Craftsman 247.23000 Operator'S Manual Download Page 41

Summary of Contents for 247.23000

Page 1: ...UTION Before using this product read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions o SAFETY ASSEMBLY OPERATION MAINTENANCE PARTS LIST o ESPANOL Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our web site www craftsman com FORMNO 769 06779A 2 22 2011 ...

Page 2: ...NOT include Expendableitemsthatcan wearoutfromnormalusewithinthewarrantyperiod suchas blades tines or belts Productdamageresultingfromuserattemptsat productmodification or repairorcausedby productaccessories Repairsnecessarybecauseof accidentorfailureto operateor maintainthe productaccordingto all suppliedinstructions Preventivemaintenance or repairsnecessarydueto improperfuel mixture contaminated...

Page 3: ... can resultin seriousinjuryto the operatorand or bystanders Forquestions call 1 800 4MY HOME Befamiliarwithall controlsandtheir properoperation Knowhow to stopthe machineanddisengagethemquickly Neverallowchildrenunder14yearsof ageto operatethis machine Children14andover shouldreadandunderstandthe instructionsandsafeoperationpracticesin thismanualandon the machineandbe trainedandsupervisedby anadul...

Page 4: ...fic Do notcarry passengers Neveroperatethe machineat hightransportspeedson hardor slipperysurfaces Exercisecautionto avoidslippingor falling Lookdownand behindandusecare whenin reverseor pulling machinetowardsyou Startthe engineaccordingto the instructionsfoundinthis manual and keepfeetwell awayfromthe tinesat all times Afterstrikingaforeignobjector ifyour machineshouldstart mak inganunusualnoiseo...

Page 5: ...uryordeath donot modifyenginein anyway Tampering withthe governorsettingcan leadto a runawayengineand causeit to operateat unsafespeeds Nevertamperwithfactorysetting of enginegovernor NOTICE REGARDING EMISSIONS EngineswhicharecertifiedtocomplywithCaliforniaandfederal EPAemissionregulations for SORE SmallOff RoadEquipment are certifiedto operateon regularunleadedgasoline and mayinclude the followin...

Page 6: ... put hands or feet near rotating parts Contact with the rotating parts can amputate hands and feet WARNING GASOLINE IS FLAMMABLE Allow the engine to cool at least two minutes before refueling WARNING CARBON MONOXIDE Never run an engine indoors or in a poorly ventilated area Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide an odorless and deadly gas WARNING HOT SURFACE Engine parts especially the muffler be...

Page 7: ...7 ...

Page 8: ...EPTH STAKE 2 Tipthe tiller forwardso thatit restson thefrontcounterweight Unthreadthe T knobfromthe topof the depth stakeand remove theflat washerand hexscrew Removethe cotter pinfromthe clevispin See Figure1 Flat Washer Clevis Tine Shield He Screw Depth Stake Figure1 3 Raisethefine shieldhingeflapassemblyand insertthe depth stakeassemblyinthe slot underthe fineshieldandup through the tine shielda...

Page 9: ...nSection 2 Removethecotterpin andT knobfromthe handleswivelrod SeeFigure5 3 Slidethe handleswivelrodthroughthe upperhandleassembly insertthe lowerendof the rodintothe swinghandlelinkand securewiththe previouslyremovedhardware See Figure5 ATTACHING THE CLUTCH CABLE 1 Loosenthe uppernuton the cableandslidethe nut andwasher off the adjustablefitting SeeFigure6 Side View Washer Adjustable Fitting J Fi...

Page 10: ...lockwise whenstandingin theoperator sposition andthen retightenthe uppernut againstcable bracket See Figure9 8 Recheckbothadjustments and readjustas necessary NOTE A secondarycableadjustmentis availableif you reachthe point thatadditionaladjustmentis needed Movethe nutsat theother endof the cabletowardsthe endof the casing Thenreadjustthe nuts at the cable bracket Idler Pulley Rod Checkthe adjustm...

Page 11: ...n movedintothe STOPposition Lock Swing Lever _Leve_ jClutch Lever Depth Stake TineShield End Cover Side Shield RearTine Shield Muffler Air Filter ChokeLever Throttle Lever RecoilStarter H_ Electrrter Oil Drain Figure11 CHOKE CONTROL Thechokecontrolisfoundon thesideof theengineandisactivatedby movingthe leverto theCHOKEposition Activating the chokecontrol closesthe chokeplateonthecarburetor andaids...

Page 12: ...redby unlockingthe HandleAdjustmentLock then movingthe handlebars to thedesired positionandthen re lockingthe HandleAdjustmentLock Thehandle shouldbeadjustedsothatwhenthe tiller is digging3 to 4 inchesinto the soil the handlefallsto aboutwaist high REAR TINE SHIELD The rearfine shieldprotectsthe operatorfromflyingdebriswhilealso smoothingoutfreshlytilled soil SIDE SHIELD The side shieldis usedto m...

Page 13: ...iodlongerthan four weeksshouldbeconsideredstale 3 Fill fueltankwithclean fresh unleadedregulargasolineonly Replacefuelcap NOTE Checkthefuel levelperiodicallyto avoidrunningoutof gasolinewhileoperatingthe tiller TO START ENGINE Electric Starter Determinethatyour home swiringis a three wiregroundedsystem Aska licensedelectricianifyouare notcertain If you havea groundedthree prongreceptacle proceedas...

Page 14: ...t till in reverse a Releasethe ClutchLever Then liftthe handlebaruntil the tinesareoff the ground b Placethe ShiftLeverin the reversepositionandthen press the ClutchLeverdownagainstthe handlebarandwalk backwards withthe machine NOTE In reversemode thetineswill not rotate TURNING THE TILLER Manually 1 Practiceturningthe tillerin a level openarea Beverycarefulto keepyourfeetandlegs awayfromthetines ...

Page 15: ...ivating ona regularbasisnotonlyeliminates weeds it alsoloosensandaeratesthe soilforbettermoistureabsorption and fasterplantgrowth Watering thegardenareaa fewdayspriorto tillingwill maketillingeasier as will lettingthenewlyworkedsoil set fora dayortwobeforemakinga final deeptillingpass J Figure15 Suggested Tilling Patterns Whenpreparinga seedbed gooverthe samepathtwicein the first row then overlapo...

Page 16: ...suphillbecausethe tillerdigs moredeeplygoinguphillthanit doesdownhill insoft soil orweeds you mayhaveto liftthe handlebarsslightlywhile goinguphill Whengoingdownhill overlapthe first passbyabout one halfthe widthof the tiller Terrace Gardening 1 Tocreateaterrace startat the top of the slopeandworkdown Go backandforthacrossthe first row SeeFigure19 0 0 ii_ _i_i i iiii iiii i_ i_i_i i iiiiii _iii_ii...

Page 17: ...tion andpushthe tilleraheadof you Havea personat eachside to turnthe wheels Whengoingdownthe ramps walkbackwardwiththe tiller followingyou Keepalert forany obstaclesbehindyou Positiona personat each wheelto controlthe speedof the tiller Nevergo downthe rampstiller first as the tillercould tip forward Placewoodenblocksonthe downhillside of thewheelsif you needto stopthe tillerfrom rollingdownthe ra...

Page 18: ...ackof fuel oradda gasolineadditiveto the gas in thetank Changeoileverytwentyfivehourswhenoperatingengineunderheavyloadorin hightemperatures Alwaysstopengineanddisconnectsparkplugwirebeforeperforming lany maintenance or adjustments Alwayswearsafetyglassesduring _operation orwhile performing any adjustmentsor repairs GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS Alwaysobserveallsafetyrulesfoundonproductlabelsandin thisop...

Page 19: ...aircleanerpreventsdamagingdirt dust etc fromenteringthe carburetorandbeingforcedintothe engineandis importantto engine lifeandperformance Neverrunthe enginewithoutanair cleaner completelyassembled Checkthe air cleanerbeforeeachuse Paperfilterscannotbecleanedand mustbereplacedoncea year or every100operatinghours moreoftenif usedinextremelydusty conditions 1 Pressthetab onthe air filtercover liftthe...

Page 20: ...ingengineuntilfuel tankisempty Usedmotoroil maycauseskincancerifrepeatedlyleftincontactwith the skinfor prolongedperiods Althoughthis isunlikelyunlessyou handleusedoil ona daily basis itis stilladvisableto thoroughlywash yourhandswithsoapandwateras soonas possibleafter handling usedoil 3 Removeoil drainendcap locatedat the baseof the engine and drainoil intoanappropriatereceptacle See Figure23 f F...

Page 21: ...rty damage Checktheair pressureinbothtires The airpressureshouldbe between15 20PSI Keepbothtiresequallyinflated to helpprevent machinefrompullingto one side HARDWARE Checkfor looseor missinghardwareafterevery10operatinghours andtightenor replace as needed beforereusingthe tiller Be sureto checkthe screwsunderneaththe tillerhoodthatsecurethe transmissioncoverandthe depthstaketo thetransmission BELT...

Page 22: ...ieldendcoversandsideshields by removing the threewingnutsoneachsidethatsecure them Referto Figure11 2 Afine assemblyconsistsof a eightarticulatingtines NOTE Notethe positionof the tinesfor reinstallation of the newtine assemblies 3 To removeafine assembly simplyremovethe bow tiecotterpin securingthe clevispin SeeFigure27 5 Clevis Pin 7 Bow Tie Cotter Pin j Figure27 Removethe clevispin andslidethe ...

Page 23: ...sparkplug Pullout slowlyon the recoil starterhandleslowlyto distributeoil 4 Cleandebrisfromaroundtheengineandthe muffler Touchup any damagedpaint andcoatotherareasthatmayrustwitha light filmof oil 5 Storein a clean dry andwellventilatedareaawayfromany ap pliancethatoperateswitha flameorpilot light suchas a furnace waterheater orclothesdryer Alsoavoidany areawitha spark producingelectricmotor orwhe...

Page 24: ...t s 3 Internaltransmissionwearor damage 4 Bolt looseintransmissionpulley 1 Bolt looseintransmissionpulley 2 Internaltransmission wearor damage 1 Tine holdermountinghardwaremissing 2 Bolt looseintransmissionpulley 3 Internaltransmission wearor damage 1 Worntines 2 ImproperDepthRegulator setting 3 Incorrectthrottlesetting 4 ForwardDriveBeltslipping 1 Reconnect wire 2 Putleverin STARTposition 3 Fillt...

Page 25: ...This page intentionally left blank Use this page to make any notes regarding your tiller 25 ...

Page 26: ...23 15 53 34 31 51 34 57 I 55 58 58 26 ...

Page 27: ...605 CableBarrelHolder 50 786 0178A 0691 22 747 0664 ClutchRod 51 786 0179 0637 23 747 0666 ClutchRod 52 786 0180 0637 24 984 0202B ClutchAssemblyLever 53 786 0340B 25 786 0120 0637 TillerDepthControl 54 786 04358 26 686 0044B EndCoverAssembly 55 710 0382 27 686 04141 0691 HandlePivotBracketAssembly 56 712 3083 28 686 04142 0691 HandlePivotBaseBracketAssembly 57 723 0381 29 710 0376 HexScrew 5 16 1...

Page 28: ...Craftsman Tiller Model No 247 23000 10 o 2 21 12 46 27 11 24 m 7 28 ...

Page 29: ...0305A 0637 ArticulatingTine 41 714 04043 17 936 0452 BellWasher 396x 1 140x 095 42 984 0205A 0637 18 738 0876A ShoulderNut 7 16 20 43 712 3054 19 946 1118A SwingClutchCable 44 936 0169 20 747 1159 IdlerPulleyRod 45 936 0208 21 750 0565 Spacer 372x 260x 44 46 936 0253 22 954 0434 Belt 4x 58 16 47 938 0688 23 756 0405 FiatIdlerw Flanges3 75 48 938 0689 24 756 0971 EngineinnerHalfPulley 49 952Z270 VO...

Page 30: ...Craftsman Tiller B IViodel No 247 23000 16 29 37 11 5O 46 18 44 38 16 30 29 40 12 16 30 ...

Page 31: ...6 0865 SnapRing 500 47 741 0421 21 717 0853A ClutchCollar 48 941 0563 22 717 1582A GearSpur 44T 49 741 0862 23 717 1583 GearSpur 30T 50 750 0258 24 717 1584 GearSpur 30T 51 950 0570 25 717 1585 GearSpur 44T 52 750 0664 26 717 1587 GearSpur 44T 27 717 1594 GearSpur 16T 921 0378 ShaftSeal 1 0 721 0379 ShaftSeal 75 786 0238 Positioner GearBracket 726 0277 TaperedCap Plug 732 04778 Compression Spring ...

Page 32: ... IViodel 270 V0 For Tiller IViodel 247 23000 23 23 m 19 19 20 21 22 23 710 04911 951 12027 951 11285 712 04214 951 12294 710 05002 m O O MufflerStudM8x36 MufflerStudAssembly MufflerGasket Nut M8 MufflerAssembly Bolt 32 ...

Page 33: ...N A N A CarburetorGasketPlate ControlLever Choke ChokeShaft ChokePlate ThrottleShaft ThrottlePlate ScrewM3x5 LockWasher IdleJetAssembly Gasket ThrottlePlate IdleSpeedAdjustingScrew MixtureScrew m I m n 0 P q r s t U V W X N A N A N A N A N A N A N A 951 11589 N A 951 11348 710 04945 951 11349 710 04938 951 10800A I O 0 CarburetorBody FloatPin Emulsion Tube NeedleValve MainJet NeedleValveSpring Flo...

Page 34: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 270 V0 For Tiller IViodel 247 23000 6O 62 55 55 52 _ 5O 45 59 58 51 67 7O _ 119 48_ 34 ...

Page 35: ...6 951 10370 951 12121 951 12120 D I IJ PistonRingSet PistonPinSnapRing Piston PistonPin Bolt M6x12 AirShield ConnectingRodAssembly GovernorArm Shaft Washer5 2xl 9 GovernorSeal CotterPin CamshaftAssy RadialBallBearing 6205 CrankshaftAssembly WoodruffKey GovernorGear ShaftAsm DowelPin7x14 DowelPin9x14 CrankcaseCoverGasket CoverComp LeftCrankcase Bolt M8x32 DipstickAssembly OilSeal 25x41 25x6 Short B...

Page 36: ...Craftsman Engine IViodel 270 V0 For Tiller IViodel 247 23000 118 4 1 17 10 5 36 ...

Page 37: ...11063 951 10819 951 12120 951 12121 m W O Bolt M6x16 ValveCover BreatherHose HoseClamp ValveCoverGasket RockerArm Assembly Nut PivotLocking AdjustingNut Valve RockerArm Bolt Pivot PushRodGuide Retainer in ValveSpring Adjuster ExhValve Retainer Ex ValveSpring ValveSpring IntakeValveSeal Bolt M8x55 CylinderHeadAssembly Incl 4 6 10 12 17 20 25 26 38 41 43 SparkPlug Gasket Cylinder Head PushRod Kit Ta...

Page 38: ...81 82 116 117 951 10792 710 04919 951 12416 951 10909 951 10911 712 04209 710 04915 951 12417 736 04455 710 04974 951 12418 710 04979 951 11109 D O O ignitionCoil Assembly BoltM6x25 Flywheel Fan Cooling Pulley Starter Nut SpeciaI M14x1 5 BoltM6x12 BlowerHousing FiatWasher BoltM6xlO RecoilStarterAssembly BoltM6x18 BlowerHousingShield 38 ...

Page 39: ...rSpring ThrottleLinkageSpring ThrottleLinkage GovernorArmBracket NutM6 GovernorArmBolt FuelLineKit FuelHoseClamp 95 96 97 98 1CO 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 710 04915 951 11914 710 04905 710 04915 951 11381 951 11913 951 11904 951 11912 951 10917A 951 10653B 951 11933 951 10651 m I O Bolt M6x12 DipstickDecorationCover Bolt Bolt M6x12 Oil FillTubeO Ring Oil FillTubeAssembly Incl 100 DipstickO Ring ...

Page 40: ...V0 For Tiller IViodel 247 23000 30 31 m 30 31 32 34 36 37 951 10806 712 04213 710 05102 951 12135 951 10794 951 12136 D O Air CleanerHousing Nut Self Tapping Bolt M4 2x16 SilencerPlate Air CleanerFilterAssembly Air CleanerCover 4O ...

Page 41: ...0 _112 _112 114 113 114 m 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 710 04914 951 11680 951 11114 712 04212 710 04965 710 05182 715 04088 951 10645A m O Bolt M6xlO FlexibleClamp SwitchHousingMountingBrkt Nut M6 Bolt M4x55 Bolt M6x32 DowelPin8x8 StartupElectromotor 41 ...

Page 42: ... 247 23000 777S33508 777123501 777120501 777123502 777D15941 _ FNR 777D15944 777S33382 777D15452 777D15942 777120358 777123259 777X43688 DONOT USEE85 ORFUEL CONTAINING MORE THANIO ETHANOL 777D15945 777123174 77712292 777D15943 42 ...

Page 43: ...fectsare judgedonnormalengineperformance The warrantyis notrelatedto an in use emissiontest Sears Emission Control Defects Warranty Provisions Thefollowing arespecific provisions relative toyourEmission Control Defects Warranty Coverage Itisinaddition totheSears engine warranty fornon regulated enginesfoundin theOperatingand Maintenance Instructions 1 WarrantedParts Coverageunderthis warrantyexten...

Page 44: ...hind lawn mower is used 20 to 25 hours per year Therefore the Emissions Durability Period of an engine with an intermediate rating would equate to 10 to 12 years The Air index is a calculated number describing the relative level of emissions for a specific engine family The lower the Air Index the cleaner the engine This information is displayed in graphical form on the emissions label After July ...

Page 45: RapidResolution phonesupport froma Searsrepresentative Thinkof usas a talkingowner s manual Onceyou purchasethe Agreement a simplephonecall is all thatit takesfor youto scheduleservice Youcan call anytimedayor night or schedulea serviceappointmentonline The RepairProtectionAgreementis a risk freepurchase If youcancel for any reasonduringthe productwarrantyperiod wewill provideafull refund Or a ...

Page 46: ...epuedengastarseporel uso normaldentrodel periododegarantia talescomo cuchillas dientes o cinturones Productoda_osresultantes de los intentos delusuariodemodificaci6ndelproducto reparaci6no causadospot accesoriosdeproductos Reparaciones necesariasdebidoal accidenteo pot nooperaro mantenerel productosegQnlas instruccionesprovistas El mantenimiento preventivoo reparaciones necesariasdebidoa unamezcla...

Page 47: ...eradory o alos observadores Ante cualquierduda Ilarneal 1 800 4MY HOME Farniliarfcese contodoslos controlesy su correcto funcionarniento Sepac6rnodetenerla rn_ quina y c6rno desconectarloscontrolesr_ pidarnente No perrnitanuncaque los ni_osrnenoresde 14a_osutilicen estarn_ quina Los ni_osde 14a_osen adelantedebenleery entenderlas instrucciones de operaci6ny norrnasdeseguridad contenidaseneste manu...

Page 48: ...sted Arranqueel motordeacuerdocon lasinstruccionesdel manualyaleje los piesde losdientesentodo momento Si golpeaalgOnunobjeto extraSoo si la m quinacomienzaa emitir un sonidopococomOno a vibrar apagueel motordeinmediato Desconecteel cablede la buj a p6ngalohaciendomasacontrael motor y siga los pasossiguientes a Inspeccionela m quinaparaversi est_daSada b Repareo reemplacelas piezasdaSadas c Contro...

Page 49: ...toresque est_ncertificadosycumplenconlas regulacionesde emisionesfederalesEPAy de CaliforniaparaSORE EquiposSmallOff Road Equipment est ncertificadosparaoperarcongasolinacomL nsin plomoy puedenincluirlos siguientessistemasde controlde emisiones Modificaci6n de motor EM catalizadoroxidante OC inyecci6ndeairesecundaria SAI y catalizadorde tresvias TWO si est nequipadosdeesa manera AMORTIGUADOR DE CH...

Page 50: ... cerca de piezas giratorias El contacto con las piezas giratorias puede ocasionar en la amputaci6n de manos o pies ADVERTENCIA LA GASOLINA ES INFLAMABLE Deje que el motor se enfrie por Io menos dos minutos antes de cargar combustible ADVERTENCIA MONOXIDO DE CARBONO Nunca encienda el motor en espacios cerrados o en una zona con poca ventilaci6n El escape del motor contiene mon6xido de carbono un ga...

Page 51: ...agonalenel orificiosuperiordelmontaje de laestacade profundidad Coloquela arandelaplanasobre el pernohexagonaly enrosquela perillaen T en el perno hexagonal Ajustebien Veala Figura1 6 Inclinelacultivadorahaciaatr_ s nuevamentehastaquedescanse sobrelos dientes MONTAJE DE LA iVIANIJA 1 Ubiqueelconjuntode lamanijasuperiory el conjuntodel tubode la manija 2 Con dostornilloshexagonales y tuercasde segu...

Page 52: ...ura5 Extraigael pasadorde chavetay la perillaen T deleslab6n giratoriode la manija Veala Figura5 Desliceeleslab6ngiratoriode lamanijaa trav_sdelconjunto de la manijasuperior inserteel extremeinferiordel eslab6nen el enlacegiratoriodela manijay suj_telosconlos herrajesque extrajoanteriormente Veala Figura5 Traba Arandela Accesorio ajustable J Figura6 ACOPLE DEL CABLE DEL EMBRAGUE 1 Aflojela tuercas...

Page 53: ...uevarnente la tuerca superiorcontrae soportede cable Vea aFigura9 8 Vuelvaa cornprobarlos ajustesy repitasi es necesario NOTA Sedisponedeun ajustedecable secundariosi Ilegaa un puntodondehacefa taunajusteadicional Mueva astuercasque est_ nenel otroextrernode cablehaciael finalde acarcasa Luego reajustelas tuercasdel soportede cable Varilla de la polea Ioca Cornpruebe elajustedelavarillade apolea o...

Page 54: ...eel funcionamiento o mientrasajusta o reparaesteequipo iVlANIJA DEL ARRANCADOR DE RETROCESO Estamanijase utilizaparaarrancarel motor CONTROL DEL REGULADOR Elcontroldel reguladorest ubicadoen la partelateraldel motor Regulalavelocidaddel motor y Io apagacuandose Iocolocaen la posici6nSTOP detenci6n AI activarel controldelcebadorsecierralaplacadelcebadordel carburador y estoayudaa ponerenmarchaelmot...

Page 55: ...ambasdirecciones Esto permite guiarlacultivadora hastalailiasiguiente Sueltelamanijadela direcci6n tirandohaciaarribalapalancadebasculaci6n Girelamanija TRABA DE AJUSTE DE LA IVIANIJA Lamanijapuedeajustarsea laalturadeseadadestrabandolatraba de ajustede lamanija luegomoviendolas barrasde la manijaa la posici6ndeseaday luegovolviendoa trabarla trabadeajustedela manija Lamanijadebeajustarseparaquecu...

Page 56: ...ble 2 Verifique queelrecipiente delquevaaverterlagasolina est6lirnpio y librede6xidoodeobjetos extra_os Nousenuncagasolina que puedaestarviejapothaberestado alrnacenada ensurecipiente porlargosperiodos Lagasolina quehaestado estacionada pot un periodosuperior a cuatro sernanas debeconsiderarse vieja 3 Lleneeltanquedecombustibles61o con gasolinanormalsin plorno lirnpiay fresca Vuelvaacolocarlatapa ...

Page 57: ...s dela cultivadora perrnitiendo quesernueva a supropioritrnornanteniendo labarradecontrol biensujeta conloscodosflexionados 3 Sueltelarnanija delernbrague paradetenerlasruedasy losdientes Para conducir hacia atr_s No labre la tierra operando en marcha atr_s a Liberelapalancadel ernbrague Luegolevantela barrade controlhastaquelos dientesse separendel suelo b Coloquelapalanca decarnbios enlaposici6n...

Page 58: ...ayudaaevitar lesiones alas plantas cuyas raices a rnenudo crecen cercadelasuperficie Siesnecesario levante lasbarras decontrol ligerarnente paraevitar quelosdientes caven dernasiado profundo Lalabranza regular nos61o elirnina rnalezas sinoqueadern_ s afloja y aireaelsuelopararnejor absorci6n dela hurnedad y crecirniento rn_ s r idodelasplantas Siseriegael_rea deljardinunoscuantos diasantes delalab...

Page 59: ...ntar ciertaspartesdelmotorquerequieren lubricaci6n Mantenga elniveldeaceitedemotorenel puntorn_ s altoentodornornento Labranza cuesta arriba y cuesta abajo 1 Pararnantenerlaerosi6ndel sueloal rninirno asegQrese de agregarsuficienternateriaorg_ nica al suelode rnodoquetenga unatexturacon adecuadonivelde hurnedad y tratedeevitar dejarhuellasde pisadaso rnarcasde ruedas 2 AIrealizar lalabranza vertic...

Page 60: con lacultivadoraen retaguardia Mant_ngase alertapor si hayalgOn obst_ culo detr_ s Posicioneunapersonaen cadaruedaparacontrolarlavelocidad de lacultivadora Nuncabajela rarnpacon la cultivadoraen primerlugar ya quela rn_ quina podriavoltearsehaciaadelante Coloquebloquesde rnaderadel ladode las ruedaspendiente abajosi necesitadetenerlacultivadorarnientrasbajaporla rarnpa Adern_ s uselos bloquesp...

Page 61: ...r 1 Hacerfuncionarel motorhastaque se detengaporfaltade combustible o agregaraditivoparagasolinaala quese encuentraen eltanque Carnbieel aceitecadaveinticincohorassi el motortrabajacon cargaspesadaso aternperaturas elevadas Siernpre detenga elmotor ydesconecte elcabledelabujfaantes dehacer cualquier tipodernantenirniento oajustes Utilice siernpre anteojos de seguridad durante elfuncionarniento orn...

Page 62: ...erjudiciales y evitaquelosrnisrnos seanintroducidos dentrodelmotor Adern_ s dichofiltroesirnportante paralavidaOtil y el rendirniento del motor Noponganuncaenfuncionarniento elmotorsinhaberrnontado totalrnente elfiltrodeaire Verifique eldepurador deaireantes decadauso Losfiltrosde papelno sepuedenlirnpiar Sedebenreernplazar unavezal aSoo cada 100horasdefuncionarniento y con mayor frecuenciasi se u...

Page 63: ...cionarel motorhastaqueel ep6sitode combustible est6vacio Elaceiteusadodelmotorpuedecausarc_ ncer de pielsi entraen contactocon lapielde rnanerareiteraday porperiodosprolongados Si bienestoes improbablea rnenosquernanipuleaceiteusado todoslos dias sin embargoes recornendable lavarsebienlas rnanoscon aguay jab6n inrnediatarnente despu6sde haber rnanipulado aceiteusado Elaceiteusadoes un residuopelig...

Page 64: ...rrnaparejaparaevitarquelarn_ quina tire haciaunlado PIEZAS METALICAS Verifiquesi hayherrajessueltoso faltantescada 10horasde operaci6ny ajOstelos o c_ rnbielos segQnsea necesario antesde volvera usarla cultivadora AsegOrese de inspeccionarlostornillos queest_ n debajode la cubiertadela cultivadoraquesujetanla cubiertade latransrnisi6ny la estacade profundidada la transrnisi6n CAMBIO DE CORREA Sucu...

Page 65: ...tector delosdientessacando lastrestuercasrnariposa queIo sujetan acadalado Consulte laFigura11 2 Unconjuntode dientesconsistede ochodientesarticulados NOTA Observela posici6ndelos dientesparapoderreinstalarlos conjuntosde dientesnuevos 3 Pararetirarunconjuntodedientes sirnplernente saqueel pasadordechavetacon uni6ncurvaquesujetael pasadorde horquilla Veala Figura27 Pasadorde chaveta conuni6ncurva ...

Page 66: ...nplace la bujfa Tire haciaafueralentarnente de la rnanijadelarrancadorde retrocesoparadistribuirel aceite 4 Lirnpiela suciedadde las _ reas del motory del silenciador RetoquelapinturadaSada y revistaotras_ reas que puedan oxidarsecon unapelfculadelgadadeaceite 5 Alrnaceneen unsectorlirnpio secoy bienventilado lejosde cualquierartefactoquefuncionecon unaNarna o luz pilotocorno un homo calentadorde ...

Page 67: ...sgastadao daSada 1 Faltapiezametalica paramontar elsoporte dedientes 2 Pernosueltoen la poleadetransmisi6n 3 Trasmisi6ninternadesgastadaodaSada 1 Dientesdesgastados 2 Configuraci6n incorrecta delregulador deprofundidad 3 Configuraci6nincorrectadelreg ador 4 Deslizamientodela correadetransmisi6n de marcha directa 1 Reconecteel cable 2 Coloquela palancaen laposici6nSTART arranque 3 Lleneeltanque con...

Page 68: ...tdefectos Los defectosse juzgandeacuerdoconelfuncionamientonormalde unmotor La garantiano est_relacionadaconunapruebade emisionesenuso Disposiciones de la garantJa Sears para defectos en el control de emJsiones Lassiguientessondisposiciones especificasrelacionadas conla coberturade lagarantiaparadefectosenel controldeemisiones Esuna_adidoa lagarantiade motorSearsparamotoresnoreguladosquese encuent...

Page 69: de Duraci6n de Emisiones de un motor con una clasificaci6n intermedia sena equivaiente a entre 10 y 12 aSos Laciasificaci6n de aire es un nQmero calculado para describir el nivel relativo de emisiones para un grupo de motores en particular Cuanto menor sea la clasificaci6n de aire mayor es la limpieza del motor La informaci6n se presenta de forma grAfica en la etiqueta de emisiones Despu_s del ...

Page 70: ...R_pida el apoyotelef6nicode unCharnuscaal representante Pienseen nosotroscornoel manual de undue_ohablador Unavezadquiridoel Acuerdo puedeprograrnar el serviciocon tan s61orealizarunaIlarnadatelef6nica PuedeIlarnarencualquier mornento deldia o dela nocheo prograrnar un servicioen linea ElAcuerdode Protecci6nde Reparaci6n es unacornprasin riesgo Siustedanulaporalgunaraz6nduranteel periodode garanti...

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