Page 1: ...990 CAUTION Before using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST ESPAI_OL Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our web site www sears com craftsman FORMNO 769 01281B 06 27 2006 ...
Page 2: ...airsnecessarybecauseof operatorabuse includingbut notlimitedto damagecausedbyobjects suchas stones metaldebrisor oversizedpiecesof wood or impactingobjectsthatbendtheframeorcrankshaft or over speeding the engine Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatornegligence includingbutnot limitedto electricaland mechanicaldamagecausedby improper storage failureto usethe propergradeand amountof engineoil orfailuret...
Page 3: ...Sears technician on products requiring in home repair plus convenient repair scheduling Purchase aRepair Protection Agreement now and protect yourself from unexpected hassle and expense Once you purchase the Agreement asimple phone call isallthat it takes foryou toschedule service You can call anytime day ornight or schedule aservice appointment online Sears has over 12 000 professional repair spe...
Page 4: ...andchangeclothes immediately a Useonlyan approvedgasolinecontainer b Extinguishall cigarettes cigars pipes and othersourcesof ignition c Neverfuel machineindoors d Neverremovegascapor addfuelwhilethe engineis hot or running e Allowengineto cool at leasttwo minutesbefore refueling f Neveroverfill fuel tank Filltankto nomorethan 1 2inch belowbottom of filler neckto providespacefor fuelexpansion g Re...
Page 5: ...n placeandoperating properly 11 Keepyour faceand bodybackandto the side of thechipperchute while feedingmaterialintothe machineto avoidaccidentalkickbackinjuries 12 Neveroperatethis machinewithoutgood visibilityor light Alwaysbesure of yourfootingand keepa firm holdonthe handles 13 Do notoperatethis machineon a gravelsurface 14 Do notoperatethis machinewhile underthe influenceof alcoholordrugs 15 ...
Page 6: ...servedfromthe operatingposition Cable Guide S OPENING CARTON 1 Cuteach cornerof the cartonverticallyfromtop to bottom 2 Removeall looseparts Carriage 3 Removeloosepackingmaterial Screws REMOVING UNIT FROM CARTON 1 Lift unit fromthe rearto detachit fromunderlyingcartonmaterial and rollunitout of carton WingNuts 2 Checkcartonthoroughlyforany otherlooseparts NOTE Makesure notto crimpcableswhile remov...
Page 7: ...e liftingup the handles b Securethe twohandlesby tighteningthe handleknobs carriage boltsmustbe seatedproperlyintothe handle SeeFigure3 Pullthe twocableties attachedto the cablestightapproximately 8 inchesfromeachcable endandplacethe cablesintothe cable guide SeeFigure3 Loosenthe wingnutthat securesthe ropeguideto the rightside of upperhandle a Pullthe starterropeoutof the engineslowly SeeFigure4 ...
Page 8: ...dtowardengine Usethe endof mounting bracketas leveragewhenslidingthe lockingrod a Slipbagover therim of the dischargeopeningandrelease lockingrodto securebagin place SeeFigure7 b Snapbagclip to the topof the lowerhandle c Placethe lowerstrapsonthe bagoverthe topof lowerhandle hookingthemon the studs SeeFigure7 Hangar Bracket Figure 6 NOTE The bag chuteswitchbuttonattachedto the mountingbracket mus...
Page 9: ...nslidingthe lockingrod See Figure8 b Slipblowerchuteoverrim of dischargeopeningandrelease lockingrodto securechutein place as in Figure8 c Raisethe nozzleheightto the highestsettingwhenusingthe blowerchute Referto nozzleheightadjustmentinthe ADJUST MENTsectionon page16 NOTE The bag chuteswitchbuttonattachedto the mountingbracket mustbefullydepressedbythe tip of fronttab onthe blowerchuteor enginew...
Page 10: ... befed into the impellerfor chipping SeeFigure9 Drive Control Locatedon the undersideof the upperhandle the drivecontrolis used to engage disengage wheels Fullysqueezethe drivecontrolagainst the upperhandleto engagethe wheels releaseto disengage DO NOTslip clutch Speed Control Locatedonthe left sideof the upperhandle the speedcontrolis used to selectthe forwardspeedof the yardvacuum IMPORTANT Move...
Page 11: ...ngwill causethe engineto smoke profuselyandwill resultinpoorengineperformance 2 Replaceoil fill dipstickandtighten 3 Keepoil levelat FULL Runningthe enginewithtoo littleoil can resultin permanent enginedamage Gasoline 1 Removefuelcap fromthe fueltank 2 Makesurethe containerfromwhichyou will pourthe gasolineis cleanandfree fromrustorforeignparticles Neverusegasoline that maybestalefromlongperiodsof...
Page 12: ...ngbehindthe unit graspstarterhandleand pullropeout until youfeel adrag 8 Pullthe ropewitha rapid continuous full arm stroke Keepa firm gripon the starterhandle Letthe roperewindslowly 9 Repeat if necessary until enginestarts When enginestarts move chokecontrolgraduallyawayfromthe throttlecontrol 10 If enginefalters movechokecontrolbacktowardthe throttlecontrol and repeatsteps7 through9 11 ALWAYSke...
Page 13: ...ther thanvegetationfoundin a normalyard i e branches leaves twigs etc Avoidfibrousplantssuchas tomato vinesuntiltheyarethoroughlydriedout Materialssuchas stalksor heavybranchesupto 1 1 2 indiametermaybefed intothe chipper chute _ WARNING Do not attempt to shred chip or vacuum any material largerthan specifiedon the machine or inthis manual Personalinjuryor damageto the machine couldresult IMPORTAN...
Page 14: not recommended as it couldcontaminate the fuelsystem CHECK ENGINE OIL 1 Stopengineandwaitseveralminutesbeforecheckingoil level Withengineon levelground the oil mustbeto FULLmarkon dipstick 2 Removeoil fill dipstick 3 Checkoil levelondipstick Levelshouldbeat FULLmark If not see SubsequentUses on page11 4 Replaceoilfill dipstickandtighten CHANGE ENGINE OIL Only use highqualitydetergentoilratedwi...
Page 15: ...plugshouldbecleanedby scrapingor wire brushingand washingwitha commercial solvent f 2 3 II II II II II II 1 030 76 turn Gap 2 Electrodes 3 Porcelain Figure 16 J SERVICE MUFFLER Inspectmufflerperiodically and replaceif necessary If yourengineis equippedwithasparkarresterscreenassembly removeafterevery50hoursof use for cleaningandinspection Replaceif damaged _ ARNING Donot operate the YardVacuumwith...
Page 16: ...ENT Adjustthedrivecontrolcable iftheyardvacuumdoes notselfpropel withthedrivecontrolengaged or iftheunit hesitateswhiletheengine maintainsthesamespeedafterapproximately 20 hoursof use To movethez fittingof thedrive controlcablefromitsfactoryset positioninthefrontholeofthedrivecontrolto therearhole proceed as follows 1 a Pushtheright sideof thecontrolout of theright holeintheupper handle SeeFigure1...
Page 17: ...erious personalinjuryand damage to the engine The engineRPMhas beenset at the factory REMOVING THE FLAIL SCREEN If thedischargeareabecomesclogged removetheflail screenand cleanareaas follows 1 Stopthe engine Makecertainthe chipper shredder vacuumhas cometo a completestop 2 Beforeuncloggingthe dischargechute disconnect and ground the spark plugwire to retaining post 3 Removethevacuumbagor blowerchu...
Page 18: ...rchuteto the upperhousing SeeFigure22 4 Removethe fronthubcaps flangelocknuts frontwheels andwave washersthatattachto the pivotarmassemblies SeeFigure23 5 Removethe shoulderscrews thrustwashers and bellwashers thatgo throughthe pivotarmsto the frontsupportbrace The front supportbraceand locknutcan be removedat thistimeas well 6 Removethe fourscrewsonthe upperhousingthatsecurethe nozzlecover SeeFig...
Page 19: ...ed earlier SeeFigure26 lO The nutson theflat headcap screwscan bereachedfrom underneathusinga 1 2 inchsocket universal andextension See Figure27 11 Replaceor sharpenchipperblade The bladecan besharpened withafile oron agrindingwheel 12 Whensharpeningblade protecthandsby usingglovesandfollow the originalangleof grind 13 Reassemble by performingthe previousstepsin theoppositeorder andmannerof remova...
Page 20: ...depositsduringstorage Addstabilizerto gasolineinfuel tank if FreshStart TM fuel preserver cartridgeis empty orstoragecontainer Do not drainthe gas tankandcarburetorif usingfuel stabilizer Inall cases drainallthe oil fromthe crankcase thisshouldbedone afterthe enginehas beenoperatedand is stillwarm andrefillthe crankcasewithfreshoil Whenyou visuallyseethat thefuel preservercartridgeisempty replacem...
Page 21: ... Eng in_Oi levellow 1 Fi lcrankcase Withproperselectiond oi I 2 Dirtyair eane i c eai epla e ai leaie 3 Carburetornotadjustedproperly 3 Contactyour SearsParts RepairCenter Occasional skips 1 Sparkpluggaptooclose 1 Adjustgapto 030 hesitates at 2 Carburetoridlemixtureadjustmentimproperly 2 ContactyourSearsParts RepairCenter high speed set _ 1 Stopengnemmed atey anddsconnect ExcessiveVibration 1 Loos...
Page 22: ..._t B 22 ...
Page 23: ...7 IdlerAssembly Incl Ref 74 80 P Yard Vacuum Model 247 770990 Ref No Part No Description 43 710 1650 ShoulderScrew 12 24x 30 x 46 44 710 1220 Screw 12 16 x 750 45 711 04245 ImpellerHub 46 715 0221 DowelPin 47 781 04082 FrontWheelSupportBrace 48 781 04081 RearWheel SupportBrace 49 714 0104 CotterPin 50 716 0104 E Ring 51 736 0258 FlatWasher 385 x 1 00x 135 52 736 0232 WaveWasher 531IDx 781OD 53 738...
Page 24: ...Q Q 24 ...
Page 25: ...1151A NozzleDoorTorsionSpring 26 731 2294A NozzleDoor P Yard Vacuum Model 247 770990 Ref No Part No Description 27 764 0631A Bag 28 631 0083 ChuteAssembly 29 736 0247 FlatWasher 375IDx 1 25OD 30 736 0217 LockWasher3 8 31 710 1273 HexCapScrew 3 8 24x 2 75 32 631 04118 EngineSpacerAssembly 33 710 1008 Screw 3 8 16x 1 875 34 725 1700 SwitchCover 35 725 3166 SafetySwitch 36 731 1613 SafetySwitchCover ...
Page 26: ...Craftsman 6 5 H P Engine Model No 123K02 For Yard Vacuum Model 247 770990 j 1019 LABEL Kl_ 684 50 585 383 635 525 i 524 5O5 ls8 26 J 1330 REPAIR MANUAL i i1058 OWNER S MANUAI j 306 ...
Page 27: ...n 6 5 H P Engine Model No 123K02 For Yard Vacuum Model 247 770990 425 445 443_ 843 365 977 CARBURETOR GASKET SET 633A 633 61 276_ 276 _ 12_ 968 159 621 188 970 615 404 616 B 692 J 633A 163 127 1 33 130 95 m 27 ...
Page 28: ...Craftsman 6 5 H P Engine Model No 123K02 For Yard Vacuum Model 247 770990 969_ 921 __329 REPLACEMENT ENGINE i 1036 EMiSSiONS LABEL i 28 627 _ 930 347 _ 332 497_ _ _ 1005 58 592 1210 689 456 597 _ 6O ...
Page 29: ... Intake 51 272199t Gasket Intake 54 691650 Screw IntakeManifold 55 691421 Housing Rewind Starter Ref No Part No Description 58 697316 Rope Starter Cutto RequiredLength 60 281434 Grip StarterRope 65 690837 Screw RewindStarter 78 691108 Screw FlywheelGuard 81 691740 Lock MufflerScrew 95 691636 Screw ThrottleValve 97 493267 Shaft Throttle 104 691242tt Pin FloatHinge 108 691182 Valve Choke 109 498593 ...
Page 30: ...rottle Shaft 635 66538 Boot SparkPlug 668 493823 Spacer 670 692294 Spacer Fuel Tank Ref No Part No Description 684 690345 Screw BreatherPassageCover 689 691855 Spring Friction 692 690579 Spring Detent 718 690959 Pin Locating 741 790345 Gear Timing 832 499034 Guard Muffler 836 690664 Screw MufflerGuard 842 691031t Seal ORing DipstickTube 843 691884 Sleeve Lever 847 692017 Assembly Dipstick Tube 851...
Page 31: ...G DO NOT STAND OR WALK N FRONT OF D SCHARGE OPEN NG OR A M T AT BYSTAN_RS O_ECTS THROWN OUT OF CHUTE CAN CAUSE PERSONAL iNJURY KEEP DHiU REN AND OTHERS AWAY 30270 WARNING This symbolpointsout important safetyinstructions which if notfollowed could endangerthe personal safety and or propertyof yourself and others Readand follow all instructionsin this manual beforeattemptingto operate this machine ...
Page 32: ... Defectsare judgedon normalengineperformance The warrantyis notrelatedto anin use emissiontest Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowing arespecific provisions relative toyourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Itisinaddition to theSears engine warranty fornon regulated enginesfoundin theOperatingandMaintenanceInstructions 1 WarrantedParts Coverageunderthis warrantyext...
Page 33: ...mple a typical walk behind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emiss...
Page 34: ...ON antes de utilizar este producto lea este manual y siga todas las reglas de seguridad y las instrucciones de operaci6n SEGURIDAD MONTAJE OPERACION MANTENIMIENTO LISTADO DE PIEZAS ESPANOL Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visite nuestro sitio web www sears corn craftsrnan NO de FORMULARIO 769 01281B 06 28 2006 ...
Page 35: ...ncluyendo perosin limitarsea ellos losdahoscausadosporobjetos talescomo piedras desechosde metalo trozosdemaderade untamahodemasiadogrande objetosquehacenimpactoquepuedendoblarlaestruc turao el carter o sobreacelerar el motor Reparaciones necesariasdebidoa negligenciadeloperador incluyendoentreotros dahosmecanicoy el_ctricoocasionadoporunalmace namientonoapropiado fallaporel uso deaceitede gradoy ...
Page 36: ...a portel_fono asistenciatelef6nicaa cargode un tecnicode Searsparalos productosquerequierenreparaci6n a domicilio adem_ts deunaprogramaci6n convenienteparala reparaci6n Unavezadquiridoel Acuerdo puedeprogramarelserviciocon tan s61orealizarunaIlamadatelef6nica PuedeIlamaren cualquier momentodeldia o dela nocheo programarunservicioen linea Searsdisponedem_ sde 12 000especialistasenreparaciones profe...
Page 37: ...y esperehastaquetodas las piezasmovilesse hayandetenidoper complete Desconecteel cablede la bujb y pongalode maneraquehaga masacontrael motor Preparativos 1 Inspeccione minuciosamente elareadondeutilizaraelequipo Retiretodaslas piedras botellas latasu otrosobjetosextrados quepuedanserlevantados o arrojadoscausando lesionespersonales o daSos a lamaquina 2 Paraprotegerselos ojosutilice siempreanteoj...
Page 38: ...debe estarsegurode queestabien afirmadoy sostengabienlas manijas 13 No opereestamaquinaensuperficiescon grava 14 Noopere estamAquinaestandobajo losefectos del alcoholo dedrogas 15 Elsilenciadory elmotorse calientany puedenproducirquemaduras No lostoque 16 Nuncalevanteo transportela maquinacuandoel motoresta encendido Mantenimiento y almacenamiento 1 Nuncamanipulelosdispositivosde seguridaddemanera...
Page 39: ...aparapatiosse hacenobservandola maquinadesdela posicidn de operacidn APERTURA DE LA CAJA DE CARTON 1 Cortecadaunade las esquinasde lacaja verticalmente de la partesuperiora labase 2 Saquetodaslas piezassueltas 3 Quiteel materialdeempaquesuelto COMO SACAR LA UNIDAD DE LA CAJA 1 Elevela unidaddesdelaparte posteriorparasepararladelmaterial de lacaja quequededebajo y hagarodarla unidadfuerade la caja ...
Page 40: ...ismo noprenselos cablesmientraslevantalas manijas b Parasujetarlas dos manijasajustelas perillasde lamanija los pernosdelcarrodebenestarcolocadosdeformaadecuadaen la manija Vealafigura3 3 Tire de lasdos unionesdelcable unidasa los cables ajusteaproxi madamente8 pulgadasdecada extremedecable y ubiquelos cablesensu gufa Veala figura3 4 Aflojela tuercade mariposaquesostienela gufade lacuerda contrael...
Page 41: ...extremodelsoportedemontajecomopalancacuando deslicelavarilladeseguridad a Deslicela bolsaporencimadelbordede laaberturade descargay sueltelavarilladeseguridadparaajustarla bolsaensu lugar Vealafigura7 b Unaelbrochede labolsaa presidnconla partesuperiorde la manijainferior c Coloquelastirasinferioresde labolsapor encimadela parte superiorde la manijainferior enganch_mdolas en lospernos Yea la figur...
Page 42: ...opladoporencimadelbordede laabertura dedescarga y sueltelavarillade seguridadparaajustarel canalensu lugar c Aumentela alturadelpico alm ximocuandoutiliceelcanalde soplado Consultelas instruccionesparaajustarla alturadel picoen la secci6nAJUSTEde lap gina16 NOTA Elbot6ninterruptordebolsa canalunidoa lam_nsulade montajedebequedarpresionadototalmente por lapuntade laaleta delanterasituadaen el canal...
Page 43: ...ientras opera y mientras realiza ajustes o reparaciones Canal de la cortadora Permiteque lasramaspequehasde hasta1 1 2 dediametroingresen al motorparapicarlas Vealafigura9 Control de la transmisi6n Ubicadosobrelapartede abajode la manijasuperior el controlde la transmisi6n se utilizaparaengranar desengranarlas ruedas Apriete porcompletoel controldela transmisi6ncontrala manijasuperior paraengranar...
Page 44: ... elsistemadel combustibledebeser vaciadoantesdealmacenarla m_ quina durante 30 dias o m_ s Vade el combustibledeltanquehaciendofuncionar el motorhastaqueeltanquede combustible estevacio La siguiente temporadause combustible fresco Consultela secci6nde almace namientosi deseainformaci6nadicional Aceite se envia una botella junto con la unidad Primer uso 1 Saquela varilladel niveldeaceite 2 Con laas...
Page 45: ... figura10 7 Situadodetr_ s de launidad tomela manijadel arrancadory tire de la cuerdahastaquesientauntir6n 8 Tirede lacuerdademanerar_ pida y continua Aprietebienlamanija delarrancador Dejequelacuerdase enrosquelentamente 9 Repitaestepaso deser necesario hastaquese enciendael mo tor Cuandose enciendeel motormuevael controldeobturaci6n gradualmente lejosdel controldelestrangulador 10 Siel motorfall...
Page 46: ...eencuentra enunpationormal esdecir ramas hojas ramaspequehas etc Evitelasplantas fibrosas comoporejemplolasdetomateshastaqueest_ntotalmente secas Se puedenintroducir materiales comoporejemplo troncoso ramaspesadas dehasta1 1 2 dedi_ metro enelcanaldelacortadora P _alanca del pico Adaptador de manguerade la la man aspiradora po superior f Pico Perno con resort_ primer orificio Figura 13 Palanca del...
Page 47: ...ade desgranado s_ quela y limpielacomose indicaen la secci6nSERVlCIOY AJUSTES NOTA la limpiezacon unchorrode aguaa presi6nnose recomienda ya queel sistemadecombustiblepodriaresultarcontaminado COMPRUEBE EL ACEITE DEL MOTOR 1 Detengael motory esperevariosminutosantesde verificarel nivel de aceite Con el motorubicadoen sueloparejo el aceitedebe estaren lamarcaFULL lleno de lavarilladel niveldeaceite...
Page 48: ...F 65 F Eviteesaszonas SERVlClO A LA BUJiA Limpielabujiay ajusteelespacioa 0 030 al menosunavezpores taci6no cada50 horasdeoperaci6n Vealafigura 15 Serecomienda reemplazarlabujiaal iniciode cadatemporada Consulteel listadode piezasdelmotorparaconocerel tipo correctodebujia NOTA nolije labujia Sedebenlimpiarlas bujiasmedianteraspadoo talladoconcepillodealambrey lavadocon unsolventecomercial SERVlClO...
Page 49: ...si6n engranado o si la correade transmisi6n se desliza la unidadvacilamientrasel motor mantienela mismavelocidad trasaproximadamente 20 horasde uso Paramoverelaccesorio Z del cabledecontroldetransmisi6nde laposici6nconfigurada en fabricaenel orificiofrontaldelcontrolde transmisi6nal orificioposterior realiceIo siguiente 1 a Empujeelladoderechodel controlhaciaafueradel orificiodel ladoderechoen la ...
Page 50: ...CION DE LA PANTALLA DE DESGRANADO Si lazonade descargase tapa saquelapantalladedesgranadoy limpiela zonacomose indicaa continuaci6n 1 Detengael motor Compruebequeelvado de lacortadora tritura dorase hayadetenidoporcompleto 2 Antesde destaparel canaldedescarga desconecte el cable de la bujia y p6ngalode manera que haga masacontrael poste de retenci6n 3 Saquela bolsade laaspiradorao el canaldesoplad...
Page 51: ...e lamangueray el montajede labolsa 3 Ajustelostrestornillosde cabezahexagonalquesostienenla m_nsuladelganchodela mangueray elcanal dela cortadoraa la caja superior Yealafigura22 4 Saquelastapasde bujedelanteras lastuercasdeseguridadde brida lasruedasdelanterasy las arandelasondulatorias quevan unidasa los montajesdelbrazogiratorio Yealafigura23 5 Saquelostornilloscon reborde las arandelasde arrast...
Page 52: ...riormente Vealafigura26 10 Es posiblealcanzarlas tuercasde los tornillosdecabezaplana desdela parteinferior medianteunaIlaveuniversalde 1 2pulg conextensi6n Veala figura27 11 Cambieo afilelas hojasde lacortadora Se puedeafilarla cuchilla con unafiladoro con unaruedade esmalte 12 Cuandoafile las hojas protejaselas manosmedianteel uso de guantesy sigael _ ngulo originalde molido 13 Pararealizarel re...
Page 53: ...aal motorlentamenteparadistribuirel aceite Reemplacelabujia IMPORTANTE es importanteevitarqueduranteel almacenamiento se formendep6sitosde gomaen laspiezasesencialesdelsistemade combustible porejemplo en elcarburador el filtrode combustible la manguerade combustible o el dep6sito Asimismo los combustibles con mezcladealcohol quese Ilamangasohol o queutilizanetanolo metanol puedenatraerla humedad I...
Page 54: ...e consucentrodepartes y reparaciones Sears El rnotor recalienta Elnivel de aceitedeImotores baJi L ene el carterConlaadecuadase ecci6nde aceite 2 Elfiltro dea e est_sucio 2 Limpieo camb ee f t o dea re 3 E ca buradornoestaajustadocorrectamente 3 ContacteconsucentrodepartesyreparacionesSears 1 Saltos ocasionales 1 Ladistanciadisruptivade la bujiaes muypoca 1 Ajustela distanciadisruptivaa 0 76mm 0 0...
Page 55: ...G DO NOT STAND OR WALK N FRONT OF D SCHARGE OPEN NG OR A M T AT BYSTAN_RS O_ECTS THROWN OUT OF CHUTE CAN CAUSE PERSONAL iNJURY KEEP DHiU REN AND OTHERS AWAY 30270 WARNING This symbolpointsout important safetyinstructions which if notfollowed could endangerthe personal safety and or propertyof yourself and others Readand follow all instructionsin this manual beforeattemptingto operate this machine ...
Page 56: ...defectos Los defectossejuzgan deacuerdoconelfuncionamientonormalde unmotor La garantianoestArelacionadaconunapruebade emisionesenuso Disposiciones de la garantia Sears para defectos en el control de emisiones Lassiguientessondisposiciones especificasrelacionadas conla coberturade la garantiaparadefectosenel controldeemisiones Esuna_adidoa lagarantiade motorSearsparamotoresnoreguladosque seencuentr...