Craftsman 247.883961 Operator'S Manual Download Page 31

Summary of Contents for 247.883961

Page 1: this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY o ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST o ESPANOL Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FormI o 769 08184C June21 2013 ...

Page 2: ...shave plate shear pins spark plug aircleaner belts andoilfilter Standard maintenance servicing oilchanges ortune ups Tirereplacement orrepaircaused bypunctures fromoutside objects such asnails thorns stumps orglass Tireorwheelreplacement orrepair resulting fromnormalwear accident orimproper operation ormaintenance Repairs necessary because ofoperator abuse including butnot limited to damage caused...

Page 3: ... PREPARATION Thoroughly inspect theareawheretheequipmentisto beused Remove all doormats newspapers sleds boards wiresandotherforeignobjects which couldbetrippedoverorthrownbytheauger impeller Always wearsafetyglasses oreyeshields duringoperation andwhile performinganadjustment or repairto protectyoureyes Thrown objects whichricochetcancause serious injury to theeyes Donotoperate without wearingade...

Page 4: ...lector openings Donotunclog chuteassembly whileengineis running Shutoff engine andremainbehind handles until allmovingpartshavestoppedbefore unclogging Use onlyattachments andaccessories approved bythemanufacturer e g wheelweights tirechains cabs etc Whenstartingengine pull cordslowlyuntil resistance isfelt thenpull rapidly Rapid retractionofstartercord kickback will pullhandandarm towardenginefas...

Page 5: ...E REGARDING EMiSSiONS Engines which are certified to complywith Californiaandfederal EPA emissionregulationsfor SORE SmallOff RoadEquipment arecertified to operateonregularunleadedgasoline and mayinclude the following emissioncontrolsystems Engine Modification EM OxidizingCatalyst 0C Secondary Air injection SAI andThreeWayCatalyst TWC ifsoequipped SPARK ARRESTOR e Thismachineisequippedwith aninter...

Page 6: ...mpeller housing or chute assembly Contact with the rotating parts can amputate hands and feet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury WARNING GASOLINE IS FLAMMABLE Allow the engine to cool at least two minutes before refueling WARNING CARBON MONOXIDE Never run an engine indoors or in a poorly ventilated area Engine exhaust conta...

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Page 8: ...esurebothcables are alignedwith rollerguidesbeforepivotingthehandleupward a Place theshift everintheF6position b Puffupandbackonupperhandleasshownin Figure 1 Asyouare raisingthehandleupward makesurethat bothendsof thecenter cablearepositionedproperly inthe brackets SeeFigure 2 Align upperhandle with thelowerhandle c Tighten handknobs securingupperhandleto lowerhandle Remove anddiscard anyrubberban...

Page 9: ...el Secure chutecontrolheadto chutesupportbracketwithclevis pinandbow tiecotterpinremoved instep1 SeeFigure 5 5 Finishsecuring chutecontrolheadbyinstallinghexboltandwing nut See Figure 6 6 Inserttheotherendof thechutecontrolrodintotheinputshaftbelowthe handlepanel Makesureto lineuptheflat endof therodandtheflat end ofthe inputshaft Youmayneedto rotatetherodarounduntil thesetwo surfaces lineup SeeFi...

Page 10: ...tenance Adjustments sectionforChuteControl Rod adjustment Theholeclosest to thechutecontrolheadisusedfor manualmovement of thechuteassembly if required Refertothe Controls Features section Check that thecables areproperlyroutedthroughthecableguideontopof theengine SeeFigure 9 NOTE Forsmoothest operation thecables shouldallbeto the left ofthe chutecontrolrod Set Up ShearPins Holes arelocated inthep...

Page 11: ...tersaroundandpositionthemasshownin Figure 12to the outside of theaugerhousing Attachthedrift cutterswith thescrews andwingknobsremoved earlier See Figure 13 Tire Pressure Underanycircumstance do notexceedmanufacturer srecommendedpsi Equaltire pressureshouldbemaintainedat alltimes Excessive pressure when seatingbeadsmaycausetirelrim assemblyto burstwith force sufficient to causeseriousinjury Refert...

Page 12: ...verifyyour snowthrower is operating safelyand properly Check theadjustmentof theaugercontrolasfollows 1 Theaugercontrolislocated ontheleft handle SeeFigure 15inset When theaugercontrolisreleased andinthedisengaged up position thecable shouldhaveverylittle slack ItshouldNOT betight 2 Ina well ventilated area start thesnowthrowerengine Referto Starting theEngine intheOperation section 3 Whilestandin...

Page 13: ...rse R speeds One 1 istheslower and two 2 isthefaster I 2 Drift Cutters 16 Key Thekeyisasafetydevice It mustbefully inserted in orderfor theengine to start Remove thekeywhenthe snowthrowerisnotinuse NOTE Donotturn theignition keyinanattempt tostart theengine Doingsomaycause itto break ChokeControl Thechokecontrolisfoundontherearof theengineandis activatedbyturningthe rotarychokeknobto theCHOKE posi...

Page 14: ...ft handle Squeeze thecontrolgripagainst the handleto engage theaugerandstartsnowthrowingaction Release to stop DriveControl Auger ControlLock f DRIVE CONTROL Thedrivecontrolislocated ontheright handle Squeeze thecontrolgripagainstthe handleto engage thewheeldrive Release to stop Thedrivecontrolalsolockstheaugercontrolsoyoucanoperatethechute directionalcontrolwithoutinterruptingthe snowthrowingproc...

Page 15: ...lfromtheclipwhichsecures it to therearof the augerhousing 4 Use theshovel shaped endof theclean outtoolto dislodge andscoop any snowandicewhichhasformedinandnearthechuteassembly 5 Refasten theclean out toolto themountingclipontherearof theauger housing reinsert theignitionkeyandstart thesnowthrower sengine 6 Whilestandingintheoperator s position behindthesnowthrower engage theaugercontrolforafew s...

Page 16: ...eyfullyinsertedintothe ignitionswitch Theelectric starter isequippedwith a groundedthree wire power plug andisdesignedto operateon 120voltAChousehold current It must be usedwith a properlygroundedthree prong receptacleat all timesto avoid the possibilityof electrk shock Followall instructionscarefully priorto operatingthe electricstarter DONOT useelectric starter in the rain Determine thatyourhome...

Page 17: ...cannotstartwithout thekey 3 Wipeanymoisture awayfromthecontrols ontheengine ToEngageDrive 1 Withthethrottle controlintheFast rabbit _ _111 position moveshift lever intooneof thesixforward F positions ortwo reverse R positions Selecta speed appropriate forthesnowconditions andapaceyou recomfortable with NOTE Whenselectinga Drive Speed usetheslowerspeeds untilyouare comfortable andfamiliarwith theop...

Page 18: ...OTE Check theoillevelbeforeeachuseto besurecorrectoillevelismaintained Whenaddingoilto theengine referto viscosity chartbelow Engine oilcapacity is1100ml approx 37oz Donotover fill Use a4 stroke oranequivalenthigh detergent premiumqualitymotoroilcertifiedto meetorexceed U S automobile manufacturer s requirements forservice classification SG SF Motoroilsclassified SG SF will showthisdesignation ont...

Page 19: ... deposits 1 Remove thesparkplugbootandusea sparkplugwrenchto remove the plug SeeFigure 22 2 Visually inspectthesparkplug Discard thesparkplugifthereisapparent wear orif theinsulatoriscracked orchipped Clean thesparkplugwith a wirebrushifit isto bereused 3 Measure thepluggapwith afeelergauge Correct asnecessary bybending sideelectrode SeeFigure 23 Thegapshouldbesetto 02 03 inches 0 60 0 80mm 4 Chec...

Page 20: wheels AugerShaft Atleastonceaseason remove theshearpinsonaugershaft Spray lubricantinside shaft andaroundthespacers andflangebearings foundat eitherendof theshaft SeeFigure 25 ShavePlate and Skid Shoes Theshave plateandskidshoes onthebottomofthesnowthroweraresubjectto wear Theyshouldbechecked periodkallyandreplaced whennecessary NOTE Theskidshoes onthismachine havetwo wearedges Whenonesidewea...

Page 21: ...rower forward Thewheelsshouldnotturn Theunitshouldnotroll freely 3 Withthedrivecontrolreleased movetheshift leverback andforthbetween theR2positionandthe F6positionseveral times There shouldbeno resistance intheshift lever 4 If anyof theabove testsfailed thedrivecableisinneedof adjustment Proceed asfollows a Shutoff theengineasinstructed inthe Operation section b Loosen thelowerhexboltonthedriveca...

Page 22: ...s I Topreventspillage remove allfuelfromtankbyrunningengineuntil it stops 2 Remove theplasticbeltcoveronthefrontof theenginebyremoving thetwo self tapping screws SeeFigure 30 3 Rolltheaugerbeltoffthe enginepulley SeeFigure 31 4 Carefully pivotthesnowthrowerupandforwardsothat it restsontheauger housing 5 Remove theframecoverfromtheunderside of thesnowthrowerby removing fourself tappingscrews whichs...

Page 23: ...beltreplaced FrictionWheelinspection If thesnowthrowerfailsto drivewith thedrivecontrolengaged andperforming theDrive ControlCable Adjustment failsto correctthe problem thefrictionwheel mayneedto bereplaced Examine thefrictionwheelrubberforsignsof wearor cracking andreplace wheelifnecessary flOTE Several components mustberemoved andspecial toolsarerequired in order to replace thissnowthrower sfric...

Page 24: ...isfromaround engine andunder around andbehindmuffler Applya lightfilm ofoil onanyareas that aresusceptible to rust Storeinaclean dryandwell ventilatedareaawayfromanyappliance that operates with aflameorpilot light suchasa furnace waterheater or clothesdryer Avoidanyareawitha sparkproducing electricmotor orwhere powertoolsareoperated PreparingSnowThrower Whenstoringthe snowthrowerin anunventilated ...

Page 25: ...25 ...

Page 26: ... models so equipped 1 Engine running on CHOKE 2 Stale fuel 3 Water or dirt in fuel system 4 Carburetor out of adjustment 5 Over governed engine 1 Loose parts or damaged auger 1 Spark plug wire loose 2 Gas cap vent hole plugged 1 Drive cable in need of adjustment 2 Drive belt loose or damaged 3 Worn friction wheel electric starter outlet and the other end to a three prong 120 volt grounded ACoutlet...

Page 27: ...iately and disconnect spark plug wire Remove object from auger with clean out tool or a stick 3 Adjust auger control cable Refer to Assembly section 4 Replace auger belt Refer to Service and Maintenance section 5 Replace with new shear pin s 1 Disassemble chute control and reassemble as directed in the Assembly section NEED MORE HELP YotJU fir_ the _ swe a_ m _ Yeo_ _ _ _a_ a_emy f_eo_ _ fo_ free ...

Page 28: ...Craftsman SnowThrower Model 247 883961 18 24 13 26 3 1 j oL 20 57 15 55 35 25 23 12 5 7 16 28 8 5 54 7 14 17 3O 37 53 42 31 21 29 10 34 28 ...

Page 29: ...aring Ball 75 ID x 1 85 OD Flat Pulley Idler 2 75 OD Housing Bearing 1 85 ID Bracket Auger Idler w Brake Gearbox Assembly Auger 30 Housing Assembly Auger 30 Spiral Assembly LH m m 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 684 04108 4044 731 04870 736 0188 741 0493A 790 00087A 0637 790 00119 0691 731 05984A Spiral Assembly RH Spacer 1 25 OD x 75 ID x 1 00 W...

Page 30: ...Craftsman SnowThrower Model 247 883961 42 45 2 I 10 20 14 13 21 22 2O 12 13 14 26 45 24 61 36 I 28 3O ...

Page 31: ...16 24 x 0 75 Friction Wheel Support Brkt Assy Auger Cable Guide Bracket Spacer N 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 738 04184A 790 00316 0691 656 04055 918 06072 684 04153C 716 0136 726 0221 790 00183C 0691 932 0264 712 0417A 946 0956C 790 00528 0691 750 0767 712 04065 710 0751 790 00217A 0637 790 00218A 0637 712 04063 712 04064 618 0063...

Page 32: ...Craftsman SnowThrower Model247 883961 42 29 7 J _ 38 66 g 32 ...

Page 33: ...t Assembly LH Wing Knob Screw 5 16 18 x 0 75 Lower Handle Torsion Spring Flat Washer Screw M8 1 25 Flat Washer 330 x 630 x 0635 Steering Control Pin 3 16 N 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 N A 716 04036 914 0145 732 04677 731 08947 925 06095 725 06090 710 04329 710 0599 731 08876 710 1652 731 06401 926 04012 756 04109 736 0...

Page 34: ...Craftsman SnowThrower Model 247 883961 21 231 25 34 ...

Page 35: ...e Guide Clevis Pin Cotter Pin Flat Washer 349 x 879 x 063 Chute Rod Chute Bracket m M 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 712 04064 710 04373A 911 05752 917 04973A 917 05019 731 07529A 936 0272 741 04388A 741 04453A 790 00342B 0637 Flange Lock Nut 1 4 20 Screw 12 16 x 75 Shaft Worm Drive Gear Helical Worm 2 Start Nylon Cover Gear Chute Control Wash Flat 510 x 1 00 x 060 ...

Page 36: ...4915 951 11339 710 04915 951 10757 951 11595 731 05632 951 10637 951 11302 710 04914 951 11181 951 11321 710 04968 951 11338 712 05015 951 11311 710 04915 II _ o 0 Bolt M6x12 Muffler Shield Bolt M6x12 Throttle Control Knob Control Panel Key Key Switch Assembly Choke Knob Bolt M6xlO Exhaust Pipe Shield Carburetor Heat Shield Bolt M6x16 MuFfler Assembly Nut M8 Throttle Control Assembly Bolt M6x12 36...

Page 37: ...uild Kit In c i j p q r s t u v x z Choke Shaft Choke Control Lever Washer Fuel Shutoff Lever Screw Choke Plate Throttle Shaft Throttle Plate Gasket 131 33 0 136 135 _ 137138 __0 _ 138 147 Carburetor Rebuild Kit 139_ _139 h I J k I m n o P q r s t U V W X Y Z aa n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ 751 11991 951 11906 n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ n_ 951 11970 n_ 951 11348 710 04945 951 11349 710 04938 D o 0 Throttle Shaft Cover I...

Page 38: ...Craftsman Engine Model 483 SUB ForSnow Model 247 883961 61 141 140 44 42 4O I 43 42 144 GasketKit CompJete 145 GasketKit External 146 CompleteEngine 49 38 ...

Page 39: ...Oil Fill Plug Assembly O Ring Crankcase Cover Crankcase Cover Kit Inc 49 59 60 64 68 Oil Seal Bolt M8x38 67 68 69 70 71 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 8O 81 140 141 143 144 145 146 710 06062 710 06063 710 04968 951 11320 710 05349 951 11381 951 12073 951 11904 951 11971A 951 11341A 951 11328B 951 11350 736 04440 710 04906 951 11499 951 11968 951 11969 951 10641 951 11330A 951 11331 952Z483 SU B D o 0 Bolt M...

Page 40: ...odel 483 SUBForSnow Model 247 883961 142 123 123 123 1 4 123 11o_ 11s 11_ _11311s 112 11o 116 _ _ I 114 113 o 122 121 120 119 I 1 127 118 144 Gasket Kit Co replete 128 145 GasketKit I xternal 146 Complete Engine 123 4O ...

Page 41: ...Assembly Bolt MlOxl 25x87 Bolt MlOx1 25x65 Intake Valve Seal Intake Valve Spring Retainer Valve Spring Exhaust Valve Spring Retainer 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126a 126b 127 128 142 144 145 146 951 12081 951 11965 951 11981 710 04962 951 11966 751 11123 751 11124 710 05054 951 11220 951 11967 731 07059 726 04101 951 11317 710 04915 951 11333 951 11330A 951 11331 952Z483 SU B D _ o o E...

Page 42: ...w Screw M4 X 55 Electric Starter Bolt M8x55 Ignition Coil Assembly Ignition Coil Bolt Alternator Assembly Bolt M6x30 Bolt M6x8 Alternator Wire Clamp Bracket Flywheel 89 90 91 92 93 95 96 97 98 951 11313 951 11314 712 04220 710 04968 710 04915 951 11211 951 14223 736 04455 710 04974 D o 0 Cooling Fan Starter Cup Flywheel Nut M14x1 5 Bolt M6x16 Bolt M6x12 Blower Housing Recoil Starter Assembly Flat ...

Page 43: ...el Indicator Bolt M8x20 Bushing Slot Bushing Rnd Fuel Tank Assembly Fuel Tank Shroud Fuel Tank Mounting Bracket Engine Shroud Bolt M6x16 Bush 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 951 11336 951 11700 710 04921 951 11182 712 04212 710 04908 951 11307 951 11306 951 11203 951 11309 D o 0 Fuel Line Kit Fuel Hose Clamp Bolt M8x14 Fuel Tank Mounting Bracket Flange Nut M6 Governor Arm Bolt M6X21 Governor Arm Gov...

Page 44: ...IHOVW 9NIOIAEI3S 80 ONIOOOIONA H0 139 3dd01S3AVH SIUVd9NIAOW 11V111Nfl S31QNVH ONIH I8 NIVI J3H QNV INION3 d01S SU_A31 HOln10 39VON ISIO 7 _11 1H3 39EIVHOSIQ O0 lONn 01 1001 lflO NV3 lO3SR 13 1 1 ONVSONVH IIVlrldWV NVO U3OflV EIO U ll dl_l HIlM IOVINO0 H39flV ONV IJ3133d_ll 9NIIV101 I WOEI I AVMV d33H 777S32236 777D19077 777122363 777D16338 777D16340 777122340 777D18036 777X43688 DONoi USEE85ORFUE...

Page 45: ...od ucts com GENERAL EMISSIONS WARRANTY COVERAGE MTD Consumer Group Inc warrants to the ultimate purchaser and each subsequent purchaser that the outdoor equipment engine is 1 designed built and equipped so as to conform with all applicable regulations and 2 free from defects in materials and workmanship that cause the failure of a warranted part for a period of two years The warranty period begins...

Page 46: ...placement of the part That notwithstanding any adjustment of a component that has a factory installed and properly operating adjustment limiting device is still eligible for warranty coverage Further the coverage under this warranty extends only to parts that were present on the off road engine and equipment purchased The following emission warranty parts are covered if applicable 1 Fuel Metering ...

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