Craftsman 247.288862 Operator'S Manual Download Page 150

Summary of Contents for 247.288862

Page 1: the engine read and understand this Operator s Manual Before using this equipment read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions For answers to your questions about this product call 1 800 659 5917 CraftsmanTractorHelp Line 7 am 7 pm CT Mort Sun Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com Form No 769 06502E Dec...

Page 2: ...possible the ridingequipmentwill be replacedfree of chargewiththe sameor anequivalent model Allof the abovewarrantycoverageis void if thisridingequipmentis everusedwhileprovidingcommercialservicesor if rentedto anotherperson ThiswarrantycoversONLYdefectsin materialandworkmanship Warrantycoveragedoes NOTinclude Expendableparts exceptbattery thatcanwearout fromnormalusewithinthe warrantyperiod inclu...

Page 3: ...etyrulesinthismanualandshould betrainedandsupervisedbya parent Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithoutproper instruction Tohelpavoidbladecontactor a thrownobjectinjury keep bystanders helpers childrenandpetsat least75feetfromthe machinewhile it is in operation Stopmachineif anyoneenters the area Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to be used Removeallstones sticks wire bones toys a...

Page 4: ...uire extracaution Ifyoucannotbackupthe slopeor if youfeel uneasyon it do not mowit Foryoursafety use the SlopeGuideincludedas partof this manual to measureslopesbeforeoperatingthis machineona slopedor hilly area Ifthe slopeis greaterthan15degreesas shownonthe Slope Guide do notoperatethis machineonthatareaor seriousinjurycould result Do o Mowupanddown slopes not across Exerciseextremecaution whenc...

Page 5: ...towingwitha machinecapableof makingtightturns e g zero turn ride onmower Makewide turnsto avoidjack knifing Travelslowlyandallowextradistanceto stop Do notcoastdownhill SERVICE SafeHandlingof Gasoline Toavoidpersonalinjury orpropertydamageuse extremecarein handlinggasoline Gasolineisextremelyflammableandthe vaporsare explosive Seriouspersonalinjury canoccurwhengasolineis spilled on yourselforyour ...

Page 6: ...diately withoriginalequipment manufacturer s O E M partsonly listedinthis manual Useof partswhichdo not meetthe originalequipmentspecifications may leadto improperperformanceandcompromise safety Donot changethe enginegovernorsettingsorover speed the engine The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafeoperatingspeed of the engine Maintainor replacesafetyandinstructionlabels as necessary Observeproperdisposal...

Page 7: ...k Contact with the blade s can amputate hands and feet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury BYSTANDERS Keep bystanders helpers children and pets at least 75 feet from the machine while it is in operation WARNING SLOPE...

Page 8: ...re2 4 Adjust gaugeupor down until the left cornertouchesthe slope SeeFigure1and Figure2 5 15 dashed line If there is agap belowthe gauge the slope is too steepfor safeoperation SeeFigure2 above Figure2 Slopesare a majorfactor relatedto tip over and roll over accidents whichcan result in severe injury or death Do not operatemachine on slopes in excess of 15 degrees All slopes require extra caution ...

Page 9: ...thedateshownontopof battery charge the batteryasinstructed in theService Maintenance sectionofthis manualpriorto operatingthetractor Shipping BraceRemoval Makesurethe ridingmower sengineisoff remove the ignition key and set the parkingbrakebeforeremoving the shipping brace Referto the 0perat onsect onfor nstructonsonhowto setthe park ngbrake Locate theshippingbrace ifpresent andaccompanying warnin...

Page 10: ... willnotoperate withthewiringharness disconnected Adjusting the Seat Toadjustthepositionof theseat pull upandholdtheseatadjustmentlever Slide theseatforwardorrearwardto thedesired position thenrelease theadjustment lever Makesureseatislocked intopositioninaseat stop beforeoperating the tractor SeeFigure 5 Beforeoperatingthe tractor makesurethe seatisengagedin a seat stop Engage the parkingbrake St...

Page 11: ...r Blade Engage G Cup Holder H ShiftLever I SeatAdjustment Lever J Brake Pedal flOTE Any referenceinthismanualto the RIGHTor LEFTside of the tractoris observedfromoperator sseat positionfacingforwardtowardsthe frontof tractor MeetsANSi SafetyStandards Craftsman Tractors conform to thesafetystandard oftheAmerican National Standards Institute ANSI 11 ...

Page 12: drivepedal Thedrivepedalis located ontheright sideof thetractor alongtherunningboard Depress thedrivepedalforwardandthetractorwill moveinthedirectionthatthe shift leverisengaged in Tocause thetractorto travelforward whileata complete stop movetheshift leverintotheForwardposition Gradually steponthedrive pedalandthetractorwill beginto moveforward TomoveinReverse follow the sameprocedure onlymove...

Page 13: least2minutesbeforeremoving thefuelcap The gasoline tankislocated underthehood Remove thefuel capbyturningitcounterclockwise 2 Fillthefueltankwithgasoline Use onlyclean fresh nomorethan30days old unleaded gasoline Filltankto nomorethan1 2inchbelowbottomof filler neckto allowspace forfuelexpansion 3 Reinstall thefuelcap IMPORTAN_ Donotoverfillthetank Filltankto nomorethan 1 2inchbelow bottomoff...

Page 14: ...dfeet away from the dischargeopening of the cutting deck off On Start Figure 8 Engagingthe ParkingBrake Toengagethe parking brake 1 Fullydepress the brakepedalandholditdownwith yourfoot 2 Movethespeed controlleverallthewaydownandintotheparkingbrake position 3 Release thebrakepedalto allowtheparkingbrake to engage Toreleasethe parking brake 1 Depress thebrakepedalandmovethespeed controlleveroutof t...

Page 15: ...e parkingbrake If leavingthe tractor unattended also turn the ignitionkeyoffand remove the key Alwayslook downand behindbeforeandwhile backingupto avoida back overaccident 1 Depress thebrakepedalto release theparkingbrakeandthenlet thepedal up 2 Movethethrottle leverintotheFAST rabbit position 3 Place theshift leverineithertheFORWARD or REVERSE position IMPORTAN_ DoNOT usetheshift leverto change t...

Page 16: ...actasanaturalfertilizer Amulchkitcanbepurchased throughtheretaillocationinwhichyoupurchased thistractor Formoreinformation simplycontactSears at 1 800 659 5917 Mowing Tohelpavoid bladecontactor athrown object injury keepbystanders helpers childrenandpetsat least75feet from the machinewhile it isin operation Stopmachineifanyoneentersthearea Thefollowinginformationwill behelpfulwhenusingthecuttingde...

Page 17: Wheels 7 BeforeStorage 1 Hood Dash airvents 1 2 Batteryterminals 2 3 Midsteeringarms pivotshafts 3 andaxles 4 Front wheelbearings 5 Front deckwheels 6 Deck spindles andidlerbracket 7 Pedalpivotpoints Service morefrequentlyunderdustyconditions Follow the maintenance schedule givenbelow Thischartdescribes service guidelines only Use theService Logcolumn to keeptrackofcompleted maintenance tasks T...

Page 18: ... fromsparkplug 2 Remove theoilfill cap dipstkkfromtheoilfill tube SeeFigure 10 3 Turnthesteeringwheelallthewayto the rightto betterexpose thedrain plug 4 Clip theoildrainsleeve packed with thismanual ontotheoil drainport seeFigure 10 Route theopposite endof thesleeve intoanappropriate oil collectioncontainer with acapacity greatenoughto collect theusedoil 5 Remove theoildrainplug Theoilwill begint...

Page 19: ...elline Pullthefuellinefreefrom thefilterandplace theopen endof thelineintoanapproved container to drain thefuel To change the fuel filter 1 Usepliersto squeeze thetabsontheotherclamp theout linesideof the fuelfilter thenslidetheclampawayfromthefuelfilter Twistandpullthe fuellineoff of thefuelfilter SeeFigure12 Clamp Fuel Line Tab Figure 12 2 Check thefuellinesforcracks orleaks Replace ifnecessary ...

Page 20: ...POSITIVE Red wire When re installingthebattery alwaysconnect thePOSITIVE Red wire to itsterminal first followedbytheNEGATIVE Black wire Becertainthat thewiresareconnected to thecorrectterminals reversing them couldchange thepolarityandresultin damage to yourengine salternatingsystem CleaningBattery Clean thebatteryby removing itfromthetractorandwashingwith abakingsoda andwatersolution If necessary...

Page 21: ...rmonthesecond to thetop notch second highestposition androtate thebladeasclose aspossible to thedischarge channel that isparalleltothe tractor 2 Measure thedistance fromthefrontof thebladetip to thegroundandthe rearof thebladetip totheground Thefirst measurement takenshould bebetweenlg and_8 lessthanthesecond measurement Determine theapproximate distance necessary for properadjustment andproceed i...

Page 22: ...rinthe disengaged OFF positionand engage the parkingbrake 2 Lowerthedeckbymovingthedecklift leverintothe bottomnotchonthe rightfender 3 Remove theself tappingscrew CA thatsecures thebelt keeper rodfrom around thetractor sPTO pulley then remove thebeltkeeperrod B See Figure 18 Note Makeamentalnotewhatholetheotherendof thebelt keeper rodis inserted infor reinstallation purposes 4 Remove thebelt C fr...

Page 23: ...f thecableto the positive postof thejumper battery 3 Connect thesecond cable negative to theotherpostof thejumper battery 4 Connect theotherendof thenegativecableto theengineblockofthe tractor awayfromthebattery Attachto anunpaintedpartto assure agood connection If thejumper battery is installedona vehicle i e car truck doNOT start the vehicle s enginewhenjumpstarting yourtractor 5 Startthetractor...

Page 24: ... number stampedinit facingtheground whenthemowerisintheoperatingposition Useatorque wrench to tighten the bladespindlehexflange nut to between 70Ibs ft and 90Ibs ft Changing the DeckBelt Besureto shutthe engineoff removeignitionkey disconnectthe spark plugwire s and groundagainst the engineto prevent unintendedstarting beforeremovingthe belt All beltsonyour tractor aresubjectto wear andshouldberep...

Page 25: ...ved and special tools i e air impact wrench in order to change the tractor s drive belt Contact the nearest Parts Repair Service Center to have your transmission drive belt serviced Tolocatethe nearestParts RepairService enterorto scheduleservice contact1 800 659 5917 If thetractordoesnotcometoa complete stopwhentheclutch brake pedalis completely depressed orif thetractor srearwheelscanrollwith th...

Page 26: ...dercertain conditions Draingasolinebeforestoringthe equipment for extended periods Drainfuelonly intoan approvedcontaineroutdoors awayfrom anopen flame Allowengineto cool Extinguish cigarettes cigars pipes and othersourcesof ignition prior to draining fuel Storegasolinein an approvedcontainerin safelocation c Reconnect thefuellineandruntheengineuntil it startsto falter then usethechoketo keeptheen...

Page 27: ...hoke position 6 Filltankwithclean fresh lessthan 30daysold gas 7 Replacethe fuel lineandreplacefuel filter 8 Clean adjustgapor replaceplug s 9 Crankenginewiththrottlein FASTposition 10 ReplaceFuse s See Fuse in Serviceand Maintenance section 1 Deactivate the CHOKE 2 Connectsparkplugwire s 3 Replacethe fuel line fill tankwithclean fresh gasolineandreplacefuel filter 4 Clearventor replacecap if dama...

Page 28: ...7X44950 777S30018 777D17036 777D15654 777123592 777D17039 777X43688 DONOT USE E85 OR FUEL CONTAINING MORE THAN 10 ETHANOL 777 22454 777D18559 777S33818 777D15649 777123364 777123754 777125080 777X45529 W Ik ILIII i I W IL II MTD CONSUMER GROUPINC This equipnlent meets U S EPA EVP regulations for 2012 model year EVP Family CMTDPRHEQRC1 X45529 777D17042 777D17043 777X46245 MTD CONSUMER GROUPINC This...

Page 29: ...This page intentionally left blank Use this page to make any notes regarding your tractor 29 ...

Page 30: ...Craftsman IViodel 247 288862 6 10 32 22 6O 3O ...

Page 31: ...g Speed Latch Support Tab Flange Spacer Speed latch Self Tap Screw 5 16 18 Steering Column Bearing Nut Hex Flange Lock 5 16 18 Steering Support Bracket Ref No 34 783 06811 0637 35 747 05371 36 747 05326 37 747 05398 38 751 10782 39 751 12426 40 783 07083 0637 41 731 05265 42 746 04367 43 925 04659 44 625 05001 45 725 0157 46 925 0963 47 726 04072A 48 936 0463 49 735 04081 50 751 12118 51 751 12089...

Page 32: ...Craftsman Model 247 288862 36 22 21 14 12 39 40 30 45 38 32 ...

Page 33: ...derScrew 10 32x 500 PTOBearing DeckEngagement Cable 12v Solenoid Ref I NO 24 756 04196A 25 747 04857 26 710 04484 27 683 04195 0637 28 683 04649A 0637 29 710 0134 30 710 3008 31 712 04063 32 712 04064 33 912 0429 34 732 04035 35 736 0173 36 783 04548D 0637 37 783 04637 0637 38 783 04753 0637 39 783 04869A 0637 40 783 05389A 0637 41 925 1704A 42 738 1132 43 712 0271 44 683 04448 0637 45 725 04363 4...

Page 34: ...Craftsman IViodel 247 288862 3s _ 4 _ __ _ I 24 29 37_ 2s _ 34 24 28 41 _ 34 ...

Page 35: ...Shaft 5 8 Spline x 21 86 Bearing Flange Hex 5 8 Drag Link Steering Cap 1 25 x 16 Steering Block Spacer 710 ID x 125 OD x 56 Pivot Bar Axle Assembly Ref I No 22 710 04484 23 712 04065 24 714 0162 25 914 0474 26 726 04035 27 936 0316 28 736 04228A 29 738 04128 30 747 04299A 31 748 04068 32 783 05326B 0637 33 938 04013 34 938 04014A 0637 35 631 04008A 36 731 06825 37 634 05067 0961 38 934 05066 4042 ...

Page 36: ...Craftsman Model 247 288862 11 ...

Page 37: No Description Hex Flange Bolt 3 8 16 x 875 Screw Hd Tapp 5 16 18 x 75 Flange Lock Nut 5 16 18 Seat Safety Switch Seat Push Mount Cable Tie Spring Compress 1 28 x 3 125 Spring Compress 68 x 1 065 x 055 Shoulder Screw 5 16 18 x 437 x 268 Seat Adjustment Lever Seat Pivot Bracket Switch Retainer Clip Seat Mounting Bracket Rubber Foot Pad LH Rubber Foot Pad RH Ratchet Clip 250 Tap Screw 1 4 20 x 5...

Page 38: ...Craftsman IViodel 247 288862 13 38 ...

Page 39: ...751 10349 12 751 10448D 13 751 10353A N A Description MufflerShieldAssembly Screw AB 8 180 500 TapScrew 3 8 16 1 000 TapScrew 1 4 200 750 Screw SocketHead 5 16 18x 750 Sems Nut 1 4 20 ExhaustGasket CableTie 3 16 X 05X 7 4 HoseClamp 490 Dia Oil DrainSleeve LowPermeationFuelHose 1 4 BriggsSingleMuffler LongMufflerDeflector Engine SeeBreakdown B SModelNo 331877 0869 G5 39 ...

Page 40: ...Craftsman Model 247 288862 29 24 47 23 67 80 61 39 42 73 40 31 41 ...

Page 41: ...g Spring Extension 59 OD x 4 00 LG Foot Pad 4 0 Long Control Pad Lock Washer 3 8 I Ref Part No 44 736 3040 45 936 0185 46 725 04363 47 634 0104 48 738 0372B 49 738 04091A 50 783 06807A 51 741 0495 52 934 0255 53 747 05188 54 747 05243 55 747 05596 56 747 05415 57 948 0334 58 750 04456 59 750 0566A 60 954 04208 61 954 0467A 62 956 04002 63 756 04224 64 756 04325 65 783 04536B 66 783 04595A 67 634 0...

Page 42: ...Craftsman Model 247 288862 24 27 19 J 58 67 42 ...

Page 43: ...pring Compression 535 x 1 751 Spring Torsion 992 I D X 1 17 O D Spring Extension 1 05 X 6 346 Wheel Deck 5 0 Dia Ball Bumper 62 Dia X 3 Washer Lock 5 16 Regular Duty Ref I Part Number 35 738 04278 36 736 0262 37 738 04091A 38 748 04272 39 736 0371 40 783 07236 41 738 04162C 42 738 0754 43 938 3056 44 942 04290 45 747 05011 46 747 05052A 47 747 05141A 48 747 05323 49 747 1116 50 710 0376 51 720 050...

Page 44: ...7 288862 48 SHORT BLOCK 1058 OPERATOR S MANUAL I1329 REPLACEMENT ENGINE 1330 REPAIR MANUAL 26 12 1017_i_2_ _ _ _ _ _i i 200 22 306 307 U k_ 15 _ 1027 75O 43 616 11 _ 584 _ __ 1264 9 _ 1263 _ y 552 _ 691 _ 718 404 ion 505 614 _ _ _ 562 _ _ 847 _ 524 d_7 44 ...

Page 45: ...Craftsman Engine Model 331877 0869 G5 For Model 247 288862 5__ 51 51A 186A _ 415A 13_ 635_ 883 1022 617 i1029 85O 102 914 1026 _ 54 654 _ 53 45 ...

Page 46: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 331877 0869 G5 For IViodel 247 288862 125 13o1 95 _ _ 987 51 lO2 1270 1091 L 947 276 _ _ 1127 _ 276 _ 601 24O 1266 46 ...

Page 47: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 331877 0869 G5 For IViodel 247 288862 1036 EMiSSiONS LABEL 1265 1139 _ _ 305 UZ_ 305A 7_ 305B _ _ 324i _ 415 _ i _ J 1005 78 _ 37 _f_ 1044 47 ...

Page 48: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 331877 0869 G5 For IViodel 247 288862 309 1051 783 513 801 310 iii 462 _ 579 _ 802 729 697 _ 1119 474 334 851 216 2O9 _ 232 265 267 48 ...

Page 49: Engine Model 331877 0869 G5 For Model 247 288862 51 121 CARBURETOR OVERHAUL KIT 104 _ lO5 0 61_ _ 127 _ 987 4_b 1266 _ _ _ ti 358 ENGINE GASKET SET 12 1o22 _ 691 _ 7 1266 1095 VALVE GASKET SET 51 1022 49 ...

Page 50: ...fold Screw Flywheel Guard Kit Idle Mixture Screw Throttle Valve Ref No 98 695408 104 694918 105 696136 108 695419 117 796251 118 791406 121 796184 125 796587 127 690727 130 792747 131 792765 133 694914 135 698780 137 698781 141 792777 146 691639 186 794873 187 791805 187A 791806 187B 791744 188 691693 192 691986 202 691841 209 692208 216 691840 217 695409 222 694042 227 691374 232 691842 238 69184...

Page 51: ...k Plug Nut Carburetor Screw Breather PassageCover Seal Governor Shaft Screw Drive Cap Pin Locating Clip Wire Gear Timing Screw Oil Pump Cover Link Counterweight Counterweight Part No 759 697392 773 796448 783 693713 789 698329 797 693167 801 691283 802 691286 830 691095 842 691031 847 790442 850 100106 851 692424 868 690968 877 790544 883 692236 914 697551 943 690589 947 699915 964 799159 965 4996...

Page 52: ...270 793243 331877 1329 0869 G5 1330 276781 I Part No Description Cap Limiter Gasket Set Valve Screw Alternator Screw Float Bowl Washer Fuel Pump Reed Breather Screw Breather Reed Support Blower Housing Seal O Ring Intake Elbow Red Plug AVS Counterweight Replacement Engine Repair Manual EngineGasketSet ValveGasketSet CarburetorOverhaulKit Key No 358 Key No 1095 Key No 121 52 ...

Page 53: ...hind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July ...

Page 54: ...ectsare judgedonnormalengineperformance The warrantyis notrelatedto an in use emissiontest Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowing arespecific provisions relative toyourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Itisinaddition totheSears engine warranty fornon regulated enginesfoundin theOperatingand Maintenance Instructions 1 WarrantedParts Coverageunderthis warrantyextend...

Page 55: ...uent purchaser that the outdoor equipment engine is Designed built and equipped so as to conform with all applicable regulations and free from defects in materials and workmanship that cause the failure of a warranted part to be identical in all material respects to that part as described in MTD Consumer Group Inc s application for certification The warranty period begins on the date the outdoor e...

Page 56: ...cement of the part That notwithstanding any adjustment of a component that has a factory installed and properly operating adjustment limiting device is still eligible for warranty coverage Further the coverage under this warranty extends only to parts that were present on the off road engine and equipment purchased The following emission warranty parts are covered if applicable 1 Fuel Metering Sys...

Page 57: ...tion phone support from a Sears representative Think of us as a talking owner s manual Once you purchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule service You can call anytime day or night or schedule a service appointment online The Repair Protection Agreement is a risk free purchase If you cancel for any reason during the product warranty period...

Page 58: ...dosloscasos sisepartedelareparaci6n o reemplazo esimposible elequipo deequitaci6n sereemplazar gratuitamente conelmismooequivalente Todos losdelaanterior garantia esnulasiseutiliza esteequipo deconducci6n mientras queproporciona servicios comerciales o Sialquila aotrapersona Estagaranfiacubresolamentedefectosenmaterialy manodeobra Coberturade lagaranfianoincluye Piezasfungibles exceptola bateria q...

Page 59: ...ea arrojado rnantenga a los observadores a los ayudantes ni_osy rnascotas alejadosal rnenos25 metrosde la rn_ quina rnientras est en funcionarniento Detengala rn_ quina si alguienentraen lazona Inspeccionerninuciosarnente el Areadondeutilizar_ el equipo Retiretodaslas piedras palos cables huesos juguetesy otros objetosextra_osquepodrianser recogidosy arrojadospor la acci6nde las cuchillas Losobjet...

Page 60: ...ed altopuedeocultarobst_ culos Vayaa bajavelocidad ElijaunavelocidadIosuficienternente baja de rnodoquenotengaquedetenerse ohacercarnbios rnientras est sobrela pendiente Losneurn_ ticos podrianperdertracci6n sobrelaspendientes aQn cuandolosfrenosfuncionaran apro piadarnente Siernpre rnantenga larn_ quina en carnbiornientras desciendelaspendientes parapoderfrenarconel motor Sigalas recornendaciones...

Page 61: ...uelo Siestonoes posible Ileneel equipoen unrernolqueconun contenedorport_ til envezde hacerlocon unaboquilladispensadora degasolina Mantengala boquillade Ilenadoencontactoconel hordedel dep6sitode combustibleocon la aberturadel recipiente en todo rnornento hastaterrninarlacarga No utiliceundispositivode boquilladeapertura cierre Apaguetodosloscigarrillos cigarros pipasy otrasfuentesde cornbustidn ...

Page 62: instrucciones segQnseanecesario Respetelas normasreferentes a ladisposicidncorrectay las reglamentaciones sobregasolina aceite etc paraprotegerel medicambiente SegQn la Comisi6ndeSeguridadde Productosparael Consumi dorde los EstadosUnidos CPSC y laAgenciade Protecci6n Ambientalde los EstadosUnidos EPA esteproductotieneuna vida Qtilmediade siete 7 aSos 6 270horasdefuncionamiento AIfinalizarla vi...

Page 63: ...PELIGRO ESCOMBROS LANZADOS Quite objetos que pueden set lanzados por la I_imina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve gafas de seguridad PELIGRO ESCOMBROS LANZADOS Quite objetos que pueden set lanzados por la I_imina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve gafas de seguridad ERSONAS PRESENTES Guarde alas personas presentes a los ayudantes y a ni_os por Io menos 75 pies lejos PELIGRO CUESTAS Use extra la precauci6n en...

Page 64: ...gura 2 Ajuste el pendiente decalibre arriba o hacia abajo hasta los toques esquina izquierda el pendiente consultar Figura 1 and Figura 2 Si hay un espacio por debajo de la pendiente de calibre el pendiente es demasiado escarpa por operaci6n segura consultar Figura 2 above Figura 2 Las pendientesson un factor importante relacionadocon un vuelco y renovaci6nde los accidentes que pueden provocar les...

Page 65: ...que acornpaSa a encontrarse enel ladoderechode lacortadora de cesped entrelatolvadedescarga y laplataforrna decorte Wase la figura 2 Figura1 2 Quitelacubiertadepl_ stico siest presente desdeelterminal nega tivode labateriay conectarel cablenegroal terminalnegativode la bateria con el pernoy tuercahexagonal Wase la figura 1 3 La posici6nde la botadegornarojasobreel terminalpositivode la bateriapara...

Page 66: ... cabledealimentacidn desconectado Ajuste del asiento Paraajustarla posici6ndel asiento firelohaciaarribay sostengala palancadeajustedel asiento Desliceel asientohaciaadelanteo haciaatr_ sa la posici6ndeseada luegosueltela palancadeajuste AsegQrese dequeel asientoest_trabadoen untopede asientoantes de operarel tractor Veala Figura5 Antesde operarel tractor asegQrese de queelasientoest_en ganchadoen...

Page 67: ...eEngage G Portavasos H DeVelocidad I Palancadeajustedel asiento J Pedalde freno J NOTA Cualquierreferencia hechaenestemanualal ladoDERECHO o IZQUlERDOdeltractordebeentenderse tal comoseobservadesde laposici6ndeloperador Curnple con los est_ndares de seguridad de ANSI Lasm_ quinas quitanievedeCraftsman cumplen conlosest_ ndares deseguridad delinstituto estadounidense deest_ ndares nacionales ANSI 6...

Page 68: ...naldel asiento Consultelasecci6nde la Asarnbleadel manualparaobtenerinstruccionesrn_ s detalladas paraajustarla posici6ndelasiento AUTO UNIDAD DE PEDAL Launidadde pedalse encuentraenel ladoderechodel tractor a Io largodelestribo Presioneel pedalhaciadelantela unidady el tractor se rnueveen ladirecci6nquela palancadecarnbiosest cornpro rnetidopulgadasa causarqueel tractorparaviajar haciaadelante rn...

Page 69: habilitadoparafuncionarcongasolinasin plomo Paraobtenerelmejorresultado Ileneel dep6sitodecombustible 0nicamentecongasolinasin plomolimpiay fresca enun surtidor queindiqueunoctanajeiguala 87o m_ s Elgasohol hasta10 dealcoholefilico 90 de gasolinasin plomoporvolumen es un combustible aprobado No seaprueba el usode otrasmezclasdegasolina alcohol comoE85 El_ter mefilicoterciario bufilico MTBE y ...

Page 70: ...verleavea runningmachineunattended AlwaysdisengagePTO moveshiftleverinto neutralposition set parkingbrake stopengine and removekeyto preventunintendedstarting F On Start off Figura 8 SISTENIA DE BLOQUEO DE SEGURIDAD El sisternade bloqueode seguridadest diseSadoparala operaci6n seguradel tractor Si estesisternanuncadejadefuncionarcorrecta rnente noopereel tractor contacteinrnediatarnente con su Sea...

Page 71: ...aldurantern_ s de diezsegun dos a lavez SiIo hacepuedecausardaSosal motorde arranque el_ctricodelmotor 6 Despu_sde queel motorarranque desactivarel controldel estrangulador y coloqueel controldelaceleradorenla posici6n de FAST NOTA NOdejeel controldelestrangulador enduranteel funcio narniento del tractor SiIo hace dar_ lugarauna rnezcla rica de combustibley causarqueel motorfuncionernal PARO DEL M...

Page 72: ...adjuntos Paraparticipar delas hojas hagaIosiguiente 1 Moverla palancade controldelaceleradora la r_ pida conejo la posici6n 2 Sujetela tornade fuerza BladeEngage y girarla palancade todo elcarninoa seguira los novios ON la posici6n 3 Mantengalapalancadel aceleradorenel FAST conejo la posici6nparaei usorn_ s eficientede ia plataforrna de corteo de otto tipo disponibleporseparado los archivosadjunto...

Page 73: ...elevado especial mentesi se ha instaladoun kitde mantilloo colectorde cesped Paraobtenerlos mejoresresultadosse recomienda quelas dos primerasvueltassecortar con laaprobad6nde la gesti6n arrojadohaciael centro Traslasdos primerasvueltas invertirel sentidodelanzarla descargahaciael exteriorde labalanzade corte Estoledar unamejoraparienciaal c6sped No corteel cespeddemasiadocorto Pastocortoinvitacre...

Page 74: ...nientos delas ruedasdelanteras 5 Las ruedasdelanterasdela plataforrna 1 Elaceitedel motor el filtrodeaceite 2 Silenciador 1 Filtrodeaire 2 Eldepuradordelfiltrode aire 3 Bujia 4 Sisternade refrigeraci6n poraire 5 Filtrode combustible 6 DirectivoEngranajes 7 Ruedastraseras 1 EIcap6 Ios respiraderos 2 Losbornesdela bateria 3 Losbrazosde rnandointerrnedios ejes del pivotey ejes 4 Losrodarnientos delas...

Page 75: ...sdela marcaFULLen lavarilla el aceitede drenajeparareducirel nivelde aceiteen FULLmarcaen lavarillademedici6n Cambio de aceite de motor Elaceitedel motordebesetcambiadoen las primeras5 horasy luego cada50 horaso unavezportemporada Paracambiarel aceitedel motor sigaestospasos 1 Conel motorapagadoperoaOncaliente desconecte el cablede labujfay mant_ngalo alejadodela bujfa 2 Retirelatapade Ilenadode a...

Page 76: ... combustible en un recipienteaprobado Paracambiarel filtro de combustible 1 UsepinzasparaapretarlaspestaSasdela abrazadera el lado de lalineadefueradel filtrodecombustible a continuaci6n deslicela abrazaderalejosdel filtrode combustible Twisty tirar de lalineadecombustiblefueradelfiltrode combustible Wase lafigura 13 2 Cornpruebelaslineasde combustibleparalas grietaso fugas Reernplazar si es neces...

Page 77: ...jetivode grasaantesdevolvera instalarlos Frente Ejes Cadaextrernode delantedel tractor la barrade articulaci6npuede estarequipadocon unajustedela grasa Lubricarcon unapistolade grasacada 25horasdefuncionarniento deltractor Bateria Labateriaest_selladayes librede rnantenirniento Los nivelesde _cido nose puedecornprobar Siernprernantengaloscablesde la bateriay losterrninales lirnpiosy libresdecorros...

Page 78: ...cendidoa la posici6nSTOP parar para apagarel motordeltractor 11 Desconecte el aguay retireel acopladorde la rnanguera desde el puertodeaguaquese encuentraen lasuperficiede la plataforrna Despu_sde lrnpiar laplataforrna regresea la posici6ndel operador y enganchelaPTO Mantenga la plataforrna de corteenfunciona rnientodurantedos rninutospor Iornenosparaperrnitirquese seque totalrnentela parteinferio...

Page 79: ...nsultela secci6nde la Asarnbleadeestemanualparainstrucciones de ajustedelasiento Freno de estacionarniento de ajuste Nuncaintenteajustarlosfrenoscuandoel motorest funcionando Siernpredesconectetornadefuerza palancade carnbiose ponga Ien posici6nneutral apagueel motory quitela Ilaveparaevitarel _arranque nodeseado Siel tractorno Ilegaa detenerseporcornpletocuandoel pedaldel frenoest totalrnentedepr...

Page 80: ...trasera de la plataforrna decorteal elirninarel clipde horquillaque Io sujeta Retireel rnuelledel soporteruedaIocade lacubierta Wase lafigura 22 Figura22 10 Deslicesuavernente la plataforrna de corte dela izquierda la parte dedebajodeltractor NEUMATICOS Nosobrepasarnuncala presiSnrn_ xirna de infladoqueapareceen laparedlateralde laIlanta La presi6n de los neumaticos recomendada de funcionamiento e...

Page 81: ...eabienventiladay mantenerselejosde unallama abiertao pilotocomoen uncalentadorde agua estufa homo secadorade ropao deotrosaparatosde gas AI cargarla bateriade sutractor utilices61o uncargadorde 12V dise_adoparabateriasdeplomo _ cido Leasu cargadorde bateria manualdel propietarioantesdecargarla bateriade su tractor Siga _sempre as nstruccones y presteatenc6n a su ADVERTENC AS Siel tractorno se hapu...

Page 82: ...gura24 5 Pruebade equilibriode lahojacon un balanceador de lahoja Grindmetaldesdeel ladorn_ s pesadohastaquese equilibrede rnanerauniforrne NOTA Cuandotengaque reernplazar la hoja aseg0resede instalar la hojacon lacara dela hojarnarcada fondo o con unn0rnero estarnpado en _1 frentea latierracuandoel cortac_spedseencuen tra en la posici6nde funcionarniento UtiliceunaIlavede parparaapretarla tuercad...

Page 83: ...os poleaspoleatensorade lacubierta Wase lafigura 25 5 Paracolocarla correanueva ernpiezahaciendoqueelcintur6n alrededordelas dos poleasexteriordel huso cornose rnuestra en lafigura 25 6 Luego lacintade rutaalrededordelas dos polinespoleasdela cubiertacornose rnuestraen lafigura 25 7 Volveraapretarlabarraposeedordelcintur6naflojadoantes 8 Volverarnontarla cintadelos guardiasde retirarseantes 9 Vuel...

Page 84: ...ustiblet_nicamente dentro deunrecipiente aprobadoy al airefibre lejosdecualquierllamaexpuesta Dejeque el motor seenfrie Antesdedrenarel combustible apaguedgarrillos cigarros pipasyotrasfuentesdecombusti6n Vadelagasolina enun_rea bienventilada lejosdecualquierfuentedellamaochispas incluidocualquier artefactoconluzpiloto Almacene lagasolina enunredpienteaprobado enun lugarseguro Extraiga labujiayvie...

Page 85: ...s es muy 1 revoluciones pequer_a El motor funciona con 1 Bujia atorada averiada o exceso de 1 dificultad en ralenti separacidn 2 El filtro de aire est 1 sucio 2 Demasiada vibracidn 1 Cuchilla de corte floja o descentrada 1 2 Cuchilla dahada o curvada 2 1 La velocidad del motor es demasiado 1 lenta Corte desigual 2 C6sped humedo 3 C6sped demasiado alto Conecte los cables de la bujia Limpie la linea...

Page 86: ...Esta pagina se dej6 intencionalmente en blanco Utilice esta pagina para tomar notas acerca de su tractor 86 ...

Page 87: de Duraci6n de Emisiones de un motor con una clasificaci6n intermedia sena equivaiente a entre 10 y 12 aSos Laciasificaci6n de aire es un nQmero calculado para describir el nivel relativo de emisiones para un grupo de motores en particular Cuanto menor sea la clasificaci6n de aire mayor es la limpieza del motor La informaci6n se presenta de forma grAfica en la etiqueta de emisiones Despu_s del ...

Page 88: ...apor defectos Los defectosse juzgandeacuerdoconelfuncionamientonormalde unmotor La garantiano est_relacionadaconunapruebade emisionesenuso Disposiciones de la garantJa Sears para defectos en el control de emJsiones Lassiguientessondisposiciones especificasrelacionadas conla coberturade lagarantiaparadefectosenel controldeemisiones Esuna_adidoa lagarantiade motorSearsparamotoresnoreguladosque seenc...

Page 89: ...excedade30 dias Sitiene algunapreguntarespectode lacobertura dela garantia p6ngaseen contactoconel Departamento del ServicioT nicode MTDConsumerGroupInc al telefono1 800 800 7310 o pot correoelectr6nico enhttp support mtd products com COBERTURA DE LA GARANTJA DE EMISIONES GENERALES MTDConsumerGroupIncgarantizaal compradorfinal y a cadacompradorsubsiguienteque el motordeequiposde exteriores est_ di...

Page 90: ...antiasi MTDConsumerGroupIncdemuestraqueel motores objeto deusoincorrecto negligenciao mantenimientoinadecuado y que tal usoincorrecto negligenciao mantenimientoinadecuadofuecausa directade la necesidadde reparaci6no reemplazode dichapieza NoobstanteIo antedicho cualquierajuste deuncomponenteconundispositivodelimitaci6nde ajusteinstaladoenf_bricay quefuncioneadecuadamente podr_set cubiertopot la ga...

Page 91: ...soluci6n RApida el apoyo telef6nico de un Chamusca al representante Pienseen nosotros como el manual de un dueSohablador Una vezadquirido el Acuerdo puede programar el servicio con tan s61orealizar una Ilamadatelef6nica Puede Ilamaren cualquier momentodel dia o de la noche o programar un servicio en linea ElAcuerdo de Protecci6nde Reparaci6nes unacompra sin riesgo Si usted anula por alguna raz6n d...

Page 92: the number below Para respuestas a preguntas o problemas y ordenar piezas o pedir servicio para la reparacibn de su equipo Ilame el nt_mero abajo 1 800 659 5917 Craftsman Help Line www craftsman com TM Registered Trademark Trademark of KCD IP LLC in the United States or Sears Brands LLC in other countries Marca Registrada TMMarca de Fabrica de KCD IP LLC en Estados Unidos o Sears Brands LLC i...

Page 93: the engine read and understand this Operator s Manual Before using this equipment read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions For answers to your questions about this product call 1 800 659 5917 CraftsmanTractorHelp Line 7 am 7 pm CT Mort Sun Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com Form No 769 06502E Dec...

Page 94: ...possible the ridingequipmentwill be replacedfree of chargewiththe sameor anequivalent model Allof the abovewarrantycoverageis void if thisridingequipmentis everusedwhileprovidingcommercialservicesor if rentedto anotherperson ThiswarrantycoversONLYdefectsin materialandworkmanship Warrantycoveragedoes NOTinclude Expendableparts exceptbattery thatcanwearout fromnormalusewithinthe warrantyperiod inclu...

Page 95: ...etyrulesinthismanualandshould betrainedandsupervisedbya parent Neverallowadultsto operatethis machinewithoutproper instruction Tohelpavoidbladecontactor a thrownobjectinjury keep bystanders helpers childrenandpetsat least75feetfromthe machinewhile it is in operation Stopmachineif anyoneenters the area Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to be used Removeallstones sticks wire bones toys a...

Page 96: ...uire extracaution Ifyoucannotbackupthe slopeor if youfeel uneasyon it do not mowit Foryoursafety use the SlopeGuideincludedas partof this manual to measureslopesbeforeoperatingthis machineona slopedor hilly area Ifthe slopeis greaterthan15degreesas shownonthe Slope Guide do notoperatethis machineonthatareaor seriousinjurycould result Do o Mowupanddown slopes not across Exerciseextremecaution whenc...

Page 97: ...towingwitha machinecapableof makingtightturns e g zero turn ride onmower Makewide turnsto avoidjack knifing Travelslowlyandallowextradistanceto stop Do notcoastdownhill SERVICE SafeHandlingof Gasoline Toavoidpersonalinjury orpropertydamageuse extremecarein handlinggasoline Gasolineisextremelyflammableandthe vaporsare explosive Seriouspersonalinjury canoccurwhengasolineis spilled on yourselforyour ...

Page 98: ...diately withoriginalequipment manufacturer s O E M partsonly listedinthis manual Useof partswhichdo not meetthe originalequipmentspecifications may leadto improperperformanceandcompromise safety Donot changethe enginegovernorsettingsorover speed the engine The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafeoperatingspeed of the engine Maintainor replacesafetyandinstructionlabels as necessary Observeproperdisposal...

Page 99: ...k Contact with the blade s can amputate hands and feet WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury WARNING THROWN OBJECTS This machine may pick up and throw and objects which can cause serious personal injury BYSTANDERS Keep bystanders helpers children and pets at least 75 feet from the machine while it is in operation WARNING SLOPE...

Page 100: ...re2 4 Adjust gaugeupor down until the left cornertouchesthe slope SeeFigure1and Figure2 5 15 dashed line If there is agap belowthe gauge the slope is too steepfor safeoperation SeeFigure2 above Figure2 Slopesare a majorfactor relatedto tip over and roll over accidents whichcan result in severe injury or death Do not operatemachine on slopes in excess of 15 degrees All slopes require extra caution ...

Page 101: ...thedateshownontopof battery charge the batteryasinstructed in theService Maintenance sectionofthis manualpriorto operatingthetractor Shipping BraceRemoval Makesurethe ridingmower sengineisoff remove the ignition key and set the parkingbrakebeforeremoving the shipping brace Referto the 0perat onsect onfor nstructonsonhowto setthe park ngbrake Locate theshippingbrace ifpresent andaccompanying warnin...

Page 102: ... willnotoperate withthewiringharness disconnected Adjusting the Seat Toadjustthepositionof theseat pull upandholdtheseatadjustmentlever Slide theseatforwardorrearwardto thedesired position thenrelease theadjustment lever Makesureseatislocked intopositioninaseat stop beforeoperating the tractor SeeFigure 5 Beforeoperatingthe tractor makesurethe seatisengagedin a seat stop Engage the parkingbrake St...

Page 103: ...r Blade Engage G Cup Holder H ShiftLever I SeatAdjustment Lever J Brake Pedal flOTE Any referenceinthismanualto the RIGHTor LEFTside of the tractoris observedfromoperator sseat positionfacingforwardtowardsthe frontof tractor MeetsANSi SafetyStandards Craftsman Tractors conform to thesafetystandard oftheAmerican National Standards Institute ANSI 11 ...

Page 104: drivepedal Thedrivepedalis located ontheright sideof thetractor alongtherunningboard Depress thedrivepedalforwardandthetractorwill moveinthedirectionthatthe shift leverisengaged in Tocause thetractorto travelforward whileata complete stop movetheshift leverintotheForwardposition Gradually steponthedrive pedalandthetractorwill beginto moveforward TomoveinReverse follow the sameprocedure onlymove...

Page 105: least2minutesbeforeremoving thefuelcap The gasoline tankislocated underthehood Remove thefuel capbyturningitcounterclockwise 2 Fillthefueltankwithgasoline Use onlyclean fresh nomorethan30days old unleaded gasoline Filltankto nomorethan1 2inchbelowbottomof filler neckto allowspace forfuelexpansion 3 Reinstall thefuelcap IMPORTAN_ Donotoverfillthetank Filltankto nomorethan 1 2inchbelow bottomoff...

Page 106: ...dfeet away from the dischargeopening of the cutting deck off On Start Figure 8 Engagingthe ParkingBrake Toengagethe parking brake 1 Fullydepress the brakepedalandholditdownwith yourfoot 2 Movethespeed controlleverallthewaydownandintotheparkingbrake position 3 Release thebrakepedalto allowtheparkingbrake to engage Toreleasethe parking brake 1 Depress thebrakepedalandmovethespeed controlleveroutof t...

Page 107: ...e parkingbrake If leavingthe tractor unattended also turn the ignitionkeyoffand remove the key Alwayslook downand behindbeforeandwhile backingupto avoida back overaccident 1 Depress thebrakepedalto release theparkingbrakeandthenlet thepedal up 2 Movethethrottle leverintotheFAST rabbit position 3 Place theshift leverineithertheFORWARD or REVERSE position IMPORTAN_ DoNOT usetheshift leverto change t...

Page 108: ...actasanaturalfertilizer Amulchkitcanbepurchased throughtheretaillocationinwhichyoupurchased thistractor Formoreinformation simplycontactSears at 1 800 659 5917 Mowing Tohelpavoid bladecontactor athrown object injury keepbystanders helpers childrenandpetsat least75feet from the machinewhile it isin operation Stopmachineifanyoneentersthearea Thefollowinginformationwill behelpfulwhenusingthecuttingde...

Page 109: Wheels 7 BeforeStorage 1 Hood Dash airvents 1 2 Batteryterminals 2 3 Midsteeringarms pivotshafts 3 andaxles 4 Front wheelbearings 5 Front deckwheels 6 Deck spindles andidlerbracket 7 Pedalpivotpoints Service morefrequentlyunderdustyconditions Follow the maintenance schedule givenbelow Thischartdescribes service guidelines only Use theService Logcolumn to keeptrackofcompleted maintenance tasks T...

Page 110: ... fromsparkplug 2 Remove theoilfill cap dipstkkfromtheoilfill tube SeeFigure 10 3 Turnthesteeringwheelallthewayto the rightto betterexpose thedrain plug 4 Clip theoildrainsleeve packed with thismanual ontotheoil drainport seeFigure 10 Route theopposite endof thesleeve intoanappropriate oil collectioncontainer with acapacity greatenoughto collect theusedoil 5 Remove theoildrainplug Theoilwill begint...

Page 111: ...elline Pullthefuellinefreefrom thefilterandplace theopen endof thelineintoanapproved container to drain thefuel To change the fuel filter 1 Usepliersto squeeze thetabsontheotherclamp theout linesideof the fuelfilter thenslidetheclampawayfromthefuelfilter Twistandpullthe fuellineoff of thefuelfilter SeeFigure12 Clamp Fuel Line Tab Figure 12 2 Check thefuellinesforcracks orleaks Replace ifnecessary ...

Page 112: ...POSITIVE Red wire When re installingthebattery alwaysconnect thePOSITIVE Red wire to itsterminal first followedbytheNEGATIVE Black wire Becertainthat thewiresareconnected to thecorrectterminals reversing them couldchange thepolarityandresultin damage to yourengine salternatingsystem CleaningBattery Clean thebatteryby removing itfromthetractorandwashingwith abakingsoda andwatersolution If necessary...

Page 113: ...rmonthesecond to thetop notch second highestposition androtate thebladeasclose aspossible to thedischarge channel that isparalleltothe tractor 2 Measure thedistance fromthefrontof thebladetip to thegroundandthe rearof thebladetip totheground Thefirst measurement takenshould bebetweenlg and_8 lessthanthesecond measurement Determine theapproximate distance necessary for properadjustment andproceed i...

Page 114: ...rinthe disengaged OFF positionand engage the parkingbrake 2 Lowerthedeckbymovingthedecklift leverintothe bottomnotchonthe rightfender 3 Remove theself tappingscrew CA thatsecures thebelt keeper rodfrom around thetractor sPTO pulley then remove thebeltkeeperrod B See Figure 18 Note Makeamentalnotewhatholetheotherendof thebelt keeper rodis inserted infor reinstallation purposes 4 Remove thebelt C fr...

Page 115: ...f thecableto the positive postof thejumper battery 3 Connect thesecond cable negative to theotherpostof thejumper battery 4 Connect theotherendof thenegativecableto theengineblockofthe tractor awayfromthebattery Attachto anunpaintedpartto assure agood connection If thejumper battery is installedona vehicle i e car truck doNOT start the vehicle s enginewhenjumpstarting yourtractor 5 Startthetractor...

Page 116: ... number stampedinit facingtheground whenthemowerisintheoperatingposition Useatorque wrench to tighten the bladespindlehexflange nut to between 70Ibs ft and 90Ibs ft Changing the DeckBelt Besureto shutthe engineoff removeignitionkey disconnectthe spark plugwire s and groundagainst the engineto prevent unintendedstarting beforeremovingthe belt All beltsonyour tractor aresubjectto wear andshouldberep...

Page 117: ...ved and special tools i e air impact wrench in order to change the tractor s drive belt Contact the nearest Parts Repair Service Center to have your transmission drive belt serviced Tolocatethe nearestParts RepairService enterorto scheduleservice contact1 800 659 5917 If thetractordoesnotcometoa complete stopwhentheclutch brake pedalis completely depressed orif thetractor srearwheelscanrollwith th...

Page 118: ...dercertain conditions Draingasolinebeforestoringthe equipment for extended periods Drainfuelonly intoan approvedcontaineroutdoors awayfrom anopen flame Allowengineto cool Extinguish cigarettes cigars pipes and othersourcesof ignition prior to draining fuel Storegasolinein an approvedcontainerin safelocation c Reconnect thefuellineandruntheengineuntil it startsto falter then usethechoketo keeptheen...

Page 119: ...hoke position 6 Filltankwithclean fresh lessthan 30daysold gas 7 Replacethe fuel lineandreplacefuel filter 8 Clean adjustgapor replaceplug s 9 Crankenginewiththrottlein FASTposition 10 ReplaceFuse s See Fuse in Serviceand Maintenance section 1 Deactivate the CHOKE 2 Connectsparkplugwire s 3 Replacethe fuel line fill tankwithclean fresh gasolineandreplacefuel filter 4 Clearventor replacecap if dama...

Page 120: ...7X44950 777S30018 777D17036 777D15654 777123592 777D17039 777X43688 DONOT USE E85 OR FUEL CONTAINING MORE THAN 10 ETHANOL 777 22454 777D18559 777S33818 777D15649 777123364 777123754 777125080 777X45529 W Ik ILIII i I W IL II MTD CONSUMER GROUPINC This equipnlent meets U S EPA EVP regulations for 2012 model year EVP Family CMTDPRHEQRC1 X45529 777D17042 777D17043 777X46245 MTD CONSUMER GROUPINC This...

Page 121: ...This page intentionally left blank Use this page to make any notes regarding your tractor 29 ...

Page 122: ...Craftsman IViodel 247 288862 6 10 32 22 6O 3O ...

Page 123: ...g Speed Latch Support Tab Flange Spacer Speed latch Self Tap Screw 5 16 18 Steering Column Bearing Nut Hex Flange Lock 5 16 18 Steering Support Bracket Ref No 34 783 06811 0637 35 747 05371 36 747 05326 37 747 05398 38 751 10782 39 751 12426 40 783 07083 0637 41 731 05265 42 746 04367 43 925 04659 44 625 05001 45 725 0157 46 925 0963 47 726 04072A 48 936 0463 49 735 04081 50 751 12118 51 751 12089...

Page 124: ...Craftsman Model 247 288862 36 22 21 14 12 39 40 30 45 38 32 ...

Page 125: ...derScrew 10 32x 500 PTOBearing DeckEngagement Cable 12v Solenoid Ref I NO 24 756 04196A 25 747 04857 26 710 04484 27 683 04195 0637 28 683 04649A 0637 29 710 0134 30 710 3008 31 712 04063 32 712 04064 33 912 0429 34 732 04035 35 736 0173 36 783 04548D 0637 37 783 04637 0637 38 783 04753 0637 39 783 04869A 0637 40 783 05389A 0637 41 925 1704A 42 738 1132 43 712 0271 44 683 04448 0637 45 725 04363 4...

Page 126: ...Craftsman IViodel 247 288862 3s _ 4 _ __ _ I 24 29 37_ 2s _ 34 24 28 41 _ 34 ...

Page 127: ...Shaft 5 8 Spline x 21 86 Bearing Flange Hex 5 8 Drag Link Steering Cap 1 25 x 16 Steering Block Spacer 710 ID x 125 OD x 56 Pivot Bar Axle Assembly Ref I No 22 710 04484 23 712 04065 24 714 0162 25 914 0474 26 726 04035 27 936 0316 28 736 04228A 29 738 04128 30 747 04299A 31 748 04068 32 783 05326B 0637 33 938 04013 34 938 04014A 0637 35 631 04008A 36 731 06825 37 634 05067 0961 38 934 05066 4042 ...

Page 128: ...Craftsman Model 247 288862 11 ...

Page 129: No Description Hex Flange Bolt 3 8 16 x 875 Screw Hd Tapp 5 16 18 x 75 Flange Lock Nut 5 16 18 Seat Safety Switch Seat Push Mount Cable Tie Spring Compress 1 28 x 3 125 Spring Compress 68 x 1 065 x 055 Shoulder Screw 5 16 18 x 437 x 268 Seat Adjustment Lever Seat Pivot Bracket Switch Retainer Clip Seat Mounting Bracket Rubber Foot Pad LH Rubber Foot Pad RH Ratchet Clip 250 Tap Screw 1 4 20 x 5...

Page 130: ...Craftsman IViodel 247 288862 13 38 ...

Page 131: ...751 10349 12 751 10448D 13 751 10353A N A Description MufflerShieldAssembly Screw AB 8 180 500 TapScrew 3 8 16 1 000 TapScrew 1 4 200 750 Screw SocketHead 5 16 18x 750 Sems Nut 1 4 20 ExhaustGasket CableTie 3 16 X 05X 7 4 HoseClamp 490 Dia Oil DrainSleeve LowPermeationFuelHose 1 4 BriggsSingleMuffler LongMufflerDeflector Engine SeeBreakdown B SModelNo 331877 0869 G5 39 ...

Page 132: ...Craftsman Model 247 288862 29 24 47 23 67 80 61 39 42 73 40 31 41 ...

Page 133: ...g Spring Extension 59 OD x 4 00 LG Foot Pad 4 0 Long Control Pad Lock Washer 3 8 I Ref Part No 44 736 3040 45 936 0185 46 725 04363 47 634 0104 48 738 0372B 49 738 04091A 50 783 06807A 51 741 0495 52 934 0255 53 747 05188 54 747 05243 55 747 05596 56 747 05415 57 948 0334 58 750 04456 59 750 0566A 60 954 04208 61 954 0467A 62 956 04002 63 756 04224 64 756 04325 65 783 04536B 66 783 04595A 67 634 0...

Page 134: ...Craftsman Model 247 288862 24 27 19 J 58 67 42 ...

Page 135: ...pring Compression 535 x 1 751 Spring Torsion 992 I D X 1 17 O D Spring Extension 1 05 X 6 346 Wheel Deck 5 0 Dia Ball Bumper 62 Dia X 3 Washer Lock 5 16 Regular Duty Ref I Part Number 35 738 04278 36 736 0262 37 738 04091A 38 748 04272 39 736 0371 40 783 07236 41 738 04162C 42 738 0754 43 938 3056 44 942 04290 45 747 05011 46 747 05052A 47 747 05141A 48 747 05323 49 747 1116 50 710 0376 51 720 050...

Page 136: ...7 288862 48 SHORT BLOCK 1058 OPERATOR S MANUAL I1329 REPLACEMENT ENGINE 1330 REPAIR MANUAL 26 12 1017_i_2_ _ _ _ _ _i i 200 22 306 307 U k_ 15 _ 1027 75O 43 616 11 _ 584 _ __ 1264 9 _ 1263 _ y 552 _ 691 _ 718 404 ion 505 614 _ _ _ 562 _ _ 847 _ 524 d_7 44 ...

Page 137: ...Craftsman Engine Model 331877 0869 G5 For Model 247 288862 5__ 51 51A 186A _ 415A 13_ 635_ 883 1022 617 i1029 85O 102 914 1026 _ 54 654 _ 53 45 ...

Page 138: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 331877 0869 G5 For IViodel 247 288862 125 13o1 95 _ _ 987 51 lO2 1270 1091 L 947 276 _ _ 1127 _ 276 _ 601 24O 1266 46 ...

Page 139: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 331877 0869 G5 For IViodel 247 288862 1036 EMiSSiONS LABEL 1265 1139 _ _ 305 UZ_ 305A 7_ 305B _ _ 324i _ 415 _ i _ J 1005 78 _ 37 _f_ 1044 47 ...

Page 140: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 331877 0869 G5 For IViodel 247 288862 309 1051 783 513 801 310 iii 462 _ 579 _ 802 729 697 _ 1119 474 334 851 216 2O9 _ 232 265 267 48 ...

Page 141: Engine Model 331877 0869 G5 For Model 247 288862 51 121 CARBURETOR OVERHAUL KIT 104 _ lO5 0 61_ _ 127 _ 987 4_b 1266 _ _ _ ti 358 ENGINE GASKET SET 12 1o22 _ 691 _ 7 1266 1095 VALVE GASKET SET 51 1022 49 ...

Page 142: ...fold Screw Flywheel Guard Kit Idle Mixture Screw Throttle Valve Ref No 98 695408 104 694918 105 696136 108 695419 117 796251 118 791406 121 796184 125 796587 127 690727 130 792747 131 792765 133 694914 135 698780 137 698781 141 792777 146 691639 186 794873 187 791805 187A 791806 187B 791744 188 691693 192 691986 202 691841 209 692208 216 691840 217 695409 222 694042 227 691374 232 691842 238 69184...

Page 143: ...k Plug Nut Carburetor Screw Breather PassageCover Seal Governor Shaft Screw Drive Cap Pin Locating Clip Wire Gear Timing Screw Oil Pump Cover Link Counterweight Counterweight Part No 759 697392 773 796448 783 693713 789 698329 797 693167 801 691283 802 691286 830 691095 842 691031 847 790442 850 100106 851 692424 868 690968 877 790544 883 692236 914 697551 943 690589 947 699915 964 799159 965 4996...

Page 144: ...270 793243 331877 1329 0869 G5 1330 276781 I Part No Description Cap Limiter Gasket Set Valve Screw Alternator Screw Float Bowl Washer Fuel Pump Reed Breather Screw Breather Reed Support Blower Housing Seal O Ring Intake Elbow Red Plug AVS Counterweight Replacement Engine Repair Manual EngineGasketSet ValveGasketSet CarburetorOverhaulKit Key No 358 Key No 1095 Key No 121 52 ...

Page 145: ...hind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July ...

Page 146: ...ectsare judgedonnormalengineperformance The warrantyis notrelatedto an in use emissiontest Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowing arespecific provisions relative toyourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Itisinaddition totheSears engine warranty fornon regulated enginesfoundin theOperatingand Maintenance Instructions 1 WarrantedParts Coverageunderthis warrantyextend...

Page 147: ...uent purchaser that the outdoor equipment engine is Designed built and equipped so as to conform with all applicable regulations and free from defects in materials and workmanship that cause the failure of a warranted part to be identical in all material respects to that part as described in MTD Consumer Group Inc s application for certification The warranty period begins on the date the outdoor e...

Page 148: ...cement of the part That notwithstanding any adjustment of a component that has a factory installed and properly operating adjustment limiting device is still eligible for warranty coverage Further the coverage under this warranty extends only to parts that were present on the off road engine and equipment purchased The following emission warranty parts are covered if applicable 1 Fuel Metering Sys...

Page 149: ...tion phone support from a Sears representative Think of us as a talking owner s manual Once you purchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule service You can call anytime day or night or schedule a service appointment online The Repair Protection Agreement is a risk free purchase If you cancel for any reason during the product warranty period...

Page 150: ...dosloscasos sisepartedelareparaci6n o reemplazo esimposible elequipo deequitaci6n sereemplazar gratuitamente conelmismooequivalente Todos losdelaanterior garantia esnulasiseutiliza esteequipo deconducci6n mientras queproporciona servicios comerciales o Sialquila aotrapersona Estagaranfiacubresolamentedefectosenmaterialy manodeobra Coberturade lagaranfianoincluye Piezasfungibles exceptola bateria q...

Page 151: ...ea arrojado rnantenga a los observadores a los ayudantes ni_osy rnascotas alejadosal rnenos25 metrosde la rn_ quina rnientras est en funcionarniento Detengala rn_ quina si alguienentraen lazona Inspeccionerninuciosarnente el Areadondeutilizar_ el equipo Retiretodaslas piedras palos cables huesos juguetesy otros objetosextra_osquepodrianser recogidosy arrojadospor la acci6nde las cuchillas Losobjet...

Page 152: ...ed altopuedeocultarobst_ culos Vayaa bajavelocidad ElijaunavelocidadIosuficienternente baja de rnodoquenotengaquedetenerse ohacercarnbios rnientras est sobrela pendiente Losneurn_ ticos podrianperdertracci6n sobrelaspendientes aQn cuandolosfrenosfuncionaran apro piadarnente Siernpre rnantenga larn_ quina en carnbiornientras desciendelaspendientes parapoderfrenarconel motor Sigalas recornendaciones...

Page 153: ...uelo Siestonoes posible Ileneel equipoen unrernolqueconun contenedorport_ til envezde hacerlocon unaboquilladispensadora degasolina Mantengala boquillade Ilenadoencontactoconel hordedel dep6sitode combustibleocon la aberturadel recipiente en todo rnornento hastaterrninarlacarga No utiliceundispositivode boquilladeapertura cierre Apaguetodosloscigarrillos cigarros pipasy otrasfuentesde cornbustidn ...

Page 154: instrucciones segQnseanecesario Respetelas normasreferentes a ladisposicidncorrectay las reglamentaciones sobregasolina aceite etc paraprotegerel medicambiente SegQn la Comisi6ndeSeguridadde Productosparael Consumi dorde los EstadosUnidos CPSC y laAgenciade Protecci6n Ambientalde los EstadosUnidos EPA esteproductotieneuna vida Qtilmediade siete 7 aSos 6 270horasdefuncionamiento AIfinalizarla vi...

Page 155: ...PELIGRO ESCOMBROS LANZADOS Quite objetos que pueden set lanzados por la I_imina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve gafas de seguridad PELIGRO ESCOMBROS LANZADOS Quite objetos que pueden set lanzados por la I_imina en cualquier direcci6n Lleve gafas de seguridad ERSONAS PRESENTES Guarde alas personas presentes a los ayudantes y a ni_os por Io menos 75 pies lejos PELIGRO CUESTAS Use extra la precauci6n en...

Page 156: ...gura 2 Ajuste el pendiente decalibre arriba o hacia abajo hasta los toques esquina izquierda el pendiente consultar Figura 1 and Figura 2 Si hay un espacio por debajo de la pendiente de calibre el pendiente es demasiado escarpa por operaci6n segura consultar Figura 2 above Figura 2 Las pendientesson un factor importante relacionadocon un vuelco y renovaci6nde los accidentes que pueden provocar les...

Page 157: ...que acornpaSa a encontrarse enel ladoderechode lacortadora de cesped entrelatolvadedescarga y laplataforrna decorte Wase la figura 2 Figura1 2 Quitelacubiertadepl_ stico siest presente desdeelterminal nega tivode labateriay conectarel cablenegroal terminalnegativode la bateria con el pernoy tuercahexagonal Wase la figura 1 3 La posici6nde la botadegornarojasobreel terminalpositivode la bateriapara...

Page 158: ... cabledealimentacidn desconectado Ajuste del asiento Paraajustarla posici6ndel asiento firelohaciaarribay sostengala palancadeajustedel asiento Desliceel asientohaciaadelanteo haciaatr_ sa la posici6ndeseada luegosueltela palancadeajuste AsegQrese dequeel asientoest_trabadoen untopede asientoantes de operarel tractor Veala Figura5 Antesde operarel tractor asegQrese de queelasientoest_en ganchadoen...

Page 159: ...eEngage G Portavasos H DeVelocidad I Palancadeajustedel asiento J Pedalde freno J NOTA Cualquierreferencia hechaenestemanualal ladoDERECHO o IZQUlERDOdeltractordebeentenderse tal comoseobservadesde laposici6ndeloperador Curnple con los est_ndares de seguridad de ANSI Lasm_ quinas quitanievedeCraftsman cumplen conlosest_ ndares deseguridad delinstituto estadounidense deest_ ndares nacionales ANSI 6...

Page 160: ...naldel asiento Consultelasecci6nde la Asarnbleadel manualparaobtenerinstruccionesrn_ s detalladas paraajustarla posici6ndelasiento AUTO UNIDAD DE PEDAL Launidadde pedalse encuentraenel ladoderechodel tractor a Io largodelestribo Presioneel pedalhaciadelantela unidady el tractor se rnueveen ladirecci6nquela palancadecarnbiosest cornpro rnetidopulgadasa causarqueel tractorparaviajar haciaadelante rn...

Page 161: habilitadoparafuncionarcongasolinasin plomo Paraobtenerelmejorresultado Ileneel dep6sitodecombustible 0nicamentecongasolinasin plomolimpiay fresca enun surtidor queindiqueunoctanajeiguala 87o m_ s Elgasohol hasta10 dealcoholefilico 90 de gasolinasin plomoporvolumen es un combustible aprobado No seaprueba el usode otrasmezclasdegasolina alcohol comoE85 El_ter mefilicoterciario bufilico MTBE y ...

Page 162: ...verleavea runningmachineunattended AlwaysdisengagePTO moveshiftleverinto neutralposition set parkingbrake stopengine and removekeyto preventunintendedstarting F On Start off Figura 8 SISTENIA DE BLOQUEO DE SEGURIDAD El sisternade bloqueode seguridadest diseSadoparala operaci6n seguradel tractor Si estesisternanuncadejadefuncionarcorrecta rnente noopereel tractor contacteinrnediatarnente con su Sea...

Page 163: ...aldurantern_ s de diezsegun dos a lavez SiIo hacepuedecausardaSosal motorde arranque el_ctricodelmotor 6 Despu_sde queel motorarranque desactivarel controldel estrangulador y coloqueel controldelaceleradorenla posici6n de FAST NOTA NOdejeel controldelestrangulador enduranteel funcio narniento del tractor SiIo hace dar_ lugarauna rnezcla rica de combustibley causarqueel motorfuncionernal PARO DEL M...

Page 164: ...adjuntos Paraparticipar delas hojas hagaIosiguiente 1 Moverla palancade controldelaceleradora la r_ pida conejo la posici6n 2 Sujetela tornade fuerza BladeEngage y girarla palancade todo elcarninoa seguira los novios ON la posici6n 3 Mantengalapalancadel aceleradorenel FAST conejo la posici6nparaei usorn_ s eficientede ia plataforrna de corteo de otto tipo disponibleporseparado los archivosadjunto...

Page 165: ...elevado especial mentesi se ha instaladoun kitde mantilloo colectorde cesped Paraobtenerlos mejoresresultadosse recomienda quelas dos primerasvueltassecortar con laaprobad6nde la gesti6n arrojadohaciael centro Traslasdos primerasvueltas invertirel sentidodelanzarla descargahaciael exteriorde labalanzade corte Estoledar unamejoraparienciaal c6sped No corteel cespeddemasiadocorto Pastocortoinvitacre...

Page 166: ...nientos delas ruedasdelanteras 5 Las ruedasdelanterasdela plataforrna 1 Elaceitedel motor el filtrodeaceite 2 Silenciador 1 Filtrodeaire 2 Eldepuradordelfiltrode aire 3 Bujia 4 Sisternade refrigeraci6n poraire 5 Filtrode combustible 6 DirectivoEngranajes 7 Ruedastraseras 1 EIcap6 Ios respiraderos 2 Losbornesdela bateria 3 Losbrazosde rnandointerrnedios ejes del pivotey ejes 4 Losrodarnientos delas...

Page 167: ...sdela marcaFULLen lavarilla el aceitede drenajeparareducirel nivelde aceiteen FULLmarcaen lavarillademedici6n Cambio de aceite de motor Elaceitedel motordebesetcambiadoen las primeras5 horasy luego cada50 horaso unavezportemporada Paracambiarel aceitedel motor sigaestospasos 1 Conel motorapagadoperoaOncaliente desconecte el cablede labujfay mant_ngalo alejadodela bujfa 2 Retirelatapade Ilenadode a...

Page 168: ... combustible en un recipienteaprobado Paracambiarel filtro de combustible 1 UsepinzasparaapretarlaspestaSasdela abrazadera el lado de lalineadefueradel filtrodecombustible a continuaci6n deslicela abrazaderalejosdel filtrode combustible Twisty tirar de lalineadecombustiblefueradelfiltrode combustible Wase lafigura 13 2 Cornpruebelaslineasde combustibleparalas grietaso fugas Reernplazar si es neces...

Page 169: ...jetivode grasaantesdevolvera instalarlos Frente Ejes Cadaextrernode delantedel tractor la barrade articulaci6npuede estarequipadocon unajustedela grasa Lubricarcon unapistolade grasacada 25horasdefuncionarniento deltractor Bateria Labateriaest_selladayes librede rnantenirniento Los nivelesde _cido nose puedecornprobar Siernprernantengaloscablesde la bateriay losterrninales lirnpiosy libresdecorros...

Page 170: ...cendidoa la posici6nSTOP parar para apagarel motordeltractor 11 Desconecte el aguay retireel acopladorde la rnanguera desde el puertodeaguaquese encuentraen lasuperficiede la plataforrna Despu_sde lrnpiar laplataforrna regresea la posici6ndel operador y enganchelaPTO Mantenga la plataforrna de corteenfunciona rnientodurantedos rninutospor Iornenosparaperrnitirquese seque totalrnentela parteinferio...

Page 171: ...nsultela secci6nde la Asarnbleadeestemanualparainstrucciones de ajustedelasiento Freno de estacionarniento de ajuste Nuncaintenteajustarlosfrenoscuandoel motorest funcionando Siernpredesconectetornadefuerza palancade carnbiose ponga Ien posici6nneutral apagueel motory quitela Ilaveparaevitarel _arranque nodeseado Siel tractorno Ilegaa detenerseporcornpletocuandoel pedaldel frenoest totalrnentedepr...

Page 172: ...trasera de la plataforrna decorteal elirninarel clipde horquillaque Io sujeta Retireel rnuelledel soporteruedaIocade lacubierta Wase lafigura 22 Figura22 10 Deslicesuavernente la plataforrna de corte dela izquierda la parte dedebajodeltractor NEUMATICOS Nosobrepasarnuncala presiSnrn_ xirna de infladoqueapareceen laparedlateralde laIlanta La presi6n de los neumaticos recomendada de funcionamiento e...

Page 173: ...eabienventiladay mantenerselejosde unallama abiertao pilotocomoen uncalentadorde agua estufa homo secadorade ropao deotrosaparatosde gas AI cargarla bateriade sutractor utilices61o uncargadorde 12V dise_adoparabateriasdeplomo _ cido Leasu cargadorde bateria manualdel propietarioantesdecargarla bateriade su tractor Siga _sempre as nstruccones y presteatenc6n a su ADVERTENC AS Siel tractorno se hapu...

Page 174: ...gura24 5 Pruebade equilibriode lahojacon un balanceador de lahoja Grindmetaldesdeel ladorn_ s pesadohastaquese equilibrede rnanerauniforrne NOTA Cuandotengaque reernplazar la hoja aseg0resede instalar la hojacon lacara dela hojarnarcada fondo o con unn0rnero estarnpado en _1 frentea latierracuandoel cortac_spedseencuen tra en la posici6nde funcionarniento UtiliceunaIlavede parparaapretarla tuercad...

Page 175: ...os poleaspoleatensorade lacubierta Wase lafigura 25 5 Paracolocarla correanueva ernpiezahaciendoqueelcintur6n alrededordelas dos poleasexteriordel huso cornose rnuestra en lafigura 25 6 Luego lacintade rutaalrededordelas dos polinespoleasdela cubiertacornose rnuestraen lafigura 25 7 Volveraapretarlabarraposeedordelcintur6naflojadoantes 8 Volverarnontarla cintadelos guardiasde retirarseantes 9 Vuel...

Page 176: ...ustiblet_nicamente dentro deunrecipiente aprobadoy al airefibre lejosdecualquierllamaexpuesta Dejeque el motor seenfrie Antesdedrenarel combustible apaguedgarrillos cigarros pipasyotrasfuentesdecombusti6n Vadelagasolina enun_rea bienventilada lejosdecualquierfuentedellamaochispas incluidocualquier artefactoconluzpiloto Almacene lagasolina enunredpienteaprobado enun lugarseguro Extraiga labujiayvie...

Page 177: ...s es muy 1 revoluciones pequer_a El motor funciona con 1 Bujia atorada averiada o exceso de 1 dificultad en ralenti separacidn 2 El filtro de aire est 1 sucio 2 Demasiada vibracidn 1 Cuchilla de corte floja o descentrada 1 2 Cuchilla dahada o curvada 2 1 La velocidad del motor es demasiado 1 lenta Corte desigual 2 C6sped humedo 3 C6sped demasiado alto Conecte los cables de la bujia Limpie la linea...

Page 178: ...Esta pagina se dej6 intencionalmente en blanco Utilice esta pagina para tomar notas acerca de su tractor 86 ...

Page 179: de Duraci6n de Emisiones de un motor con una clasificaci6n intermedia sena equivaiente a entre 10 y 12 aSos Laciasificaci6n de aire es un nQmero calculado para describir el nivel relativo de emisiones para un grupo de motores en particular Cuanto menor sea la clasificaci6n de aire mayor es la limpieza del motor La informaci6n se presenta de forma grAfica en la etiqueta de emisiones Despu_s del ...

Page 180: ...apor defectos Los defectosse juzgandeacuerdoconelfuncionamientonormalde unmotor La garantiano est_relacionadaconunapruebade emisionesenuso Disposiciones de la garantJa Sears para defectos en el control de emJsiones Lassiguientessondisposiciones especificasrelacionadas conla coberturade lagarantiaparadefectosenel controldeemisiones Esuna_adidoa lagarantiade motorSearsparamotoresnoreguladosque seenc...

Page 181: ...excedade30 dias Sitiene algunapreguntarespectode lacobertura dela garantia p6ngaseen contactoconel Departamento del ServicioT nicode MTDConsumerGroupInc al telefono1 800 800 7310 o pot correoelectr6nico enhttp support mtd products com COBERTURA DE LA GARANTJA DE EMISIONES GENERALES MTDConsumerGroupIncgarantizaal compradorfinal y a cadacompradorsubsiguienteque el motordeequiposde exteriores est_ di...

Page 182: ...antiasi MTDConsumerGroupIncdemuestraqueel motores objeto deusoincorrecto negligenciao mantenimientoinadecuado y que tal usoincorrecto negligenciao mantenimientoinadecuadofuecausa directade la necesidadde reparaci6no reemplazode dichapieza NoobstanteIo antedicho cualquierajuste deuncomponenteconundispositivodelimitaci6nde ajusteinstaladoenf_bricay quefuncioneadecuadamente podr_set cubiertopot la ga...

Page 183: ...soluci6n RApida el apoyo telef6nico de un Chamusca al representante Pienseen nosotros como el manual de un dueSohablador Una vezadquirido el Acuerdo puede programar el servicio con tan s61orealizar una Ilamadatelef6nica Puede Ilamaren cualquier momentodel dia o de la noche o programar un servicio en linea ElAcuerdo de Protecci6nde Reparaci6nes unacompra sin riesgo Si usted anula por alguna raz6n d...

Page 184: the number below Para respuestas a preguntas o problemas y ordenar piezas o pedir servicio para la reparacibn de su equipo Ilame el nt_mero abajo 1 800 659 5917 Craftsman Help Line www craftsman com TM Registered Trademark Trademark of KCD IP LLC in the United States or Sears Brands LLC in other countries Marca Registrada TMMarca de Fabrica de KCD IP LLC en Estados Unidos o Sears Brands LLC i...
