Craftsman 247.885550 Operator'S Manual Download Page 12

Summary of Contents for 247.885550

Page 1: ...TION Before using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST ESPANOL P 27 Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www sears com craftsman FORMNO 769 0t910C 7 23 2007 ...

Page 2: ...ratulations onmakingasmartpurchaseYour newCraftsman productis designed andmanufactured for yearsof dependable opera tion Butlikeallproducts it mayrequirerepairfromtimetotime That s when havinga RepairProtection Agreement can saveyoumoney and aggravation Here swhat sincluded in theAgreement Expertserviceby our12 000professional repairspecialists Unlimited serviceandnocharge for partsandlaboronallco...


Page 4: ...g especially when operating in reverse PREPARATION Thoroughly inspect the area wherethe equipment is to be used Removeall doormats newspapers sleds boards wires and other foreign objects which could be trippedover or thrownby the augeriimpeller Always wear safety glasses oreye shieldsduring operation and whiEe performing an adjuslmenl or repair to protect your eyes Thrown obiects which ricochet ca...

Page 5: ... until ell moving parts have stepped before unclogging Use only attachments and accessories approved by 1hemanufacturer e g whoa weights tire chains cabs etc ff situafions occur which are not covered inthis manual use care and good judgment Conlact your Sears Service Center for assistance_ MAINTENANCE STORAGE Never tamper withsafety devices Check theirproperoperation regufarly Refer to the mainten...

Page 6: ...tenthewingknobonthe upperchutemaking surethecarriageboltiscorrectly positioned Referto Figure1 DO NOTlift the snowthrowerby the chute handle 3 Loosenthewingknobandtaboneachsideof thehandle See Figure2 4 Beingcareful notto bendorkinkthecables holdbothcontrols againstupper handleandpullupasshowninStept of Figure 2 Makesurethatthe upperhandle locksoverthe lowerhandle andhandletabsalignwiththe handle ...

Page 7: ...ain equalpressure inbothtires at alltimes Excessive pressure wellabove20psi maycausethewheel tire rim assembly to burstwithsufficient forceto causeserious injury Donotover inflate thetire Useamanualpumporportable electrictireinflatortoprevent over inflation NEVER USEANAIRCOMPRESSOR Auger Control Test IMPORTANT Perform thefollowing testbeforeoperating thesnow thrower forthefirsttimeandatthestartof ...

Page 8: operating yoursnowthrDwe_ Readandfollowall instructions carefullyand performalladjustments toverifyyoursnowthrower is operating safely andpropedy_ Chute Handle Thedirection of snowthrowing correspDnds to thedirection ofthe chuteopening Usethechutehandle to turnthechuteassembty in the direction youwishto throwthesnow Chute Knob Thedistance snowis throwncanbe adjusted byeitherraisingor Dwedng the...

Page 9: ...notinuse Electric Starter Button Pressing theelectricstarterbuttonengagestheengine s etectric starterwhenplugged intoa 120V powersource Electric Starter Outlet Requires theuseofa three prong outdoorextension cord included anda 120V powersource wall outlet Primer Depressing primer forcesfueldirectlyintoengine s carburetor to aidincold weather starting Refer to thestartinginstructions inthe Operatio...

Page 10: ...ire grounded system donotusethiselectricstarterunderanyconditions Ifyourhome electricalsystem isgrounded buta three hole receptacle isnot available do notuseyoursnowthrower s electricstarter Follow all instructions carefullypriortooperating the electricstartez youhaveagrounded three prong receptacle proceedasfollows 1 Plugthe extension cordintotheoutletlocatedontheengine s surface Plugtheotherendo...

Page 11: ... drivecontrolandallowtherotatingaugers to discharge snow fromthehousing Reduce theclearingwidthand continue operation 8 Oneachsucceeding pass readjust the chuteassembly to the desiredpositionandslightlyoverlap thepreviously clearedpath Positioning Discharge Chute Loosen thechuteknobandpivot upperchute to desired position Tighten thechuteknobmaking surethecarriage boltiscorrectly positioned Rotatec...

Page 12: ...ayshear Referto Figure7 Iftheaugersdonotturn checkif thepinshavesheared Replace if needed withproper shearpins Refer to item42onpage19for part number IMPORTANT NEVER replacethe auger shearpinswith standard pins or fastenersAnydamagetothe augergearboxorothercomponents as aresultof doingso willNOTbecovered byyoursnowthrower s warranty Lubrication Foraviewofthe lubrication pointsonthe snowthrower see...

Page 13: ...leasetheaugerbrake whichisthetab thatholdsthebeltontothe augerpulley Remove thebeit 4 Replace with newbeltafterreplacing thedrivebelt Drive Belt NOTE Replace thedrivebeltbeforereassembling the newaugerbelt I Tipthesnowthrowerupandforwardsothatit restsonthe auger housing IMPORTANT Remember gascouldleakfromthecarburetor at this point thegascapshouldhavebeencovered withplasticas previously instructed...

Page 14: ...ensnugly 4 Remove dipstickandcheck Ifoilisnotupto theFULLmarkon dipstick addoil Changing Oil Change engineoilafterfirsttwohoursofoperationandevery25hours thereafter Inorderto changeoil youwill havetofirstdraintheused engineo1I fromtheengineandthenrefillwithfreshoil 1 Drainoilwhile engine iswarmRemove oiidrain pluglocated atthebot tomoftherecoilstarter oftheengine Catch oilinasuitable container 2 W...

Page 15: ...onotsandblast sparkplug Sparkplug shouldbecleanedby scraping orwirebrushing andwashing witha commercial solvent Followthe maintenanceschedulegivenbelow Someadjustmentswillhavetobe madeperiodicallyto maintainyoiJrunit properly_Periodicallycheckall fastenersandmakesure theseare tighL Keeptrackof your scheduledservicebyfillingin theService Datesfield below performing anyadjustments orrepairs_ TASKS L...

Page 16: ...ingthesnowthrower in anunventilated ormetalstor ageshed careshouldbetakento rustproof the equipment Using alightoilorsilicone coattheequipment especially anychains springs bearings andcables Remove airdirtfromexteriorofengineandequipment Follow lubrication recommendations Storeequipment na clean dryarea Alcohol blended fueis called gasohol orusing ethanol or methanol canattractmoisturewhich leadst...

Page 17: ...clogged 2 Foreign objectlodgedinauger 3 Augercableinneedofadjustmant 4 Augerbeltloose ordamaged 5 Shearpin s sheared 1 Movechokecontrol to ONposition 2 Connectwireto sparkpiug 3 Clean adjustgap orreplace 4 Fill tankwithclean freshgasofine 5 Primeengineas instructed intheOperationSection 6 Insertkeyfullyintotheswitch 1 Movechokecontro to OFFposition 2 Fill tankwithclean freshgasoline 3_ Drainfuefta...

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Page 19: ... 13 712 04064 Range Lock Nut 114 20 5 33 784 0434 Auger Idler Bracket 34 790 00075 Bearing Housing 35 618 04292A Auger Gearbox Assembty 36 684 04 13A Auger Assembly LH 37 684 04114A Auger Assembly RH 1 1 t 2 2 14 731 2643 Clean out Tool 1 15 731 2635 Clean out Tool Mount 1 16 725 0t57 Cable Tie 1 17 710 0134 Carriage Screw 1 4 20 x 0 62 5 18 710 0520 Hex Bolt 318 16x 1 50 1 38 684 04166A Auger Hou...

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Page 21: ...crew 1 4 20 x 625 17 711 1364 Clevis Pin 18 714 0115 t t 1 2 t 3 t Cotter Pin 116x 1 0 2 38 710 0654A 39 710 0696 40 710 1245B 41 731 04162A 42 736 0247 43 736 0505 44 748 04067A 45 750 1355 46 7504356 TT Seres Screw 3 8 t6 x 1 0 4 Hex Bolt 318 24 x 875 Lock Bolt 5118 24x 875 BeI Cover Rat Washer 406 ID x 125 OD Rat Washer 34 ID x 1 50 OD Putley Adapter 75 Dia Spacer 676 x 1 25 x 19 Spacer 876 x 1...

Page 22: ...Tecumseh Engine LH195SP 67514D 76 311 22 ...

Page 23: ...ndWire 1 110A 36874 GroundWire Green 5 _ 1 119 120 125 125 126 127 130 130A 130B 130B 135 150 15t 161 16i 169 36443 Cylinder HeadGasket 1 37675 CylinderHead fnc 130A 1 36471 ExhaustValve Std Incl 151 _ 1 36472 ExhaustValve 1 32OS IncL151 1 32644A intakeValve Std Incl 151 1 650691 Washer 1 6021A Screw 5 16 18x 14 2 2 650694A Screw 5 16 18 x 2 5 650737 Screw 1 4 20x 1 2 2 650818 Screw 5 16 18x 1 t 2...

Page 24: ...301 37845 309A 650783 310A 37868 311 37246 Muffler Incl 274 1 Screw 114 20 x 2 1 2 2 StarterCup 1 Screw 8 32x 21 64 t Screw 8 32x 21 64 2 FuelLine t 370 FuelLineClamp 2 3701 Screw 1 445x 3 4 2 380 FuelTank Incl 292 301 2Quart 1 390 Fuel c a o 1 396 screw 10 24 x 3 4 2 396 Dipstick 1 400 Dipstick I 351 32180C PrimerLine 1 355 590574 StarterHandle Mitten Grip 1 364 33333 Carburetor CoverBracket 1 36...

Page 25: ...crew 1 20A 640053 IdleRestdetor ScrewCap t 25 631867 RoarBowl nodrain 1 27 631024 Float Shaft1 1 28 632802 Roat Plastic 1 29 631026 RoarBowlO Ringt 1 30 631021A InletNeedle Seat Clip incl 31 1 1 31 631022 Spi4ng Clip 1 36 632745 MainNozzleTube 1 37 6325470 Ring Main Nozzle Tube t 2 40 640131 HighSpeedBowlNut I 44 27110A BowlNutWasher _ 1 47 630748 WelchPlug IdleMixtureWetl1 1 48 631027 WelchP3ug A...

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Page 27: ...50 PRECAUCION antes de utilizar este producto lea este manual y siga todas las reglas de seguridad y las instrucciones de funcionamiento SEGURIDAD MONTAJE OPERACION MANTENIMIENTO LISTADO DE PIEZAS ESPANOL Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 EE UU Visite nuestro sitio web www sears com craftsman ...

Page 28: ...uirido est diseEado yfabricado para brindartouchesariesdefuncionamiento confiable Perocometodoslosproductos avecespuederequerir derepara clones Esenesememento cuando et disponerdeun acuerdo de protecci6n parareparaciones lepuedeahorrardineroy preblemas Acontinuaci6n se detallanlospuntosincluidos enelacuerdo Servicio expertoprestado pernuestros12000 especialistas en reparaciones profesionales Servi...

Page 29: ...raci6nde esta m_quina En case de no seguirestas instrucciones podriaprovocar lesiones personales Cuando yea este sfmbolo SIGA LA ADVERTENClA Su responsabilidad Estam_quinael_ctricas6topuedenusarfalas personasque lean comprendany respetenlas advertenciase instruccionesqueaparecenen estemanualyen la m_ quina f Herramienta de _iezadelcanal Hayunaherramienta delirnpiezadelcanal ajustada alaparte super...

Page 30: ... en funciona miento Detenga la m_quina si alguien entra en la zona Sea precavido pare evitar patinarse o caerse especialmente cuando opera la m_quina en reverse PREPARATIVES Inspeccione minuciosamente el _ea donde utilizar_ el equipo Saque redes los felpudos pefi6dicos tdneos tabtas cables y airesobjetos extrafios con los que podda tropezar o qua podr anser arrojados perIa barrenat motor Pare prot...

Page 31: ...or est6 en funcionamiento Antes de destapario apague el motor y permanezca detr6s de las manijas hasta que redes las partes m6viles se hayan detenido Use s6fo uniones y accesorios aprobados per el fabricante per ejemplo poses pare las ruedas cadenas para los neum ticos cabinas etc Si se presenlan situaoiones que no est_n previstas en este manual sea cuidadosoy use el sentido com0n Contacte con su ...

Page 32: ...aleenlatoiva superiory girarfetolvasuperior haciaarribaperIo queestoir_ Entonces apriete aperitta dealeen la tofvasuperiorquese aseguraqueelcerrejo decarroescorrecta mentecolocado Refi_rase ala Figure1 3 Soltarlaperiltadealey Iaetiqueta encadaladedelmangoVerIa Figura2 4 Curvaqueprocuranoovueltalos cables sostengaambos mandoscentreel mangosuperior ytirecomemostradoen el PasoI dela Figure2_Asegurese...

Page 33: ...si6n y elcabledelabarrena se dirigenatray s delacajadecontroldevelocidad enelladeizquierdo delamania Elcabledelabarrena y elcabledecontroldevelocidad se dirigen despu6s haciala manijainferiorizquierdaEfcabledetransmisl6n se dirigea trav6sdeIapartesuperiordeIamaniasuperiory per _ltimo haca abajoa lamanijanferiorderechaVeafafigura5 2 Sehanutilizado tresunienesdecableparaajustarsintensi6nlos doscabte...

Page 34: ...abarrenaenla p_gina33antesdeoperarsum_quina quitanieveLeay cumpla todas las nstrucciones concukJado y realicetodoslosajustesparaverificar quesum _quina quitanieve operadeformaseguray adecuada Manija del canal Ladirecci0n enquese arrojaIanievecorresponde a ladirecci6n de aperturadelcanal Uselamanijadelcanalparagirarelmontaje del canal enladirecoi6n enfa quedeseequitarlaneve Perilla del canal Esposi...

Page 35: ...dor el_ctrico Sioprime elbot6ndotarrancador el_tficoseengrana elarrancador eldctrico delmotor cuando seIoenchufa aunafuente deenergia de120V Salida del arrancador el_ctrico Esnecesario usaruncord6nprolongador paraexteriores detres espigas y unafuentedeenergfa tornacorriente deparedde120V Cebador AIpresJonar elcebador seenvia combu_ble directamenle al carburador delmotorpareayudaralencendido cuando...

Page 36: ...pletamente insertada enel interrupter deencendido Arrancador el_ctrico 1 Lg _ sielcableado de_ begat esunsis_rna deIres cab_ cmec _do a tierre Consulte conunel_ m_culado _noes_seguro elarrancadorel_ctrico opcional est_equipadoconuncablede alimentaci6n y unenchufe detresterminales conectados atierra y est_dise5ado paraoperarconcorriente dom_stica de120 voltios Debeserutilizado conunrecept_culo detr...

Page 37: ...nsmisiSn 6 Amedidaqualam_quina quitanieve comienza a moverse sostenga firmemente lamanijay guietam quina alo largodel camino quedesealimpiar 7 Suelteloscontroles delabarrena y latransmisiSn paraquela m_4quina dejedequitarnievey dedesplazarse haciadelante NOTA suunidad est_equipada conunembrague enlatransmisiSn Si lasruedas sedetienen mientras tratadedescargar grandes vol0menes denieve inmediatamen...

Page 38: ...emaneraqualos pasadores secaftan Consulteta figura8 Silasbarrenas nogiran verifique silospasadores secortaronSies necesario reemplace conlospasadores decuchilla adecuados Consults elelemento 42enlap gina 19pare conocer eln_mero departs tMPORTANTE noreemplace NUNCA lospassdores decuchilla per pasadores est_ndar o sujetadores Cuatquier da_oquesufra e engranaje delabarrens ocua_quier otrocomponente p...

Page 39: ... taladro queesla etiqueta quesostieneelcintur6n enlapoleade taladroQuiteelcintur6n 4 Sustituir potelnuevo cintur6n despu_s desustituir elcintur6n depaseo Cinturbn de Paseo NOTE Sustituya elcintur6ndepaseo antesdevolveramontarel nuevocintur6n detaladro I Lapuntaellanzadordenievey avanzado demodoquedescanse enelalojamiento detaladro IMPORTANTE Recuerde elgaspodriaescaparse delcarburetor en este punt...

Page 40: ...a Gamble de aceite Changeengineoilafterfirsttwohoursofoperation andevery25 Cambteelaceitedelmotordespu6s de lasdosprimeras horasde operaci6n y a partir deahfcada25horasdeoperaci6n_ Pararealizar e cambio deaceiteprimatedebevaciarel motordelaceileusadoy luegovolverallenarloconaceitenuevo 1 Droneelaceite mienlras elmotorest_caliente Saque latapade drenado delaceite ubicada enlabasedelarrancador deret...

Page 41: ...lizadosperi6di camenteparaet mantenimiento adecuadode la unidad Reviseperi6dicamente todos lossujetadoresy compruebeque est_nbienajustados Controlesucalendariode mantenimiento completandoelcampo Fechasde losservicios que apareceacontinuaci6n_ antesderealizartareasde servieio reparaci6n 1ubr_caci6n o inspecci6n desengrane todos los controles y detenga el motor Espereaquese detengan todas laspiezasm...

Page 42: ...te igero osilic6npararecubrir el equipo especialmente las cadenas losresortes ioscojir stes y Ioscables 2 Eliminetodoelpolvodelexteriorde motory delequipo 3 SigaIasrecomendaciones detubricaci6n enla secci6nde mantenimiento deestemanual 4 Almacene el equipoer un_readespejada y seca Nuncaalmaoene lam_quina quitanieve concombustible ene tanqueenunespaciocerradooen_reasconpocaventilaciSn dondelosgases...

Page 43: ...dodes decuchilla est_n cortados 2 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 1 Pongaelinterruptor enlaposicOnCHOKE obtura ci6n Conecte el cableala bujia Limpie ajustetadistancia disruptiva o cambie LIeneettanquecongasotina limpiay fresca Cebee motortal y comoseindica en lasecci6nde operacibn Insertelallavetotalmente dentrodelinterruptor Cambielapalancadeobturaci6n ala posici6n OFF apagado Ueneeltanquecongasolinalimpiay fresca...

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