordamaged 1 Poormowingperformance 1 Dullblade s 1 2 Broken loose orworn belt s 2 3 Blade s out of balance 3 Placethrottle chokecontrolleverintochokeposition Placethro...

Page 25: ...25 ...

Page 26: ...33 inch Wide Cut Mower Modem No 247 889330 26 ...

Page 27: ...terWheelBracketAssembly DeckLift Assembly RR DeckLift Assembly Front Screw HHCap 5 16 24x 750 29 710 04187 Screw HL 1 4 15x 50 30 710 04312 Screw HHCap 5 16 18x 50 31 712 04065 Nut FlangeLock 3 8 16 32 714 0145 Click Pin 092 x 1 64 33 720 0311 HandleGrip1 2 34 731 05684 BeltCover33 WideCut Mower 35 731 05791 SnapSpacer 63 IDx 75 LG 36 732 04418 DeckHeightLever 37 736 0242 Washer Bell 340 x 872 x 0...

Page 28: ...33 inch Wide Cut Mower Modem No 247 889330 J 28 ...

Page 29: ... 75 33 756 04260 EnginePulley3 20 x 4 35 Dia 34 756 04280 IdlerPulley3 50 Dia 35 787 01469 ShiftRod Lower 36 787 01470 ShiftRod Upper 37 787 01473 BeltKeeper 38 787 01523 WheelDriveidlerBracket 39 818 04438 DriveSpindleAssembly 40 818 04439 SpacerSpindleAssembly 41 931 04011 MulchPlug 42 687 02251 IdlerArmAssembly 43 887 02254 DeckAssembly33 inch 44 710 0451 Bolt Carriage 5 16 18x 75 45 710 0514 S...

Page 30: ...Stratton 10 5 H P Engine 215702 0466 E1 2_ 27 38 883 24 741 1095 VALVE GASKET SET 868 _ 1022 358 ENGINE GASKET SET 12 20_ 6170 51 691 _ 8420 524 1022 1266 lO_11_ 584_ 9_ 1264 1 868 1266A _ 15 e 22_ 3O 5240 2oO ...

Page 31: ...1 sl 883 1O22 1034 _3_ 1022 914 1023 37A _ 1070 78A _ 1005 363 455_ 238 35 6170 11036 EMISSIONS LABEL 13J 4_ _ 3_ S 54_b 654 53 305A 643 445 968 1044_ 1058 OPERATOR S MANUAL I 1330 REPAIR MANUALI I 46SHORT BLOCK I 11329 REPLACEMENT ENGINE I sos 31 ...

Page 32: ...Briggs Stratton 10 5 H P Engine 215702 0466 E1 240 105 127 o 1127 o 823 613A _b 883 81 51 95 104 _ 121 CARBURETOR OVERHAUL KIT 987 6170 1266_ 634 _ 1266A O 977 CARBURETOR GASKET SET 32 ...

Page 33: ...Briggs Stratton 10 5 H P Engine 215702 0466 E1 356 57 58 4s9 _ 689 _ _ 456 _ 597 o o _ 614_ _l 621 _ 1266_ 267 507_ 520 359 373 334 _ 1266A 33 ...

Page 34: ...ousing Rewind Starter Pulley Starter Spring Rewind Starter Rope Starter Grip StarterRope Screw RewindStarter Screw FlywheelGuard 78A 81 94 95 98 104 105 108 117 118 121 125 127 130 131 133 135 137 141 146 187 188 192 202 209 216 222 227 232 238 240 265 267 300 304 305 305A 306 307 333 334 337 356 358 363 373 34 BS 690364 BS 691178 BS 695425 BS 690718 BS 695408 BS 694918 BS 696136 BS 698773 BS 6998...

Page 35: ...3 BS 698941 Screw MufflerAdapter 830 BS 691095 Stud RockerArm 842 BS 691031 Seal ORing DipstickTube 847 BS 790442 Dipstick Tube Assembly 851 BS 692424 Terminal Spark Plug 864 BS 697346 Adapter Muffler 868 BS 690968 Seal Valve 883 BS 692236 Gasket Exhaust 914 BS 691108 Screw RockerCover 968 BS 697420 Cover_Air Cleaner 975 BS 698783 Bowl Float 977 BS 790032 Set Carburetor Gasket 987 BS 698777 Seal T...

Page 36: ...Transmission EP 17488 35A 157 8 70 6A 29B 67 47 3 13 31A 15 MODEL and SERIAL NUMBERS HERE 18 4 _17 26 13 36 29B 56 57 58 59 63 31A 52 64 64 63 65 34 29 35 36 ...

Page 37: ... 792001 0 Ring 823 OD 1 34 TC 780194 Bushing 563 2 35 TC 780193 FlangedBushing 625 ID 2 35A TC 780197 FlangedBushing 751 ID 2 36 TC 790075 BrakeDisk 1 37 TC 790007 BrakePadPlate 1 38 TC 799021A BrakePad pkg of 2 2 39 TC_786026 DowelPin 3125 x 750 2 40 TC 792076A Washer 312 ID 059 1 41 TC 790104 BrakeLever 1 42 TC 792177 Screw1 4 20x 1 3 8 1 43 TC 792075 LockNut5 16 24 1 44 TC 790025 BrakePadHolder...

Page 38: ...dto anin use ora part hasfaileddueto abuse neglect impropermaintenance or unap emissiontest Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowingare specificprovisionsrelativeto your EmissionControlDefectsWarrantyCoverage It is in additionto theSearsenginewarrantyfor non regulated enginesfoundin theOperatingandMaintenanceInstructions 1 WarrantedParts 3 NoCharge Coverageunderthis warranty...

Page 39: ...ple a typical walk behind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air Index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissi...

Page 40: ...pertoprestadopernuestros12 000especialistasen reparaciones profesionabs Servicioilimitadosincargo paralas piezasy la manode obraen todaslasreparaciones cubiertas Reemplazodelproductosi noes posibb repararel producto cubierto Descuentode10 sobreelprecionormaldelservieioy de las piezasrelacionadas con el mismoqueno estencubiertaspor el aeuerdo adem_s 10 de descuentosobreel precionormalde la verifiea...

Page 41: ...minuciosamente el Areaderidese utilizaraelequipo Retiretodas laspiedras palos Ilantas huesos juguetesy otros objetosextraRos que podr anhacertropezary caero ser recogidos y arrojadospor laacci6n delascuchillas Losobjetosarrojadospor lamAquinapuedenproducir lesionesgraves Planifiqueelpatr6ndecortedel cespedque hadeseguir paraevitarla descargadematerialhacialoscaminos lasveredas los observadores etc...

Page 42: ...apa dela gasolinaniagreguecombustiblemientras el motorestacalienteo enmarcha Permitaqueel motorse enfr epor Io menosdosminutosantesdevolvera cargarcombustible o NuncaIleneenexcesoel depositodecombustible Lleneel tanquea no masde_Jz pulgadapordebajodela basedel cuellodel tap6ndecarga parapermitirla expansi6ndel combustible o Vuelvaa colocarlatapa delagasolinayajOstelabien o Limpiela gasolinaquese p...

Page 43: ... c_ E CI T25 _ d _ 2 2x _N 2D _ AHnee y sostengaeste nJvelcon un _rbol vertical a_ to iarg Odo ia _ o la esquinade unaconstrucci6n rhea PUntea j _ _ o el poste de _ _ _ _ unacerca E 5E el _ _25 CI _ o _ o 09 _ N _N _ _d _J _ C__ _ o3 _J _25 E ...

Page 44: ...daslas nstrucc ones enestemanualantesde n c arlaoperac 6ndeestamAqu na En casodeno segu restas nstrucc ones podriaprovocarles ones personales Cuandovea estes mbolo StGALAADVERTENCIA Suresponsab l dad S61o perm taqueusenesta mAqu na electr ca las personasquelean comprendany respetenlasadvertenc as y las nstrucc ones queaparecenen estemanualyen la mAqu na 44 ...

Page 45: ...lastiras s las hay queaseguranla un dadalpb_let Deje la unidadsobreelp_iletduranteel montaje pararetirarlaunidad delpAletsin r esgos esperehastahabermontadolaman ja 2 Retiretodo elembalajeprotectory las tiraspl_isticas de uni Esnecesarioquitary desecharel soporte del canalantesdeoperarla cortadora dec6sped f f F gura1 _ F gura2 RETIRO OEL SOPORTE OEL CANAL 1 Ub queel soportedel canalque sostieneel...

Page 46: ...s tuercasextraidasanteriormente Figura5 AJUSTES FINALES Presidn de los neumaticos traseros Nuncaexceda la presi6nmaximade infladoque se indicaen loslateralesd6 los neumaticos Lapresi6noperatk a recomendada paralos neum ticos traseroses deaproximadamente 20 p s i Verifiquela presi6nde los neum_ticos regularmente y mantengasiemprela mismapresi6nen ambos neum_ticos traseros IMPORTANTE Consultelos lat...

Page 47: ...afuncionarel motorsiempre a altavelocidadparaobtenermeioresresultados decorte Cebador Ufiliceloparaarrancarunmotorfifo R_pido Utiliceloduranteelfuncionamiento de la cortadora Lento Utilicelodurantela marchalenta Parar Detieneel motor AsegOrese que ningunapersonaaparte del operadorpermanezcacerca de la podadoramientrasarrancael motoru opera la misma Nuncaencienda un motorenespacioscerradoso en unaz...

Page 48: ...i6nde reversa R Neutral Pongalapalancaen neutral N antesde arrancarla cortadora para empuiadamanualmente y cuandolacortadoranoest_en uso Paraevitardafiar latransmisbn nocambie develocidadcuandola cortadoraestaen movimiento Sueltela manijade controlde latransmision antesde cambiardevelocidad Miredetras dela cortadoraantesy duranteel funcionamientomarchaatras Detengalas cuchillasde lacortadoraantesd...

Page 49: ...ednoser_ usadadurantelos sigubntes30 diaso m_s AImacenelagasolinaen unrecipbnte limp oy mantengael recipientebientapado Consultelas nstrucciones de ALMACENAMIENTO s desea nformaci6n adbionaL Uenado de aceite I _tPORTANTE La cortadorade cespedse entregacon aceiteen el motor noobstante ustedDEBEverificarel nivelde aceiteantesde operarla Elaceitedebecambiarsedespuesde las primerasdos horas de operaci...

Page 50: ...CORTADORA DE CE_SPED 1 Suelteelcontrolde las cuchillasy latransmisi6nparadetenerlas ruedasy las cuchillasde plataforma 2 Muevalapalancadecontroldel reguladodcebador haciaabaio a laposici6nlenta tortuga _ Siemprequesea posible reduzcagradualmente la velocidaddel motorantesde detenerlo 3 Muevalapalancadecontroldel regulador cebador totalmente haciaabajoa la posici6nStop_ detenci6n 4 Desconecteel cab...

Page 51: ...onela bujia Verifiquelaseparaci6npara asegurarse de queestafijadaen0 030 Veala Figura9 3 Cambb labuiiasi losebctrodos est_npicados quemadoso la porcelanaestb rota f_ Ebctrodo Porcelana _ _ Separaci6n de 0 030pulg 0 76mm Figura9 Mantenimiento dem fimtro de aire Si se instalanincorrectamente losfiltroso las cubbrtas se pueden producirlesionesgraveso la muertede las explosionesdel carburador Nointent...

Page 52: ...lvaa presionarlavAIvulade drena edeaceitehaciaadentro r6telaen sentidode lasaguiasdel relojparacerrary bloquearlavAIvula retirela mangueray vuelvaa tapar elextremode la vAIvulade drenaiedeaceiteparaevitarque ingresenresiduosal orificiode drenaje 7 Vuelvaa Ilenarel motorcon aceitede motornuevohastaqueel niveldelaceiteenla varillade medici6nIleguea FULL Ibno Vuelvaa colocarel tap6ndeIlenadode aceite...

Page 53: ...2 Sueltetodosloscontrolesde la cortadorade cesped 3 Saquelacubiertade lacorreacomosedetallaen Extracci6nde la cubiertade lacorrea 4 Usela palancade alturade laplataformaparamoverla plataformadecortea su posici6nm_ s elevada 5 Coloquetacosdemaderadebajodela plataforma 6 Usela palancade alturade laplataformaparabaiarlaplataforma y hacerladescansarsobrelostacos demadera 7 Mire laplataformade cortedes...

Page 54: ...nresiduosalrededorde n ngOn componentedela cortadora Limpieza deJ motor Las partesdel motorsedebenmantenerlimp asparareduc rel riesgodesobrecalentamiento y combusti6nde losresiduos Es part cularmente mportante cuandose cortacespedalto Limpieza de Ja pJataforma de corte Deck WashSystemTM Ufil ceels stemaDeckWashSystem TM S stemade lavadode la plataforma paralavarlaparte inferiorde laplataformay qui...

Page 55: ...Consultelos lateralesde las ruedasparaconocercon exactitudla presi6nmb ximaenpsi recomendada porel fabricante No infle losneum_ticosenexceso Lapresi6ndeneum ticos desigual podriahacerque laplataformacorteel c6spedenformadespareia f J Figura19 J REEMPLAZO DEL ESCUDO POSTERIOR 1 Dobleelescudoposteriorhaciaadentroa cada ladoparaliberar las leng etasde losaguierosen elbastidorde lacortadora Figura19 2...

Page 56: ...alatuercade bridahexagonalqueaseguralacuchillaal montaiedel husillo Figura20 Afilado de cuchiJJas JMPORTANTE Siexisteunaseparaci6nde metal reemplacelas cuchillasporotrasnuevas 1 Paraafilar lascuchillasde cortedeformaadecuada extraiga cantidadesigualesde metaldeambosextremosdelas cuchillas a Io largode los bordescortantes deformaparalelaal bordede caida a un_ngulode25 a 30 Figura21 a Es importanteq...

Page 57: ...e lacortadoradec6sped 3 Retirela cubiertadela correacomose ha indicadoantesen esta secci6n 4 Aflojeel guardacorrea A ElguardacorreaestAsujetoa la parte inferiordel bastidorde la cortadora Figura22 5 Afloiela poleaIoca B afloiandoel pernoy la tuerca Figura22 6 Extraigalacorrea C de alrededorde las poleas Figura22 7 Pasela nuevacorreaalrededorde las poleasasegurAndose de aiustarlas tuercas pernos y ...

Page 58: ... Gireel montajedel brazosecundario C y extraigalacorrea D delos montaiesde husillo Figura25 Instalaci6nde lacorreadesincronizaci6n 8 Antesde instalarunacorreade sincronizaci6n derepuesto se debeasegurardeubicarlas marcasdecada montaiede husillo detal maneraquelascuchillasquedenperpendiculares entresi Figura27 a Gireel montaiedel husilloseparador E paraquela fiecha estampadaen elhusillomire haciael...

Page 59: ...uoso con Soars a te _fono 1 800 4 MY HOME Cadauso 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 Cuchillasdela cortadora Piezassueltaso faltantes Correas Nivelde aceitedel motor ControIes CIavijadeabono si est_ instaIada Aceitede motor Aceitedelmotor Filtrode aire Cuchillasdela cortadora Varillaiesy pivotesdecontrol Rodamientos de asruedas deIanteras Buiiadeencendido Ruedastraseras Sistemadecombustible 6 lras 2 horas 1 1 ...

Page 60: ...raigalabuiia deencendidoy viertaenel cilindro aproximadamente 1 onza 30 ml de aceiteparamotorlimpio Tirevariasvecesdel arrancadorde retrocesoparadistribuirel aceitey reinstalela buiia 4 Limpieel motorde desechossuperficiales PREPARACI6N DE LA CORTADORA DE CESPED Cuandoalmacenela cortadorade c6speden ungalp6nmetb lico tengaespecialcuidadode realizarleun tratamiento antioxidante alas superficiesnopi...

Page 61: ...ici6nr ido 3 Conectelos cablesa labuiia 4 Limpie aiustelaseparaci6n o cambb labuih 5 Lleneel tanquecon gasolinalimpiay fresca El motorvacilaa altas revoluciones El motorfuncionamalen Extraigala buiiay regub la separaci6n marchalenta Reemplaceel cartuchodelfiltrodeaire Demasiadavibraci6n Aprietela cuchillay el husillo Balanceelacuchilla 1 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 Laseparac 6nde losebctrodos de labuiia es ...

Page 62: defectos Los defectossejuzgan deacuerdoconelfuncionamientonormalde unmotor La garantianoestarelacionadaconunapruebade emisionesenuso Disposiciones de magarantia Sears para defectos en el control de emisiones Lassiguientessondisposiciones espedficas relacionadas conla coberturade la garantiaparadefectosenel controldeemisiones Esunafiadidoa lagarantiade motorSearsparamotoresnoreguladosque seencue...

Page 63: ...o Pot Io tanto el Pedodo de Duraci_Sn de Emisiones de un motor con una clasificac 6n intermedia seria equivalente a entre 10y 12 a_os Lacmasificaci6n de aire es un nQmero calculado para describir el nivel relativo de emisiones para un grupo de motores en particular Cuanto menor sea la c asificaci6n de aire mayor es la limpieza del motor La informaci6n se presenta de forma gr fica en la etiqueta de...

Page 64: ...tems like vacuums lawn equipment and electronics call or go on line for the location of your nearest Sears Parts Repair Service Center 1 800 488 1222 U S A 1 800 469 4663 Canada Call anytime day or night www sears com www sears ca To purchase a protection agreement on a product serviced by Sears 1 800 827 6655 U S A 1 800 361 6665 Canada Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n Au Canada pour service en ...
