Craftsman 247.240690 Operator'S Manual Download Page 22

Summary of Contents for 247.240690

Page 1: equipment read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions For answers to your questions about this product call 1 800 659 5917 CraftsmanTractorHelp Line 7 am 7 pm CT Mort Sun Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com FormNo 769 08596 December 17 2012 ...

Page 2: ...sit theweb site www craftsman com Thiswarranty doesnotcovergrassbagassemblies whichareexpendable partsthatcanwearoutfromnormalusewithinthewarranty period Thiswarrantyis void if thisproductis everusedwhile providingcommercialservicesor if rentedto anotherperson Thiswarrantygivesyou specificlegalrights andyou mayalso haveotherrightswhichvaryfromstateto state Sears Brands Management Corporation Idoff...

Page 3: ...tcher initsproperplace A missing ordamaged discharge coverorgrass bagattachmentcomponent mayresultinthrownobjectsorbladecontact injuries Donotputhands orfeetnearrotatingpartsorunderthecuttingdeck Contact with theblade s canamputatehands andfeet Shutoffmower sengineandwait forblades to cometo acompletestop beforeunclogging mower sdischarge openingorbagger parts Slowdownbefore turning Operate themac...

Page 4: ...n Never tamperwith your mower ssafetyinterlock systemorothersafetydevices Check their properoperationregularly Never attempt to makeadjustments or repairswhile the mower sengineisrunning Grass catchercomponents andthe discharge coveraresubjectto wearanddamage which couldexpose movingpartsorallow objectsto bethrown Forsafety protection frequentlycheckcomponentsandreplaceimmediately with original eq...

Page 5: ...djustgaugeup or down until the left cornertouchesthe slope SeeFigure1 andFigure2 5 10odashedline If there is a gapbelowthe gauge the slope is too steepfor safeoperation SeeFigure2 above Figure2 Slopes are a major factor related to tip over and roll over accidents which can result in severe injury or death Do not operate machine on slopes in excess of 10 degrees All slopes require extra caution If ...

Page 6: ...rtoncontentsarelistedbelowand shown below A hardwarepackis includedinthis kitand is detailedonthe followingpage Two Grass Bag Assemblies Grass Catcher Hood Chute Tube Bag Support Assembly Mounting Bracket CounterWeight Counter Weight Mounting Bracket One Hardware Pack Detailedonthe nextpage 6 ...

Page 7: ...ed Please checkyourhardware packagainst theillustration below Thequantity foreachitem islisted inparenthesis whilethepartnumber islistedbeloweachitem Hardware Pack 683 05063 L 720 04061 1 710 0572 2 710 0378 2 _ 2 712 04150 736 0159 712 04063 4 4 710 3296 4 7 ...

Page 8: ... baggermountingbracket asshowninFigure 2 Installthegrass bag mountingassembly ontothebaggermountingbracket byloweringit down 1 andfitting theassembly intotheslotprovided inthe mountingbracket See the Insetin Figure 3 Secure thegrass bag mounting assembly tothebagger mounting bracket using theattachment knob 720 04061 foundinthehardware pack 683 05063 See 2 inFigure 3 Figure3 Remove theprotective c...

Page 9: ...step10 Insertthechutetubethroughthegrass catcher hood in theopening provided It iseasiest to feedtheendofthetubeintotheopeningwith the chutetubeflippedupside down then rotatingright sideonceinsertedinto thehood SeeFigure 6 9 Mountthebagger chutetubeto thedeckofthetractorbylowering thechute tubeoverthemountingboltsinthemowingdeck asshownin Figure 7 10 Secure therearmountingboltwith awing knob 1 the...

Page 10: ...wo 736 0159 flat washers andtwo 712 04063 flangelocknutsfrom hardware pack683 05063 SeeFigure 8 Secure theweightbarassembly to thetractorusingtwo 710 0378 hex bolts two 736 0159 flat washers andtwo 712 04063 flangelocknutsfrom hardware pack683 05063 Note Use thetopholesonthetractorframe Figure 8 Remove thebumperfromthetractorbyremovingthetwo tapscrews that secure it asshownin Figure 9 Note Thebump...

Page 11: empty thegrassbags See Figure11 Toreinstallthegrass bags insert theleading edgeontothebaggermount assembly 1inFigure 12 andpivotthegrassbagrearward anddownas shownin2of Figure12 Figure 12 5 Close thegrassbagcover restartyourtractorandresume cuttingyourgrass Figure 11 Remove thegrassbagsbylifting uptherearsideofthe bagandmovingthe bagsawayfromthebagsupport assembly Empty thegrassclippings at apr...

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Page 13: ...A 16 936 0159 17 764 04148A 18 783 08135 0637 Description Grass Bag Front Hood Assembly Frame Rear Hood Assembly Frame Bagger Support Assembly Mounting Bracket Hex Lock Screw 5 16 18 2 50 Carriage Bolt 5 16 18 2 50 Hex Head Screw 1 4 20 750 Flange Lock Nut 5 16 18 Flange Lock Nut 1 2 13 Knob 3 8 16 875 Push Cap 3 8 Rod Weight Chute Tube Plug End Flat Washer 349 x 879 x 063 Grass Catcher Hood Weigh...

Page 14: ...ita Paralos detallesde lacoberturadegarantiaparaobtenerunreemplazogratis visite el sitioweb www craftsman com Estagarantianocubre lasasambleasdel recogedorde cesped que sonpiezasfungiblesquese desgastendebidoal uso normal dentrodel periododegarantia Estagarantiaes inv lidasi esteproductose utilizamientrasquela prestaci6nde servicioscomerciales o si se alquilaa otra persona Estagarantiale otorgader...

Page 15: cuchillas Los objetos arrojados por la m quina pueden causar lesiones graves 4 Para protegerse los ojos utilice siempre galas o lentes de seguridad mientras opera la m quina o mientras la ajusta o repara Los objetos arrojados que rebotan pueden causar lesiones oculares graves 5 Nunca opere la cortadora de c_sped sin tenet bien colocada la cubierta de descarga o el colector de c6sped Si falta o ...

Page 16: ... asegurarse de que el equipo est_ en condiciones seguras de operaci6n 3 Nunca intente violar el sistema de bloqueo de seguridad u otros mecanismos de seguridad de la cortadora Controle peri6dicamente que funcionan correctamente 4 No intente nunca hacer ajustes o reparaciones a la cortadora mientras el motor est_ en marcha 5 Los componentes del colector de c6sped y la cubierta de descarga est_n suj...

Page 17: ...ltarFigura1 andFigura2 Ajusteel pendiente decalibrearribao haciaabajohastalos toquesesquinaizquierdael pendiente consultarFigura1andFigura2 Sihayun espaciopordebajodela pendiente decalibre el pendiente es demasiado escarpaporoperaciOn segura consultarFigura2 above Las pendientesson un factor importante relacionadocon un vuelco y renovaci6nde los accidentesque pueden provocar lesionesgraves o la mu...

Page 18: ... muestraa continuaci6n Unpaquetedehardwarese incluyeenestekity se detallaenla p_ gina siguiente o o o o o Dos conjuntos de bolsa de hierba Campana de recogedor de hierba Tubo de conducto Saco de soporte Soporte de montaje o o o Peso del contador Soporte de montaje de peso de contador U np aquete de Hardware detallados en la pdgina slgulente f 18 ...

Page 19: ...revisesu paquetede hardwareen contrade lailustraci6nde abajo Lacantidadde cadaarticulose indicaentre par_ntesis mientrasqueel nQmero aparecedebajode cadaarticulo Hardware Pack 683 05063 L 720 04061 1 710 0572 2 710 0378 2 _ 2 712 04150 736 0159 712 04063 4 4 710 3296 4 19 ...

Page 20: ...a m_nsula desoporte delaembolsadora baj_ndola 1 ycolocando elconjunto enlaranuraprovistaenlam_nsula soporte Veael recuadro delaFigura 3 Sujete elconjunto demontaje delaboisa recolectora dec_sped alam_nsula de soporte delaembolsadora conlaperilla desujed6n 720 04061 queseencuentra enelpaquete deelementos deferreter a 683 05063 Consuite 2 enlaFigura 3 Figure3 Extraiga lastapas deprotecci6n delasrosc...

Page 21: ...teeltubodelcanala trav_s delatapadelcolector dec_sped enla aberturaprovlsta Resulta m_sfl_cil siseintroduce elextremodeltubodentro delaaberturaconeltubodel canal giradodemanera quequededadovuelta girandoluegoa laderecha despu_s deinsertarloenlatapa VealaFigura 6 9 Monteel tubodelcanaldelaembolsadora enlaplataforma deltractor bajandoeltubodelcanalsobrelospemos demontajedelaplataforma de corte comos...

Page 22: ...uercas deseguridad conbrida 712 04063 delpaquete deelementos deferreteria683 05063 Consulte la Figura 8 I Sujete elconjuntodelabarra depesoaltractorcondospernos hexagonales 710 0378 dosarandelas planas736 0159 ydostuercas deseguridad con brida712 04063 del paquete deelementos deferreteria683 05063 Nora Use losorificiossuperiores enel marco deltractor 0 Figure 10 Figure 8 Extraiga elparagolpes delt...

Page 23: ...ealaFigura 11 Figure 11 Extralga lasbolsas recolectoras dec_sped levantando lapartetraseradela bolsayalejando lasbolsas delconjuntodesoportedelasbolsas Vacie losrecortes dec_sped enunlugaradecuado paradesecharlos Sosteniendo labolsaconfirmeza d_lavueltay vacie elcontenido Para volvera nstalar lasbolsas recolectoras dec_sped nserte el borde entranteenelconjuntodemontajedelaembolsadora I delaFlgura1...

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