W W W . C O R S A I R M O T O R S . C O M
I N F O @ C O R S A I R M O T O R S . C O M
Use for the mixture only premium gas for cars 98 octane, together with good-quality, synthetic oil for
mixtures at a quantity of 2,2% - 2,5% .(DO NOT USE MIXTURE ALREADY DONE AT PETROL PUMPS).
When you prepare the mixture, make sure that the can has not dirt or water in it, put always the oil
first and mix thoroughly.
Never run the engine without the air-filter, because dirt and dust raised by the
propeller can
damage it.
The carburettor has two mixture adjustment screws, 1 marked L adjusting low speed and 1 marked H
for high speed.
In order to make the adjustment, gently tighten clockwise then unscrew:
These adjustments can be different on the basis of weather conditions and flight altitudes.
Ideal mixture is reached when the insulator of the spark plug is coffee brown; if the colour is
black, the mixture is too rich, therefore turn screw H clockwise 1/8 round per time. If the spark plug is
grey/white, the mixture is lean, therefore turn screw H and L counterclockwise always 1/8 round per
time. If you can’t calculate 1/8 round, you can use as an example a watch and turn 5 minutes per
time. Remember that if the mixture is too lean, THE PISTON CAN SEIZE. You can see better the colour
of the spark plug by keeping the engine for 20 seconds at maximum speed and switching it off
suddenly without letting it slow down. Once you have found the perfect mixture do not change it
unless you change flight place or climate conditions, since register screws can be damaged by
continuous adjustments.
( all configurations)
L screw
30 / 35 minutes
H screw
1 hour + 30/40 minutes