Ease of Access settings allow you to customize your laptop's accessibility
settings to cater to your needs.
For Ease of Access Settings:
1. Open the Action Center > click "All Settings"
2. Click "Ease of Access".
Configure your settings.
Activate Windows:
Install the latest version of Windows™ on your laptop
with your product key.
Manage your laptop settings, including display, typing, power and
sleep. Manage Bluetooth
and other devices. Get laptop information.
Manage and create different user accounts.
Change your privacy settings, location settings, webcam settings,
microphone settings, etc.
Manage your network connections.
Time and Language:
Set date and time. Set region and language.
Ease of Access:
Control accessibility settings: narrator, magnifier, high
contrast and keyboard options can be adjusted to your needs.
Update and Security:
Update Windows™, save copies of your settings and
recover or reinstall your laptop. Change security settings.
Ease of Access
Laptop Settings