Made in China
Periodic Maintenance For Your Stone Table Top
Your stone tabletop is coated at the factory with a protective stone sealer. The sealer provides resistance from stains and moisture and helps maintain the stone’s natural
color. For optimum protection, stone tops should be resealed every 6 to 12 months after it has been thoroughly cleaned of all dirt and debris. Stone sealer is available at
most club and hardware stores. Use of placemates, table runners, and beverage coasters will help in the prevention of scratches, stains, and will catch potential spills.
Use an outdoor furniture cover to protect your investment when not in use.
Cleaning Your Stone Table Top
Your stone table top is virtually maintenance free. Maintain the new look of your stone top by removing dust and dirt with plain water periodically. Occasionally rinse off your
table top to prevent debris from settling in and to prevent stains or discolorations. You can also use a mild detergent mixed with water and scrub the table top with a soft,
clean cloth or sponge. Immediately dry your table top after cleaning to prevent moisture penetration and water spots. Spills should be cleaned up immediately as they may
begin to penetrate the sealant. For more thorough cleaning of the table top use a water-based biodegradable cleaner. Avoid ammonia-based cleaners, which can break
down the sealant and possibly damage or discolor the stone. You should never use scouring creams, abrasive cleansers, vinegar cleaners, acid based products or any
alkaline-based products such as ammonia, baking soda or borax.
Cold Climates
We recommend that your stone top be stored in a dry area in cold climates or be covered with a suitable outdoor furniture cover. Make a tent with the cover so that it is not
touching any part of the tabletop- this will promote airflow and allow moisture to escape. It is possible that snow sitting on a tabletop for an extended period of time could
cause moisture to penetrate the sealer. Stone is porous, and if moisture were to enter the stone and freeze, the stone may crack. Always seal the tabletop before each
winter for added protection.
Hot Climates
The porous nature of stone leaves it susceptible to heat retention. Care and caution should be used when handling a stone top that has been subjected to lengthy sun
exposure. It is recommended that you use this product under a protective shade canopy.
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