Craftsman 247.24020 Operator'S Manual Download Page 32

Summary of Contents for 247.24020

Page 1: ...les and instructions before operating this equipment For answers to your questions about this product Call 1 800 659 5917 CraftsmanTractorHelp Line 7 am 7 pm CT Mort Sun Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www sears com craftsman FormNo 769 0 34A January 28 2010 ...

Page 2: ...hiswarrantycoversONLYdefectsin materialandworkmanship Searswill NOTpayfor Replacement of bags whichareexpendableitemsthatcan wearoutfromnormalusewithinthewarrantyperiod Repairsnecessarybecauseof accidentorfailureto operateor maintainthe productaccordingto all suppliedinstructions Thiswarrantyappliesforonly 90daysif this productis everusedfor commercial or rentalpurposes Thiswarrantyappliesonly whi...

Page 3: ...achineif anyoneentersthe area Thoroughlyinspectthe areawherethe equipmentis to beused Remove allstones sticks wire bones toys and otherforeignobjectswhich couldbepickedupand thrownby the blade s Thrownobjects can causeseriouspersonalinjury Alwayswearsafetyglassesor safetygogglesduringoperationand while performinganadjustmentor repairto protectyoureyes Thrownobjects whichricochetcancauseseriousinju...

Page 4: ...n slopesunlessnecessary then turn slowlyand gradually downhill ifpossible 2 Do notmowneardrop offs ditchesor embankments The mowercould suddenlyturn over if a wheelis overthe edgeof a cliff ditch or if an edge cavesin 3 Do nottry to stabilizethe machineby puttingyourfooton theground 4 Do notusea grasscatcheronsteepslopes 5 Do notmowonwet grass Reducedtractioncouldcausesliding GENERAL SERVICE 1 Bef...

Page 5: ...hissymbolpointsoutimportantsafetyinstructionswhich if not followed could endangerthe personalsafetyand or propertyof yourselfand others Readandfollowallinstructionsinthis manualbeforeattemptingto operatethis machine Failureto complywiththeseinstructionsmay resultinpersonalinjury Whenyou seethissymbol HEEDITSWARNING ...

Page 6: ...t 3 Pcs HardwarePack HingeCoverPin ChuteTubeExtension BaggingBlades 6 bladestotal DischargeChuteElbow TwoDeckBaffles HitchSupport ChuteDischargePlate GrassCatcherCoverScreen FrontDischargeChutePlate GrassCatcherCover ChuteStop Bracket ThreeGrassBagAssemblies UprightSupport UpperChuteTube BagSupportAssembly AdhesiveFoamStrip ThreeHardwarePacks Detailed illustratedon nextpage UpperChuteSupport _Hitc...

Page 7: ...titiesforeach itemis listedin parenthesiswhilethe part numberis listedneareachitem Hardware included with 689 00084 Hardware Pack689 00163 1 71o 3oo8 710 0276 2 712 04063 Hardware Pack 689 00087 710 3008 712 04063 I I 1 711 0309A 4 714 0117 1 3 712 04065 3 712 04064 2 726 3046 710 3015 _ 2 71o o4484 _ _ 3 710 3168 C 723 0476 1 7 ...

Page 8: ...bly Assembleit byfollowingthesesteps 1 Laythe binsupportassemblytopsidedownwiththe mounting bracketportionfacingupwards 2 Insertthe notchedendof the verticalsupportbracketintothe bin supportassembly as in Fig 3 and securewitha carriagebolt 710 0276 andflangelocknut 712 04063 fromhardwarepack 689 00084packedin withthe uprightsupportbracket SeeFig 4 Figure 1 2 Flipoverassemblyandmountthe hitchsuppor...

Page 9: ...e clevispindownthroughthehitchsupportand secureit usingthe holeclosestto the head underneathwiththe hairpinclip However you mayfind iteasierto feedthe clevispin upthroughthe hitchplateholeandsecurewiththe hairpinclip on the topside NOTE Ifyou decidedto leavethe hitchsupportonlyfingertight duringthe assemblyprocess tightenallof the hardwaresecurely at thistime J _ _lignholeonbracket _ withholeontra...

Page 10: ...seen inFig 12 The grasscatchercovergoesinside of the two mountingtabson the binsupportassembly Figure9 Installthegrasscatchercoverscreenintothe baggercoverby first inserting the endclosestto the side withthe cutoutintothe mountinghole as inFig 10 Makesureto feedthe screenunder the lip as inFig 11 Cover mounts ir between these two tabs J Figure12 Slidethe hingepinintothe holelocatedonthe mountingta...

Page 11: ... usingheavyrags J NOTE Threehigh liftbaggingbladesare includedinthe grass catcher kit Replacethe bladeswiththesenewbladesandsavethe existing bladesas replacements orto reinstallon the bladespindleswhennot usingthe baggerkit 1 Removecuttingdeckfrombeneaththetractorfollowinginstruc tionsfor Deck Removalinoperator smanualof thetractor Gently flip the deckoverto exposeitsunderside 2 Placea blockof woo...

Page 12: ...backoverto completethe following installation of the deckbaffleandchutestopbracket 1 Removetwo of the self tappingdeckscrewson the frontrightside of yourdeck 2 Installthefrontdeckbaffleusingtwo710 3015 hex boltsand 712 04064flangelocknutsfromhardwarepack689 00163included withthisbaggerkit SeeFig 18 NOTE Thisbaggerkit includes two deckbaffles onebaffleisfor the 50 deckandthe otherisfor a 54 deck Ba...

Page 13: ...ware pack 689 00163 See Fig 21 f Deck _ I _ 54 inch GT Deck k Figure 21 Note For all lawn tractors equipped with a 50 inch deck secure the strap in the upper hole as shown in Fig 21 Note For all tractors equipped with a 54 inch deck secure the strap in the lower hole as show in Fig 21 Installing the Discharge Chute 1 Reinstallthe cuttingdeckto the tractorreversing the instructions for DeckRemovali...

Page 14: ...clips 726 3046 Figure24 9 Withthe baggercoveropen installtheupperchuteoverthe chute adapter as seen in Fig 26 andrestthe top sothatthe chute supportsitsin the upperchutegroove See Fig 27 includedin hardware pack689 00163 intotheholesprovided Peelthe backingoff of the self adhesive foamstrip 721 04388 thathas beenincludedwithyourgrasscollector Applyit tothe Figure 26 NOTE Makesureto alignthe upperc...

Page 15: ...sidetab withyourright hand as seenin1of Fig 28 and liftingwithyour left handinthe rearcenter 2 J Figure28 3 Removethe grassbinsby liftingthemup 1in Fig 29 andaway fromthe binsupportassembly 2 J Figure 29 4 Emptythe grassclippingsat a properdisposalsite Graspthe handleat the bottomof the binwithonehand andwiththe other handsteadythe bin andemptythecontents 5 Replacegrassbins closelid flip downseat ...

Page 16: ...4 11 1 3 34 1G ...

Page 17: ...en CarriageScrew 5 16 18x 1 00 HexHeadScrew 5 16 18x 75 ClevisPin 62 Dia Grass bagAssembly TripleBagSupportAssembly VerticalSupportBracket CoverHingePin FlangeLockNut 5 16 18 EndPlug DischargeChuteElbow 50 54 Deck ChuteStop Bracket HitchBracket RH UniversalRearAttachmentBracket HitchBracket LH DeckBaffle 50 DeckBaffle 54 TapScrew 1 4 20x 750 50 Deck FlangeLockNut 1 4 20 50 Deck CarriageScrew 3 8 1...

Page 18: ...quepuedenIlevara cabo apartir dela utilizaci6nnormalen elperiodode garanfia Las reparaciones necesariasa causade accidenteo el fracasoparaoperaro mantenerel productode acuerdocon todaslas instruccionessuministradas Estagarantiaseaplicaa s61o90dias si esteproductoes utilizadocadavezcon finescomerciales o alquiler Estagaranfias61ose aplicamientrasesteproductose utilizaen los EstadosUnidos Estagaranf...

Page 19: ...e las cuchillas Los objetos arrojados por la m_quina pueden causar lesiones graves 4 Para protegerse los ojos utilice siempre galas o lentes de seguridad mientras opera la m_quina o mientras la ajusta o repara Los objetos arrojados que rebotan pueden causar lesiones oculares graves 5 Nunca opere la cortadora de c_sped sin tenet bien colocada la cubierta de descarga o el colector de c_sped Si falta...

Page 20: ... asegurarse de que el equipo est_ en condiciones seguras de operaci6n 3 Nunca intente violar el sistema de bloqueo de seguridad u otros mecanismos de seguridad de la cortadora Controle peri6dicamente que funcionan correctamente 4 No intente nunca hacer ajustes o reparaciones a la cortadora mientras el motor est_ en marcha 5 Los componentes del colector de c_sped y la cubierta de descarga est_n suj...

Page 21: ...aa cabo lasinstruccionesde seguridadirnportantesque si no se siguen podriaponerenpeligrola seguridadpersonaly o la propiedad de si rnisrnoy losdern_ s Leay siga las instrucciones en estemanualantesde intentaroperarestarn_ quina Elincurnplirniento deestas instrucciones puederesultaren lesionespersonales Cuandoveaestesirnbolo prestaratenci6na susiADVERTENCIA 21 ...

Page 22: ...Hardware Pack Chutetubode extensi6n Tolvade descargadel codo Apoyoa Hitch De cespedcubiertade lapantalla Portadade cesped Bolsaderecolecci6ndetres Asambleas SuperiorChuteTube SoportesuperiorChute Cubiertade lasbisagrasPin EmbolsadoBlades 6 hojasentotal DosDeckPantallas Tolvadedescargadel mural Frentetolvadedescargadel mural ChuteStop Bracket Soportevertical LaBolsadeApoyoa laAsamblea Trespaquetesd...

Page 23: ...uientes Lacanfidadde cadaelementoapareceentrepar_ntesisy el nQmero depiezacercadecadaelemento Hardware included with 689 00084 Hardware Pack 689 00163 1 710 3008 710 0276 2 712 04063 Hardware Pack 689 00087 710 3008 712 04063 I I 1 711 0309A 4 714 0117 1 3 712 04065 3 712 04064 2 726 3046 710 3015 _ 2 71o o4484 _ _ 3 710 3168 C 723 0476 1 23 ...

Page 24: ...lustraenla Fig 2 NOTA AI acoplarel soportedeenganche convienenoajustar totalmentelam_nsulatodavia Estofacilitar_ el procesode montaje m_ sadelante cuandosedeber_ ajustara rondola m_nsuladel soportedeenganche NOTA Estaunidadde lam_nsulademontajeuniversalest dise_ada parafuncionarcon otrosaccesorios comoeljuegode contrapesos quese usajuntocon la cuchillaparanieveo el accesorioquitanieve Utilicela in...

Page 25: ...loporbajoconel broche dehorquilla o puederesultarm_ s f_ cilpasarlohaciaarribay asegurarloen la partesuperior EsteOltimom_todosuele ser el preferidoya quepuedeserm_ sf_ cilinsertarel brochede horquilla Cualquierade losdos es correcto la decisi6ndepende dela preferencia del operador NOTA Si decidi6dejarel soportedeengancheajustados61o a manoduranteelarmado enestemomentodebeajustarbien todoslos elem...

Page 26: ...ose veen la Fig 12 Lacubiertadel colectorde c_spedva dentrodelas dos lengOetas de rnontajesobrela unidadde soportede loscubos Figura 9 Instalelapantalladel colectorde c_spedenla cubiertade la ernbolsadora insertandoprirneroelextrernorn_scercanoal lado quetieneel recorteenel orificiodernontaje cornoen la Fig 10 AsegOrese depasarla pantallapordebajodel reborde cornoen la Fig 11 Figura 12 Desliceel p...

Page 27: ...cci6ndec_sped Reernplace las cuchillasconestascuchillas nuevasy guardelas otrascornorepuestoo parareinstalarenlos husillosde las cuchillascuandono se usael kit derecolecci6n Retirelaplataforrna de cortedeabajodeltractorsiguiendolas instrucciones del manualdeloperadordel tractorparala extrac ci6n de laplataforrna Volteela plataforrna condelicadezapara dejaral descubiertola parteinferior Coloqueunbl...

Page 28: ...ndeldeflectorde laplataforrna y el soportedel topede canal 1 Saquedos delos tornillosautorroscantes del ladodelantero derechode laplataforrna 2 Instaleel deflectordelanterousandodos pernoshexagonales 710 30151 20y tuercasde seguridadconbrida712 04064 1 20del paquetedeherrajes689 00163incluidoconestekit de ernbolsadora Veala Fig 17 NOTA Estekitde ernbolsadora incluyedosdeflectoresde la plata forrna...

Page 29: ... f 50 inch Deck NOATA Paratodoslos tractoresdejardinequipadoconun paquetede 50 pulgadas segurode lacorreaenel orificiode la partesuperiorcomose muestraen la figura 20 NOTA Paratodoslostractoresequipadoscon unabarajade 54 pulgadas segurode la correaen la parteinferiordel agujero comose muestraen lafigura 20 Instalaci6ndel canaJde descarga 1 Reinstalela pJataforma decorteen el tractorinvirtiendolas ...

Page 30: ...incluidas enel paquetedeelementos 689 00163 en losorificiosprovistos Con lacubiertadela embolsadora abierta instaleel canal superiorsobreel adaptador comose ve enla Fig 25 y apoye la partesuperiorparaqueel soportedelcanaldescanseen la ranurasuperiordelcanal Veala Fig 26 Figura 23 Pelarel respaldofuerade lafranjade espurnaauto adhesivo 721 04388 que hasidoincluidaconel colectordec_sped Apliquea lat...

Page 31: ...e lafichacon su rnanoderecha cornose veen la figura 1 29 y de levantarcon la rnanoizquierdaen elcentrode la parte trasera 2 3 Elirninar los cubosdela hierbaporlevantaflashasta 1en la figura 30 y fueradela asarnbleadeapoyobin 2 f Figura 30 4 Vacielos recortesde pastoen unprediode elirninaci6n adecuado use larnanijadelrondode cadacubode c_sped Para vaciarel contenidosostengafirrnernente elcubo 5 Vue...

Page 32: ...r of carry in items like vacuums lawn equipment and electronics call anytime for the location of your nearest Sears Parts Repair Service Center 1 800 488 1222 U S A 1 800 469 4663 Canada www sears com www sears ca To purchase a protection agreement on a product serviced by Sears 1 800 827 6655 U S A 1 800 361 6665 Canada Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n Au Canada pour service en fran ais a domici...
