General Warranty Period
Domestic Use
General Warranty
Period Commercial Use
Engine Warranty Period
Warranty Period
Excludes engine, attachments and normal wear parts
Line Trimmers
2 Years
90 Days
2 Year Domestic / 90
Day Commercial
1 Year Domestic / 90
Day Commercial
2 Years
90 Days
2 Year Domestic / 90
Day Commercial
1 Year Domestic / 90
Day Commercial
2 Years
90 Days
2 Year Domestic / 90
Day Commercial
1 Year Domestic / 90
Day Commercial
Hedge Trimmer
2 Years
90 Days
2 Year Domestic / 90
Day Commercial
1 Year Domestic / 90
Day Commercial
2 Years
90 Days
2 Year Domestic / 90
Day Commercial
Rover Edger
5 Years
90 Days
2 Year Domestic / 90
Day Commercial
Rover Powered by CORE
General Warranty Period
Domestic Use
General Warranty
Period Commercial Use
Charger & Battery
Warranty Period
Warranty Period
Excludes motor, attachments and normal wear parts
Rover CORE Powered
5 Years
90 Days
3 Years Domestic / 90
Day Commercial
Table A
For the purpose of Table A:
” means any component of a product that is not a supplied as a standard component (i.e. it is purchased separately)
Where a primary or secondary school purchases an MTD Product for use by that school, that use will be classified as Residential Use;
Honda, Briggs & Stratton and Kohler & Kawasaki engines are “
Non Rover
” engines;
Normal Wear Parts include batteries, blades, blade bolts, V-belts, line heads, spark plugs and filters, as classified by MTD; and
rolling chassis
” means the frame plus the "running gear" like handle bars, wheels, driveshaft and axle.
In the event of dispute, MTD will determine whether the MTD Product was used for a Residential Use or Commercial Use.
Exclusions and Limitations
The Warranty ceases to apply to any MTD Product if it is:
serviced or repaired using non-genuine parts (being parts or components not originally manufactured or imported into Australia
by MTD); or
assembled, serviced, modified or adjusted by a person not appropriately trained in the assembly, servicing, modification or
adjustment of the MTD Product, as determined by MTD.
This Warranty does not apply to, or in any way cover:
normal wear and tear;
defects in or related to the battery;
any defect that was brought to your attention, or would reasonably have been revealed to you if you had conducted an
examination, before acquiring the MTD Product;
any defect in, or defect caused by, parts or components that were not:
manufactured or imported into Australia by MTD;
supplied by a supplier approved by MTD; or
approved by MTD for use with the MTD Product;