Craftsman 247.28904 Operator'S Manual Download Page 30

Summary of Contents for 247.28904

Page 1: ...ou start the engine read and understand this Operator s Manual Before using this equipment read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions For answers to your questions about this product Call 1 800 659 5917 CraftsmanTractorHelp Line 7 am 7 pm CT Mort Sun Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com Form No 769 05573...

Page 2: ...nt or repaircausedby puncturesfromoutsideobjects suchas nails thorns stumps or glass Tireor wheelreplacement or repairresultingfromnormalwear accident orimproper operationor maintenance Repairsnecessarybecauseof operatorabuse includingbutnot limitedto damagecausedby towingobjectsbeyondthe capabilityof the ridingequipment impactingobjectsthatbendtheframeorcrankshaft or over speeding the engine Repa...

Page 3: ...fetyrulesinthismanualandshould betrainedandsupervisedbya parent Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithoutproper instruction Tohelpavoidbladecontactor a thrownobjectinjury keep bystanders helpers childrenandpetsat least75feetfromthe machinewhile it is in operation Stopmachineif anyoneenters the area Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to be used Removeallstones sticks wire bones toys ...

Page 4: ...pesrequire extracaution Ifyoucannotbackupthe slopeor if youfeel uneasyon it do not mowit Foryoursafety use the SlopeGuideincludedas partof this manual to measureslopesbeforeoperatingthis machineona slopedor hilly area Ifthe slopeis greaterthan15degreesas shownonthe Slope Guide do notoperatethis machineonthatareaor seriousinjurycould result Do o Mowupanddown slopes not across Exerciseextremecaution...

Page 5: ...suseextracautionwhentowingwitha machinecapableof makingtightturns e g zero turn ride onmower Makewide turnsto avoidjack knifing Travelslowlyandallowextradistanceto stop Do notcoastdownhill SERVICE SafeHandlingof Gasoline Toavoidpersonalinjury orpropertydamageuse extremecarein handlinggasoline Gasolineisextremelyflammableandthe vaporsare explosive Seriouspersonalinjury canoccurwhengasolineis spille...

Page 6: ...ediately withoriginalequipment manufacturer s O E M partsonly listedinthis manual Useof partswhichdo not meetthe originalequipmentspecifications may leadto improperperformanceandcompromisesafety Donot changethe enginegovernorsettingsorover speed the engine The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafeoperatingspeed of the engine Maintainor replacesafetyandinstructionlabels as necessary Observeproperdisposal...

Page 7: ...k Contact with the blade s can amputate hands and feet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury BYSTANDERS Keep bystanders helpers children and pets at least 75 feet from the machine while it is in operation WARNING SLOPE...

Page 8: ...ideto determine slopes where you may not operate safely Donot operateyourlawnmoweron suchslopes Do notmowon inclineswitha slope inexcessof 15degrees a rise of approximately 2 1 2feetevery10feet A riding mowercouldoverturnand causeseriousinjury Operateridingmowersupanddownslopes neveracrossthe faceof slopes ...

Page 9: ...tructions which if notfollowed could endangerthe personal safety and or property of yourself and others Readand follow all instructions inthis manualbefore attempting to operatethis machine Failureto comply with these instructions may result in personal injury When you see this symbol HEED ITS WARNING Your Responsibility Restrictthe use of this power machineto persons who read understand and follo...

Page 10: ...Service Maintenance sectionof this manualpriorto operatingthe tractor Shipping Brace Removal Makesurethe ridingmower sengineis off removetheignitionkey andset the parkingbrakebeforeremoving the shippingbrace Refer Itothe Operationsectionfor instructionsonhowto setthe parking lbrake Locatethe shippingbrace if present andaccompanying warning tag foundonthe rightsideof the mower betweenthe discharge ...

Page 11: ...re5 Tire Pressure Maximum tire pressureunderany circumstances is 30 psi Equal tire pressureshouldbe maintained at all times Neverexceedthe _max mum nfat onpressureshownonthe s dewa of thet re The recommended operatingtire pressureis Approximately10psi forthe reartires Approximately14psi forthe fronttires IMPORTANT Referto the tire sidewallfor exacttire manufacturer s recommended ormaximumpsi Donot...

Page 12: ...rward towardsthe frontof tractor Meets ANSI Safety Standards CraftsmanTractorsconformto the safetystandardof theAmerican NationalStandardsInstitute ANSI A ParkingBrakeLever B Ammeter C Throttle ChokeControlLever D IgnitionSwitchModule E DeckLiftLever F PTOLever BladeEngage G Cup Holder H SpeedControlLever I SeatAdjustmentLever J BrakePedal 12 ...

Page 13: ...he deckliftleveris usedto changethe heightof the cuttingdeck Touse move the leverto the left thenplacein the notchbestsuitedfor yourapplication PTO BLADE ENGAGE LEVER Foundonthe tractor srightfender the PT0 bladeengage leveris usedto engagepowerto the cuttingdeckorother separatelyavailable attachments Tooperate movethe leverall thewayforward Movingthe leverallthe way rearwardinto the PTOOFFpositio...

Page 14: ...e gasolinetankis underthe hood with thefuel fill cap locatedonthe left handsideof the tank 2 Fillthe fuel tankwithgasoline 3 Reinstallthe fuelcap For California Models ForCaliforniamodelsequippedwitha tethered ratchetingfuelcap STOPfillingtankonce fuelis seeninsidethe filler neck Thisensures thata properexpansionvolumeis created otherwisethefuel canover flowcreatinga hazardoussituation Do NOTfill ...

Page 15: ...nactivated until a Thekeyisplacedineitherthe NORMALMO NGposition orSTOPposition Theoperatorengagesthe parkingbrakeby fullydepressing the brakepedalandholdingitdownwhile movingthe speed controlleverintothe PARKBRAKEposition ENGAGING THE PARKING BRAKE To engage the parking brake 1 Fullydepressthe brakepedalandholdit downwithyourfoot 2 Movethe parkingbrakeleverall the waydownand intothe parkingbrake ...

Page 16: ...lever in the FAST rabbit positionfor the mostefficientuseof the cutting deckor other separatelyavailable attachments 2 Releasethe parkingbrakeby depressing the brakepedal 3 Positionthe speedcontrolleverindesiredposition Thefurther forwardor rearwardthatthe leverismoved thefasterthe tractor will travel DoNOTattemptto changethe directionof travelwhenthe tractor is inmotion Alwaysbringthe tractorto a...

Page 17: ...ciallyif a mulchkitor grasscollectoris installed For bestresultsit is recommended thatthe firsttwolaps becut withthe dischargethrowntowardsthe center Afterthe first two laps reversethe directionto throwthe dischargeto the outside for the balanceof cutting Thiswill givea betterappearanceto the lawn Do notcut thegrasstoo short Shortgrassinvitesweedgrowth andyellowsquicklyindry weather Mowingshouldal...

Page 18: ...ingarms pivot shafts andaxles 18 Frontwheelbearings 19 Frontdeckwheels 25 Engineoil Oil filter 26 Muffler 29 Air filter 30 Air filter spre cleaner 31 Sparkplug 32 Air coolingsystem 33 Fuelfilter 34 SteeringGears 35 RearWheels 43 Hood Dashairvents 44 Batteryterminals 45 Midsteeringarms pivot shafts andaxles 46 Frontwheelbearings 47 Frontdeckwheels 48 Deckspindlesand idler bracket 49 Pedalpivotpoint...

Page 19: ...oursoronce a season Tochangethe engineoil proceedas follows 1 WithengineOFFbut stillwarm disconnectsparkplugwireand keepit awayfromsparkplug 2 Removethe oilfill cap dipstickfromtheoil fill tube SeeFigure11 3 Clipthe oildrainsleeve packedwiththis manual ontothe oil drainport Routethe oppositeendof the sleeveintoanappropri ate oilcollectioncontainerwitha capacitygreatenoughto collect the usedoil 4 R...

Page 20: ...clamponthefuelfilterwitha pairof pliers slidethe clampupthefuelline Pullthe fuellinefreefromthefilterandplace theopenendof the lineintoanapprovedcontainer to drainthefuel Tochangethe fuel filter 1 Usepliersto squeezethe tabsonthe otherclamp theout line sideof the fuel filter thenslidethe clampawayfromthe fuel filter Twistandpullthe fuellineoff of the fuelfilter SeeFigure13 2 Checkthe fuel linesfor...

Page 21: ...ingbrakeandlift linkageat leastonce a seasonwithlightoil Rear Wheels The rearwheelsshouldberemovedfromtheaxlesoncea season Lubricatetheaxlesandthe rimswellwithan all purposegreasebefore re installing them Front Axles Eachend of thetractor sfrontpivotbar maybeequippedwitha grease fitting Lubricatewitha greasegunafterevery25hoursof tractor operation Battery The batteryis sealedandis maintenance free...

Page 22: ...everfor liftingthe platformon the secondto the top notch secondhighest position androtatethe bladeas closeto the dischargechannel thatis parallelto the tractor 22 2 Measurethedistancefromthe frontof the bladetip to the ground andthe rearof the bladetip to theground Thefirst measure menttakenshouldbe between1A and3A lessthanthe second measurement Determine the approximatedistancenecessaryfor proper...

Page 23: ...kingbrake 2 Lowerthe deck by movingthe deck lift lever intothe bottom notchon the rightfender 3 Removetheself tappingscrew A thatsecuresthe belt keeper rodfromaroundthe tractor sPTOpulley thenremovethe belt keeperrod B SeeFig 19 NOTE Makea mentalnotewhatholethe otherendof the belt keeper rodisinserted infor reinstallation purposes 4 Removethebelt C fromaroundthetractor sPTOpulley See Fig 19 F Figu...

Page 24: ...linstallingthe battery alwaysconnectthe POSITIVE Red wire to I ts termna f rst fo owedby the NEGAT VE Back w re JUMP STARTING Neverjump starta damagedorfrozenbattery Becertainthevehicles do not touch and ignitionsareoff Do notallowcable clampsto touch 1 Connectpositive cableto positivepost of yourtractor s dischargedbattery 2 Connecttheotherendof thecableto the positive postof the jumperbattery 3 ...

Page 25: ...s section thengentlyflip thedeckoverto exposeitsunderside 2 Placea blockof woodbetweenthe centerdeckhousingbaffle andthe cuttingbladeto actas a stabilizer SeeFig 23 f 4 Removethe hexflangenut thatsecuresthe bladeto the spindle assembly SeeFig 23 To properlysharpenthe cuttingblades removeequalamounts of metalfrombothendsof the bladesalongthe cuttingedges parallelto the trailingedge at a250 to 300an...

Page 26: ... 25 10 Pullthe rightside ofthe belt and placethe narrowVside of the belt intothe PTOpulley 11 Whileholdingthe belt andpulleytogether rotatethe pulleyto the left Continueholdingand rotatingthe pulleyandbelt untilthe belt is fullyrolledinto the PTOpulley PARKING BRAKE ADJUSTMENT Neverattemptto adjustthe brakeswhiletheengineis running Always disengagePTO BladeEngageLever moveshiftleverintoneutral pos...

Page 27: ...certain conditions Draingasolinebeforestoringthe equipmentfor extended periods Drainfuel only intoanapprovedcontaineroutdoors away froman openflame Allowengineto cool Extinguishcigarettes cigars pipes andothersourcesof ignitionpriorto drainingfuel Storegasolineinan approvedcontainerinsafelocation c Reconnect the fuel lineandrunthe engineuntil it startsto falter thenuse thechoketo keeptheenginerunn...

Page 28: ...daysold gas 7 Replacethe fuel lineandreplacefuel filter 8 Clean adjustgapor replaceplug s 9 Crankenginewiththrottlein FASTposition 1 PushCHOKEcontrolin 2 Connectsparkplugwire s 3 Replacethe fuel line fill tankwithclean fresh gasolineandreplacefuel filter 4 Clearventor replacecap if damaged 5 Drainfueltank Refillwithclean freshgasoline 6 Replaceair cleanerpaperelementor cleanfoam pre cleaner if equ...

Page 29: ...d On SteeringWheel Close To intake With Only Half Of The Split DONoT Sacking Removed For Easy USE E_50_FU_ CO TAm C MO E Removal THAN 10 ETHANOL STEERING WHEEL MOU TING HAROWARE U DER CAP BEFORE OPERATION SECURE STEERING WHEEL TO SHIFT ICCORDING TO ANUlL 777S33583 REE 777D14476 QTY 3 IN MOLD ON SOTH SIDES OF HOOD SCOOP AND FRONT GRILLE 777D14483 Lower Left Hood Side Place OverWeld Marks 777S30018 ...

Page 30: ...Craftsman IViodel 247 28905 11 44 43 41 39 3O ...

Page 31: ... Support Pivot Bracket Lower Grill Lower Grill Bracket Parking Brake Lever Assenbly Self Tap Screw 1 4 20 Hex Head Screw 3 8 16 Ref I No 24 711 0736 25 712 04065 26 714 04040 27 936 0133 28 750 04465 29 783 04862 30 710 0604A 31 710 0895 32 712 04063 33 731 04945 34 783 04892B 0637 35 683 04448 0637 36 726 0230 37 747 04430 38 751 0555B 39 751 0603A 40 783 04584A 0637 41 731 05265 42 746 04364 43 ...

Page 32: ...Craftsman IViodel 247 28905 36 22 21 14 12 39 28 3O 45 38 11 2 32 ...

Page 33: ... 250x 164 ShoulderScrew 10 32x 500 PTOBearing DeckEngagement Cable 12v Solenoid Ref I No 24 756 04196A 25 747 04857 26 710 04484 27 683 04195 0637 28 683 04601 0637 29 710 0134 30 710 3008 31 712 04063 32 712 04064 33 912 0429 34 732 04035 35 736 0173 36 783 04548C 0637 37 783 04637 0637 38 783 04753 0637 39 783 04869A 0637 40 783 05389A 0637 41 725 05090 42 738 1132 43 712 0271 44 683 04448 0637 ...

Page 34: ...25 23 35 29 33 34 ...

Page 35: ...375 ID x 05 OD Drag Link Steering Cap 1 25 x 16 Steering Block Spacer 710 ID x 125 OD x 56 Spacer 322 ID x 625 OD x 21 Stabilizer Plate Gear Segment Ref I No 23 938 04007A 0637 24 638 04008P 25 683 0128B 0637 26 710 04484 27 712 04065 28 714 04039 29 914 0474 30 736 0341 31 731 04057A 32 736 04228A 33 738 04128 34 741 0660A 35 747 04299A 36 783 05326B 0637 37 631 04028 38 731 06825 39 634 04086 09...

Page 36: ...Craftsman Model 247 28905 2o 12 6 22 2S 28 31 30 17 32 15 oi 29 3G ...

Page 37: ...5 16 18 Flange Lock Nut 1 4 20 Seat Adjustment Grip Speed Nut Seat Adjustment Spacer Compression Spring 41 x 1 50 Extension Spring Flat Washer 344 x 62 x 033 Flat Washer 340 x 872 x 060 Flat Washer 531 x 062 x 134 Shoulder Screw 34 x 285 1 4 20 Shoulder Screw 5 16 18 x 437 x 268 Shoulder Bolt 50 x 925 3 8 16 Lift Seat Bracket Seat Adjustment Stop Bracket Seat Pivot Bracket Seat Adjustment Lever Se...

Page 38: ...Craftsman IViodel 247 28905 9 f 4 7 4 14 10 1 38 ...

Page 39: ...4B 13 751 I0349 14 751 I0353 15 751 I0448B Description Muffler Shield Assembly Screw AB 8 18 0 500 Tap Screw 3 8 16 h000 Tap Screw 1 4 20 0 750 Screw Socket Head 5 16 18 x 750 Sems Nut 1 4 20 Exhaust Gasket Cable Tie 3 16 X 05 X Z4 Hose Clamp 490 Dia Pop Rivet 188 Dia X 300 L Oil Drain Sleeve Muffler Deflector Low Permeation Fuel Hose 1 4 Long Muffler Deflector Briggs Single Muffler 39 ...

Page 40: ...Craftsman Model 247 28905 11 49 29 31 _37 ...

Page 41: 75 DIA X 6 02 Extension Spring 59 OD X 4 00 LG Wire Ring Extension Spring 50 DIA X 6 37 LG Ref I NO 32 735 0239 33 736 04263 34 736 0430 35 736 0607 36 736 3010 37 710 0627 38 738 04430 39 941 0225 40 747 04283A 41 747 04296A 42 747 04407A 43 747 05242 44 747 05245 45 948 0334 46 750 04456 47 750 0566A 48 750 0802 49 954 04252 50 756 04224 51 756 04308 52 783 04536B 0637 53 783 04570B 0637 54 7...

Page 42: ...Craftsman IViodel 247 28905 58 57 50 41 38 34 42 ...

Page 43: ...16 Flat Washer 265 x 9 38 x 120 Flat Washer 64 x 1 24 x 06 Flat Washer 5 8 Int Tth Flat Washer 385 x 870 x 092 Ref No 30 736 0362 31 738 04146 32 738 04162A 33 738 04166 34 942 04308 35 747 04530 36 747 04944B 37 747 05105 38 748 04069 39 750 0258 40 750 0566A 41 954 04060B 42 756 04129B 43 783 05946 44 783 06243 0637 45 783 06368 0637 46 783 06424A 0637 47 783 06643 0637 48 631 04460 49 711 04847...

Page 44: ...el 247 28905 46 S ORT BLOCK I 1056 OPERATOR S MANUAL I 1329 REPLAOEMENT ENGINEI 1330 REPAIR MANUAL _ _ 85o 584 __ _ _ 1264 684 _ _ _ 1263 _ j 26 306 307 _L_ i _ _ _ 718 d_ _ _ 46 24 759 12 200 15 22_ 1o27 43 616 _ 4O4 614 x 750 6 8471 842 1 524 d_ 44 ...

Page 45: ... IViodel 331777 1372 B2 For IViodel 247 28905 3_ 20 584 _ 51 842 C _ 358 ENGINE GASKET SET 524 868 943 o 1022 1095 VALVE GASKET SET 51 1022 868f_ 13_ 85O 883 238 Q 1022 617 1023111111 1022 1026 _ 914 617 54 654 _ _ 45 ...

Page 46: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 331777 1372 B2 For IViodel 247 28905 51 127c_ 105 33 104 87 601 51 121 CARBURETOR OVERHAUL KiT 104 105 _ 617 _ 987 o 1266 _ 46 ...

Page 47: Engine Model 331777 1372 B2 For Model 247 28905 1036 EMiSSiONS LABEL 1265 1040 _ _d _ 1139 d _ 601 _ _ 305 305A 7 305B _ _ 968 445 967 324 415 _ 1070 1005 4 37 __ 1o44 _ _ Z_ _ _ lO51 _ _ V_ A _ __ _ _ T 47 ...

Page 48: ...Craftsman Engine Model 331777 1372 B2 For Model 247 28905 783 513 801 544 310 803 G 729 1119 334 851 209 265 267 48 ...

Page 49: ...fold Intake Gasket Intake Gasket Intake Stud Carburetor Screw Intake Manifold Screw Flywheel Guard Kit Idle Mixture Screw Throttle Valve Ref Part No NO 98 695408 104 694918A 105 696136A 108 695419 117 796251 118 791406 121 796184 125 796587 127 690727A 130 792747 131 792765 133 694914 135 698780 137 698781A 141 792777 146 691639 187 791805 187A 791806 187B 791744 188 691693 192 691986 202 691841 2...

Page 50: ...asket Breather Passage Breather Passage Gasket and Liquid Sealant are interchangeable Hose Clamp Green Pin Cotter Crank Governor SeaI O Ring Intake Manifold Red Seal Choke Throttle Shaft Choke Shaft 634 635 654 684 691 697 718 729 741 750 757 758 759 783 789 797 801 8O2 803 830 842 847 85O 851 868 877 883 914 943 947 965 967 968 975 987 1005 Part No Description 698779A 691909 690958 697157 692407t...

Page 51: ...arburetor OverhauI Kit Description Screen Oil Pump Gasket Rocker Cover Rocker Cover Gasket and Liquid Sealant are inter changeable Cover Rocker Pump Oil Rod Push Intake Rod Push Exhaust Filter Oil Arm Rocker Guide Push Rod Label Emissions Available from a Briggs Stratton Authorized Dealer Plate Trim Screw Flywheel Ring Retaining Operator s Manual Kit Screw Washer Alternator Screw Flywheel Fan Reta...

Page 52: ...This page intentionally left blank Use this page to make any notes regarding your tractor 52 ...

Page 53: ...This page intentionally left blank Use this page to make any notes regarding your tractor 53 ...

Page 54: ...hind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July ...

Page 55: ...fectsare judgedonnormalengineperformance The warrantyis notrelatedto an in use emissiontest Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowing arespecific provisions relative toyourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Itisinaddition totheSears engine warranty fornon regulated enginesfoundin theOperatingand Maintenance Instructions 1 WarrantedParts Coverageunderthis warrantyexten...

Page 56: ... workmanshipthatcausethe failureof a warrantedpart to be identicalin all materialrespectsto that part as describedin MTDConsumerGroup Inc sapplicationfor certification The warrantyperiodbeginsonthedate theoutdoorequipmentengineis deliveredto anultimatepurchaserorfirst placedintoservice The warrantyperiodis two years Subjectto certainconditionsand exclusionsasstated below the warrantyonemission rel...

Page 57: ... warrantycoverage Further the coverageunderthis warrantyextendsonly to partsthat were presentonthe off roadengineand equipmentpurchased Thefollowingemissionwarrantypartsare covered if applicable 1 FuelMeteringSystem Cold start enrichmentsystem softchoke Carburetorand internalparts or fuel injectionsystem Fuelpump Fueltank 2 Air InductionSystem Air cleaner Intakemanifold 3 IgnitionSystem Sparkplug ...

Page 58: RapidResolution phonesupport froma Searsrepresentative Thinkof usas a talkingowner s manual Onceyou purchasethe Agreement a simplephonecall is all thatit takesfor youto scheduleservice Youcan call anytimedayor night or schedulea serviceappointmentonline The RepairProtectionAgreementis a risk freepurchase If youcancel for any reasonduringthe productwarrantyperiod wewill provideafull refund Or a ...

Page 59: ...scomoclavos espinas troncos o devidrio O reemplazo de Ilantasde laruedao de reparaci6nque resultendeldesgastenormal accidentes u operaci6no mantenimiento inadec uado Reparaciones necesariasdebidoalabusodeloperador incluyendoperonolimitadoada_oscausadosporobjetosde arrastrem_sall_de lacapacidadde los equiposde equitaci6n queafectanlosobjetosque sedoblanel marcoo el cigOe_al o excesode velocidaddel ...

Page 60: ...oqueseaarrojado rnantenga a los observadores a los ayudantes ni_osy rnascotas alejadosal rnenos25 metrosde la rn_ quina rnientras est en funcionarniento Detengala rn_ quina si alguienentraen lazona Inspeccionerninuciosarnente el Areadondeutilizar_ el equipo Retiretodaslas piedras palos cables huesos juguetes y otros objetosextra_osquepodrianser recogidosy arrojadosporla acci6nde lascuchillas Losob...

Page 61: ...sped altopuedeocultarobst_ culos Vayaa bajavelocidad ElijaunavelocidadIosuficienternente baja de rnodoquenotengaquedetenerse o hacercarnbios rnientras est sobrela pendiente Losneurn_ ticos podrianperdertracci6n sobrelaspendientes a 3n cuandolos frenosfuncionaran apro piadarnente Siernpre rnantenga la rn_ quina en carnbiornientras desciendelaspendientes parapoderfrenarconel motor Sigalas recornenda...

Page 62: ...rernolque y II_neloen el suelo Siestonoes posible Ileneel equipoen unrernolqueconun contenedorport_ til envezde hacerlocon unaboquilladispensadora degasolina Mantengala boquillade Ilenadoencontactocon elhordedel dep6sitode combustible o con la aberturadel recipienteentodo rnornento hastaterrninarlacarga No utiliceundispositivode boquilladeapertura cierre Apaguetodosloscigarrillos cigarros pipasy o...

Page 63: ...trucciones segQnseanecesario Respetelas norrnasreferentesa ladisposici6ncorrectay las reglarnentaciones sobregasolina aceite etc paraprotegerel medicarnbiente SegOn la Cornisidn de Seguridadde Productosparael Consu rnidordelos EstadosUnidos CPSC y laAgenciade Proteccidn Arnbientalde los EstadosUnidos EPA esteproductotiene una vida Qtilmediade siete 7 a_os 6 270horasde funcionarniento AIfinalizarla...

Page 64: ... PELIGRO ESCOMBROS LANZADOS Quite objetos que pueden ser lanzados por la I_imina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve gafas de seguridad PELIGRO ESCOMBROS LANZADOS Quite objetos que pueden ser lanzados por la I_imina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve gafas de seguridad ERSONAS PRESENTES Guarde alas personas presentes a los ayudantes y a nihos por Io menos 75 pies lejos PELIGRO CUESTAS Use extra la precauci6n e...

Page 65: ... tractor de manera segura Nooperelacortadoradecespeden dichaspendientes Nocorteen inclinaciones mayoresde 15grados elevaci6naproximada de2 1 2pies porcada 10pies Eltractor cortacespedpodriavoltearsey causarlesionesgraves Enlas pendientesoperecon los tractorescorta cespedhaciaarribay abajo nuncadeformatransversal 5 ...

Page 66: ...sque si no se siguen podria poner en peligro laseguridad personal y o la propiedad de si mismo y los dem _s Lea y siga las instrucciones en este manual antes de intentar operar esta m_tquina El incumplimientode estas instruccionespuede resultar en lesionespersonales Cuando vea este simbolo de prestar atenci6na sus iADVERTENCIA Su Responsabilidad Restringirel uso de esta ma quinade poder alas per s...

Page 67: ...e acornpaSa a encontrarse enel ladoderechode lacortadora de cesped entrelatolvadedescarga y laplataforrna decorte Wase la figura 2 Figura1 2 Quitelacubiertadepl_ stico si est presente desdeel terminal negativode la bateriay conectarel cable negroal terminal negativode la bateria con elpernoy tuercahexagonal Wase lafigura 1 3 La posici6nde la botadegornarojasobreel terminalpositivode la bateriapara...

Page 68: ...siento a la izquierday deslizarel asientohaciaadelanteo haciaatr_ s Wase lafigura 5 AsegQrese deque elasientose fija en su posici6nantesde operarel tractor Figura5 Antesdeoperarestam_ quina asegQrese de queelasientose dedicaa la paradadeseguridad est_ n detr_ sde lam_ quina y tire hacaatr_ se asento hastaqueest_totamentededcado a parar PRESION DE LAS LLANTAS M_ xima presi6nde los neum_ ticos en ni...

Page 69: ...adeEngage G Portavasos H De Velocidad I Palancade ajustedelasiento J Pedalde freno NOTA Cualquierreferenciahechaenestemanualal ladoDERECHO o IZQUlERDO deltractordebeentenderse tal comose observa desdelaposici6ndeloperador Cumple con los est_ndares de seguridad de ANSI Lasm_ quinas quitanievedeCraftsman cumplen conlosest_ ndares deseguridad del instituto estadounidense deest_ ndares nacionales ANSI...

Page 70: ...doy defuncionarniento del tractoren REVERSEMODEPRECAUCION Nuncadejea un equipoqueejecutasin supervisi6n Siernpre desconectetornadefuerza palancadecarnbiose pongaen posici6nneutral el frenode rnano apagueel motory quitela Ilave paraevitarel arranqueno deseado LEVANTE LA PALANCA DE LA CUBIERTA Encontrado enel guardabarros derechodesu tractor la palancadelevantarlacubiertase usa paracarnbiarlaaltura ...

Page 71: ...teo enrnarcha Apaguecigarrillos cigarros pipasy otrasfuentesdecornbusti6n NOTA CornpregasolinaenpequeSascantidades No usegasolina que hayaquedadodela ternporadaanterior pararninirnizar la forrnaci6ndedep6sitosde gornaen el sisternade combustible Estemotorest habilitadoparafuncionarcon gasolinasin plorno Paraobtenerel rnejorresultado Ileneeldep6sitode combustible Onicarnente con gasolinasin plornol...

Page 72: ...6ndelrn6dulo de interruptor de Ilave VerFigura8 f Indicator Light Reverse Caution Mode Position NO CHILDREN AROUND REVERSE PUSH BUTTON _ Stop position Reverse Push Button Normal Driving Mode position Figura8 3 Presioneel bot6nPUSHINVERSOR Orange bot6ntriangular en laesquinasuperiorderechade lateclade rn6dulode conrnutaci6n La luzindicadoradecolor rojoenla partesuperior izquierdadel rn6dulodeconrnu...

Page 73: ...rmalo cortarel c_sped posici6n NOtienenla Ilave en la posici6ninicialdurantern_ s de diezsegun dos a lavez SiIo hacepuedecausardaSosal motorde arranque el_ctricodelmotor 6 Despu_sde queel motorarranque desactivarel controldel estrangulador y coloqueel controldelaceleradorenla posici6n de FAST NOTA NOdejeel controldelestrangulador enduranteelfuncio narniento del tractor SiIo hace dar_ lugarauna rne...

Page 74: ...lteareltractorhaciaatr_ s Nocorteel c_speda lavelocidaddeterrenoelevado especial mentesi se hainstaladounkitde mantilloo colectordec_sped Paraobtenerlos mejoresresultadosse recomienda que las dos primerasvueltasse cortar_ con la aprobaci6ndela gesti6n arrojadohaciael centro Traslas dos primerasvueltas invertirel sentidode lanzarladescargahaciaelexteriorde la balanzade corte Estole dar_ unamejorapa...

Page 75: alMo hidrost_ tica hagaIosiguiente 1 Busquela barrade derivaci6nhidrost_ tica enla partetraseradel tractor V_aselafigura 10 FAROS LasI_ mparas est_ nONcuandoel motordeltractorse est ejecutando Laslucesse apagacuandolaIlavedecontactose muevea la posici6nSTOE f Figure 10 2 Tirede lavarillade circunvalaci6n hidrost_ tica haciaafuera a continuaci6n haciaabajoya la izquierda paraqueencajeen su lugar...

Page 76: ...rnientos delas ruedasdelanteras 5 Las ruedasdelanterasdela plataforrna 1 Elaceitedel motor el filtrodeaceite 2 Silenciador 1 Filtrodeaire 2 Eldepuradordelfiltrode aire 3 Bujia 4 Sisternade refrigeraci6n poraire 5 Filtrode combustible 6 DirectivoEngranajes 7 Ruedastraseras 1 EIcap6 Iosrespiraderos 2 Losbornesdela bateria 3 Losbrazosdernando interrnedios ejesdelpivotey ejes 4 Losrodarnientos delas r...

Page 77: ...ela rnarcaFULLen lavarilla el aceitede drenajeparareducirel nivelde aceiteen FULLrnarcaen lavarilladernedici6n Cambio de aceite de motor Elaceitedel motordebesetcarnbiadoen las prirneras5 horasy luego cada50 horaso unavezporternporada Paracarnbiarel aceitedel motor sigaestospasos 1 Conel motorapagadoperoaOncaliente desconecte el cablede labujiay rnant_ngalo alejadodela buj a 2 Retirelatapade Ilena...

Page 78: ...afuga de combustible en un recipienteaprobado Paracambiarel fiitro de combustible 1 UsepinzasparaapretarlaspestaSas delaabrazadera elladodela lineadefueradel filtrodecombustible a continuaci6n deslicela abrazaderalejosdel filtrodecombustible Twisty tirarde la linea decombustiblefueradelfiltrode combustible Wase lafigura 13 2 Cornpruebelaslineasde combustibleparalas grietaso fugas Reernplazar si es...

Page 79: ...jetivode grasaantesdevolvera instalarlos Frente Ejes Cadaextrernode delantedel tractor la barrade articulaci6npuede estarequipadocon unajustedela grasa Lubricarcon unapistolade grasacada 25horasdefuncionarniento deltractor Bateria Labateriaest_selladay es librede rnantenirniento Los nivelesde _cido nose puedecornprobar Siernprernantengaloscablesde la bateriay losterrninales lirnpiosy libresdecorro...

Page 80: ...dedelanteaatr_ s Lapartefrontalde lacubiertadebeser de 1A pulgadasy 3 8 pulgada inferiora laparte traserade la cubierta Ajustesies necesarioIo siguiente 1 Coneltractorestacionadoen unasuperficiefirrney nivelada coloque la palancade elevaci6nde laplataforrna en la segundaa la prirneracategoria segundaposici6nrn_ s alta y girela hojaIo rn_ s cercadelcanalde descargaquees paraleloaltractor 2 Medirla ...

Page 81: ...Searsque losfrenoscorrectarnente ajustado Paraubiear el Centrode Servieio rn_s eereanoSears o parapro grarnarel servieio sirnplernente p6ngaseen eontactoconSears al 1 800 4 MY HOME PLATAFORMA DE CORTE DE ELIMINACION Para quitar la plataforrna de corte haga Io si guiente 1 Colocarlatornadefuerza Blade Engage palancaenlaposici6n OFF desernbragar la posici6ny pongael frenodeestacionarniento 2 Bajolac...

Page 82: ... es exacto No sobreinflar Lapresi6ndel neurn_ tico desigualpodriacausarquela plataforrna de corteparacortarde rnaneradesigual BATERiA Proposici6n 65de CaliforniaiADVERTENCIA Postesde labateria terrninalesy accesoriosrelacionados contienenplornoy cornpuestos de plorno sustanciasqueen el Estadode Californiaporcausarc_ ncer y da_osreproductivos L_ vese las rnanosdespu_sde rnanipular Sial quitarlabate...

Page 83: ... Apagueel motory quitela Ilavedeencendidoantesde retirarla cuchilladecorte s paraafilaro de sustituci6n Protejasusmanos usandoguantesgruesosal sujetarla hoja Inspeccioneperi6dicamente lahojay o husillode grietaso da_os sobretododespu_sdehaberIlegadoa unobjetoextra_o No hagafuncionarla m_ quina hastaquese sustituir_ n los elementos da_ados Paraquitarlas hojas hagaIo siguiente 1 Quitela cubiertadede...

Page 84: ...debandacornpletase rnuestraenla figura 25 10 Tire de lapartederechade la cinta y coloqueel ladoV estrecha de lacorreaen lapoleaPTO 11 Mientrasse rnantienelacorreay lapoleajuntos girarla poleaa la izquierda Seguirrnanteniendo y rotaci6nde la poleay lacor reahastaquela correaes totalrnenteenrolladoen la poleaPTO IMPORTANTE ElV cintur6nse encuentraensu tractorest espe cialrnente diseSadoparaconectary...

Page 85: ...stible del carburador d Vuelvaa desconectarlalineadecombustibley drenela gasolinarestanteenel sistema 5 Extraigala bujiay viertauna 1 onzadeaceiteparamotorpot el orificiode la bujfaen elcilindro Hagagirarel motorvariasveces paradistribuirel aceite Vuelvaa colocarlabujfa Lagasolinaessumamente inflamable y puedesetexplosivaenciertas condiciones Vacfelaantesdeaimacenar ei equipoduranteperiodos prolon...

Page 86: ...iadolenta 1 2 CespedhOmedo 3 Cespeddemasiadoalto Lacortadorade cespedno regresael recortedecesped comoabono 4 1 2 3 Lacuchillade lacortadora noest_afilada Cortedesigual Laplataformanoest correctamentenivelada Lacuchillade lacortadora noest_afilada Presi6nde neum_ticosdesigual Conecte loscablesde la buj a Limpiela I neadecombustible Ileneeltanquecon gaso lina limpiay nuevay reemplaceelfiltro decomb...

Page 87: de Duraci6n de Emisiones de un motor con una clasificaci6n intermedia sena equivaiente a entre 10 y 12 aSos Laciasificaci6n de aire es un nQmero calculado para describir el nivel relativo de emisiones para un grupo de motores en particular Cuanto menor sea la clasificaci6n de aire mayor es la limpieza del motor La informaci6n se presenta de forma grAfica en la etiqueta de emisiones Despu_s del ...

Page 88: ...otdefectos Los defectosse juzgandeacuerdocon elfuncionamientonormalde unmotor La garantiano est_relacionadaconunapruebade emisionesenuso Disposiciones de la garantJa Sears para defectos en el control de emJsiones Lassiguientessondisposiciones especificasrelacionadas conla coberturade lagarantiaparadefectosenel controldeemisiones Esuna_adidoa lagarantiade motorSearsparamotoresnoreguladosquese encue...

Page 89: ...oexcedade30 dias Sitiene algunapreguntarespectode lacobertura dela garantia p6ngaseen contactoconel Departamento del ServicioT nicode MTDConsumerGroupInc al telefono1 800 800 7310 o pot correoelectr6nico enhttp support mtd products com COBERTURA DE LA GARANTJA DE EMISIONES GENERALES MTDConsumerGroupIncgarantizaal compradorfinal y a cadacompradorsubsiguienteque el motordeequiposde exteriores est_ d...

Page 90: ...antiasi MTDConsumerGroupIncdemuestraqueel motores objeto deusoincorrecto negligenciao mantenimientoinadecuado y que tal usoincorrecto negligenciao mantenimientoinadecuadofue causadirectade la necesidadde reparaci6no reemplazode dichapieza NoobstanteIo antedicho cualquierajuste deuncomponenteconundispositivodelimitaci6nde ajusteinstaladoenf_bricay quefuncioneadecuadamente podr_set cubiertopot la ga...

Page 91: ...da el apoyotelef6nicode unCharnuscaal representante Pienseen nosotroscornoel manual de undue_ohablador Unavezadquiridoel Acuerdo puedeprograrnar el serviciocon tan s61orealizarunaIlarnadatelef6nica PuedeIlarnarencualquier mornento deldia o dela nocheo prograrnar un servicioen linea ElAcuerdode Protecci6nde Reparaci6n es unacornprasin riesgo Siustedanulaporalgunaraz6nduranteel periodode garantiade ...

Page 92: the number below Para respuestas a preguntas o problemas y ordenar piezas o pedir servicio para la reparacibn de su equipo Ilame el nt_mero abajo 1 800 659 5917 Craftsman Help Line www craftsman com TM Registered Trademark Trademark of KCD IP LLC in the United States or Sears Brands LLC in other countries Marca Registrada TMMarca de Fabrica de KCD IP LLC en Estados Unidos o Sears Brands LLC i...
