Craftsman 113.2941 Assembly And Operating Instructions Manual Download Page 3

Summary of Contents for 113.2941

Page 1: ...PAIR PARTS ALWAYS GVE THE FOLLOWING iN FORMATiON AS SHOWN iN HJ S HST J The PART NUMBER 2 T_e PART NAME 3 The MODE NUMBER 3 294_0 4 The NAME o_ item_ _RAD_ALSAW COAS O COA_i NAJ_ONoW_ E _VJC_ FROM _EA_S _O_ YO_ RA_SMA_ ACeRAoA_M _A_JAL _AW SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO_ and SiMPSONSoSEARS UM TED in Co_ad_ bac_ up your _nvestmen_ with qu_ k exped meehor_ieoi servi_e arid gen_o ine CRAFTSMAN rep_ac_me _f par...

Page 2: ...all parties ar at_erltion to so_se of the more i_peitalt _ es to foi ow _or ma imum enioy merit of you_ Sears power toolsi _ANUk Lo co_spleisay a_x uai 8 Pay sr eciat atte_s i_m I_ssshi y 1_ 8 5 WEAl SAIITY ILISSIS Saleb fh_ss_s o_ _1_ ield a_ _ S FOLLO_ IIIIATIIi NST IIIIOI 8A EF_ LLY lhqy h_ b_ n di0Ied to n IL SAFETY IIA 1S A _ t_ssu_y s_leiy tua_d_ ai_ a _aiI sI_ for most _ s _ _ 8_ the_z 2 T ...

Page 3: ...l be made msloe the mator ter_ina box o ConRed IR_ WHITe oRd BLACK e_ds from mool0r hrrmmaJ POX _o hR WHITE motor or_ Od_ Twi_l Dare en_s log f _er OR4 msro _ w r_ _ Rul _ss shnw_ Jr figuru 2 b Leo re the BROWN lead _om o ve rloed p_ot edorJ o_scofine_ed _r_d _nst_o_e _ with tape to prevRm shah _t c_ hnr 4 i_5 le m0to _ermlaol box z Ce _nRuct me GREEN RED ond BlUE eQos rc_gt mn t _ 1 bert ureas OR...

Page 4: ... boltofn side h_s _ j rio tab CUtoul for cle _ ton e o_ e eva tlo_ crar_k See fi_e e 4 1 L isfinguish between the five _nro_ih_bored le velir_g s rewl holes e_d lhe seven eou_te_bored _o es Drive T rwls info _h _ flve through mo_a _o_c s See f ig_re 5 2 I o _ lhe 0_ 8 lone haole _sn _noeneas _ilh cu_o_m _ _ _i _e _Ot h o_w _rd or_J dowr_ _s show_ m _ gure 4 3 Align IRe couf_terIa_d holes with r_o_...

Page 5: ...dJe o_ _ sir i_sl_ R vet so d y w_h p_ m of h_nd i _ _er to sea _rn o pin n fl _e oim at Refer _o F _e 250 3 Tioh_en _rm ia_ch B_ndl_ _ Rder to PRECSOION iN DEXING _r_der Prober Operating P_occ 4 _es _ far de_41eJ _s_luchons oB indexing e fod_ol a_ mi 4 Phase a o_ r g s_a_e on the table as sh _ i r_figure 9 _ 1 po_ion the sa _ and sq_r_ _1_ H_e fog o _h_ square i_s_ on_c s _ _ooth o _ the _w ht_de...

Page 6: ...Oir_ NOTE Do ua d_ar_g_ _ t t _a_lion M m_ _ b O_ _ d_rin 9 thu remoi _d_ o _n _ porch el aN uperat On 6 t_ o_e t_ b_adc _o I heback of _tab _ directly b_ nd the h_gh F t_ _ml R_ ise _he _ab u _ b o i_e _ghf ar th_s pom_ By 0di_sti8g flu _ r_ w _ r_oim 3 f g_re 3 or J_t hand side nf table T_gkder the s n nnel c ompirlg s_re_s _ tr onloe_ boc_ o_ oasu ff_ iL H hond 7 _urm t_e b a_e _ s _ roml O lG_...

Page 7: ..._ hand carnage cov zr l gape 1 9 b Loosen the Xok_ damp b_d_e _2_ c toos_ W_ghfiy H_ t_ he_ eod rsadfimz scr_zwS _3 d Rotate ihe yoke ursi_ th_ 9_p b_tw_m _he sow bio osd sq o_e _s d_mino_ ed e Le _e y e o_d 19 m n _ _ e two he heod machine s_rews 3 f Red_ ck for hee_ alter _ig h_en_ s_ews o_d make _or_edions ff_e_essory _ es_o tonage cover l fi_ _e 19 T_ _V_N _ OO_8LE CHECK SQUARER OF SAW _e_he_k...

Page 8: ...ION See f g0te 21 o Place i_sid_ oIb_r on motor sh _f Mh _onge _e I 1o sow blade b Insto l so_ blade o_ lslde collar arid _ NOT_ Make sur_ H_c brier _ionge face of e _I _ollQt s m_xt to saw blQde c PIQle box e_d otbo _l er_lt o_ sto_i t_It lr_d loll t tes_ on sow table d Use open end shaft wreech o_ fl_s a_ sis and _i_b_e_ by pushi ng downward _s show_ in _igv_ e 21 A_JUST_ENT OF RI_ CALf N ICATOI...

Page 9: ... One _flr _OrC_NG TNE CARRI AG_ TO THI RAD IAZ AR_ _s 5 r_scomplishcd by lh _ curric_g_ _ck _n_b iigu_ 24 Turr_ the knab dockw se _o Io ountefciockvchle to _nIo_k hOns t he elbOwing _s r_ conu n_Me_ I _ v_e _rrllJol 01m ii QIr_z Gdf mde ed Iv_r l lhu c _ IQl cb from Jl locked posiii i_ pI i o_ h arm toli h Jev_2f a_d move rediol _rm oil lhe _dex p_siii0r Release 2 Mo _e d _e ra_i_ _ _rm ia _ _he _...

Page 10: ...he s_me manner This _ech_ique te_ _ e neu_r_llze am stres ses imposed upog ea _ oe _po_e_ts cmd ongrihutes to ih e high degree _ of _ c_ _ y d_s s_w is _apabie of produchs9 whe_ ep0m ed D_SS PROPERLY Ope_atlor_ of the saw is simple safe c_d easy when p_opeAy do_e Always b oe_l Do _Ol wear e tie o_ otBe_ loose _rtic es Keep on 9 sleeves down Ml h coifs tos_ened o _ wear sh_ s ee_es NEVER STOP BEING...

Page 11: ...1 t ii _gur 27 1 R mow left bond carriage _o _er J2 figure 3i Fig_ e 3O I i ...

Page 12: ...Jo_ _ei_w I o xooc_dust par_ _ es _ _d sawdas_ TANDARD C_OSS C_TT _G r _e r sd oi o_ _ust be posit oaed a_ 0 as ir_dk ated by th_ _odia_ _m position Md oator The c_ _ ot_ ha_d e m s_ be indexed _d _igh _ed _ _ef _ _o paragraph orallied Ang t_ _4oven_en_ _ And Lock r_ Of _ke Red_o Arms r hc yoke _s_ be r_dexed o_ _he 0 pos fio_ mo_ q_e _ ow Bl_de perpendicular _o _Be Np _en_ e a_d _e yoke clamp _sr...

Page 13: ... 3 ...

Page 14: ...s _d chip 9e_s Dado head opera ions a_e mu_h the same a s th_se w tB a standard b_ade bat _he dado _ead tokes a bigge_ b e so _hat the wa_k p_ece should be hod more _irm_y Whep a geaove wider on the dade head is _eeded_ make _wo o_ me re p_sses Space cuts so _h_t _ey a_edap a _ifleo Oada work s da_e _ e cross_c_ pa _an o Ploughing is do_e _ e _ 9pF_g petition J t_e d_ or p_o_gB _sit_an _s _ed she ...

Page 15: ... you_ saw _n_ _ _ soncJer whi h c_ be uper_ ed n on posif_om Th_ Joos_ collars should _a o_eo on _r_l_ sides of t_e sanding disc J ENCE LOCATIONS The e ore three pos_r_oes _ v h_ch the le r_ cc_n be _oca_ed t Szr figvre 42 Normo oosiNon 2 Position i sed tor mo xsn_o_ o oss ut on 1 Itr_l _leriaJann for grea_er h_ve o_d mile_ cc_pacdy CAUTION Rip scak_s _annol be used h Ires position 3 Posit ion us_...

Page 16: ...umn_ rods s_ h as sow blades drills r_o diag o_rers dodos e_c sharp _rtd do _ot force feed the work _o the _aJ_t e_e _ h_rs_br speed _sdrastically red_ced This wlit mi_ir_ize e_art gw_ better cots and better _es_s1_ 8 c_verheatb_g and possibJe burn o_ caused _y the abuse _t overload When usb _g u ane m0 di ng or dadn S_ad_t_s _cp_ta_ _a light cu_s w_l g_ve the bes_ r em ts DeetJ cuts rea_Jce _he q...

Page 17: ...d _x ned b _ _d_ble click Check pawer line fo_ _ro per vo age sher_ed she rted line eo_d una p o_ _or damt gea ssum01 o_ end _ t_ rns_no_s m mal0r terr_Ma box for Ioos_ tg_ r_l in_ B T_ _B_o _ _et chined w_rn roolol arm Refe to STEP fOUR ADJUST_N_ T_E TA _E PARA L TO RAD_A ARM 2 Rea_ace l _s_3k_ _op 1 _c4e_ re S E9 _WO CHECKING FOR LOOSENESS DF COLUMN TUB iN COLUMN SUPPORT Z Remove _ ndia arm _oH ...

Page 18: ...50_ 18 ...

Page 19: ...ock W_s_eG Lo k Med_ 8 O S A _ S_ eet _Scr_ _ 5736 _8x 5 8 Bock_ d Cap S_ee_ C_o T4m P_r_ I No_ Descr_pfio_ 45335t 448039 6_ 76 37372 35 37373 36 60030 37 37374 38 60077 F qoi I SBowr_ 30493 379 38 37875 30496 30494 30495 3540 30671 30_59 37363 _5543 30472 37871 44S0 _ 94r 5837 115548 30479 30661 _37435 3047 4 63 57 Pin Graa e 3 t6 _ 1 3 4 Type F Screw No 10 32 x 314 Type 23C1 Par_ Hd_ S_a_c d_ C_...

Page 20: ...e Bevel ndes N 4 5 t6 _7 r 8 S9 40 42 43 44 45 46 47 J 51 P_rl N 38559 32935 4480O1 3739_ 30542 37400 30543 37399 3Z397 3054_ 37429 378_ 37435 30551 3_66_ 9421625 30666 37403 37816 30558 37426 37402 30509 30604 27401 qlO9 6002 124824 3_b0 5 indcator No_ 2 Woshc _ F_bre 140 x 250 x _ 32 Screw No 6 32 x 1 4 Type 23C1_ P_n Hd S offed_ C_d PJ _eeJ Paw Assembly Ani Kickback Wadder X Pin C_oss P_v A_di_...

Page 21: ...No t ad AssemNy No 2 Wice No 16 3 1f2 AWG UA A_ove_ Screw No 6 32 x 7 16 TFpc 23C Pan Hd S o_ qJ Cad Pl 5te_d Washc S pr m l _e_d _ _ _l Hardware tOl _ MriS _ _e Purchusc d Locally 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3 32 33 34 35 36 37487 37818 37942 374iS 379G8 37883 3134 37884 37886 30783 306_3 30582 120822 37434 374 2 30573 37912 448 _ Shie d0 Indi Oppo_ile Fan Blade E_dl ReiieL S_r A_ _ Wosh_n S...

Page 22: ...T _bie Y7 _ bsr 13 4_7i 6x 6 CouL P 5eel 28 29 30 3 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 a 44 45 46 No 78451 I 202 7 30_4 3050 30675 30505 30516 60080 423561 37428 3 067 8 6 _22 11 5093 30511 30508 379i 1 63077 63078 102718 a35 0 448649 118615 37383 32530 Screw Mad_ No 10 32 xqx8 s Nex Hal Cad Pi Ste_l Was _e_ ILock Med_ No 0 SAE StI W_she_ O71 SIMo cdado ftot t Tnd Pf_y as _ equM_d Fc_st_nor Sl_d Wre...

Page 23: ...pewee DUIDUI _4ot _ s_ o_ rs slow Dr aits re rom_z ui _o tdt spccd Aey 2 pr upvr DDÀMqo AU Nr_la r_o_ _ _h ted thro_Jgh motDr d J _o f owd_sJ e1 Sk_rJ II_ l elOI m mOlOr wl I _ot operafP _o_or s_e_ls resultir_9 bk_wn _us_s _ tr_pped P_Lqt_e_ oD n D_ oJ u _ 8ur_ec_ _u Dy cent DiS i _ae IO O_sndc d ho d ln H riods 2 Oo_ n _e y o_ 3 oot o_ h okof_ On_ C Lf_081 III F l_ rlnilloJ IDX 1 Red De line Io_a...

Page 24: ...F _ m Nc_ 2351 7 24 ...
