Craftsman 113.177611 Owner'S Manual Download Page 11

Summary of Contents for 113.177611

Page 1: ... model and serial numbers in a safe place for future use _kWARNING FOR YOUR SAFETY READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY SAVETHIS MANUAL FOR FUTURE REFERENCE J CRRFT lVlRH t2 GALLON OR t 6 GALLON WET DRY VAC safety assembly operating maintenance repair parts EspaSol pagina 17 Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates IL 60179 U S A Part No SP6579 Printed in Mexico ...

Page 2: Dry Vac 13 Casters 13 Storage 13 Repair Parts 14 Warranty P_ Craftsman One Year Full Warranty _ If this Craftsman product fails due to a defect in material or workmanship within one year from the date of purchase return it to any Sears store Sears Service Center or other Craftsman outlet for free repair or replace merit if repair proves impossible This warranty applies for only 90 days from the...

Page 3: ...als Do not use or store near hazardous materials To reduce the risk of electric shock do not expose to rain or allow liquid to enter motor compartment Store indoors Do not allow to be used as a toy Close attention is necessary when used by or near children Do not use with a torn filter or without the filter installed except when vacuuming liquids as described in the Operation section of this manua...

Page 4: ...k of these hazards when using an extension cord be sure it is in good condition and that the connection does not come into contact with liquid To keep power loss to a minimum use the following table to choose the minimum wire size extension cord Extension Cord Length Gauge A W G 0 50 Ft 14 50 100 Ft 12 _ CAUTION To reduce the risk of hearing damage wear ear protectors when using for extended hours...

Page 5: ...on Check each item against the Carton Contents List Notify your Sears Store immediately if any parts are damaged or missing Carton Contents List Key Description Qty A Vac Assembly 1 B Pos I Lock Hose Assembly 1 C Utility Nozzle 1 D Wet Nozzle 1 E Car Nozzle 1 F Filter Nut 1 G Filter Plate 1 H Filter Red Stripe 1 J Filter Cage 1 K Float 1 L Extension Wands 2 M Caster Foot W Storage 4 N Caster 4 P O...

Page 6: ...age or filter NOTE Your filter has a red stripe that matches an in store displayer When you visit your local Sears store just remem ber the color of your stripe for the correct size filter Filter Nut Lever Plate Stripe ided Stud Cage _ WARNING To avoid personal injury or damage to vac be sure to keep hands fingers or any other for eign objects out of the center opening when assembling the float NO...

Page 7: ...ball snap into the socket and the caster will swiv el easily when positioning is correct 7 Turn the drum upright Drum Stem Ball Foot Wet Dry Vac Assembly 1 Line up front label and switch side of power assembly with drain cap and vac port located on the front of the drum Note Power assembly must be aligned with drum for proper attachment 2 Place power assembly on top of drum 3 Be sure power assembl...

Page 8: ...ivel End Insert Hose Insert the hose locking end of the Pos I Lock hose into the inlet of the vac The hose should snap into place To remove the hose from the vac press the release button in the hose assembly and pull the hose out of the vac inlet as shown Drum Drain Utility Nozzle Accessory and Hose Storage Your accessories may be stored in the ping it around the unit and plugging the caster feet ...

Page 9: ...appliance has a polarized plug one blade is wider than the other This plug will fit in a polarized outlet only one way If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet reverse the plug If it still does not fit contact a qualified electrician to install the proper outlet Do not change the plug in any way After you plug the power cord into the outlet turn the unit on by pushing the switch from position ...

Page 10: ...risk of back injury or falls do not lift a vac heavy with liquid or debris Scoop or drain enough contents out to make the vac light enough to lift comfortably Moving the Wet Dry Vac Should it become necessary to pick the vac up to move it the handle on the sides of the dust drum are used to lift To maneuver the vac the push pull handle in the rear of the unit should be used Blowing Feature Your va...

Page 11: ... a blower Craftsman recommended accessories are available at Sears retail stores The Sears Blower Nozzle Stock No 9 16933 is rec ommended for blowing debris Push Pull Handle Hose End Slowing Port _Drum Handle Car Nozzle Optional Swivel End Of Hose Extension Wand Optional 11 ...

Page 12: ...ilter Removal To remove the filter for cleaning or replacement unscrew the filter nut from the filter cage remove filter plate and lift off filter IMPORTANT To reduce the risk of dam WARNING Do not remove the fil ter cage it is there to help prevent your fingers from getting into the blower wheel age to the blower wheel and motor always reinstall the filter before using the vac for dry material pi...

Page 13: ...ed i e waste water pick up the drum should be disinfected To disinfect the drum 1 Pour 1 gallon of water and 1 teaspoon chlorine bleach into the drum 2 Let solution stand for 20 minutes care fully swishing every few minutes mak ing sure to wet all inside surfaces of the drum 3 Empty drum after 20 minutes Rinse with water until bleach smell is gone Allow drum to dry completely before sealing the mo...

Page 14: ...3 7 829718 5 8 509819 9 820563 4 10 818961 11 818413 2 12 315534 1 13 826817 14 820563 5 15 829692 1 16 823200 17 823201 18 9 17816 19 9 16937 20 9 16938 21 829971 15 22 73185 23 828460 24 29776 25 9 16922 26 9 16978 27 9 17817 28 822256 29 9 17854 30 9 16928 31 SP6579 16 Gallon 828952 813213 829971 13 830275 829693 1 819260 13 829718 5 509819 820563 4 818961 818413 2 315534 1 826817 820563 5 8296...

Page 15: ...Repair Parts 12 Gallon Wet Dry Vac OR 16 Gallon Wet Dry Vac IViodel No 113 177650 IViodel No 113 177611 2 16 J 28 15 ...

Page 16: ...Notes 16 ...

Page 17: ...os tanto demodelo como deserie en un lugar seguro para usofuturo ADVERTENCIA PARA SU SEGURIDAD LEADETENiDAMENTE TODASLAS iNSTRUCCIONES GUARDE ESTE MANUAL PARAREFERENCIA FUTURA RRFTSMRH ASPIP ADOP A PAPA MOJADO SECO BE t2 GALONES DE 16 GALONES seguridad ensamblaje funcionamiento mantenimiento piezasde repuesto Sears Roebuck and Co Hoffman Estates JL60179 U S A No depiezaSP6579 Impresoen M6xico ...

Page 18: ...ci6n 29 Limpiezay desinfecci6nde la aspiradoraparamojado seco 29 Ruedecillas 29 Almacenamiento 29 Piezasde repuesto 30 Gamntia f r Garantiacornpleta Craftsmande an Sieste producto Cra_manfalladebido a undefecto dematerial o defabricaci6n dentro delplazo deun anoapadirdelafechadecompra devu_lvalo a cualquier tienda Sears Cen_odeServicio Sears uob o punto deventa Craftsman paraqueseareparado gratuit...

Page 19: ... useni almacene laaspiradoracercade materiales peligrosos Parareducirel riesgodedescargas el6ctricas noexpongalaaspiradoraa la Iluvianidejeque entrenliquidosenel compartimiento del motor Guardelaaspiradora en unlugarinterior Nopermitaquela aspiradora se utilicecomo un juguete Senecesitaprestarm_ximaatenci6n cuandoseautilizadapor nifios o cercade6stos No useestaaspiradoraconunfiltro desgarrado o si...

Page 20: ...rie Loscordonesdeextensi6nque est6nen malascondicioneso cuyotamaiio de alambreseademasiadopeque_opueden conllevarpeligrosdeincendioy sacudidas el6ctricas Parareducirel riesgodeestos peligroscuandoutiliceun cord6ndeextensi6n aseg irese dequeel cord6nest_enbuenas condicionesy dequela conexi6nnoentreen contactoconliquido Paramantenerlap6rdida al minimo utilicelatablaqueaparece a conti nuaci6nparasele...

Page 21: ...el contenido de la caja Notifique inmediatamente a la tienda Sears m_ s cercana si alguna pieza est daiiada o falta Lista de contenido de la caja de cart6n Clave Descripci6n Cant A Ensamblajedela aspiradora 1 B Ensamblajedela mangueraPos I Lock 1 C Boquilla utilitaria 1 D Boquillapara mojado 1 E Boquillaparaauto 1 F Tuercadel filtro 1 G Placadel filtro 1 H Filtro rayaroja 1 J Jauladel filtro 1 K F...

Page 22: ...auladel filtro o el filtro mismo NO A Elfiltro tieneunarayarojaquecoincidecon unexhibidorubicadoenel puntodeventadela tienda Cuando visite unatiendalocal deSears simplementerecuerdeel colordela rayadesu filtro paraobtenerelfiltro detamaiio correcto roscado Jaula del filtro uesto AI VERTENCIA Paraevitarlesiones corporaleso daiiosa la aspiradora asegOrese de i mantenerlas manos los dedoso cualquiero...

Page 23: ...squido y la ruedecilla oscilar_ f6 cilmente cuandoel posicionamiento seacorrecto 7 Pongaeltamborenposici6nvertical V _stagede la ruedecilla Ensamblajede la aspiradom 1 Alineela partedelantera lado de laetiquetay el interruptor del ensamblajedel motor con la tapadel drenajey el orificio deaspiraci6n ubicadosen la partedelanteradel tambor Nora Elensamblajedel motor debeestar alineado conel tamborpar...

Page 24: ...erdbn tambor Introduzca la manguera Introduzcael extremedefijaci6ndela manguera Pos J Lock enlaentradadelaaspiradora La mangueradeberia acoplarse a presi6nensu sitio Parasacarla mangueradelaaspiradora optimael bot6ndeliberaci6nubicadoenelensamblajedela mangueraytire dela manguera hastasacarladela entradadela aspiradora dela maneraquese muestraenlailustraci6n Tambor pelve Drenaje Bequilla utilitari...

Page 25: ...ipo de cambioenelenchufe Despu6sdeenchufarel cord6ndeenergiaenel tomacorriente enciendala unidadempujandoel interruptordelaposici6n 0 a la posici6n 1 Los simbolosutilizadosenel accionadordel interruptor sonlos simbolosinternacionales de encendido y apagado 0 es elsimbolo de APAGADO y 1 esel simbolode ENCENDIDO O APAGADO I ENCENDIDO ADVERTENCIA Parareducirel riesgode incendioo sacudidas el6ctricas ...

Page 26: ...adaconundrenaje paravaciarlafb cilmentedeliquidos Simplemente desenrosque la tapadel drenaje y levanteligeramente el ladoopuestoparavaciar eltambor 2 Otraopci6nes quitarel ensamblaje del motor 3 Coloqueel ensamblajedel motor en un_ rea limpia mientrasvaciael tambor 4 Tire el contenidodeltamborenel recipiente de eliminaci6nderesiduosapropiado _ ADVERTENCIA Usesiempreprotectores ocularesdeseguridadq...

Page 27: ...ensor 4 Encienda laaspiradora yestar_ listo para utilizarla como soplador Los accesorios Craftsman recomendados se pueden conseguir en las tiendas minoristas Sears Se recomienda laboquilla de soplador Sears ntimero de existencia 9 16933 para soplar residuos Asa de empuje tracci6n Boquilla para auto opcional optional 27 ...

Page 28: ...rnoci6n del filtro Paraquitarel filtro conel fin delimpiarlo o reemplazarlo quitelatuercadel filtro deltornillo ubicadoenlajauladel filtro quitela placadel filtro y levante el filtro _ AI VERTENCIA No quitela jauladel filtro jEstAahfparaayudara evitarquelos dedosdel loperador entrenenla ruedadel soplador IMPORTANTE Parareducirel riesgodedafiarla ruedadel sopladory el motor reinstale siempreel filt...

Page 29: por ejemplo si se recogenaguas residuales se debe desinfectarel tambor Paradesinfectarel tambor 1 Eche1 gal6n deaguay 1 cucharaditade blanqueadordecloro en el tambor 2 Dejeque lasoluci6n reposedurante20 minutosy ag telacuidadosamente cadapocos minutos asegur_ ndose de mojartodas las superficiesinterioresdel tambor 3 Vacieel tambor despu6sde20 minutos Enju_ guelo con aguahasta queel olor a blan...

Page 30: ...eza Descripci6n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 828952 813213 829971 12 830275 829693 819260 13 829718 5 509819 820563 4 10 818961 11 818413 2 12 315534 1 13 826817 14 820563 5 15 829692 1 16 823200 17 823201 18 9 17816 19 9 16937 20 9 16938 21 829971 15 22 73185 23 828460 24 29776 25 9 16922 26 9 16978 27 9 17817 28 822256 29 9 17854 30 9 16928 31 SP6579 828952 813213 829971 13 830275 829693 1 819260 13 829718...

Page 31: ...Piezasde repuesto Aspiradorapara mojado seco De 12 galones 6 De 18 galones N_mero de modelo 113 177650 N_mero de modelo 113 177611 2 16 J 28 31 ...

Page 32: ...all or go on line for the nearest Sears Parts and Repair Center 1 800 488 1222 Anytime day or night U S A only www sears oom To purchase a protection agreement U S A or maintenance agreement Canada on a product serviced by Sears 1 800 827 6655 U S A 1 800 361 6665 Canada Para pedir servicio de reparaci6n a domicilio y para ordenar piezas 1 888 SU HOGAR sM 1 888 784 6427 Au Canada pour service en f...
