Craftsman 247.881900 Operator'S Manual Download Page 14

Summary of Contents for 247.881900

Page 1: ... Before using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LiST ESPAI_OL Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsrnan corn FORMNO 769 01909D 7 5 2007 ...

Page 2: necessary because ofoperator negligence including but not limited to electrical and mechanical damage caused byimproper storage bent crankshafts failure touse the proper grade and amount ofengine oil orfailure tomaintain the equipment according tothe instructions contained inthe operator s manual Engine fuel system cleaning orrepairs caused by fuel determined tobecontaminated oroxidized stale I...

Page 3: ... Searstechnicianon productsrequiringin homerepair plus convenientrepair scheduling Purchase a RepairProtectionAgreementnowandprotectyourself fromunexpectedhassleandexpense Onceyou purchasethe Agreement a simplephonecall is all thatit takesfor you toscheduleservice Youcan call anytimeday ornight or schedulea serviceappointmentonline Searshas over12 000professionalrepairspecialists who have accessto...

Page 4: ...on Stop machineif anyoneentersthearea Exercisecaution to avoidslippingorfalling especiallywhenoperatingin reverse PREPARATION Thoroughlyinspecttheareawheretheequipmentis to beused Remove all doormats newspapers sleds boards wiresandotherforeignobjects which couldbetrippedoverorthrownbythe auger impeller Alwayswearsafetyglassesoreyeshieldsduringoperationandwhile performinganadjustmentor repairto pr...

Page 5: havestoppedbefore unclogging Useonly attachmentsand accessoriesapprovedbythe manufacturer e g wheelweights tirechains cabsetc If situationsoccurwhich are notcoveredinthis manual usecareand goodjudgment Contactyour SearsServiceCenterforassistance MAINTENANCE STORAGE Nevertamperwith safetydevices Checktheir properoperation regularly Referto the maintenanceandadjustmentsectionsof this manual Be...

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Page 8: ...mentaugershearpinsare includedwiththis manual Refer to ReplacingShearPinsinthe Operationsectionfor moreinformation regardingshearpin replacement ASSEMBLY 1 Placethe shiftleverin the Forward 6position 2 Observethe lowerrearareaof the snowthrowerto besure both cablesarealignedwith rollerguidesbeforepivotingthe handle upward SeeFigure1 Figure1 NOTE Makecertainthe upperendsof eachcableare seatedproper...

Page 9: intoplace use the palmof your handto applyswift firm pressureto the backof each 6 a b Removetheflat washerand hairpinclipfromthe endof the chutedirectionalcontrol Insertthe endof the chutedirectionalcontrolintothe lower bracketandsecurewiththe flatwasherandhairpinclip just removed SeeFigure5 If necessary the lowerbracketcan be adjusted Referto ChuteBracketAdjustmentinthe Service Maintenances...

Page 10: ...owerskidshoesareadjustedupwardat the factoryfor shippingpurposes Adjustthemdownward if desired priorto operat ingthe snowthrower tt youoperate snow ongravelas is not recommended that this thrower can easilypickupandthrowloosegravel causingpersonalinjuryor I amageto the snowthrowerandsurroundingproperty 1 Forclosesnowremovalona smoothsurface raiseskidshoes higheron theaugerhousing Usea middleor low...

Page 11: ...tionsection Makesurethe throttleis setin the FAST _1 position 3 Whilestandinginthe operator sposition behindthe snow thrower engagethe auger 4 Allowthe augerto remainengagedfor approximately ten 10 secondsbeforereleasingthe augercontrol Repeatthisseveral times 5 Withthethrottlecontrolinthe FAST rabbit _ positionand the augercontrolin the disengaged up position walkto the front of the machine 6 Con...

Page 12: ...everinto anyof eightpositionsto controlthe directionof travelandground speed Forward Yoursnowthrowerhassix forward F speeds Positionone 1 is the slowestand positionsix 6 is the fastest Reverse Yoursnowthrowerhastwo reverse R speeds One 1 is the slower andtwo 2 is the faster NOTE Do not turnthe ignitionkeyinan attemptto startthe engine Doingso maycauseit to break CHOKE CONTROL III The chokecontroli...

Page 13: ...ugersandstart snowthrowing action Releaseto stop J DRIVE CONTROL AUGER CONTROL LOCK f DRIVE CONTROL The drivecontrolis locatedon the righthandle Squeezethe control gripagainstthe handleto engagethe wheeldrive Releaseto stop The drivecontrolalso locksthe augercontrolso you canoperate the chutedirectionalcontrolwithoutinterrupting the snowthrowing process If the augercontrolis engagedsimultaneously ...

Page 14: ...dcontainerandkeepthe cap in placeonthe container Makesurethatthe containerfromwhichyou pourthe gasolineis cleanandfreefromrustor otherforeignparticles Alwaysfill thefuel tankoutdoorsand usea funnelorspoutto preventspilling Fillfuel tankwithclean fresh unleadedgasoline Neverfill thefuel tankcompletely Fillthe tankto within1 2 from the top to providespaceforexpansionof fuel Makesureto wipeoff anyspi...

Page 15: ...ry off any moistureonthe engine Movethrottlecontrolto STOP 1 position 2 Removethe ignitionkeyandstoreina safeplace 3 Wipeall snowandmoisturefromthe areaaroundthe engineas wellas the areainand aroundthe drivecontrolandaugercontrol Also engageandreleasebothcontrolsseveraltimes TO ENGAGE DRIVE 1 Withthethrottlecontrolinthe Fast_ position moveshift lever intooneof the six forward F positionsor tworeve...

Page 16: ... Level _ Between FULL and ADD Changing Engine Oil Toavoidenginedamage it is importantto Checkoil levelbeforeeachuse andeveryfiveoperatinghours Changeoil afterfirst two 2 operatinghoursandevery25 operat inghoursthereafter Engineshouldstill bewarmbut nothot fromrecentuse 1 Locatethe oildrainplug SeeFigure13 2 Besurethe gas cap is onand istightenedsecurely 3 Cleanareaaroundoil drainplug 4 Placeapprov...

Page 17: ...ginefasterthanthe speed set at thefactoryis dangerous LUBRICATION Gear Shaft The gear hex shaft shouldbelubricatedat leastoncea seasonor afterevery25 hoursof operation 1 Carefullypivotthe snowthrowerup andforwardso that it restson the augerhousing 2 Removethe lowerframecoverfromthe undersideof the snow throwerbyremovingthe four self tappingscrewswhichsecureit 3 Applya lightcoatingof engineoil or 3...

Page 18: ...etdownwardto takeupslack inthe cable 4 Retightenthehex nut Drive Control Whenthe drivecontrolis releasedandin thedisengaged up position the cableshouldhavevery littleslack It shouldNOTbe tight Also if there is excessiveslackin the drivecableor if the unitexperiences intermittentdrivewhileusing thecable mayneedto beadjusted Checkthe adjustmentof the drivecontrolas follows 1 Withthedrive controlrele...

Page 19: controlcable Skid Shoes Referto the Assemblysectionfor instructionsonadjustingthe skid shoes BELT REPLACEMENT Auger Belt To removeandreplaceyoursnowthrower saugerbelt proceedas follows 1 Topreventspillage placea pieceof plasticwrap underthegas capand tightensecurely 2 Removethe plasticbelt coveron thefrontof the engineby remov ingthe twoself tappingscrews SeeFigure21 3 Rollthe augerbelt off the...

Page 20: ...e belt betweenthesupportbracketandthe augerpulley SeeFigure25 8 Reassemble augerbeltby followinginstructionsin reverseorder NOTE Do NOTforgetto reinstallthe shoulderscrewandreconnect the springto theframeafterinstallinga replacementaugerbelt Drive Belt Toremoveand replaceyoursnowthrower sdrive belt proceedas follows _ 1 Placea pieceof plasticunderthe gas cap 2 Removethe plasticbelt coveronthe fron...

Page 21: ...ll easereassembly of the belt FRICTION WHEEL REMOVAL If thesnowthrowerfailsto drivewiththe drivecontrolengaged andperformingthe drivecontrolcableadjustmentfailsto correct the problem the frictionwheelmayneedto be replaced Followthe instructionsbelow Examinethefrictionwheelfor signsof wearor crackingandreplaceif necessary 1 Placea pieceof plasticunderthe gas cap 2 Placetheshift leverin third Forwar...

Page 22: ...s If you redisassembling the frictionwheelandreplacingonlythe rubber ring proceedas follows 1 Removethe four screwswhichsecurethe frictionwheel sside platestogether SeeFigure31 2 Removethe rubberringfrombetweenthe plates 3 Reassemble the side plateswitha newrubberring NOTE Whenreassembling the frictionwheelassembly makesure thatthe rubberringis centeredandseatedproperlybetweenthe side plates Tight...

Page 23: ...nto keeptrackof completedmaintenance tasks To locate the nearestSears Service Centeror to schedule service simplycontactSears at 1 800 4 MY HOME EachUse 1st5 8 hours 25 hours 50 hours Annuallyor 100hours BeforeStorage Underheavyloador inhightemperatures 1 Engineoil level 2 Looseor missinghardware 3 Unitandengine 1 Engineoil 1 Engineoil i 2 Aircleaner 3 Controllinkagesand pivots 1 Engineoil 1 Spark...

Page 24: ...n afurnace waterheater clothesdryer orgas appliance PREPARING SNOW THROWER Whenstoringthe snowthrowerin anunventilatedor metalstor ageshed careshouldbetakento rustproofthe equipment Using a light oilor silicone coatthe equipment especiallyanychains springs bearingsandcables Removealldirt fromexteriorof engineand equipment Followlubricationrecommendations Storeequipmentin a clean dry area Alcoholbl...

Page 25: ...d 2 Foreignobjectlodgedinauger 3 Augercable inneedof adjustment 4 Augerbelt looseor damaged 5 Shearpin s sheared 1 Movechokecontrolto ON position 2 Connectwire to sparkplug 3 Clean adjustgap or replace 4 Fill tankwithclean freshgasoline 5 Primeengineas instructedin the OperationSection 6 Insert keyfullyintothe switch 1 Movechokecontrolto OFFposition 2 Fill tankwithclean freshgasoline 3 Drainfuel t...

Page 26: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 881900 9 26 ...

Page 27: ... 1 50 Bearing HexFlangex 75 ID Bearing Ball 75IDx 1 85OD FlatPulley Idler 2 75OD Housing Bearing 1 85ID Bracket AugerIdlerw Brake GearboxAssembly Auger 28 684 04268 29 684 04107 30 684 04108 31 731 04870 32 736 0188 33 741 0493A 34 790 00087A 35 790 00118 36 790 00091 3Z 618 0123A 38 618 0124A 39 721 0338 40 741 0662 41 710 0642 42 711 04283 43 714 0161 44 715 04021 45 717 04126 46 717 0528A 4_ 71...

Page 28: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 881900 28 ...

Page 29: ...chLock Spring Torsion 0 8156IDx 3038 Handle Lower Bumper Rubber 62OD x 22 Washer Flat 385x 870x 092 Bolt Shoulder 5 16 18x 0 905 738 04122 2_ 731 04869 28 746 04397 29 749 04142A 30 74004263 31 790 00313 32 731 04912B 33 710 0276 34 710 04071 35 710 0451 36 731 04426A 37 736 0159 38 741 0475 39 784 5647 40 684 04104 41 710 0449 42 710 04484 43 714 0104 44 720 0201A 45 720 0284 46 726 0100 4_ 735 0...

Page 30: ...Craftsman Snow Thrower Model 247 881900 3O ...

Page 31: ... AugerCable GuideBracket DriveCable Cover Frame LH WheelAssembly 15x 5 x 6 RHWheelAssembly 15x 5 x 6 731 04873 38 738 04168 39 741 0919 40 710 0809 41 710 0191 42 710 0672 43 710 0654A 44 710 1245B 45 710 0896 46 726 04012 4_ 731 04792A 48 732 04308A 49 736 0247 50 736 0119 51 736 0505 52 748 04053A 53 748 04112A 54 750 04303 55 750 04477 56 754 04050 5Z 754 0367 58 756 04109 59 756 04113 60 756 0...

Page 32: ...Craftsman Engine IVlodel LH318SA 156587 For Snow Thrower IVlodel 247 881900 30 87 70 89 69 32 ...

Page 33: ...Cover Incl 71 75 76 80 84 71 35377 CrankshaftBushing 72 27642 Oil DrainPlug 75 35319 Oil Seal 76 28926 CamshaftSeal 80 37587 GovernorShaft 81 651080 Washer 82 37588 GovernorGearAss y Incl 81 83 30588A GovernorSpool 84 29193 RetainingRing 86 650833 Screw 1 4 20x 1 3 16 87 650832 Screw 1 4 20x 1 11 16 89 32589 FlywheelKey 90 611093 Flywheel W RingGear 92 650880 LockWasher 93 650881 FlywheelNut 100 3...

Page 34: ...60 Screw 8 32x 3 8 285 35985B StarterCup 287 29752 Nut LockWasher 1 4 28 291 30962 FuelLine 292 26460 FuelLineClamp 298 650665 Screw 1 4 15x 7 8 300 301 311 314 315 322 323 325 328 329 335 336 338 340 341 342 343 343A 350 351 355 364 365 370C 370H 3701 370K 380 390 396 400 420 34186A 35355 35942 650873 611111 611117 611118 29443 35062 610973 36547 650765 28942 34154 34155 650561 35079A 651060 5706...

Page 35: ...27 632760 D _ O Q Carburetor ThrottleShaft LeverAssembly ThrottleReturnSpring ThrottleShutter ShutterScrew ChokeShaft LeverAssembly ChokeShutter ChokePositioning Spring FuelFitting ThrottleCrackScrew IdleSpeedScrew TensionSpring IdleRestrictorScrew IdleRestrictorScrewCap FloatBowlAss y Incl 32 33 FloatShaft Float FloatBowl 0 Ring InletNeedle Seat Clip Incl 31 SpringClip BowlDrainAssembly DrainPlun...

Page 36: ...arterDog DogSpring Pulley RewindSpringAssembly StarterHousingAssembly StarterRope Length98 x 9 64 dia MittenGripHandle optional 13 11 __ 7 5 _ 2 1 m 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 590733 590599A 590600 590696 590601 590697 590698 590699 590709 590734A 590535 590574 I _ O e RewindStarter SpringPin Incl 4 Washer Retainer Washer BrakeSpring StarterDog DogSpring Pulley RewindSpringAssembly StarterHousingA...

Page 37: ...6 26 650819 26 651032 29 32450B 30 30063 31 650820 D _ II m ElectricStarter110Volt optional DustCover RetainerRing SpringRetainer Anti DriftSpring Gear Nut Incl 2 DriveEndCap Assembly 0 Ring Armature HousingAssembly BrushCardAssembly ThrustWasher ThrustWasher GroundScrew CommutatorEndCap Assembly SwitchBoxAss y CaseBolt GroundScrew Screw 6 32X 2 1 2 Screw 12 16x 5 8 ExtensionCord 10 6 Screw TorxT ...

Page 38: ...y Defectsare judgedon normalengineperformance The warrantyis notrelatedto anin use emissiontest Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowing arespecific provisions relative toyourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Itisinaddition to theSears engine warranty fornon regulated enginesfoundin theOperatingandMaintenanceInstructions 1 WarrantedParts Coverageunderthis warrantyex...

Page 39: ...mple a typical walk behind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emiss...

Page 40: ...nes necesariasdebidoa negligenciadeloperador incluyendo entreotros dahosmec_mico y electricoocasionadoporunalmace namientonoapropiado abolladuracigOehal falla porel usode aceitedegradoy o cantidadno apropiadao fallaporno darmantenimiento al equipodeacuerdocon las instruccionescontenidasenel manualdel operador Limpiezao reparaciones al motor sistemadecombustible provocadasporuncombustiblecontaminad...

Page 41: ...a portel_fono asistenciatelef6nicaa cargode un tecnicode Searsparalos productosquerequierenreparaci6n a domicilio adem_ts deunaprogramaci6n convenienteparala reparaci6n Unavezadquiridoel Acuerdo puedeprogramarelserviciocon tan s61orealizarunaIlamadatelef6nica PuedeIlamaren cualquier momentodeldia o dela nocheo programarunservicioen linea Searsdisponedem_ sde 12 000especialistasenreparaciones profe...

Page 42: ... lazona Seaprecavidoparaevitarpatinarseo caerseespecialmentecuando operala maquinaenreversa PREPARATIVOS Inspeccione minuciosamente elAreadondeutilizaraelequipo Saque todoslosfelpudos periAdicos trineos tablas cablesy otrosobjetos extraSosconlos quepodriatropezaro quepodrianserarrojadospor la barrena motor Paraprotegerselos ojosutilice siempreanteojoso antiparrasde seguridadmientrasopera la maquin...

Page 43: ...anal mientrasel motorestaenfuncionamiento Antes dedestaparlo apagueel motory permanezcadetrasdelas manijashastaquetodas laspartesmovilesse hayandetenido Usesolo unionesy accesoriosaprobadosper elfabricante perejemplo pesasparalas ruedas cadenasparalos neumaticos cannas etc Si se presentansituacionesque no esta n previstasenestemanual sea cuidadosoy useel sentidocomun Contacteconsu centrodeservicio...

Page 44: ...ade repuesto Consultela secci6n Barrenas en lasecci6nde Servicioy Mantenimiento paraobtenerm_tsinformaci6nsobreel reemplazode los pasadoresdecuchillade barrena MONTAJE 1 Coloquela palancade cambiosen laposici6n deavarice F 6 2 Observeel _ reainferiortraserade la m_tquina quitanievepara asegurarse de queamboscablesestenalineadosconlas guias rotatoriasantesdegirar lamanijahaciaarriba Vealafigura 1 N...

Page 45: ...licelapalmadesu manoparaaplicarunapresi6nr_tpida y firmeen laparte posteriorde cadauno Quitela arandelaplanay el brochede horquilladel extremo delcontroldireccionaldel canal Inserteelextremodelcontroldireccional delcanalenelsoporte inferior y asegOrelo mediante laarandela planay el broche dehorquilla queacabaderetirar Vealafigura5 Sies necesario puedeajustarse elsoporteinferior Consulte Ajuste del...

Page 46: ...USTES Zapatas antideslizantes Laszapatasantideslizantes de lam_tquina quitanievese ajustanpara arribaen f_tbrica paraelenvio Si Iodesea puedeajustarlashacia abajoantesde hacerfuncionarlam_tquina quitanieve Nose recomiendaqueopereestam_tquina quitanievesobregrava ya quees posiblequela m_tquina quitanieve tomelagravasueltay labarrenalaexpulse Io cualpodriacausarlesionespersonaleso daharla m_tquina q...

Page 47: ...secci6n AsegOrese dequedel estrangulador ester ajustadoen posici6n FAST_ 3 Paradoen la posicidndel operador detr_ts dela m_tquina quitanieve engranelabarrena 4 Dejela barrenaengranadaduranteaproximadamente diez 10 segundosantesde soltarel controlde labarrena Repitaesta operaci6nvariasveces 5 Conel controldelestrangulador en posici6nr_ pida _ dibujo de unconejo y la barrenaenposici6ndesengranada ar...

Page 48: ... No girela Ilavedeencendidoparaintentararrancarel motor AI hacerlopodrfaromperla Lapalancadecambiosestdtubicadaenel panelde carrera SitOe lapalancadecambiosen cualquieradelas ocho posicionespara controlarladirecci6ndel desplazamiento y lavelocidaddepiso Avarice Hayseis posicionesdeavance F La posici6nuno 1 es la m_ s lenta y la posici6nseis 6 es lam_ sr_ pida Retroceso Haydos velocidadesde retroce...

Page 49: ...que decombustible CONTROL DE LA BARRENA CONTROL Dl LA BARRENA J Elcontrolde labarrenaest ubicadoen la manijaizquierda Aprietela empuhaduradecontrolcontrala manijaparaengranarlas barrenasy empiecea quitarnieve Suelteparaquese detenga CONTROL DE LA TRANSMISION CONTROL DE LA BARRENA DE CERRADURA CONTROL DE LA TRANSMIS ON Elcontroldetransmisi6nest ubicadoen la manijaderecha Presione laempuhaduradecont...

Page 50: ...hastaarribaen lamarcaFULLdela varilladel niveldel aceite 3 Siel niveldeaceitenoIlegahastaFULL viertaaceitede motor nuevo 5W 30 con unaclasificaci6nminimadeSL SJ lenta mentea travesdela abertura Vuelvaa colocarlavarilladel nivel aceiteenel Ilenadodeaceitey controlenuevamente el nivelde aceite Gasolina Almacenelagasolinaen unrecipienteaprobadolimpioy coloque latapaen el recipiente Aseg0rese dequeel ...

Page 51: ...ras unadetenci6nbreve NOTA talvezsea necesariouncebadoadicionalsi latemperaturaes inferiora 15 Fahrenheit 3 Tomelamanijadelarrancadorderetrocesoy tire de lacuerda haciaafueralentamente Enel momentoen el quese haga levementem_ sdificiltirarde la cuerda permitaque lamisma retrocedalentamente 4 Tire de la manijadelarrancadorcon unmovimiento firmey r_tpido Nosueltelamanijani permitaquese desenganche M...

Page 52: ...anteque Controleel nivelde aceiteantesde cadauso y cadacincohoras deoperaci6n Cambieel aceitedespuesde lasdos 2 primerashorasde operacbn y despuesdecada25 horasdeoperaci6n Elmotordebeestartibio peronocalienteporsu usoreciente 1 Localiceel tap6nde drenajedelaceite Veala figura12 2 AsegOrese dequelatapadelagasolinaestApuesta y bienajustada 3 Limpie elArea alrededor deltap6ndedrenaje delaoeite 4 Colo...

Page 53: ...adsuperiora la establecidaen f_tbrica es peligroso LUBRICACION Eje de engranaje Elejede engranaje hexagonal se debelubricaral menosunavezpor temporada o tras cada25horasdeoperaci6n 1 Gireconcuidadola m_ quina quitanievehaciaarribay hacia delantede maneraquequedeapoyadasobrela cajade la barrena 2 Retirela cubiertadelmarcoinferiorquitandolos cuatrotornillos quela aseguran 3 Apliquealeje hexagonaluna...

Page 54: ...icionamiento del cabledecambios Vealafigura 17 3 Gireelsoportehaciaabajoparareducirel juegodelcable 4 Vuelvaa apretarlatuerca hexagonal Control de la transmisi6n Cuandose sueltael controlde latransmisi6ny est en posici6n desenganchada arriba el cabledebetenermuypocojuego NOdebe estartenso Tambien si hayexcesivoflojoen el cablede paseoo si la unidadexperimenta el paseointermitente usando elcable pu...

Page 55: ...stardichocontrol Zapatas antideslizantes Consultelasecionde montajeparaajustarLaszapatasantidesli zantes REEMPLAZO DE LA CORREA La Correa de la barrena Pararetirary reemplazarlacorreadela barrenadesu m_tquina quitanieve procedacomose indicaa continuaci6n 1 Drenelagasolinade la m_tquina quitanieve o coloqueuntrozode pl_ stico debajodel tap6nde Ilenadodel combustible 2 Saquela cubiertapl_tstica de l...

Page 56: ...a24 8 Pararealizarel reensamblado de lacorreade labarrenasiga las instruccionesenordeninverso NOTA NOolvidevolvera instalarel tornillocon rebordey volvera conectarel resorteal marcotrasinstalarunacorreadela barrenade repuesto La correa de la transmision Pararetirary reemplazar la correadela barrenade su m_tquina quitanieve procedacomose indicaa continuaci6n 1 Coloqueuntrozode pl_tstico debajodelta...

Page 57: ...N DE LA RUEDA DE FRICClON Si lamaquinaquitanievenose accionacuandoelcontroldela trans misi6nest engranado y si alrealizarelajustedel cabledecontrolde latransmisi6nqueapareceel problemanose corrige tal vezse deba reemplazarlaruedadefricci6n Sigalas instruccionesqueaparecen a continuaci6n Examinela ruedade fricci6nenbuscade signosde desgasteo grietasy reemplacesi es necesario 1 Coloqueuntrozodepl_ts...

Page 58: ...adefricci6n parareemplazar Onicamente el anillodegoma procedacomose indicaa continuaci6n 1 Saquelos cuatrotornillosdemantienenunidaslas placas lateralesde la ruedadefricci6n Veala figura30 2 Retireel anillode gomadeentre lasplacas 3 Reensamblelas placaslateralescon un nuevoanillode goma NOTA AI reensamblar el conjuntodela ruedade fricci6n aseg0rese dequeel anillodegomaestacorrectamente centradoy a...

Page 59: ...nidoa unaparadacompleta Desconecteel alambrede bujiay b_ selo contrael motorparaprevenirelcomienzo involuntario SiempreIlevepuestoscristalesinastillablesdurantela operaci6no realizandocualquierajusteo reparaciones CadaUso los 5 8 horas 25 horas 1 Niveldel aceitede motor 2 Hardwaresueltooausente 3 Unidadymotor 1 Elaceitedemotor 1 Elaceitedemotort 2 Filtrode aire 3 Encadenamientosde control y pivote...

Page 60: ...silic6npararecubrirel equipo especialmente las cadenas losresortes loscojinetesy los cables 2 Eliminetodoel polvodelexteriordel motory delequipo 3 Sigalasrecomendaciones de lubricaci6n en la secci6nde mantenimiento deestemanual 4 Almaceneel equipoen unAreadespejaday seca Nuncaalmacenela maquinaquitanievecon combustible en el tanqueenunespaciocerradooen Areascon pocaventilaci6n dondelosgasesdelcomb...

Page 61: ...paraciones Sears 1 Contactecon uncentrode partesy servicioSears El motorfuncionademanera err_ttica 1 Elcablede la bujiaester flojo 2 Elorificiode ventilaci6ndel tap6nde Ilenadodelcombustibleester obstruido El motorrecalienta Demasiadavibraci6n Perdidadepotencia La unidadnose autopropulsa La unidadnodescargala nieve 1 2 1 Detengael motorde inmediatoy desconecteel ester dahada cable dela bujia Ajust...

Page 62: defectos Los defectossejuzgan deacuerdoconelfuncionamientenormalde unmotor La garantfanoestarelacionadaconunapruebade emisionesenuse Diepoeicionee de la garantia Sears para defectoe en el control de emieiones Lassiguientessondisposiciones especificasrelacionadas conla coberturade la garantiaparadefectosenel controldeemisiones Esuna_adidoa lagarantiade motorSearsparamotoresnoreguladesque seencue...

Page 63: ... Por Io tanto el Per odo de Duraci6n de Emisiones de un motor con una clasificaci6n intermedia seria equivalente a entre 10y 12 afios Laclasificaci6n de aire es un nQmero calculado para describir el nivel relativo de emisiones para un grupo de motores en particular Cuanto menor sea la clasificaci6n de aire mayor es la limpieza del motor La informaci6n se presenta de forma gr fica en la etiqueta de...

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