Craftsman 247.887821 Operator'S Manual Download Page 60

Summary of Contents for 247.887821

Page 1: ... using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST ESPANOL Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FormNo 769 07096C JuLy 9 2013 ...

Page 2: ...alwear accident orimproper operation ormaintenance Repairs necessary because ofoperator abuse including butnot limitedto damage caused byover speeding theengine orfromimpacting objects that bendtheframe auger shaft etc Repairs necessary because ofoperator negligence including butnot limitedto electrical andmechanical damage caused byimproper storage failureto usethepropergrade andamountofengine oi...

Page 3: ... beused Remove all doormats newspapers sleds boards wiresandotherforeignobjects which couldbetrippedoverorthrownbytheauger impeller Always wearsafetyglasses oreyeshields duringoperationandwhile performinganadjustment or repairto protectyoureyes Thrown objects whichricochetcancause serious injuryto theeyes Donotoperate withoutwearing adequate winteroutergarments Donotwear jewelry longscarves orothe...

Page 4: ...arm towardengine fasterthanyoucanlet go Brokenbones fractures bruises or sprains couldresult CLEARING A CLOGGED DISCHARGE CHUTE Hand contactwith therotatingimpeller inside thedischarge chuteisthemost common cause of injury associated with snowthrowers Never useyourhandto cleanoutthedischarge chute Toclearthechute a SHUT THE ENGINE OFF b Wait10seconds to besuretheimpellerblades havestopped rotating...

Page 5: ...EM OxidizingCatalyst 0C Secondary Air injection SAI andThreeWayCatalyst TWC ifsoequipped SPARK ARRESTOR Thismachineisequippedwith aninternalcombustionengineandshould not beusedonornearanyunimprovedforest covered brushcovered or grass covered land unlesstheengine sexhaustsystemisequippedwith a sparkarrestormeetingapplicablelocalorstate laws if any Ira sparkarrestorisused it shouldbemaintainedineffe...

Page 6: ...impeller housing or chute assembly Contact with the rotating parts can amputate hands and feet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can causeserious personal injury WARNING GASOLINE IS FLAMMABLE Allow the engine to cool at least two minutes before refueling WARNING CARBON MONOXIDE Never run an engine indoors or in a poorly ventilated area Engine exhaust conta...

Page 7: ...hecarton Check for anycabletiessecuring thechuteandremove ifnecessary Assembly Positioning the UpperHandle I Remove thewing knobandcarriage boltfromthetopof thelowerhandle SeeFigure I It isnotnecessary to remove theshoulder screwandflangelock nutbelowthewing knobandcarriage bolt Knob ge Bolts Figure 1 Pivottheupperhandleinto theoperatingposition Besurenotto pinchany of thecables inthe process SeeF...

Page 8: ...h theholesinthelowerchuteand secure with thepreviously removed hexwasher screws SeeFigure 5 f Figure 5 Installing the ChuteRotation ControlAssembly 1 Remove thefourhexwasher screws fromthebackofthe handle twoon eachside SeeFigure 6 Figure 6 Using thefour hexwasher screws installthechuterotationcontrol assembly SeeFigure 7 Figure7 8 ...

Page 9: ...olt 4 Sliptherecoil starterropeinto theeyeboltfromthebackofthesnowthrower See Figure 10 5 Securely tightentheeyeboltandhandleknob Set Up FuelRecommendations Operating the enginewith E15 or E85fuel anoil gasolinemixture dirty gasoline orgasoline over30 days oldwithout fuel stabilizing additive mayresult indamageto your engine scarburetor Subsequentdamage wouldnot becoveredunderthe manufacturer swar...

Page 10: ... with oil beforeoperating Runningtheenginewith insufficient oil can causeseriousenginedamageandvoid the productwarranty 1 Place thesnowthrowerona flat levelsurface 2 Remove theoilfiller cap dipstick andwipethedipstickclean SeeFigure 11 f il FillerCap bstick J Figure 11 3 Insertthecap dipstick intotheoilfiller neck butdonotscrewit in 4 Remove theoilfiller cap dipstick Ifthelevelis low slowlyaddoilu...

Page 11: ...rtheventhole whenpushing forces fueldirectlyintotheengine s carburetor to aidincold weather starting Remove thegascapto addfuel Y Thekeyisasafetydevice It mustbefullyinserted inorder forthe II engine to start Remove thekeywhenthesnow throwerisnotinuse NOTE Donotturn thekeyinanattemptto starttheengine Doing somaycauseitto break _ _ 0 Auger Whenengaged theaugerrotationdrawssnowintotheaugerhousing an...

Page 12: ...owthroweris running Electric Starter Outlet Requires theuseof athree prongoutdoorextension cordanda120V powersource walloutlet Electric Starter Button Pressing theelectric starterbuttonengages theengine s electric starterwhenplugged intoa 120V power source BeforeStarting the Engine Read understandandfollow all the instructionsandwarningsonthe machineandin this manualbeforeoperating Starting TheEng...

Page 13: ...rhandleandallowit to slowlyrecoil 7 Allowtheengine to warmupseveral minutes adjusting choke towardRUN 1_ _ position Waituntilengine runssmoothly before each choke adjustment Stopping the Engine 1 Run theengineforafew minuteswithoutloadbeforestoppingto helpdry offany moistureontheengine 2 Tostoptheengineremove the keyandstoreit in asafeplace 3 Wipeallthesnowandmoistureawayfromtheenginecontrols area...

Page 14: ...ll m lib C 30 20 I0 0 100 20o 300 400 F 20 o 0o 150 300 500 700 850 105 o j Figure 15 Engine oilcapacityis600ml approx 20oz Donotover fill Use a 4 stroke oran equivalenthighdetergent premiumqualitymotoroilcertifiedto meetorexceed U S automobile manufacturer s requirements for service classification SG SEMotor oilsclassified SG SFwill showthisdesignation onthecontainer NOTE Please dispose of usedmo...

Page 15: andAddingOilintheAssembly SecUon 8 Reinstall theoil filler cap dipstick securely 9 Re install thelowerpanelbyplacingthetabsinthetabslots lifting the panelintoplaceandsecure with thethreescrews removed instep2 SparkPlug DONOT checkfor a spark with the sparkplug removed DONOT crankthe enginewith the sparkplug removed If the enginehasbeenrunning the muffler willbeveryhot Becarefulnot to touch the ...

Page 16: ...ndreduce the riskoffire Donotspraytheenginewith water to cleanit because the water could contaminatethe fuel Usinga gardenhoseor pressure washingequipment canalsoforcewater into the muffler opening Waterthat passes through the muffler canenter theenginecylinder andcausedamage Accumulationof debris aroundthe muffler couldcauseafire Inspectand cleanbefore everyuse Lubrication Lubricate thepivotpoint...

Page 17: ...handleandreinsertit intheupperhole Insertthecablefromtheoutside asshown in Figure 21 F Control Cable Figure21 Testthesnowthrowerto seeif thereisanoticeable difference Ifafterthe adjustment to thecontrolcabletheaugerstill hesitates whenrotating seeBelt Replacement forinstructionsonreplacing thebelt ChuteAssembly Referto theAssembly sectionforinstructions onadjustingthechuteassembly AugerDriveBelt R...

Page 18: ...ngrubberpaddles byunthreading thehexwasher screws whichsecure themto theauger SeeFigure 25 NOTE Theaugerpaddles shouldbereplaced oneat atimesothat theauger still attached canbeusedasanexample forpositioningandre installingthe newauger 4 Secure thereplacement rubberpaddles to theaugerusingthehardware removed earlier Toobtaina fullaugerreplacement kitincludingrubberpaddles andhexwasher screws maybeo...

Page 19: ... Using a gardenhose orpressure washingequipment canalsoforce water intothe muffler opening Waterthat passes through the muffler canenterthe cylinder andcausedamage Cooling Fins AirIntakeScreen or Recoil Starter Flywheel Guard Areas Spark PlugConnection Levers Linkage Area Guards Carburetor Engine Head 5 Storeinaclean dryandwell ventilatedareaawayfromanyappliance thatoperates with aflameor pilotlig...

Page 20: ... fails to self 1 Auger control cable out of adjustment 1 propel 2 Auger drive belt loose or damaged 2 Auger continues to rotate 1 Auger control cable out of adjustment 1 Unit fails to discharge snow 1 Chute assembly clogged 1 Push the engine primer button five to seven times Wait at least ten minutes before starting Move choke control to RUN position Contact a Sears Service Center Run engine until...

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Page 24: ...Craftsman SnowThrowerModel247 887821 24 J 43 33 32 21 24 ...

Page 25: ...47 05360A 23 748 0234 24 749 04810 0637 25 750 04571 Extension Spring 70 x 3 035 Shoulder Bolt s _o 24x 496 x 2 18 Ball Bearing 5000 x 1 375 x 4375 Drive Cable Wire Support Shoulder Spacer Lower Handle Shoulder Spacer 790 00426 Idler Cable Bracket 0637 27 790 00444 RH Side Plate 4044 28 790 00445 LH Side Plate 4044 29 790 00457 Bearing Cup 4044 30 790 00461 Idler Bracket 0637 31 726 0299 Push Cap ...

Page 26: ...Craftsman SnowThrowerModel247 887821 21 28 36 39 32 6 37 22 7 26 ...

Page 27: ...tation Rod 3 8 26 790 00416 Gear Mounting Plate 27 790 00471 Gear Retainer Bracket 28 731 07784 Handle Panel Lens 29 731 07760A Handle Panel 777X44559 Light Label 710 04998 Carriage Screw sA6 18x 1 00 31 710 05348 Eye Bolt 1 4 20 32 712 04064 Flange Lock Nut 1 4 20 33 720 0279 Wing Knob 1 4 20 34 720 04122 Wing Knob sA6 18 35 725 0157 Cable Tie 3A6 x 05 x 7 4 36 725 1629 Lamp 1141 37 738 04419A Sh...

Page 28: ...51 12016 D _ o Stud M8x34 Muffler Stud Assembly Exhaust Pipe Gasket Nut M8 Muffler Assembly Bolt M5x10 Bolt M6x12 Governor Spring Bracket Governor Shield m 93 94 95 96 97 99 100 101 710 04943 712 05015 951 12100 951 10664 951 10665 712 04212 951 11106 710 04908 D 0 Bolt M6x28 NutM6 Governor Spring Throttle Linkage Spring Throttle Linkage NutM6 Governor Arm Governor Arm Bolt 28 ...

Page 29: ...ernator Assembly 951 12051 951 10934 951 10911 712 04209 951 12644 Flywheel Cooling Fan Starter Cup Nut Special M14x1 5 Blower Housing 88 89 9O 1O2 103 104 105 106 107 108 951 12644 710 04974 751 14152 951 10645A 715 04088 D _ o Gasket 06 Bolt M6xl0 Recoil Starter Electric Starter Dowel Pin 8x8 710 05182 710 04915 951 11109 731 05632 951 10637 Bolt M6x32 Bolt M6x12 Blower Housing Shield Key Key Sw...

Page 30: ...Craftsman Engine Model370JUA For Snow Model247 887821 7O I 67 111 GasketKit Complete 112 Gasket Kit External 113 Complete Engine 56 _ S4_ 62 9 48 49 30 ...

Page 31: ...druff Key Governor Gear Shaft Assembly Dowel Pin 7x14 Dowel Pin 9x14 Crankcase Cover Gasket Crankcase Cover Crankcase Cover Kit Incl 58 64 70 66 67 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 111 112 113 710 04932 751 10493 951 11577 951 11368 951 11913 951 11381 951 10656 951 11904 951 12482 751 14097 951 12103 751 12513A 951 12514 751 12121A 751 12026A 952Z370 JUA D _ o 0 Bolt M8x32 Oil Fill Plug Assembly O Ring...

Page 32: ...Craftsman Engine Model370JUA For Snow Model247 887821 1 2 _ 111 Gasket Kit Complete 1 1 7 112 GasketKit External 113 Complete Engine 32 ...

Page 33: ...e Rocker Arm Bolt Pivot Push Rod Guide Valve Spring Retainer Intake Exhaust Lash Cap Valve Spring Retainer Exhaust Valve Spring Valve Seal Intake Bolt M8x55 Cylinder Head Assembly Incl 6 17 19 22 27 29 40 44 45 2O 4O 41 42 43 44 45 111 112 113 951 10292 951 11572 951 10648 951 11899 715 04108 951 10647A 951 10647A 751 12121A 751 12026A 952Z370 JUA 951 12648 II o Spark Plug F6Rtc Gasket Cylinder He...

Page 34: ...Craftsman Engine Model370JUA For Snow Model247 887821 39_ 3_ 110 CarburetorKit Y Z 34 ...

Page 35: ...olt M4 2x45 Carburetor Kit Incl k q r s t u v w y aa 710 05468 736 04638 951 12515 n a n a n a Mixture Screw Washer 3 Control Lever Choke Choke Shaft Choke Plate Throttle Shaft g h I J k I m n O P q r s t U V W X Y Z aa ab n a 710 05469 736 04638 n a n a n a n a 951 12019 951 11906 n a n a n a 951 12875 n a n a n a 951 11589 n a 951 11348 710 04945 951 11349 710 04938 D _ o e Throttle Plate Screw ...

Page 36: ...Craftsman SnowThrowerModel247 887821 777S34027 777122139 777D16367 777533731 777122992 777D18043 777D18416 777S32236 777S33118 777123574 36 ...

Page 37: ...tion phone support from a Sears representative Think of us as a talking owner s manual Once you purchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule service You can call anytime day or night or schedule a service appointment online The Repair Protection Agreement is a risk free purchase If you cancel for any reason during the product warranty period...

Page 38: ...od ucts com GENERAL EMISSIONS WARRANTY COVERAGE MTD Consumer Group Inc warrants to the ultimate purchaser and each subsequent purchaser that the outdoor equipment engine is 1 designed built and equipped so as to conform with all applicable regulations and 2 free from defects in materials and workmanship that cause the failure of a warranted part for a period of two years The warranty period begins...

Page 39: ...placement of the part That notwithstanding any adjustment of a component that has a factory installed and properly operating adjustment limiting device is still eligible for warranty coverage Further the coverage under this warranty extends only to parts that were present on the off road engine and equipment purchased The following emission warranty parts are covered if applicable 1 Fuel Metering ...

Page 40: ...nte uoperaci6n omantenimiento inadecuados Reparaciones necesarias debido alabuso deloperador incluyendo peronolimitadoalosdahos causados porelexceso develocidad delmotor odel impactodeobjetos quetuerzan elmarco elejesinfin etc Reparaciones necesarias debido anegligencia deloperador incluyendo peronolimitadoa el_ctricos y dahos mec_nicos causados poralmacenamiento inadecuado noutilizaci6n delacalid...

Page 41: ...tenerlam_quina ydesenganchar loscontroles r_pidamente Nopermitanuncaquelosnifiosmenores de14afros utilicenestam_quina Losnifiosde14afros enadelante debenleeryentenderlasinstrucciones de operad6n ynormas deseguridad contenidas enestemanualyenlam_quina ydebenserentrenados ysupervisados porunadulto Nunca permitaquelosadultos operenestam_quina sinredbirantesla instrucci6n apropiada Los objetosarrojado...

Page 42: ...outilicelam_quina bajolainfluendadelalcoholo lasdrogas Elsilenciador yelmotorsecalientan ypueden causar quemaduras Nolostoque Mantenga alosniffosalejados Sea sumamente precavido cuando operelam_iquina sobreunasuperficie congravaocuando latruce Mant ngase alertaporsisepresentan peligros ocultoso tr_nsito Tenga cuidado cuandocambie dedirecci6n ocuando operelam_quina en pendientes Planifique el patr6...

Page 43: paraelalmacenamiento fueradetemporada Verifique frecuentemente laI neadecombustible eldep6sito eltap6n ylos accesorios buscando rajaduras op_rdidas Reemplace desernecesario Nod_arranque almotorsinoest_labuj adeencendido Segt_n laComisi6n deSeguridad deProductos parael Consumidor delos Estados Unidos CPSC ylaAgencia deProtecd6n AmbientaldelosEstados Unidos EPA esteproducto tieneunavidautil media...

Page 44: ... en el montaje del canal de descarga El contacto con las piezas giratorias puede resultar en la amputaci6n 4_111_ de manos o pies _i _1_i ADVERTENCIA ARROJA OBJETOS z _ Esta m_quina puede levantary arrojar objetos Io cual puede causar lesiones personales graves f _l_i _ ADVERTENCIA LA GASOLiNA ESINFLAMABLE Deje que el motor se enfrie pot Io menos dos minutos antes de volver a cargar combustible _ ...

Page 45: ...aja Controle si hayprecintos sujetando elcanalyretirelossi esnecesario Montaje Colocaci6nde la manija superior 1 Extraiga lasperillas dealetas yelperno decarro delaparte dearriba de lamanija inferior Vea laFigura 1 Noesnecesario extraer eltornillo con reborde ylatuerca deseguridad con brida que est_n debajo delaperilla de aletas yelperno decarro Perillade aletas Perilladealetas Figura 1 Gire laman...

Page 46: ...uj_teloconlostornillosdecabeza hexagonal queextrajoanteriormente VealaFigura 5 f L _ Fignra S Instalad6n del montaje del control de rotaci6n del canal I Extraiga loscuatrotomillosdecabeza hexagonal delaparteposteriordela manija dosacadalado VealaFigura 6 Fignra 6 Usando loscuatrotomillosdecabeza hexagonal instaleel montajedel controlderotaci6ndelcanal Veala Figura 7 Fignra7 46 ...

Page 47: ...s enlac_mara decombusti6n conunm nimode87octanos Sepuedeusargasolina conhastaun10 deetanol EIO oun15 deMTBE _ter metilicoterciafio butflico Nunca useunamezcla deaceiteygasolina ni gasolina suda Evite queseintroduzca sudedad polvoo aguaeneltanquedecombustible NOutilicegasolinaE15o E85 Cargue combustible enun_reabienventiladayconel motorapagado No fume nipermitallamasochispas enel lugardondesecarga ...

Page 48: ...ueelniveldeaceite caigapordebajodelamarca L de lavarillademedici6n SiIohaceelequipopuedefuncionar malo dafiarse NOTA Para cambiarelaceitedel motor consulte lasecci6n de Mantenimiento deestemanual Siempremantengalasmanosy lospiesalejadosdelaspiezasm6viles del equipo Noutilke fluidos comprimidosparaarrancar Los vaporesson inflamables Extraiga latapadelcombustible controleelnively cargue m_scombustib...

Page 49: ...nes RUN 1_ _ funcionamiento yCHOKE _J_ estrangulador Cebador __ _ Presione elcebador asegur_ndose decubrirelorificio deventilaci6n cuando Iohaga deesamanera se enviacombustible directamente alcarburador delmotorparaayudaralencendido cuando elclimaesfrio Saque eltapbndelcombustible paraagregarcombustible Llave LaIlaveesundispositivo deseguridad Debe estarcompletamente insertada paraqueelmotorarranq...

Page 50: ...or delpaneldecontroly se endendecuando lam_quina quitanieve est_enmarcha Salidadeiarrancador ei4ctrico Esnecesario usarunprolongador paraexteriores detrespatasy unafuentede alimentad6n tomacomente deparedde120V 8ot6n del arrancador ei4ctrico Sioprimeelbot6ndelarrancador el ktrico seengrana elarrancador el ktrico delmotor cuando seIoenchufa aunafuentedeenergia de120V Antesde arrancar el motor Lea c...

Page 51: ...upodci6noriginal Mantenga lamanija delarrancador firmementesujetayde equelacuerdaretroceda lentamente Dejequeel motorsecalientevariosminutos ajustando el estrangulador hada laposicJbn RUN funcJonamJento 1_ 1 Espere hastaqueelmotorfuncJone suavemente antesdecadaajustedelaobturad6n Detend6ndel motor 1 Haga funcionar elmotorduranteunosminutossincargaantesdepararpara ayudarasecarlahumedad enelmotor 2 ...

Page 52: ... 20o I0 o 0o 100 200 300 400 oF 20 Oo 150 300 500 700 850 1050 Figura 15 Lacapaddad deaceitedelmotores600ml aprox 20onzas NoIleneexcesivamente Use unaceite paramotordecuatrotiempos o unaceite detergente decalidad premium equivalente concertificado quecubra o exceda lasexigendas delos fabficantes deautom6viles ameficanos respecto delaclasiflcad6n deservidoSG ySE Los aceites paramotorconlaclasificad...

Page 53: ...onelaceiterecomendado ycontroleelniveldeaceite consulte elProcedimiento paracontrolaryagregaraceiteenlasecci6n Armado Vuelvaacolocar yajustar el tap6ndeIlenado la varilladenivel deaceite Instalenuevamente el panelinferiorcolocando laslengiJetas ensusranuras levantando elpanelparacolocarlo ensulugarysuj_teloconlostrestornillos queextrajoenel paso2 BujJadeencendido NOpruebelachispasi noest_labujiade...

Page 54: ...uaparalimpiarloporqueelaguapodria ontaminarel combustible Siseutilizaunamanguera dejardinoequipodelavadoa presi6n tambi_npuedeentraraguadentrodelaaberturadelsilenciador Elaguaque pasapotelsilenciador puedeingmsar enelcilindro causando daffos Laacumulaci6nderesiduos alrededordel silenciadorpodriaprodudr un incendio Inspecci6nelo y limpielo antesdecadauso Lubricad6n Lubrique lospuntosdegirodelamanij...

Page 55: ...est_i ht_meda limpie cualquier resto deaceite antes devolver ainstalar Esposible quenecesite realizar ajustesperi6dicos debidoalestiramiento delcable decontrolyde acorrea detransmisi6n ocasionado poreldesgaste Sila barrena parece titubearmientras gira hagaIosiguiente Elagujero superiordelabarradecontrolprev _ elajustedelatensi6ndelcable Para realizar elajuste desconecte elextremodelcabledecontrold...

Page 56: ... decabeza hexagonal _ __ Figura 22 Extraiga latuercadebridaquesujetalapoleadelabarrenaalejedela barrena Veala Figura 23 Para volver acolocar lacorrea siga estas instrucdones yconsulte laFigura 24 j Polea detr J Polea Ioca Figura24 Pase lacorrea alrededor delapoleadetransmisi6n ypordebajodelapolea Iota 2 Pase elextremodelacorrea alrededor delapoleadelabarrenaydeslice lapoleahadaatr_ssobre el ejedel...

Page 57: ...letas decaucho ala barrena usando loselementos de ferreteria quesac6 anteriormente Para obtenerunkitdebarrena derepuesto completo queincluya laspaletas de caucho ylostornillosparaarandelas hexacjonales comuniquese conSears al tel _fono 1 800 659 591Z Pidalapieza753 06469 Reemplazoo reversode la plata de raspado laplacaderaspado est_adosada al rondodelacajadelabarrenaysujetaa descjaste Seladebecont...

Page 58: ...r acjuadentro dela abertura del siienciador Elacjuaquepasapor elsiienciadorpuedeincjresar enel cilindro causando daffos Aletas derefrigerad6n Filtrodeadmisi6n deaireo Areas deprotecd6n del volante arrancador deretroceso Conexi6n delabujia Palancas Area deenlace Protecdones Carburador Culata delmotor 5 Almacene elmotorenunsectorlimplo seco ybienventilado lejosde cualquier artefactoquefundoneconunal...

Page 59: ...ent 1 Unit fails to discharge snow 1 Chute assembly clogged 1 Pushthe engine primer button five to seven times Wait at least ten minutes before starting Move choke control to RUN position Contact a SearsService Center Run engine until the fuel tank is empty Refill with fresh fuel Contact a SearsService Center Contact a SearsService Center Contact a SearsService Center Firmly connect spark plug wir...

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Page 61: ...soluci6n RApida el apoyo telef6nico de un Chamusca al representante Pienseen nosotros como el manual de un dueSohablador Una vezadquirido el Acuerdo puede programar el servicio con tan s61orealizar una Ilamadatelef6nica Puede Ilamaren cualquier momentodel dia o de la noche o programar un servicio en linea ElAcuerdo de Protecci6nde Reparaci6nes unacompra sin riesgo Si usted anula por alguna raz6n d...

Page 62: ...ificaciones no aprobadas Usted es responsable de presentar su motor al centro de distribuci6n o servicio t_cnico de MTD Consumer Group Inc tan pronto como aparezca el problema Las reparaciones cubiertas por la garantia se deben Ilevar a cabo en un lapso razonable que no exceda de 30 dias Si tiene alguna pregunta respecto de la cobertura de la garantia p6ngase en contacto con el Departamento del Se...

Page 63: ...eparaci6n o el reemplazo de cualquier pieza garantizada que de otro modo pudiese estar cubierta por la garantia podr_ ser excluida de tal cobertura de garantia si MTD Consumer Group Inc demuestra que el motor es objeto de uso incorrecto negligencia o mantenimiento inadecuado y que tal uso incorrecto negligencia o mantenimiento inadecuado rue causa directa de la necesidad de reparaci6n o reemplazo ...

Page 64: ...carry in items like vacuums lawn equipment and electronics call anytime for the location of your nearest Sears Parts Repair Service Center 1 800 488 1222 U S A 1 800 469 4663 Canada www sears com www sears ca To purchase a protection agreement on a product serviced by Sears 1 800 827 6655 U S A 1 800 361 6665 Canada Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n a domicilio y para ordenar piezas 1 888 SU HOGAR...
