Tools of this class operate on a wide range of air
pres sures. It is recommended that air pres sure of these
tools mea sures 90 PSI at the tool while running free.
Higher pres sure (over 90 psig; 6.2 bar) raises performance
beyond the rated capacity of the tool which will short en
tool life be cause of faster wear and could cause injury.
Always use clean, dry air. Dust, corrosive fumes and/or
water in the air line will cause damage to the tool.
Drain the air tank daily. Clean the air inlet filter screen
on at least a weekly schedule. The rec om mend ed hook-
up pro ce dure can be viewed in the above figure.
The air inlet (Figure 2) used for con nect ing air supply
has stan dard 1/4" NPT. Line pressure should be increased
to compensate for unusually long air hoses (over 25
feet). Minimum hose diameter should be 3/8" I.D. and
fittings should have the same inside di men sions and be
tightly secured.
Lubricate the air motor daily with quality air tool oil.
If no air line oiler is used, run 1/2 ounce of air tool
oil through the tool by squirting oil into the tool air
inlet or into the nearest con nec tion to the air inlet,
reconnecting air supply, and then running the tool.
Do not use more then 1/2 ounce of oil, as overfilling
will reduce the performance of the tool.
Other factors outside the tool may cause loss of power
or erratic action. Reduced compressor output, excessive
drain on the air line, moisture or restrictions in air
pipes or the use of hose connections of improper size
or poor conditions may reduce air supply. If outside
conditions are in order, and the tool still performs
erratically, disconnect tool from hose and take tool to
your nearest Cornwell authorized service center.
Locate center of new hole by using a center punch.
Place drill bit tip in punch mark. Hold drill square with
work and start motor. Apply steady, even pres sure. Do
not force. Too much pressure can cause bit to break or
over heat. Too little pressure will keep bit from cutting
and cause it to overheat. Reduce pres sure just before
bit cuts through the work. When bit has pen e trat ed
work and is spin ning freely, take it from the work while
the motor is run ning, then turn off drill. If the drill
jams in the work, release throttle immediately.
Dis con nect the drill before re mov ing bit and de ter min ing
cause of trou ble. Do not attempt to free the bit by
starting and stopping the motor.
Cornwell warrants its air tools for a period of 1 year to the con sum er. We will repair any air tool covered under this
warranty which proves to be defective in material or work man ship during the warranty period. In order to have your
tool repaired, return the tool to any Cornwell Au tho rized Warranty Center, freight pre paid.
Please include a copy of your
proof of pur chase and a brief de scrip tion of the prob lem. The tool will be inspected and if any part or parts are found
to be de fec tive in ma te ri al or work man ship, they will be re paired free of charge and the re paired tool will be re turned
to you freight pre paid.
This warranty gives you specific rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state to state.
The foregoing obligation is Cornwell’s sole liability under this or any implied warranty and under no cir cum stanc es shall
Cornwell be liable for any in ci den tal or consequential dam ages.
Note: Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential dam ag es, so the above
limitation or exclusion may not apply to you
Figure 2
Figure 1
Air Inlet