Unfolding The Stand
1. Lay the mitre saw stand on the floor with the folded legs facing up.
2. Depress the leg locking button
and unfold the 2 upper legs
until the locking button clicks
into place.
3. Repeat the same procedure for
the other 2 legs.
4. Lift the stand and flip it into the upright position.
5. Check that the stand is stable and all of the leg locking buttons have
engaged properly.
Folding The Stand
1 pair of legs on the stand must fold in first for the stand to fold flat. The
legs have not folded into place if the leg locking button does not pop into
place. The legs should not swing about when the stand is picked up if the
legs have locked into position.
1. Turn the mitre saw upside down on the floor with the legs sticking up.
2. Depress the leg locking buttons
on the lower pair of legs and
fold them in.
3. Repeat the same procedure on
the other pair of legs.