CORNING Lambda EliteMax Quick Start Manual Download Page 3

Creating User Protocols

By pressing the Plate Filling, Serial Dilution, or Plate-to-Plate 
Transfer button in the main menu, the following screen will appear:

General Settings Tab 


You can edit the following to customize your protocols:


Protocol name


Liquid handling speed


Link file option: Allows you to select a protocol to be run after 
the current one is finished (link multiple protocols)


Tip rack orientation


Tip change frequency


Which tips are used: The plate interface can be interacted with 
to determine which rows of tips are used (green = selected)

Protocol Settings Tab

Depending on the protocol, you can edit the following:


Source plate location


Source plate volume


Destination plate location


Destination plate volume


Transfer volume


Blowout volume


Number of mixes in plate


Source and destination


Plates (serial dilution)


Mix volume (serial dilution)

You can also interact with the plate diagram on the right and 
modify the rows filled on the destination plate. When you 
are finished customizing your protocol, return to the General 
Settings tab and select Run in the upper right corner.


 Be sure to confirm the tip rack and plates/reservoirs are in 

the correct position before pressing Run.

Running User Protocols

After selecting Run, the instrument will begin performing the 
selected protocol (Plate Filling, Serial Dilution, or Plate-to-Plate 


During each protocol, the instrument will track the status 
of each operation performed. You can save your protocol by 
selecting More Options and then Save User Program.


At any time the instrument is running, you can press the Stop 
button to pause the instrument. You will then have the option 
to either abort or continue the protocol.

Cherry Picking Protocols for Single channel

By pressing the Single channel button in the main menu, the 
following screen will appear:

General Settings Tab

In the General Settings tab, you can edit the following:


Magazine tips


Source plates


Destination plates


 You will need to assign at least one magazine tip, source 

plate, and destination plate to run a protocol. However, up to 
3 different tip racks/plates can be assigned for more complex 
