TS-009AS Version 05/05 Page 5 of 5
Appliance Operation (Continued)
The Timer will illuminate and will show a random time between 0 and 60
minutes. The cycle time is programmable and by pressing the TIMER SET
button the displayed time will count down from its switch-on value to zero and
then reset to its maximum of 60 minutes and continue counting down. It is
suggested that a minimum time of 25 minutes is used, unless it is known that
the particular recipe being used requires a longer time. It is not possible to be
specific on cycle time due to variation in ingredients and variation in ambient
conditions. Some experimentation may be required.
Press the START/STOP button for two seconds. Release the START/STOP
button, the appliance will bleep once, the paddle will begin to turn and the ice
cream making cycle will start. If the paddle does not turn switch the appliance
off at the START/STOP button then the mains On/Off switch, lift the Top
Assembly off, ensure the Container is correctly orientated and its handle is
folded forward and then replace the Top Assembly. Switch the appliance on
again at the mains On/Off switch and re-programme the required cycle time if
necessary. Re-start by pressing the START/STOP button.
T h e a p p l i a n c e c a n b e s t o p p e d a n d r e -started in its cycle by using the
START/STOP button. Re-starting will reset the timer to its original start value.
At the end of the ice cream making cycle the appliance will buzz five times,
the paddle will continue turning and the freezing mode will be maintained so
that the ice cream remains cold. It is recommended that the ice cream is
removed as soon as possible after the end of the cycle. If the ice cream is not
removed and the appliance is left for an extended period there is a possibility
that the paddle could get frozen into the ice cream.
Some experimentation with timings may be necessary to obtain a product of
a c c e p t a b l e q u a l i t y a n d c o n s i s t e n c y b e c a u s e v a r i a t i o n i n i n g r e d i e n t s ,
temperatures and timings can lead to variation in the finished product.
As soon as possible after the cycle has finished switch the mains switch off,
unplug the appliance from the mains and remove the Top Assembly.
Remove the Ice Cream Container from the Refrigeration Barrel and scoop out
the ice cream using a plastic or wooden spatula or spoon. Metal implements
must not be used as they will damage the Container finish.
If the ice cream is to be kept it should be placed into a suitable freezer
container and stored in a freezer, as with commercial product.
Clean and dry the appliance as in ‘Preparing the Appliance for Use’
and allow the appliance to rest for a minimum of 5 minutes before starting
another ice cream making cycle.