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February 24, 2019

Great products so far. Fast delivery, easy setup, and working without any issues. 

Great products so far

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US office: Fontana, California
UK office: Ipswich


Patching Instructions:

Needle eye repair

1. After the bed is deflated, cover the nozzle and reduce the gas flow in the bed.

2. Take out the glue in the repair kit and add a drop of glue to the neec e eye to complete the 

repair Wait for four hours before refilling.

3. Ifthe needle eye is large, take a toothpick, apply the glue on the tip of the toothpick, apply it 

to the damaged area and fill the needle eye with glue.

4. After the repalr is completed, wait for four hours before


Repair scratches and burns

1. After the bed is deflated, cover the nozzle and reduce the gas flow in the bed.

2. Find the patch material in the repair kit and cut a piece that needs to fully cover the broken 


3. Apply the glue to the damaged area, press the patch, and glue the edges of the patch.

4.Apply pressure to ensure there are no gaps on the rubber surface and press it with smooth, 

heavy objects.

5. Wait for elght hours before inflating and repair is completed.

Flocking surface repair

1. Carefully clean the repair area.

2. After drying, remove the patch, cut it and cover it over the damaged surface to allow the 

patch to be a little more than the surrounding leather

3.Apply alayer of glue to the patch and the damaged surface

 and glue the edges of the 

patch to ensure a complete seal.

4. 9queeze it with a smooth, heavy object.

5. Press it with heavy objects for 24 hours, then inflate and the repair is completed.
