Craftsman 247.887330 Operator'S Manual Download Page 9

Summary of Contents for 247.887330

Page 1: 1 800 659 5917 CAUTION BEFORE USING THiS PRODUCT READ THiS MANUAL AND FOLLOW ALL SAFETY RULES AND OPERATING iNSTRUCTiONS SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST ESPAIf IOL R 44 Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www sears com craftsman FormNo 769 04610A December 16 2009 ...

Page 2: ...intenance Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatorabuse includingbutnot limitedto damagecausedby impactingobjectsthat bendthe frameor crankshaft orover speeding theengine Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatornegligence includingbut not limitedto electricalandmechanicaldamagecausedby improper storage failureto usethe propergradeandamountof engineoil failureto keepthe deckclearof flammabledebris orfailureto ...

Page 3: ...shouldbetrainedandsupervisedby a parent Onlyresponsibleindividualswho arefamiliar withthese rulesof safe operationshouldbe allowedto usethis machine Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to beused Remove allstones sticks wire bones toysand otherforeignobjectswhichcould betrippedoveror pickedupand thrownbythe blade Thrownobjects cancauseseriouspersonalinjury Planyourmowingpatternto avoid di...

Page 4: ...ernozzle Keepthe nozzlein contact withthe rimof thefueltank or container openingat alltimesuntil fueling is complete Donot usea nozzle lock opendevice Extinguishallcigarettes cigars pipesand othersources of ignition Neverfuel machineindoorsbecauseflammablevaporswillaccumulate inthe area Neverremovegascapor addfuelwhile engineis hotor running Allowengineto cool at leasttwo minutesbeforerefueling Ne...

Page 5: ...issymbolpointsoutimportant safetyinstructions which ifnot followed could endangerthe personalsafetyand or propertyof yourselfand others Readandfollowallinstructions inthis manualbeforeattemptingto operatethis machine Failureto complywiththeseinstructions may resultinpersonalinjury Whenyou seethissymbol HEEDITSWARNING ...

Page 6: and followall instructionsin this manual before attempting to operatethis machine Failureto comply with these instructionsmay result in personal injury When you see thissymbol HEED ITS WARNING Your Responsibility Restrictthe use of this power machineto personswho read understand and followthe warnings and instruc tions in this manualand on the machine 6 ...

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Page 8: ...nt securingunit to pallet Leaveuniton pallet duringhandleassembly 2 Removeany protectivepackagingandplastictie straps 3 Usethedeckheightlever see Knowyour Mower section to raisethe cuttingdeckto itshighestposition ASSEMBLING THE HANDLE 1 Removelowerstar knobsandcarriagescrewsfromlowerhandle Figure1 Figure1 2 Pivotupperhandleinto operatingposition Figure2 Becareful not to bendorkinkthe cableswhen p...

Page 9: ...verinto a verticalpositionaligningthe holesin the leverto the holesin the shiftplate Figure5 4 Securethe leverto the plateusingthe twoscrewsandtwonuts removedearlier Figure5 FINAL ADJUSTMENTS Rear Tire Pressure Neverexceedthe maximuminflationpressureshownon thesidewall of tire The recommended operatingreartire pressureis approximately 20 psifor the reartires Checkthe tire pressureperiodically and ...

Page 10: ...engine Always runengineat fast speedsettingfor bestmower performance CHOKE Usewhenstartinga coldengine FAST Useduringmoweroperation SLOW Usewhen idlingengine STOP Stopsthe engine Choke Fast Slow Idle EngineOff Besurenooneotherthan theoperatoris standingnearthe lawn mowerwhilestartingengineoroperatingmower Neverrunengine indoorsorin enclosed poorlyventilatedareas Engineexhaust containscarbonmonoxid...

Page 11: ...rto the Maintenance sectionfor instructions Air Cleaner Handle Theaircleanerhandleis usedto gainaccessto theair cleaner The air cleanercartridgecan beremovedandcleanedor replaced Referto the Maintenance sectionfor details Forward Therearefourforwardspeeds Positionone 1 is the slowestand positionfour 4 is thefastest Reverse Toselectreverse putthe leverin the Reverse R position Neutral Placethe leve...

Page 12: ...ngengineor operatingmower Neverrunengine indoorsor inenclosed poorlyventilatedareas Engineexhaust containscarbonmonoxide anodorlessanddeadlygas Keephands feet hair andlooseclothingawayfromanymovingparts Oil Fill IMPORTANT The mowerisshippedwithmotoroil intheengine however you MUSTcheckthe oil levelbeforeoperating Oil shouldbe changedonce afterthe first twohoursof operationandevery25 hours of opera...

Page 13: ...the drivecontrol STOPPING THE MOWER 2 Releasebladeanddrivecontrolto stopwheelsanddeckblades Movethrottle chokecontrolleverdownto slow turtle position Wheneverpossible graduallyreduceenginespeed beforestoppingengine 3 Movethrottle chokecontrolleverallthe waydownto stop position 4 Disconnectsparkplugwirefromsparkplugandgroundagainst the engine MOVING THE MOWER WITHOUT ENGINE POWER Themowercan bemanu...

Page 14: ...mercialsolvent 2 Removeand inspectthe sparkplug Checkgapto makesureit is setat 030 SeeFigure9 3 Replacethe sparkplugif electrodesarepitted burned or the porcelainis cracked Electrode l Porcelain 030inch 76ram gap Figure9 J Servicing the Air Cleaner Iffilters or coversare notinstalledcorrectlyseriousinjuryordeath could resultfrombackfire Do notattemptto startthe enginewith themremoved Donot use pre...

Page 15: ...tabsinwardand pushthe oil drainvalvebackinto lockthe valveclosed Remove the hose and re captheendof the oil drainvalveto keepdebris fromenteringthe drainport 7 Refillthe enginewithnewmotoroil untilthe oil levelonthe dipstickreadsFULL Replacetheoil fill cap dipstick 8 Pivotthe righthandlebracetube backinto position Alignthe middleholein the bracetube withthe holeinthe handle Secure withthe starknob...

Page 16: ... stopmoving anddisconnect sparkplugwire 2 Releaseall mowercontrols 3 Removebeltcoveras instructedunder Removingthe Belt Cover 4 Usethedeckheightleverto movethe cuttingdeckto its highestposition 5 Placesmallwoodenblocksunderthedeck 6 Usethedeckheightleverto lowerthe decksothat it restsupon thewoodenblocks 7 Lookingat thecuttingdeckfromthe leftside of the mower locate the hairpinclip thatsecuresthe ...

Page 17: ...asefittingonthe oppositeside of the wheel 5 CLEANING THE ENGINE AND DECK Donot usea pressurewasherto cleanthe mower It maycause damageto electricalcomponents spindles pulleys bearings orthe engine Any fuelor oil spilledon the machineshouldbewipedoff promptly Do notallowdebristo accumulate aroundany components on the mower Cleaning the Engine Enginepartsshouldbekeptcleanto reducethe riskof overheat...

Page 18: ...ldthetrailing shieldto the mowerframe SERVICING THE CUTTING BLADES Besureto shutthe engineoff anddisconnectthe sparkplugwire andgroundagainsttheengineto preventunintendedstartingbefore removingthecutting blade s for sharpeningor replacement Protect yourhandsby usingheavyglovesora ragto graspthe cuttingblade Periodically inspectthe bladespindlesfor cracksordamage espe ciallyif you strikeaforeignobj...

Page 19: ...maintenance onthemachine waitfor allpartsto stopmovinganddisconnect the sparkplugwire Failure to followthisinstruction couldresultinpersonalinjuryorpropertydamage Avoidthe possibilityof a pinchinginjury Donot placeyourfingers betweenbeltsand pulleys The mowerusesthreebelts 1 drivebelt 2 deckengagement belt 3 bladetimingbelt Beforereplacinga belt observehowthebeltis routed aroundthe pulleysandbrack...

Page 20: ...gure24 0 Figure24 8 Routenew beltaroundthe pulleysmakingsureto tightennuts bolts andbelt keeper Replacing the Blade Timing Belt 1 Stopengine waitforall partsto stopmoving anddisconnect sparkplugwire 2 Releaseall mowercontrols 3 Removebelt coveras instructedearlierin thissection RemovingtheTimingBelt 4 Removespring A fromtimingbracketand deck Figure25 f f Figure25 Loosen3 8 16screwandnut attachedto...

Page 21: ...10 11 J Figure27 a Turnthe spacerspindleassembly E so thatthe arrow punchedonthe spindleis facingthe frontof the mower Figure25 b Turnthe drivespindleassembly F so thatthe arrow punchedonthe spindleis facingto the outsideof the cutting deck Figure25 Routethe newbelt aroundpulleysmakingsureto tightennuts andbolts Installthe springremovedinstep4 Tightenscrewand nutloosenedearlier Replacethebelt cove...

Page 22: ...ars Service Centeror to scheduleservice simplycontactSears at 1 800 4 MY HOME EachUse 1st2 hours 25 hours 50 hours Annuallyor 100hours BeforeStorage 1 Mowerblades 2 Looseormissinghardware 3 Belts 4 Engineoillevel 5 Controls 6 Mulchplug if fitted 1 Engineoil 1 Engineoil 2 Aircleaner 3 Mowerblades 4 Controllinkagesand pivots 1 FrontWheelBearings 1 Sparkplug 2 RearWheels 1 Fuelsystem 1 As required 2 ...

Page 23: ...rapproximately 1oz 30 ml of clean engineoil intothe cylinder Pullthe recoilstarterseveraltimesto distributetheoil and reinstallthe sparkplug 4 Cleanengineof surfacedebris PREPARING THE LAWN MOWER Whenstoringthe mowerinan unventilated or metalstorageshed careshouldbetakento rustproofthe non paintedsurfaces Using a lightoil orsilicone coatthe equipment especiallyany springs bearings andcables Remove...

Page 24: ...ngblade 2 3 Loosehardware 3 Unitfailsto propelitself 1 Drivebelt looseordamaged 1 Poormowingperformance 1 Dullblade s 1 2 Broken loose or wornbelt s 2 3 Blade s out of balance 3 1 Placethrottle chokecontrolleverintochokeposition 2 Placethrottle chokeleverintofast position 3 Connectwiresto sparkplug 4 Clean adjustgap or replace 5 Filltankwithclean freshgasoline 6 Havefuel linecleanedby a Searsservi...

Page 25: ...8 777122809 1 Insert Mulch Plug s front tab into slot on outside of deck 2 Pivot Mulch Plug inboard into discharge opening 3 Slide rearward until slot bottoms out against edge of discharge opening Lower Discharge Chute to lock Mulch Plug in place 777122782 777X43688 777D10929 25 ...

Page 26: ...33 inch Wide Cut Mower B Model No 247 887330 8 4 61 62 21 21 46 43 57 54 56 44 26 51 32 41 25 58 26 ...

Page 27: ... 0637 DeckLiftAssembly Front 28 710 0627 Screw HHCap 5 16 24 x 750 29 725 0157 CableTie 3 16 x 05x 7 4 30 710 04312 Screw HHCap 5 16 18 x 50 712 04065 132 1914 0145 133 720 0311 134 931 05684 135 731 05791 136 732 04418A 137 736 0242 138 736 0343 39 936 0351 140 1937 3000 141 738 04216A 142 741 0660A 143 i787 01496 4044 144 i787 01510 0637 145 787 01521 0637 146 710 0604A 147 938 1225 148 951 1048...

Page 28: ...33 inchWide Cut Mower B Model No 247 887330 13 f 67 19 17 28 29 72 6O 59 26 14 61 63 39 i5 64 A _65 28 ...

Page 29: ... i57 738 04162A Spacer Shoulder 884 x 190 19 731 05766 TrailingShield 58 i942 04154A Blade 17 9 20 732 04409 ExtensionSpring i59 754 04136 Belt Timing 21 732 04443A ExtensionSpring i60 i954 04139 Belt V Type DeckEngagement Belt 22 736 0105 Washer Spring 401 x 870 x 063 i61 i756 04129B IdlerPulley4 25 23 736 0322 Washer Fiat 450 x 1 250 x 164 i62 756 04280 IdlerPulley3 50 24 736 0270 Washer Bell i6...

Page 30: ...Wide Cut Mower m Model No 247 887330 27 21 29 20 _ 22 I I 71B o 1 83 18 49 157 47 31A 13 15 29B 13 31A 3O 56 69 50 30 57 58 48 51 59 52 64 64 65 34 63 87 63 29 35 3 37 41 40 157 d MODELandSERIAL NUMBERS HERE 30 ...

Page 31: ...D 062 32 TC 788083 OilSeal5 8 32A TC 792001 ORing 823 OD 34 TC 780194 Bushing 563 35 TC 780193 FlangedBushing 625 ID 35A TC 780197 FlangedBushing 751 ID TC 790075 BrakeDisk 37 TC 790007 BrakePadPlate 38 TC 799021A BrakePad pkg of 2 39 TC 786026 DowelPin 3125 x 750 40 736 3078 Washer 312 ID 059 41 TC 790104 BrakeLever 42 TC 792177 Screw1 4 20x 1 3 8 43 912 0237 LockNut5 16 24 44 TC 790025 BrakePadH...

Page 32: ...s Stratton 10 5 Gross HP Engine IViodel 215802 11 684_ f _ 584_ _ _ 1264 _ 1263 _ 85O 307_j 24_ 1044 741_ 200 1_ 15 22 616 32 2271 4O4_ 614 i_ 562 358 ENGINEGASKETSET 12 200 51 51A 842 d 524 1022 5240 883 32 ...

Page 33: ...Briggs Stratton 10 5 Gross HP Engine Model 215802 33_ 635J_Y 85O 238 _ y 36_ 1022 1034 1029 87_ 9146_ 1022 4_ 51 654_ 54 1095VALVEGASKETSET 51A 1022 868_ 1036EMISSIONS LABEL 33 ...

Page 34: ... 5 Gross HP Engine Model 215802 13 956 987_ 1411 51 634_ 217m_ a 633 _ W 1091 1276 I _ _ F 601 4311 1266AdJ 51 51A 95 _y 121CARBURETOR OVERHAUL KiT 6341 217_ 1 633 _ _o 987 _9 f 1266_C 1266A_I 305d 9 187A 601 1397 773 34 ...

Page 35: ...0 5 Gross HP Engine IViodel 215802 S_ _ 202 _z j_ _ 232_ 216 _ _ _ t 521 _ 356 _ _ _5 _ 621 82_ 81 520_ 359_ 373 334_ I 1561 _ _ I _ _ _ i _W_j 1044_ 78A 37A 23 65 _ 58 57 689 _ _ 455 1 SI y _t_ _ _si _i _ _ 78_i_ r 35 ...

Page 36: ...79 Jet Main Standard BS 797010 Piston Assembly 020 Oversize 118 BS 796332 Jet Main HighAltitude 26 BS 797011 RingSet Standard 121 BS 796184 Kit Carburetor Overhaul BS 797012 RingSet 020 Oversize 125 BS 794653 Carburetor 27 BS 698469 Lock Piston Pin 127 BS 690727 O Plug Welch 28 BS 797013 Pin Piston 130 BS 698774 Valve Throttle 29 BS 791633 Rod Connecting 131 BS 698776 Kit Throttle Shaft 32 BS 7911...

Page 37: 431 BS 697122 Elbow Intake 864 BS 796002 Adapter Muffler 445 BS 698413 Filter AirCleanerCartridge 868 BS 690968 o Seal Valve 455 BS 695113 Cup Flywheel 883 BS 692236 o Gasket Exhaust 456 BS 695128 Plate Pawl Friction 914 BS 691108 Screw RockerCover 459 BS 281505s PawI Ratchet 967 BS 697292 Filter Pre Cleaner 505 BS 691251 Nut GovernorControlLever 968 BS 697420 Cover AirCleaner 507 BS 691972 Ins...

Page 38: ...7419 1397 BS 796449 1329 BS_15802 0015 G1 o Screw BreatherReed Seal ORing intakeElbow Red Seal ORing intakeElbow Large Latch BlowerHousing Washer BlowerHousing Replacement Engine includedin EngineGasketSet KeyNumber358 includedinValveGasketSet KeyNumber1095 0 includedinCarburetorOverhaulKit KeyNumber121 38 ...

Page 39: RapidResolution phonesupport froma Searsrepresentative Thinkof usas a talkingowner s manual Onceyou purchasethe Agreement a simplephonecall is all thatit takesfor youto scheduleservice Youcan call anytimedayor night or schedulea serviceappointmentonline The RepairProtectionAgreementis a risk freepurchase If youcancel for any reasonduringthe productwarrantyperiod wewill provideafull refund Or a ...

Page 40: ... workmanshipthatcausethe failureof a warrantedpart to be identicalin all materialrespectsto that part as describedin MTDConsumerGroup Inc sapplicationfor certification The warrantyperiodbeginsonthedate theoutdoorequipmentengineis deliveredto anultimatepurchaserorfirst placedintoservice The warrantyperiodis two years Subjectto certainconditionsand exclusionsasstated below the warrantyonemission rel...

Page 41: ...for warrantycoverage Further the coverageunderthis warrantyextendsonly to partsthat were presentonthe off roadengineand equipmentpurchased Thefollowingemissionwarrantypartsare covered if applicable 1 FuelMeteringSystem Cold start enrichmentsystem softchoke Carburetorand internalparts or fuel injectionsystem Fuelpump Fueltank 2 Air InductionSystem Air cleaner Intakemanifold 3 IgnitionSystem Sparkpl...

Page 42: ...ind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air Index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July 1...

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Page 44: ... o ruedascomoresultadodeldesgastenormal unaccidente o funcionamiento o mantenimiento incorrectos Reparacionesrequeridas comoresultadodel abusodel operador incluyendoperonolimitadoa da_oocasionado pot objetosque impactan la m_ quina y quetuercenel bastidoro cigOe_al o debidoaqueel motorfue aceleradoenexceso Reparaciones necesariasdebidoa negligenciadeloperador incluyendo entreotros da_osmec_ nico y...

Page 45: ...reglas deseguridad Reviseminuciosamente el teadondese utilizar el equipo Retiretodas laspiedras palos Ilantas huesos juguetesyotrosobjetosextrafiosque podrianhacertropezary caero set recogidosyarrojadospor laacci6n delascuchillas Losobjetosarrojadospor lam_quinapuedenproducir lesionesgraves Planifique el patr6nde cortedel cespedque hade seguir paraevitarla descargadematerialhacialoscaminos lasvere...

Page 46: ...elatapa delagasolinaniagreguecombustible mientrasel motorest calienteo enmarcha Permitaqueel motorse enfriepot Io menosdosminutosantesdevolvera cargarcombustible NuncaIleneenexcesoel dep6sitodecombustible Lleneel tanquea no m sdeY2 pulgadapor debajodela basedel cuellodeltap6ndecarga parapermitirla expansi6ndel combustible Vuelvaa colocarlatapa dela gasolinayajL stela bien Limpiela gasolinaquese pu...

Page 47: ... estesimboloindicaquese tratadeinstruccionesimportantesdeseguridadquese debenrespetarparaevitar poneren peligrosu seguridadpersonaly o materialy la deotraspersonas Leay sigatodaslas instrucciones de estemanual antesde ponerenfuncionamiento estam_ quina Si norespetaestasinstruccionespuedeprovocarlesionespersonales Cuando veaestesimbolo iTENGAEN CUENTA LAADVERTENCIA 47 ...

Page 48: ...igatodaslas instrucciones enestemanualantesdeiniciarla operaci6ndeestam_ quina En casodeno seguirestasinstruccionespodriaprovocarlesiones personales Cuandoveaeste simbolo SIGALAADVERTENCIA Su responsabilidad S61o permitaqueusenestam_ quina el_ctrica las personasquelean comprendany respetenlas advertencias y las instruccionesqueaparecenen estemanualyen la m_ quina 48 ...

Page 49: ...Estapgtgina semarch6 intencionadamente enblanco 49 ...

Page 50: ...e Agua HERRAIVIIENTAS NECESARIAS PARA EL MONTAJE Unjuegode Ilavesajustablesy unrnan6rnetro paraneurnAticos RETIRO DE LA UNIDAD DE LA CAJA DE MONTAJE 1 Cortelastiras si las hay queaseguranla unidadal p_ let Deje la unidadsobreelp_ let duranteelrnontaje pararetirarlaunidad delp_ letsin riesgos esperehastahaberrnontadolarnanija 2 Retiretodoel ernbalajeprotectory las tiraspl_sticasde uni Es necesarioq...

Page 51: ...ecambio Figura4 Figura4 Extraigaeltornilloy latuercarestantesdela placade lapalanca decambioinferior Figura4 Figura5 4 Asegurela palancaa la placausandolosdos tornillosy las dos tuercasextraidasanteriormente Figura5 AJUSTES FINALES Presi6n de los neumaticos traseros Nuncaexcedala presi6nm_ximade infladoquese indicaenlos lateralesde los neum_ticos Lapresi6noperativarecomendada paralos neum_ ticos t...

Page 52: ...ionarel motorsiempreaalta velocidadparaobtenermejoresresultadosdecorte CEBADOR Utiliceloparaarrancarunmotorfrio R _PIDO Utiliceloduranteel funcionamiento de la cortadora LENTO Utilicelodurantela marchalenta PARAR Detieneel motor AsegQrese que ningunapersonaaparte del operadorpermanezcacerca de la podadoramientrasarrancael motoru opera la misma Nuncaencienda un motoren espacioscerradoso enuna zonac...

Page 53: ...controlde paseocontrael apret6nde rnanillar CONTROLES DEL MOTOR Consultela Figura7 paraverla ubicaci6nde los controlesdelmotor Arrancador de retroceso Elarrancadorde retrocesose usa paraponerenfuncionarniento el motor Valvula de drenaje de aceite Uselav_ lvula de drenajede aceiteparadrenarel aceitedel motor Consultela secci6nde Mantenirniento paraobtenerinstrucciones IVlanija del filtro de aire La...

Page 54: ...er_ usadadurantelos siguientes30 dias o m_ s AImacenela gasolinaenun recipientelimpioy mantengael recipientebientapado Consultelas instrucciones de ALMACENAMIENTO si desea informaci6n adicional Llenado de aceite IMPORTANTE Lacortadorade c_spedse entregacon aceiteenel motor noobstante ustedDEBEverificarel nivelde aceiteantesde operarla Elaceitedebecambiarsedespu_sde las primerasdos horas de operaci...

Page 55: ...6n DETENCION DE LA CORTADORA DE CESPED 1 Suelteel controlde las cuchillasy la transrnisi6nparadetenerlas ruedasy las cuchillasde plataforrna 2 Muevalapalancadecontroldel regulador cebador haciaabajo a laposici6nlenta tortuga _ Siernprequesea posible reduzcagradualrnente la velocidaddel motorantesde detenerlo Muevalapalancadecontroldel regulador cebador totalrnente haciaabajoa la posici6nStop deten...

Page 56: ...nela bujfa Verifiquelaseparaci6npara asegurarse de queest fijadaen0 030 Veala Figura9 3 Carnbielabujiasi loselectrodosest_ npicados quernados o la porcelanaest rota f Electrodo Porcelana _ Separaci6n de 0 030 pulg 0 76 rnrn Figura 9 IVlantenirniento del filtro de aire Si se instalanincorrectarnente los filtroso las cubiertas se pueden producirlesionesgraveso la rnuertede las explosionesdel carbura...

Page 57: ...epara recogerel aceite usado 5 Liberelav_ lvula presionandolas dos etiquetashaciadentro tirando Elpetr61eo comenzar_ a drenardelmotor 6 Despu_sde queel petr61eo haterminadodedrenar prensa lasdos etiquetashaciadentroy empujela v_ lvula dedesag_Je del aceiteatr_ s en cerrarcon Ilavelav_Jvula cerrada Quitela manguera y resumael finalde la v_ lvula de desag Je delaceite paraimpediraescombrosentrarenel...

Page 58: ...rse y desconecte el cablede la bujia 2 Sueltetodoslos controlesdela cortadorade c_sped 3 Saquela cubiertadela correacornose detallaen Extracci6n de lacubiertadela correa 4 Usela palancadealturade la plataforrna paramoverla plataforrna de cortea su posici6nrn_ s elevada 5 Coloquetacosde rnaderadebajode laplataforrna 7 58 Usela palancade alturadela plataforrna parabajarla plataforrna y hacerladescan...

Page 59: ...dde usarelaccesoriode engrasedelotro ladodela rueda F Figura17 Accesoriode engraseen la rueda Alinee elaccesorio de engrase conlaranura del soporte delarueda J LIMPIEZA DEL MOTOR Y DE LA PLATAFORMA Sise derrarnacombustibleoaceitesobrela rn_quina debelirnpiarse de inrnediato No perrnitaquese acurnulenresiduosalrededorde ningQn cornponente de lacortadora Limpieza del motor Laspartesdel motorse deben...

Page 60: ...ENIMIENTO DE LAS CUCHILLAS DE CORTE Aseguresede apagar el motor y desconectar el cable de la bujiay hacer masa contra el motor para evitar el arranque accidental antes de retirarla o ias cuchiiias de corte paraafilarlas o reemplazarlas Protejase las manos usando guantes gruesos o un trapo para agarrar la cuchiiia de corte Inspeccione peri6dicamente los husillos de ias cuchillas paracontrolar si ha...

Page 61: ...eacornose haindicado antesenesta secci6n 5 6 Afiojeel guardacorrea A Elguardacorrea estAsujetoa la parte inferior delbastidorde lacortadora Figura22 Afiojela poleaIoca B aflojandoel pernoy la tuerca Figura22 Extraigala correa C dealrededorde las poleas Figura22 Figura21 Instalaci6n de cuchillas 1 Parainstalar la cuchilla coloqueelladode lacuchillaquetiene el nQrnero depiezaestarnpadornirandohaciae...

Page 62: ...rea Reemplazo de la correa de sincronizaci6n de la cuchilla 1 Detengael motor esperea quetodaslas partesdejende moversey desconecteel cane de labujia 2 Sueltetodosloscontrolesde lacortadoradec_sped 3 Retirelacubiertade lacorreacomose haindicadoantesenesta secci6n Extracd6ndela correadesincronizad6n 4 Extraigael resorte A del soportede sincronizaci6n y la plataforma Figura25 Figura 23 5 Afloje la p...

Page 63: ...arcasde cadarnontajede husillo detal rnaneraque lascuchillasquedenperpendiculares entresi Figura27 a Gireel rnontajedelhusilloseparador E paraquela flecha estarnpada enel husillomirehaciael frentede lacortadora Figura25 b Gireel rnontajedelhusillotransrnisorparaquelafiecha estarnpada enel husillomirehaciael exteriordela plataforrna decorte Figura25 f Figura27 9 Paselanuevacorreaalrededordelas pole...

Page 64: ...e comuniquese con Searsal tel_fono 1 800 4 MY HOME Cadauso l ras2 horas 25 horas 50 horas Anualrnente o cada 100 horas Antesde alrnacenar 1 Cuchillasdelacortadora 2 Piezassueltasofaltantes 3 Correas 4 Nivelde aceitedel motor 5 Controles 6 Clavijadeabono siest instalada 1 Aceitedelmotor 1 Aceitedelmotor 2 Filtrode aire 3 Cuchillasdelacortadora 4 Varillajesy pivotesdecontrol 1 Rodarnientosdelasrueda...

Page 65: ...raselmotorest todavfacaliente Extraigala bujfade encendidoy viertaenel cilindro aproxirnadarnente 1onza 30 rnl de aceiteparamotorNrnpio Tire variasvecesdelarrancadorde retrocesoparadistribuirel aceitey reinstalela bujfa Cuandoalrnacenela cortadorade c_speden ungalp6nrnet_ lico tengaespecialcuidadode realizarleun tratarniento antioxidante alas superficiesnopintadas Cubraelequipoconunacapa de aceite...

Page 66: ...o 3 Conectelos cablesa la bujfa 4 Limpie ajustela separaci6n o cambiela bujfa 5 Lleneel tanquecon gasolinalimpiay fresca 1 2 1 2 3 Laseparaci6nde loselectrodosde labujia es muypoca Labujiadeencendidoest sucia Elfiltrodeaireest_sucio Lascuchillasde corteest_ n flojaso desbalanceadas Lacuchillade corteest da_ada desafilada odoblada Herrajesfiojos 6 Pidaa un distribuidordeservicioSearsquele limpie la...

Page 67: ...R_pida el apoyotelef6nicode unCharnuscaal representante Pienseen nosotroscornoel manual de undue_ohablador Unavezadquiridoel Acuerdo puedeprograrnar el serviciocon tan s61orealizarunaIlarnadatelef6nica PuedeIlarnarencualquier mornento deldia o dela nocheo prograrnar un servicioen linea ElAcuerdode Protecci6nde Reparaci6n es unacornprasin riesgo Siustedanulaporalgunaraz6nduranteel periodode garanti...

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Page 69: ...noexcedade30 dias Sitiene algunapreguntarespectode lacobertura dela garantia p6ngaseen contactoconel Departamento del ServicioT nicode MTDConsumerGroupInc al telefono1 800 800 7310 o pot correoelectr6nico enhttp support mtd products com COBERTURA DE LA GARANTJA DE EMISIONES GENERALES MTDConsumerGroupIncgarantizaal compradorfinal y a cadacompradorsubsiguienteque el motordeequiposde exteriores est_ ...

Page 70: ...antiasi MTDConsumerGroupIncdemuestraqueel motores objeto deusoincorrecto negligenciao mantenimientoinadecuado y que tal usoincorrecto negligenciao mantenimientoinadecuadofue causadirectade la necesidadde reparaci6no reemplazode dichapieza NoobstanteIo antedicho cualquierajuste deuncomponenteconundispositivodelimitaci6nde ajusteinstaladoenf_bricay quefuncioneadecuadamente podr_set cubiertopot la ga...

Page 71: de Duraci6n de Emisiones de un motor con una clasificaci6n intermedia seria equivalente a entre 10 y 12 afios Laclasificaci6n de aJre es un nQmero calculado para describir eJnivel reiativo de emisiones para un grupo de motores en particular Cuanto menor sea Jaclasificaci6n de aire mayor es JaJimpieza deJmotor La informaci6n se presenta de forma gr fica en Jaetiqueta de emisiones Despu_s del 1 d...

Page 72: ...r of carry in items like vacuums lawn equipment and electronics call anytime for the location of your nearest Sears Parts Repair Service Center 1 800 488 1222 U S A 1 800 469 4663 Canada www sears com www sears ca To purchase a protection agreement on a product serviced by Sears 1 800 827 6655 U S A 1 800 361 6665 Canada Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n Au Canada pour service en fran ais a domici...
