Document Version 1
September 2019
© 2019 Coopers Fire Ltd.
Testing / Service Requirement
Coopers are required by their ISO 9001 2008 Quality Procedures to advise end users in order to ensure
continued reliability, automatic fire barriers should be tested regularly and a log of testing maintained.
In addition, they should be serviced and tested annually by personnel registered under the IFC SDI05
Scheme for Installers of Smoke & Fire Barrier Assemblies and in accordance with the
It is essential for the safety of the occupants of a building that fire safety equipment is checked frequently. A
formal agreement should be made with the installer, his agent, or an accredited servicing organisation, to
provide regular inspection and testing at intervals relative to the service life of the product. Continuous
testing of the Fire Curtain is required to ensure the integrity of all components in the event of a Fire.
Fire Control System for Means of Escape
‘Simulate actuation of the fire control system and ensure that any fans and powered exhaust ventilators
operate correctly, fire dampers close (or open in some systems), natural exhaust ventilators open
automatic fire barriers move into positions, etc.’
To ascertain an informed judgment on the overall condition of the Life Safety System and give the operator
set interval to log any faults with deployment of the fire Barrier to the curtain manufacturer.
Six Monthly
To determine the physical condition of the unit and perform basic electrical tests to ensure the product is
performing to the specification to which it has been designed. This is also an opportunity to log any defects
with the Fire Curtain and request further corrective maintenance to be carried out.
Arrange for the annual inspections and tests of the smoke control system(s) to be carried out by competent
persons, for any defects to be logged and the necessary action taken and ensure that certificates of
satisfactory testing are received. Scheduled maintenance is to be performed to extend the life of the safety
product any findings outside of the scope of the inspection should also be logged.
You Have the Responsibility to Test and Maintain Your
Life Safety Equipment
Installation or use that is not in a
ccordance with the manufacturer’s instructions may lead to
impairment of the safety of the equipment.
• Ensure Maintenance Staff have received training from Curtain Manufacturer/Supplier.
• Check that all units have remained and are still free of all obstructions within their descent path.
• Check that there have been no additions to walls or surfaces in the vicinity or in the descent path, which
could interfere with the curtain deployment.
• Operate the unit from the Fire Alarm or Smoke / Heat Detectors.
• Ensure the curtain deploys to the Fire Operational Position, i.e. Down.
• Reset the curtain.
• Enter test time, date and inspectors name on record sheet.