Craftsman 247.379990 Operator'S Manual Download Page 12

Summary of Contents for 247.379990

Page 1: ...his manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE ESPANOL Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FormNo 769 10780 May28 2015 ...

Page 2: ...utfromnormalusewithinthewarrantyperiod includingbutnotlimited to blades spark plugs aircleaners belts andoilfilters Product damage resulting fromuserattempts at product modification orrepairorcaused byproduct accessories Repairs necessary because ofaccident orfailuretooperate ormaintain theproduct according to allsupplied instructions Preventative maintenance orrepairs necessary dueto improper fue...

Page 3: ... objectscancause serious personal injury Planyourmowingpatterntoavoiddischarge of materialtowardroads sidewalks bystanders andthelike Also avoiddischarging materialagainst awall orobstruction whichmaycause discharged materialto ricochetback towardtheoperator Tohelpavoidbladecontact ora thrownobjectinjury stayinoperator zone behindhandles andkeepchildren bystanders helpers andpetsat least75 feetfro...

Page 4: ...atingwithin three 3 seconds Do Not Donotmowneardrop offs ditchesorembankments because youcould loseyourfootingor balance Donotmowslopes greaterthan15degrees asshownontheslopeguide Donotmowonwetgrass Unstable footingcouldcause slipping CHILDREN Tragic acddentscanoccuriftheoperator isnotalertto thepresence ofcNIdren Children areoftenattractedto themowerandthemowingactivity They donot understand thed...

Page 5: ...properperformance and compromise safety Donotchange theengine s governor settingorover speed theengine The governor controlsthemaximum safeoperatingspeed of theengine Check fuelline tank cap andfittingsfrequentlyfor cracks or leaks Replace if necessary Donotcrankenginewith sparkplugremoved Maintainorreplace safetyandinstructionlabels asnecessary Observe properdisposal lawsandregulations Improper d...

Page 6: in any direction Wear safety glasses DANGER SLOPES Use extra caution on slopes The machine is heavy and can speed up when going downhill Be prepared to maintain control of the machine To avoid loss of control operate across slopes not up and down When turning turn uphill not down Do not operate on slopes greater than 15 WARNING GASOLINE IS FLAMMABLE Allow the engine to cool at least two minutes...

Page 7: ...t gaugeup or down until the left cornertouchesthe slope SeeFigure1 andFigure2 5 O daShed fine If there is agap belowthe gauge the slope is too steepfor safeoperation SeeFigure2 above Figure2 Slopesare a major factor relatedto tip over and roll over accidents which can result in severe injury or death The machine is heavy and can speed up when going downhill Be prepared to maintaincontrol of the ma...

Page 8: ...ROM CARTON 1 Lift unitfromtherearto detachit fromunderlying cartonmaterialandroll unitoutof carton 2 Check cartonthoroughlyforanyotherlooseparts Loose PartsIn Carton SideDischarge Cover Grass Catcher Engine Oil Assembly Attaching TheHandle I Remove anypackingmaterialwhichmaybebetweenupperandlower handles a Remove wingnutsandcarriage boltshandleasshownin Figure I Donotloosen or remove adjacent hexh...

Page 9: ...wingnutsandcarriage boltsremoved earlierintolower holesof handle asshownin Figure 5 4 Theropeguideisattached to therightsideof theupperhandle Loosen the wingknobwhichsecures theropeguide Refer to Figure 6 a Holdbladecontrolagainst upperhandle b Slowlypullstarterropehandlefromengineandslipstarterropeinto theropeguide SeeFigure 6 c Tighten ropeguidewingknob d Use cabletiesprovided to secure bladecon...

Page 10: doorsothat it restsonthegrasscatcher Toremove grasscatcher lift reardischarge dooronthemower Lift grasscatcher up andoffthe slotsinthehandlebrackets Release reardischarge doortoallowit to close rearopeningof mower Attaching SideDischargeCover Your mowerisshipped asa mulcher Toconvertto side discharge makesuregrass catcher isoffof theunitandreardischarge doorisclosed I Onthesideof themower lift ...

Page 11: ...on thehandleinoneofthethreepositions that ismostcomfortable SeeFigure 11inset 3 Secure intopositionwithstarknobsandcarriage boltsremoved earlier DriveControl Theadjustment wheelislocatedinthedrivecontrolhandle housingandis used to tightenorloosenthedrivebelt Youwill needto adjustthedrivecontrolif the mowerdoesnotpropelitselfwith thedrivecontrolengaged orif themower s wheelshesitate with thedriveco...

Page 12: ...peed controlonlywhentheengineisrunning Changing thespeed controlsettingwith theengineoffcan damage themower J Figure 13 Cutting HeightAdjustment ever Thecuttingheightadjustmentleverislocated above the left rearwheel Toadjust thecuttingheight referto theAssembly Section DeckWash Yourmower s deckisequipped with a waterport onitssurface aspartof itsdeck washsystem Use thedeckwash to rinsegrassclippin...

Page 13: ...arof stones sticks wire orotherobjectswhichcoulddamage lawnmowerorengine Such objectscouldbeaccidently thrownbythemowerin anydirectionandcause serious personal injury to theoperator andothers 1 Once theengineisrunning andwhilecontinuing to holdthebladecontrol down squeeze either orboth drivecontrols against the upperhandle to propelmower SeeFigure 15 2 Tochange speed movespeed controlto thedesired...

Page 14: ... automatically collectinbagasyourunmower Operate mower untilgrassbagisfull 2 Stopenginecompletely byreleasing thebladecontrol Makesurethatthe unithas cometo acompletestop 3 Lift discharge doorandpullgrassbagupandawayfromthemowerto remove thebag Dispose ofthegrassclippings andreinstallthebagwhen complete NOTE Makesureto cleananyexcess grass fromaroundtherearopeningof themower especially betweenthet...

Page 15: ...nkof freshfuelprior to storage Annually BeforeStorage Clean moreoftenunderdustyconditions orwhenairbornedebrisispresent Replace aircleaner ifverydirty Alwaysstopengine allow engineto cool disconnectsparkplug wire and groundagainst enginebeforeperforming anytype of maintenanceonyour machine GeneralRecommendations Always observe safetyruleswhenperforminganymaintenance Thewarrantyonthislawnmowerdoesn...

Page 16: ... thefollowingstepsAFTER EACH MOWING Push themowerto alevel clearspotonyourlawn nearenough for your gardenhose to reach Remove thegrassbagif attached S Figure 17 Makecertainthe mower sdischarge chute isdirectedAWAY fromyour house garage parkedcars etc 2 Thread thehosecoupler packaged with yourmower sOperator s Manual ontotheendof yourgardenhose 3 Attachthehosecoupler to thewaterport onyourdeck s su...

Page 17: ...yto keepthebladebalanced An unbalancedbladewill cause excessive vibration when rotating at high speeds Itmaycausedamageto mowerandcouldbreakcausingpersonal injury 5 Lubricate theenginecrankshaft andtheinnersurface ofthebladeadapter with light oil Slide thebladeadapterontotheenginecrankshaft Place the bladeontheadapter suchthatthesideof theblademarked Bottom or with partnumber faces thegroundwhenth...

Page 18: ...uelcanbestoredupto 24months Whileengineisstill warm change theoil Clean engineof surface debris PreparingTheLawnMower Clean and lubricate mower thoroughly asdescribed inthelubrication instructions Donotusea pressure washer orgardenhoseto cleanyourunit Coat mower s cutting bladewith chassis grease to prevent rusting Refer to Preparing theEngine forcorrectenginestorage instructions Store mowerinadry...

Page 19: ...ts 1 Engine oil levellow 1 2 Airflow restricted 2 Occasional skips hesitates 1 Spark pluggaptooclose 1 Idles poorly 1 Spark plugfouled faulty orgaptoowide 1 2 Dirtyaircleaner 2 Excessive vibration 1 Cutting bladeloose orunbalanced 1 2 Bentcuttingblade 2 1 Engage bladecontrol 2 Connect wiretosparkboot 3 Filltankwithclean fresh gasoline 4 Prime engine asinstructed intheOperation section 5 Clean adju...

Page 20: ...ent 1 Donotmowwhengrass iswet wait until laterto cut 2 Mowonceat ahighcuttingheight thenmowagainat desired heightormake a narrower cuttingpath 3 Sharpen orreplace blade 1 Sharpen orreplace blade 2 Adjustcuttingheightleveronleft frontandleft rearwheelto sameposition 1 Stopengine disconnect sparkplugboot andclean outdebris 2 Have beltreplaced byaSears orotherqualified service dealer 3 Adjustdrivecon...

Page 21: ...fects warranty Defects arejudgedonnormalengine performance The warrantyisnotrelatedto anin use emission test Soars Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowingarespecific provisions relativeto yourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage It isinadditionto theSears enginewarrantyfornon regulated engines found intheOperating andMaintenance Instructions 1 Warranted Parts Coverage under...

Page 22: ...honesupportfromaSears representative Thinkof usasa talking owner smanual Once youpurchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simplephonecallisallthat it takesforyouto schedule service You cancallanytimedayornight orschedule aservice appointment online TheRepair Protection Agreement isa risk free purchase If youcancel for anyreason duringthe productwarrantyperiod wewill provideafull refund Or a pror...

Page 23: ...males deusoduranteelperiodo degarantia incluyendo peronolimitadoa cuchillas bujias filtrosdeaire correas y filtrosdeaceite Producto dahos resultantes delosintentosdelusuario demodificaci6n delproducto reparaci6n ocausados poraccesorios deproductos Reparaciones necesarias debido alaccidente opornooperar omantener elproducto segOn lasinstrucciones provistas Mantenimiento preventivo oreparaciones nec...

Page 24: ...nlosquepodr atropezaroquepodr anserarrojados porlacuchilla Los objetos arrojados porlam_quina pueden produdrlesJones graves Planifique el patr6nenelquevaair descargando el recorte paraevitarqueladescarga dematerialserealkehadaloscaminos lasveredas losobservadores etc Evite adem_s descargar matedalcontralasparedes yobstrucdones que podr anprovocar queelmaterialdescargado rebote contrael operador Pa...

Page 25: ...res de14afros debenleeryentenderlasinstrucciones de operaci6n yreglas deseguridad contenidas enestemanualydeben ser entrenados ysupervisados porsuspadres Para encender el motor jaledelacuerda lentamentehastaquesienta resistenda luegojaler idamente Elrepliegue r idodelacuerda de arranque tensi6n deretroceso lejalar_lamanoyelbrazohacia el motor m_sr idodeIoqueustedpuedesoltar Elresultado pueden seth...

Page 26: ...nte todosloscomponentes yreempl_celos s61o con partesdelosfabficantes deequlpos ofiginales O E M Iistadas eneste manual Lautilizad6ndepartesquenocumplanconlasespedficaciones de equipos ofiginales podfiatenercomoresultado unrendimlento ncorrecto y adem_s lasegufidad podfiaestarcomprometida Nocambielaconfigurad6n delregulador delmotorniacelere demasiado el mismo Elregulador controlalavelocidad m_xim...

Page 27: ... La m_iquina es pesada y puede acelerar cuando va cuesta abajo Est_ preparado para mantener el control de la m_iquina Para evitar la p_rdida de control operar a trav_s de pendientes no hacia arriba y hacia abajo AI girar girar hacia arriba no hacia abajo II No opere en pendientes mayores de 15 o _l_i _ ADVERTENClA DESPIDA Para reducir el riesgo de incendio mantenga la m_iquina limpia de pasto hoja...

Page 28: ...el pendiente de calibre arriba o haciaabajo hasta los toques esquina izquierda el pendiente consultar Figura 1 and Figura 2 5 Si hay un espacio por debajo de la pendiente decalibre el pendiente es demasiado escarpa por operaci6n segura consultar Figura 2 above Figura 2 Q Las pendientesson un factor importante relacionadocon vuelco y refinanciaci6nde los accidentesque pueden resultar en lesioneso d...

Page 29: ...asepararla del materialdelacaja quequededebajoyhagarodarlaunldadfueradelacaja 2 Verlfique culdadosamente sienlacajaquedaalgunapartesuelta Piezassueltasdentro de lacaja Tolva dedescarga lateral Colector dec_sped Aceite del motor Montaje Montaje de la manUa I Retireelmaterialdeempaque quepudiera estarentrelasmanijas superior einferior 2 f a Quitelostornlllosytuercas demarlposa transporte desde elman...

Page 30: ...arseantesen unareducci6n delosagujeros delamanijacomosemuestraenla Figura 5 Lagu adelacuerda queest_conectada alavarilladesost_n seencuentra sobre el ladoderecho dela manijainferior VealaFigura 6 a Sostenga lamanijadecontroldelacuchilla contrala manijasuperior b Jale lacuerdadearranque parasacarla del motor Suelte elcontrol delacuchilla c Deslice lacuerda dearranque enlaguia d Utiliceabrazaderas d...

Page 31: ... receptor dehierba levante lapuertadedescarga trasera enel cortac_sped Ascensor c_sped yfueradelasranuras enel mangoentrepar_ntesis Elreverso deliberaci6n descarga lapuertaparapermitirqueellocerrara laapertura trasera delcortac_sped Conexi6nde Canalde DescargaLateral Supodadora hasidoenviada comoabonadora Sihacelaconversi6n adescarga lateral asegurese dequeelcolectordec_sped est_fueradelaunidadyqu...

Page 32: ...entam_sc6modo VealaFigura 11inserci6n 3 Fijelaposici6n contuercas ypernosdetransporte eliminadoantes Controldetransmisi6n Laruedadeajusteest_ubicada enelalojamiento de amanijadecontrolde transmisi6n yseutiiizaparaajustaro aflojarlacorrea detransmisi6n Deber_ ajustarelcontroldetransmisi6n silapodadora noseautopropulsa conelcontrol detransmisi6n enganchado osi lasruedas dela podadora vacilan conelco...

Page 33: ...nzada delcortac_sped Yeaelinserto deFigura 13 MPORTANTE Mueva elcontroldevelocidad s61o cuandoelmotorcorre Elcambio delcontroldevelocidad queseponeconelmotorlejospuede daffarelcortac_sped Laplataforma desupodadora est_equipada conunpuertodeaguasobresu superfidecomopartedelsistemadelavadodelaplataforma Utilkeel lavadode laplataforma paralavarlaparteinferiordelaplataforma yquitarlosrecortes de c_spe...

Page 34: ...edepiedras palos cables uotrosobjetos quepudiesen daffarlacortadora o elmotor Dichos objetos pueden setarrojados acddentalmente potlacortadora encualquier direcd6nyprovocar lesiones personales graves aloperador ya otraspersonas 1 Una vezqueelmotorest_fundonando y sindejardemantener elcontrolde lacuchilla aprieteuno oambos encoche loscontroles delatransmisi6n contralamanijasuperior parapropulsar la...

Page 35: ...6n est_llena 2 Detenga elmotorporcompleto soltandolamanijadecontroldelacuchilla Compruebe quelaunldadsehayadetenldo porcompleto 3 Para deshacerse delosrecortes dec_sped levante lapuertadedescarga ytire delabolsaderecolecd6n hadaarrlba apart_ndola delapodadora NO_ Asegurese de impiarcualquier exceso dec_sped alrededor dela aberturatrasera delasegadora especialmente entrelacubiertadela transmisi6n y...

Page 36: ...combustible 1 Verificar 2 Ajustar oreemplazar 3 Verificar 4 Limpie 1 Limpiar oreemplazar 2 Lubricar con aceite ligero 3 Limpie 1 Reemplazar 2 Reemplazar 1 Hacer fundonarelmotorhastaquesedetenga porfaltadecombustible o affadirestabilizador deuntanqueIlenodecombustible nuevo antesdesualmacenamiento f Limpiom_sa menudo encondiciones polvorientas o cuando losescombros aerotransportados est_npresentes ...

Page 37: ...tiliceel lavado delaplataforma paralavarla parteinferiordelaplataforma y quitarlosrecortes dec_sped e impedir laacumulaci6n desustancias qufmicas corrosivas Realice lossiguientes pasos DESPUES DE CADA CORTE DE CESPED 1 Empuje lapodadora a unazonanivelada ydespejada delc_sped quese encuentre suficientemente cerca deunacanilla deaguaalalcance dela manguera deljard n Siadjunta quitelabolsadec_sped As...

Page 38: ...muelacomoguia Afilecadabordede corteporigualparamantener el balance delacuchilla Adaptador dela Misma Soporte de Campanade la Cuchilla J Figura18 Si acuchilla est_desequilibradagenerar_vibracionesexcesivas cuando rote aaltasvelocidades Puedeproducir daffos a acortadoradec_sped y se puederomper causando asilesionespersonales 5 Lubrique elcig_efialdelmotorylasuperficie internadeladaptador dela cuchi...

Page 39: ...eralmacenados hasta24meses Mientras elmotorestodav a caliente cambio el petr61eo Limpieelmotordeescombros superfidales Preparad6n de ia Cortadora de C_sped Limpieylubriquelacortadora comosedescribe enlasinstrucdones de lubricaci6n Noutiiiceunalavadora a presi6n ni unamanguera dejard nparaIJmpiar su unldad Cubra lacuchilla delacortadora congrasaparachasis paraimpedirla oxidad6n Refi_rase alaPrepara...

Page 40: ... 1 Elcapuch6n delabujiaest_i flojo 2 Elcombustible sehaechado aperder 3 Laventilad6n delatapadelcombustible est_i obstruida 4 Agua o sudedad enelsistema delcombustible 5 Elfiltrodeaireest_i sudo 6 Linea decombustible bloqueada 1 Elniveldeaceite delmotorest_i bajo 2 Flujo deairerestringido 1 Poca separad6n deloselectrodos delabujia 1 Engrane elcontroldelacuchilla 2 Conecte elcablealcapuch6n delabuj...

Page 41: ...misma 3 1 2 1 2 3 Hay desechos bloqueando elfundonamiento dela transmlsi6n Correa daffada odesgastada Unidad decontroldeajuste 1 Aprietelacuchilla yel adaptador Balancee lacuchilla 2 Camblelacuchllla 1 Nocorte elc_sped cuando est_mojado espere hasta quesea m_stardeparahacerlo 2 Corteunavezaalturadecorteelevada luegovuelva acortarala alturadeseada o haga unsendero decortem_sangosto 3 Afileocamble l...

Page 42: ...antiapordefectos Los defectossejuzgande acuerdoconel funcionamiento normaldeun motor Lagarantianoest_ relacionada conunapruebade emisiones en uso Disposiciones de la garantia Sears para defectos en el control de emisiones Lassiguientes sondisposiciones espedficas relacionadas conla cobertura de lagarantiapara defectosenel controldeemisiones Esun a_adidoa lagarantiade motorSearsparamotoresno regula...

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