User Manual
setting will be set at -25. The QAM offset can be adjusted from -99 to 99 dB.
Default value is set at 0 dB.
At least one band (MID or LTE) must be toggled to the ON position.
When only one band is in operation, the DRV3 Lite RF reading will be
recentered in the display for the selected band.
3.4.4 LTE Band Parameters
These parameters define how the DRV3 Lite detects leakage in the LTE band. In most
cases, they must match those of the DSG1 signal generator located at the headend. There
are four parameters, which can be set using the up/down arrow, or directly entered into
corresponding field:
• LTE : Clicking the LTE icon allows you to toggle to ON/OFF the LTE measurement.
• Frequency: From 600-860 MHz.
• Leak threshold: Minimum leakage detection level in uV/m, from 1 to 200 µV/m.
Default value is set at 20 µV/m. When a leak is detected, a sound will be generated
from the speaker, if the function is enabled.
• QAM offset: Relative level in dB of the generated DSG1 signal at the HE location
compared to the adjacent QAM level. Offset is calculated using the QAM_Level
ñ Generated_level. As an example, if the DSG1 signal is set at -25dBc from the
adjacent QAM level measured in a 6 MHz bandwidth, the DRV3 Lite QAM offset
setting will be set at -25. The QAM offset can be adjusted from -99 to 99 dB.
Default value is set at 0 dB.
3.4.5 Tag Mode
In order to use the DRV3 Liteís channel tag detection feature, you must have a channel tagger
device, such as the DSG1 or DSG1 Lite, which inserts a tag into the specified frequencies
carried on the CATV network. Channel tagging is commonly used in areas where more than
one cable operator is active, allowing each operator to identify the leaks, which are under
his responsibility.
In order to allow the DRV3 Lite to recognize channel tags, you must configure the DRV3
Lite channel tag detection parameters to the same settings used by the headend channel
tagger. The DRV3 Lite supports AM tag detection with modulation frequencies varying from
20 Hz to 110 Hz. You can also adjust the detection sensitivity of the channel tag to allow
the DRV3 Lite to discriminate between channel noise and the tag signal (Sens: from 1 to
99. Recommended value = 21). The DRV3 Lite also supports DSB-SC tag detection with
modulation frequencies varying from 3500Hz to 7000Hz. Once properly set up, you can
enable and disable the channel tag detection feature, as may be needed when working in
different areas.
To disable the channel tag detection feature, select the OFF button. The others fields will be
To enable the AM channel tag detection feature, select the AM button. Also, set the Sens. and
modulation frequency to match the signal generator. The value entered in the Hz numerical
box (3-110 Hz).
To enable DSB-SC mode, select the DS button. Also, the DSB spacing to match the generator.
The value entered in the Hz numerical box (0-9960 Hz), by 40 Hz step. In this mode, the Sens
value is ignored.
A DRV3 Lite can also be configured to detect leaking NTSC video signals in mid-band. To
enable this mode, select the VD (Video DSB-SC) button. The LTE band will look for a DSB-SC
tag and the tag can be set like in DSB-SC mode
When the tag detection feature is enabled and the DRV3 Lite detects a leak, the letter ‘t’
appears on the main measurement mode screen. If the measured leak level is greater than
the leak threshold, the letter ‘t’ is replaced by the speaker symbol and the DRV3-lite emits
a sound.
3.4.6 Proximity
The proximity setting is used to apply a distance correction factor when detecting leaks.
The proximity setting corresponds to the estimated distance between the DRV3 Lite and
the leakage source, in order to provide a reading equivalent to a 10ft/3m distance. When
a proximity setting is used, the DRV3 Lite calculates the appropriate gain to provide a
normalized reading as if measured at a 10ft/3m distance. Possible distance values are
10ft/3m (default value), 30ft/10m and 80ft/25m.
3.4.7 Sound
Select the sound level by clicking the ON/OFF button:
• OFF: Speaker is disabled
• ON: Speaker is enabled when a leak is detected
3.4.8 Mode at Startup
Define the operation mode when the DRV3 Lite is started: