Re/X800 and D/X800
Expiratory Filter/Drain System lnstructions
800 Series Ventilators
ldentificatioп of а substance that is
поt contained or present within the
product or packaging.
-"Use Ьу" mark; anticipated filter retirement date.
ldentifitation of а substance that
is contained or present within the
product ог packaging.
lndicates fiow direction; filter is designed for use only in t)1is orientation.
This product cannot Ье adequately cleaned and/or sterilized Ьу the user in order to facilitate safe
reuse, and is therefore intended for single use. Attempts to clean or sterilize these devices
result in а Ьio-incompatibllity, infection or product failure risks to the patient.
This product contains DEHP. When used as indicated, very limited exposure to trace amounts of
DEHP may occur. There is по clear clinical evidence that this degree of exposure increases clinical
risk. However, in order to minimize risk of DEHP exposure in children and nursing or pregnant
women, this product should only Ье used as directed.
Directions for Use
The expiratory filter reduces the paфcles and bacteria in the patient's exhaled gas, and protects
the ventilator's exhalation and spirometry components. Pa.rt of а comprehensive condensate
drainage system that includes а collector vial and optional drain bag, the expiratory filter is
availaЫe in reusaЬle
filter and single-patient use
filter versions.
(lllustrations оп page 2)
ReusaЬ/e filter and via/ оп/у:
Filters are shipped nonsterile. Steam-sterilize before the first use,
or according to the institution's policy. Steam-sterilize after each patient use. (Do not attempt
to sterilize single-patient use filters.)
Col/ectorvial to fi/ter:
lnsert the collector vial (А) into the bottom of the expiratory filter (В) as
shown. Ве sure the lock ring is in the open position, and Ье sure to line up the expiratory limb
connector {С) and the collector vial drain port {D) Ьу turning; then turn the lock ring (Е) to
secure the collector vial into place. То unlock, turn the lock ring counterclockwise.