Craftsman 247.203712 Operator'S Manual Download Page 68

Summary of Contents for 247.203712

Page 1: ...u start the engine read and understand this Operator s Manual Before using this equipment read this manual and follow all safety rules and operating instructions For answers to your questions about this product call 1 888 331 4569 CraftsmanCustomerHot Line Sears Brands Management Corporation Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Visit our website www craftsman com Form No 769 09447B December 9 2014 ...

Page 2: ...mpossible theridingequipment will bereplaced freeofcharge withthesame oranequivalent model Alloftheabove warrantycoverage isvoidif thisridingequipment iseverusedwhileproviding commercial services orif rentedto anotherperson Thiswarrantycovers ONLY defectsinmaterial and workmanship WarrantycoveragedoesNOT include Expendable parts except battery thatcanwearoutfromnormaluse withinthewarrantyperiod in...

Page 3: ...ipmentisto beused Remove allstones sticks wire bones toys andotherforeignobjectswhichcould bepickedupandthrownbytheblade s Thrown objectscancause serious personal injury Planyourmowingpatterntoavoiddischarge of materialtowardroads sidewalks bystanders andthelike Also avoiddischarging materialagainst awall orobstruction whichmaycause discharged materialto ricochet back towardtheoperator Always wear...

Page 4: ...ouldcause thefrontofthe machine to lift andrapidlyflip overbackwards whichcould cause serious injury Avoidstartingorstoppingona slope Iftireslosetraction disengage the blade s andproceed slowlystraightdowntheslope Do Not Donotturn onslopes unless necessary then turn slowlyandgradually downhill if possible Donotmowneardrop offs ditchesorembankments Themowercould suddenly turn overifa wheelisoverthe...

Page 5: ...ineto preventunintended starting Periodically check to makesurethebladescometo completestopwithin approximately 5 fiveseconds afteroperatingthebladedisengagement control If theblades donotstopwithin thethistimeframe yourmachine shouldbeserviced professionally byaSears orotherqualifiedservice dealer Check brakeoperationfrequentlyasit issubjected to wearduringnormal operation Adjustandservice asrequ...

Page 6: ...lifornia PublicResources Code Otherstatesmayhave similar laws Federallawsapplyonfederal lands Asparkarrestorfor the muffler isavailablethroughyournearestSears Parts and RepairService Center WARNING Your Responsibility Restrict the use of this power machine to persons who read understand and follow the warnings and instructions in this manual and on the machine SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS SAFETY SYMBOL...

Page 7: ... operation Allow engine and muffler to cool before touching DANGER ROTATING BLADES To reduce the risk of injury keep hands and feet away Do not operate unless discharge cover or grass catcher is in its proper place If damaged replace immediately WARNING FIRE HAZARD WARNING FIRE HAZARD Operation of this equipment may create sparks that can start fires around dry vegetation A spark arrestor may be r...

Page 8: ... 4 Adjust gaugeupor down until the left cornertouchesthe slope SeeFigure1and Figure2 5 15 dashed line If there is agap belowthe gauge the slope is too steepfor safeoperation SeeFigure2 above Figure2 Slopes are a major factor related to tip over and roll over accidents which can result in severe injury or death Do not operate machine on slopes in excess of 15 degrees All slopes require extra cautio...

Page 9: ... 2 Remove theplasticcover ifpresent fromthenegativebatteryterminaland attachtheblackcableto thenegative batteryterminal with theboltand hexnut SeeFigure 1 f J J J J J Figure 1 3 Positionthe redrubberbootoverthepositivebatteryterminalto help protectit fromcorrosion NOTE Ifthebatteryisput intoservice afterthedateshownontopof battery charge the batteryasinstructed in theService Maintenance sectionoft...

Page 10: ...absengauge thepivotbracket asshownin thebottominsetof Figure 5 Figure 5 4 Selectdesired positionfortheseat andsecure with theadjustment knob removed earlier din Figure 5 5 Toadjustthepositionof theseat remove theadjustment knobonthe bottomof theseat Slidetheseatforwardor backward asdesired Reinstall theadjustmentknob SeeFigure 5 Tire Pressure Maximum tire pressure under anycircumstances is30psi Eq...

Page 11: ...Lever BladeEngage F CupHolder G ShiftLever H Clutch Brake Pedal NOTE Anyreference inthis manualto theRIGHT or LEFT sideof thetractorisobserved fromoperator s seatpositionfacingforward towards thefrontof tractor Meets ANSI Safety Standards Craftsman Tractors conform to thesafetystandard of theAmerican NationalStandards Institute ANSI 11 ...

Page 12: ... referto boththe SafetyInterlock System and StartingTheEngine laterinthissectionof thismanualfordetailed instructions regarding the IgnitionSwitchModule Neverleavea running machineunattended AlwaysdisengagePTO Blade EngageLever moveshift leverinto neutral position set parking brake stopengineand removekeyto prevent unintendedstarting Shift Lever Theshift leverislocated ontheleft side of thefendera...

Page 13: ...ine tankisundertherearfender with thefuelfill cap located in thecenteroftherearfender Thefuelcapistetheredto thetractor to prevent itsloss Donotattempt to remove thecapfromthetractor 2 Fillthefueltankwithgasoline 3 Reinstall thefuelcap Note Thetractorisfitted with atethered ratcheting fuelcap STOP filling thetank oncethefuelisseeninsidethefiller neck Thisensures that aproperexpansion volumeiscreat...

Page 14: ...ock systemismalfunctioning This systemwasdesignedfor yoursafetyand protection NOTE Refer to theGasoline andOilfill up instructions earlierinthissection I Insertthetractorkeyinto theignition switch 2 Place thePTO Blade Engage leverinthedisengaged OFF position 3 Engage thetractor sparkingbrake 4 Activatethechokecontrolbymovingthethrottle chokeleverallthewayup intothechokeposition 5 Turntheignitionke...

Page 15: ...ngage the parking brake shut engine off and remove the key 2 Engage theparkingbrake 3 Shutengineoffandremove thekey Doing sowill minimizethepossibility of havingyourlawn browned byhotexhaust fromyourtractor srunning engine Ifunitstallswith speed controlin highspeed orif unitwill notoperate with speed controlleverinalowspeed position proceed asfollows 1 Place shift leverinNEUTRAL 2 Restart engine 3...

Page 16: Also avoiddischargingmaterial against awall orobstruction which maycausedischargedmaterial to ricochet back towardthe operator Headlights ThelampsareON whenever thetractor sengineisrunning Thelampsturn OFF whentheignitionkeyismoved to theSTOP position Donotmowat highgroundspeed especially ira mulchkit orgrass collector isinstalled Forbestresultsit isrecommended that thefirsttwo lapsbecutwith th...

Page 17: ...heels 7 BeforeStorage 1 Hood Dash airvents 1 2 Batteryterminals 2 3 Midsteeringarms pivotshafts 3 andaxles 4 Front wheelbearings 5 Front deckwheels 6 Deck spindles andidlerbracket 7 Pedalpivotpoints Service morefrequentlyunderdustyconditions Follow the maintenance schedule givenbelow Thischartdescribes service guidelines only Use theService Logcolumn to keeptrackofcompleted maintenance tasks Toloc...

Page 18: ...the enginehasbeenrecently run the engine muffler andsurrounding metal surfaceswill behot andcancauseburnsto theskin Exercise caution to avoidburns NOTE Theoilfilter shouldbechanged at everyoilchange interval Theengineoilshouldbechanged in thefirst5hoursandthenevery50hours or onceaseason Tochange theengineoil proceed asfollows 1 Run theengineforafew minutes to allowtheoilinthecrankcase to warm up W...

Page 19: ...mthe In lineside sidetowards thefueltank of the fuelfilter Replacement partsmustbethesameandinstalledinthesamepositionas theoriginalparts If fuelspills wait until it evaporates before startingengine Beforereplacing thefuelfilter drainthefueltank Otherwise fuelcanleak outandcause afire orexplosion ToDrain the fuel Locate thefuelfilter seeFigure 12 whichisrouted ontheleft sideofthe engine between th...

Page 20: ...t IMPORTANT Neverruntheenginewithout theairfilter Rapid enginewearwill result 1 Unscrew thethumbscrews andremove theairfilter cover SeeFigure 13 Thumb Screw Air Filter 2 Figure 13 Remove theairfilter SeeFigure 14 Figure 14 Air Filter Figure15 4 Tocleanfoamelement washina mildliquiddetergent andwater Squeeze orpressthefoamelementto rinseout dirtandwater Donottwist this coulddamage ortearthefoamelem...

Page 21: ...afterthespark plugseats to compress thewasher Whenreinstalling a usedsparkplug tighten1 8 1 4turn afterthesparkplugseats to compress thewasher IMPORTANT Thesparkplugmustbesecurely tightened Animproperly tightenedsparkplugcanbecome veryhotandmaydamage theengine Muffler Temperature of muffler and nearbyengineareasmayexceed 150 F 65 C Avoidcontactwith theseareas Inspect mufflerperiodically andreplace...

Page 22: ...dercharging Corroded connections These failuresareNOT covered byyourtractor swarranty Cleaningthe EngineAndDeck Anyfueloroilspilledonthemachine shouldbewipedoff promptly DoNOT allow debris to accumulate around thecoolingfinsof theengineoronanyotherpart of themachine IMPORTANT Theuseofa pressure washer to cleanyourtractorisNOT recommended It maycause damage to electrical components spindles pulleys...

Page 23: ... adjustthe brakeswhile theengineisrunning Always disengagePTO bladeengage lever moveshift leverintoneutral position stopengineandremovekeyto prevent unintended starting Cutting DeckRemoval Toremovethe cutting deck proceedasfollows I Place thePTO BladeEngage leverin thedisengaged OFF positionand engage theparkingbrake 2 Lowerthedeckby movingthe decklift leverintothebottom notchonthe right fender 3 ...

Page 24: ...ttire manufacturer s recommended ormaximumpsi Donotoverinflate Uneven tirepressure could cause thecuttingdeckto mowunevenly Battery California Proposition 65WARNING Batteryposts terminals andrelated accessories containleadandleadcompounds chemicals knownto theStateof California to cause cancer andreproductive harm Wash hands afterhandling If removingthe battery disconnectthe NEGATIVE Black wire fr...

Page 25: ... to deliveramaxof 10amperes 2 If yourbatterycharger isautomatic chargethebatteryuntil thecharger indicates thatchargingiscomplete Ifthecharger isnotautomatic charge fornofewerthaneighthours Fuse One20AMPfuseisinstalledinyourtractor swiringharness to protectthetractor s electricalsystem fromdamage caused byexcessive amperage If theelectrical systemdoesnotfunction oryourtractor senginewill notcrank ...

Page 26: ...hebeltaroundthetwo outerspindle pulleys asshowninFigure 28 5 Thenroutethe beltaroundthetwodeckidlerpulleysasshownin Figure 28 6 Retighten the beltkeeperrodloosened earlier 7 Remount the beltguardsremoved earlier 8 Re install thedeck makingsurethebeltremainsroutedaround thepulleys asinstructed The completebeltroutingisshowninFigure 28 9 Pulltherightsideof thebelt andplacethenarrowVsideof thebeltint...

Page 27: ...rcertain conditions Draingasolinebeforestoring theequipment for extended periods Drainfuel only intoanapprovedcontainer outdoors awayfrom anopen flame Allowengineto cool Extinguish cigarettes cigars pipes and other sources of ignitionpriorto draining fuel Storegasolineinan approvedcontainerin safelocation c Reconnect thefuellineandruntheengineuntil itstartsto falter then usethechoketo keeptheengin...

Page 28: ...resh lessthan30 daysold gas 7 Replacethe fuel lineandreplacefuel filter 8 Clean adjustgapor replaceplug s 9 Crankenginewiththrottlein FASTposition 10 ReplaceFuse s See Fuse in Serviceand Maintenance section 1 Deactivate the CHOKE 2 Connectsparkplugwire s 3 Replacethe fuel line fill tankwithclean fresh gasolineandreplacefuel filter 4 Clear ventor replacecap if damaged 5 Drainfuel tank Refillwithcle...

Page 29: ...quent purchaser that the outdoor equipment is 1 designed built and equipped so as to conform with all applicable regulations and 2 free from defects in materials and workmanship that cause the failure of a wa rranted part for a period of two years The warranty period begins on the date the outdoor equipment is delivered to an ultimate purchaser or first placed into service Subject to certain condi...

Page 30: ...eplacement of the part That notwithstanding any adjustment of a component that has a factory installed and properly operating adjustment limiting device is still eligible for warranty coverage Further the coverage under this warranty extends only to parts that were present on the off road equipment purchased The following emission warranty parts are covered if applicable 1 Fuel Metering System Col...

Page 31: ... period of two yea rs The warranty period begins on the date the outdoor equipment is delivered to an ultimate purchaser or first placed into service Subject to certain conditions and exclusions as stated below the warranty on emission related parts is as follows 1 Any warranted part that is not scheduled for replacement as required maintenance in the written instructions supplied is warranted for...

Page 32: ...e need for repair or replacement of the part That notwithstanding any adjustment of a component that has a factory installed and properly operating adjustment limiting device is still eligible for warranty coverage Further the coverage under this warranty extends only to parts that were present on the off road equipment purchased The following emission warranty parts are covered if applicable 1 Fu...

Page 33: ...ution phone support from a Sears representative Think of us as a talking owner s manual Once you purchase the Repair Protection Agreement a simple phone call is all that it takes for you to schedule service You can call anytime day or night or schedule a service appointment online The Repair Protection Agreement is a risk free purchase If you cancel for any reason during the product warranty perio...

Page 34: ...slos casos anteriores siesimposible lareparad6n oelreemplazo parte ser_i sustituido deformagratuita elequipo demontar acaballo con elmismo o unmodelo equivalente Toda lacobertura delagarantia anteriorser_i nulasielequipodeequitaci6n seutilizacada vez mientras quelaprestaci6n deservicios comerciales osisealquilaaotrapersona Estagarantiacubre unicamentedefectosde materialy mano deobra Lacobertura de...

Page 35: ...sea arrojado rnantenga a los observadores a los ayudantes ni_osy rnascotas alejadosal rnenos25 metrosde la rn_ quina rnientras est en funcionarniento Detengala rn_ quina si alguienentraen lazona Inspeccionerninuciosarnente el Areadondeutilizar_ el equipo Retiretodaslas piedras palos cables huesos juguetesy otros objetosextra_osquepodrianser recogidosy arrojadospor la acci6nde las cuchillas Losobje...

Page 36: ...funcionaran apro piadarnente Siernprernantenga larn quina encarnbiornientras desciende las pendientes parapoderfrenarcon elmotor Sigalas recornendaciones delfabricante paralospesosocontra pesosdelas ruedas pararnejorar laestabilidad de larn quina Tengaespecialcuidadocon loscolectores decespeduotros aditarnentos Losrnisrnos puedenrnodificar laestabilidad dela rn quina Hagaquetodoslos rnovirnientos ...

Page 37: ...ansi6ndel combustible Vuelvaa colocarla tapade lagasolinay ajOstela bien Lirnpieel combustible quese hayaderrarnadosobreel motory el equipo Trasladelarn_ quina a otrazona Espere5 rninutosantes de encenderelmotor Parareducirel riesgode incendio rnantengala rn_ quina lirnpia de pasto hojasy deacurnulaci6n deotros residuos Lirnpielos derrarnesdeaceiteo combustibley saquetodoslos residuos ernbebidosde...

Page 38: ...ndel reguladordel motorel motorpuededescontrolarse y operara velocidadesinsegu ras Nuncacarnbielaconfiguraci6ndef_ bricadel regulador del motor AVlSO REFERIDO A EMISlONES Losrnotoresqueest_ n certificadosy curnplencon las regulaciones de ernisiones federalesEPAy de CaliforniaparaSORE Equipos peque_ostodoterreno est_ n certificadosparaoperarcongasolina corn0nsin plornoy puedenincluirlos siguientess...

Page 39: ... la m_quina deja de ir cuesta arriba deje de cuchillas y retroceder lentamente ADVERTENCIA SUPERFICIE CALIENTE Las partes del motor especialmente el silenciador Ilega a set muy caliente durante la operaci6n Permita motor y silenciador para ponerse frio antes de tocar PELIGRO GIRANDO HOJAS Para reducir el riesgo de herida guarde manos y pies lejos No funcione a menos que la tapa de descarga o el re...

Page 40: ...ura 2 Ajuste el pendiente decalibre arriba o hacia abajo hasta los toques esquina izquierda el pendiente consultar Figura 1 and Figura 2 Si hay un espacio por debajo de la pendiente de calibre el pendiente es demasiado escarpa por operaci6n segura consultar Figura 2 above Figura 2 Las pendientesson un factor importante relacionadocon un vuelco y renovaci6nde los accidentes que pueden provocar lesi...

Page 41: ...on elpernoy tuercahexagonal Wase la Figure29 3 La posici6nde la botadegornarojasobreel terminalpositivode la bateriaparaayudara protegerde lacorrosi6n NOTA Sila bateriase poneen serviciodespu_sdela fechaindicada en la partesuperiorde labateria carguela bateriacornose indicaen el Servicioy Mantenirniento dela secci6ndeestemanualantesde operarel tractor ENV O BRACE ELllVIINACION AsegQrese dequeel mo...

Page 42: ...o sobre el soporte de pivote del asiento como se muestra en la Figure 32 y montar el asiento en el soporte de pivote insertando las dos lengOetas de la parte inferior del asiento en las ranuras de la m_nsula de pivote 3 Deslice el asiento hacia atr_s en el soporte de pivote del asiento alineando la ranura central trasera en el soporte de pivote con el agujero que queda en la base del asiento 4 Sel...

Page 43: ...anca BladeEngage F Portavasos G DeVelocidad H Pedaldefreno NOTA Cualquier referencia hecha enestemanual al ladoDERECHO o IZQUIERDO deltractordebeentenderse tal comoseobserva desdelaposici6n deloperador Cumple con losest_ndares de seguriciad deANSi Las m_quinas quitanievedeCraftsman cumplen conlosest_ndares deseguridad delinstitutoestadounidense deest_ndares nacionales ANSI 43 ...

Page 44: ...eguridad y Arranquedelmotor m_ s adelanteen estasecci6ndeestemanualparainstrucdonesdetalladas sobrela Ilavedeencendidodel m6dulo Nunca dejeaunequipo que ejecuta sinsupervisi6n Siempre desconecte tomadefuerza palanca decambio seponga enposici6n neutral elfrenode mano apague elmotory quite laflarepara evitarelarranque nodeseado Levantela palanca de lacubierta Encontrado enelguardabarros derecho desu...

Page 45: ...enda elmotorapagado ydejar queenfrieelmotorporIomenos 2minutos antes dequitarlatapadelcombustible Eltanquedegasolina est_debajodel guardabarros trasero yeltap6ndeIlenado decombustible seencuentra en elcentro delguardabarros trasero Eltap6ndelcombustible est_amarrado al tractorparaimpedir quesepierda Nointente retirareltap6ndeltractor 2 Llenareldep6sito decombustible conlagasolina 3 Vuelva a instal...

Page 46: ...r el freno de estadonamiento I Completamente elpedaldefrenoymantengahacia abajoconelpie 2 Mover la palanca delfrenodeestadonamiento hastael rondoyen elfreno deestadonamiento ON laposici6n 3 Suelte el pedaldelfrenoparaqueelfrenodeestadonamiento a partidpar 4 Para liberarelfrenodeestadonamiento 5 Presione el pedaldefrenoymoverlapalanca delfrenodeestadonamiento fueradelfrenodeestadonamiento ON laposi...

Page 47: ...ades m_is altas hasta despu_s deloscinturones sehan sentado enlaspoleas durante elper odo derodaje Antesde abandonarlaposici6ndeloperadorporcualquierraz6n separarlas hojas ponerlapalancadecontrolde veiocidaden neutral pongaelfrenode estacionamiento paradamotorapagadoy quitarla Ilave IM PORTANTE AIparareltractor porcualquier motlvo mientras queenuna superficie dehierba siempre 1 Coloque lapalanca d...

Page 48: ...ialguien entra enel _rea Faros Las I_mparas est _n ONcuando elmotordel tractorseest _ ejecutando Las lutesseapagacuando laIlavedecontactosemuevealaposici6n STOP Lasiguiente informaci6n ser_t_t Icuando seutilizalaplataforma decorteconsu tractor Plandesupatr6n detorte paraevitar ladescargadematerialeshacialas carreteras aceras transet_ntes etc Adem_s evitematerial quesedescarga contraunaparedo unaob...

Page 49: ...rodamientos delasruedas delanteras 5 Las ruedasdelanteras delaplataforma 1 Elaceite del motor elfiltro deaceite 2 Silenciador 1 Filtrodeaire 2 Eldepurador del filtrodeaire 3 Buj a 4 Sistema derefrigerad6nporaire_ 5 Filtrodecombustible 6 Directivo Engranajes 7 Ruedas traseras 1 Elcap6 Ios respiraderos 2 Losbomes dela bater a 3 Losbrazos demandointermedios ejesdel pivoteyejes 4 Losrodamientos delasr...

Page 50: ...el motor el silenciador y lassuperficiesmet_licas circundantes estar_ncalientesypueden causarquemaduras en a p e Tonga cu dadoparaev tar quemaduras Nota Elfiltro deaceitesedebe cambiarencadaintervalodecamb o deaceite Debe cambiarse elaceitedelmotorenlasprimeras 5 horas y luegocada50horas o unavezportemporada Para cambiarelaceitedelmotor proceda comosigue 1 Haga fundonarelmotorduranteunosminutosper...

Page 51: ...e delfiltro decombustible Papa 1 Papa 1 Las piezas derecambio debeserlamismaeinstalados enlamismaposid6n quelaspiezas odginales Sisederrama combustible espere hastaqueseevapora antesdearrancar el motor Antesdereemplazar elfiltro decombustible radar eltanquede combustible DeIocontrado el combustible puede filtrarsey provocar un incendio o unaexplosi6n drenar el combustible Localice el filtro decomb...

Page 52: ...liquiddetergent andwater Squeeze orpressthefoamelementto rinseout dirtandwater Donottwist this coulddamage ortearthefoamelement Allowto drythoroughlybefore using DO NOT oil thefoamelement 5 Attachthenewairfilterwith foamelement aligningtheholeintheairfilter with theintakemanifold SeeFigure 44 i i Manifold Figure44 Coloque latapadel filtro deaire asegur ndose dealinearlascaracterBticas delacostilla...

Page 53: ...a Deseche labujiasi haydesgaste evidente oslel aislador est_agrietadooastillado Limpielabuj aconuncepillode alambre paraserreutilizado Midaladistandaentreelectrodos conunagalga Corregir si esnecesario doblando elelectrodo lateral Veala Figure 47 Labrecha sedebeestablecer a0 024 0 031 Temperatura del silenciadory _reascercanas del motor podr_sersuperiora 150 F 65 C Evite el contactoconestas_reas In...

Page 54: ...ria Algunas causas comunes defallas enlabateria son lossiguientes Laactivaci6ninicialincorrecta Sobrecarga Congelaci6n La subfacturaci6n Conexionescorroidas Estos fallos nosoncubiertos porlagarantia deltractor Limpiezade las maquinasy la cubierta Cualquier combustible oacelte derramado enlamaquina debe serborrado de lnmediato NO permlta quelosdesechos que seacumulan alrededor delas aletas de refrl...

Page 55: Io siguiente I Colocar latomadefuerza BladeEngage palanca enla posici6n OFF desembragar laposici6n ypongael frenodeestadonamiento 2 Bajolacubiertamoviendo lapalanca deelevad6ndecubiertaenlamuesca enlaparteinferiordelguardabarros derecho 3 Extracci6n delaauto Tornillo A queasegura eldntur6n Roddetodo poseedor delapoleadelmotordel tractor acontinuad6n quitarlavarilla poseedor deldntur6n B V_ase l...

Page 56: ...amente el14psiparalosneum ticos delanteros IMPORTANTE Refi_rase a lapareddelneum tico parala ISP recomendados o m ximos fabricantedeneum ticos esexacto Nosobre inflar Lapresi6n del neum tico desigual podriacausar quelaplataforma decorteparacortardemanera desigual gateria Proposid6n 65deCalifornia iADVERTENCIA Postes delabateria terminales y accesorios reladonados contienen plomoycompuestos deplomo...

Page 57: ... unm_ximode10amperios SIelcargador delabateriaesautom_tica carguelabateriahastaelcargadorindica quelacargaest_completa Sielcargador noest_autom_tica cargopornomenos deochohoras Fusible Unfusiblede20AMPest_instalado enlosjuegosdecables desutractorpara proteger elsistemael_ctrico deltractordedaffos causados porelamperaje excesivo Sielsistema el_ctriconofundona o elmotordesutractornoarranca compruebe...

Page 58: ...oleatensora a laizquierda paraobtenereldntur6nalrededor delapoleayelprotectorde lacorrea 4 Retire concuidado ladnta decubiertadealrededor delasdospoleas del husillo y lasdospoleaspoleatensora delacubierta WaselaFigure 56 5 Para colocar lacorrea nueva empieza hadendo queeldntur6nalrededor de lasdospoleas exteriordel huso comosemuestra enla Figure 56 6 Luego ladnta derutaalrededor delasdospolinespol...

Page 59: ...He Washer Tornillos Cubierta de Polea husiHo II Protector de la correa Figure56 59 ...

Page 60: ...l combustibleunicamentedentro deun recipiente aprobadoy al airefibre lejosdecualguierllamaexpuesta Dejeclue el motor seenffie Antesdedrenarel combustible apaguedgardllos dgarros pipasyotras fuentesdecombusti6n Vadelagasolinaenun_rea bienventilada lejosdecualcluier fuentedellamaocbispas incluidocualcluier artefactoconluzpiloto Almacene lagasolina enunrecipiente aprobado enun lugarseguro Extraiga la...

Page 61: es muy 1 revoluciones peque_a El motor funciona con 1 Bujia atorada averiada o exceso de 1 dificultad en ralenti separaci6n 2 El filtro de aire est 1 sucio 2 Demasiada vibraci6n 1 Cuchilla de corte floja o descentrada 1 2 Cuchilla daffada o curvada 2 1 La velocidad del motor es demasiado 1 lenta Corte desigual 2 C6sped hOmedo 3 C6sped demasiado alto Conecte los cables de la bujia Limpie la line...

Page 62: ...Esta pagina se dej6 intencionalmente en blanco Utilice esta pagina para tomar notas acerca de su tractor 62 ...

Page 63: ...cabo en un lapso razonable que no exceda de 30 dias Si tiene alguna pregunta respecto de la cobertura de la garantia pongase en contacto con el Departamento del Servicio T_cnico de MTD Consumer Group Inc al tel_fono 1 800 800 7310 o por correo electrdnico en http support mtdproducts com COBERTURA DELAGARANTiA DEEMISIONES GENERALES MTD Consumer Group Inc garantiza al comprador final y a cada compra...

Page 64: ...l cobertura de garantia si MTD Consumer Group Inc demuestra que el equipos de exteriores es objeto de uso incorrecto negligencia o mantenimiento inadecuado y que tal uso incorrecto negligencia o mantenimiento inadecuado rue causa directa de la necesidad de reparaci6n o reemplazo de dicha pieza No obstante Io antedicho cualquier ajuste de un componente con un dispositivo de limitaci6n de ajuste ins...

Page 65: con el Departamento del Servicio T_cnico de MTD Consumer Group Inc al tel_fono 1 800 800 7310 o pot correo electronico en http support mtdproducts com COBERTURA DELAGARANT A DEEMISIONES GENERALES MTD Consumer Group Inc garantiza al comprador final y a cada comprador subsiguiente que el equipos de exteriores est_ disefrado construido y equipado de modo de cumplir con todas las regulaciones aplic...

Page 66: ... PIEZAS GARANTIZADAS La reparaci6n o el reemplazo de cualquier pieza garantizada que de otro modo pudiese estar cubierta por la garantia podr_ set excluida de tal cobertura de garantia si MTD Consumer Group Inc demuestra que el equipos de exteriores es objeto de uso incorrecto negligencia o mantenimiento inadecuado y que tal uso incorrecto negligencia o mantenimiento inadecuado rue causa directa d...

Page 67: ...oluci6n RApida el apoyo telef6nico de un Chamusca al representante Pienseen nosotros como el manual de un due_o hablador Una vezadquirido el Acuerdo puede programar el servicio con tan s61orealizar una Ilamadatelef6nica Puede Ilamaren cualquier momentodel dia o de la noche o programar un servicio en linea ElAcuerdo de Protecci6nde Reparaci6nes unacompra sin riesgo Si usted anula por alguna raz6n d...

Page 68: ...ducto en www craftsman com registration Join the Craftsman Club today www craftsman com signup Receive exclusive member benefits including special pricing and offers project sharing expert advice and SHOP YOUR WAY REWARDS Como miembro exclusivo recibe diversos beneficios como ofertas precios especiales proyectos nuevos consejos de expertos y nuestro programa de puntos SHOP YOUR WAY REWARDS Registe...
