Document number 2456-05 Revision 3
Size (module only)
55.2 x 52 x 19mm
Weight (installed, including harness)
Less than 100g
5-35 V DC
Maximum: 10mA; Average: 2mA
Transmission protocol
Bluetooth Low Energy (2.4GHz)
Transmission power (peak)
4 dBM (2.5 mW)
Table 1: BlueMAX Technical specifications
Referenced Documents
The documents referred to in these instructions are listed in Table 2: Referenced
Power requirements
The BlueMAX module draws a maximum of only 10mA and may be supplied from an
existing breaker. It is recommended that it be supplied from the convenience power
breaker CB638 (5A or 3A depending on aircraft configuration) on the non-essential bus.
All power wiring to the BlueMAX adapter should be 20AWG, which is rated to 7.5A per
AC 43.13-1B.
Preparation for installation
Aircraft identification
Cirrus aircraft fitted with Perspective avionics are not eligible for BlueMAX installation.
Cirrus aircraft fitted with Avidyne EMAX engine monitoring fall into two general
categories – those fitted with an SIU or those fitted with a DAU. SIUs are fitted only to
early serial numbers and can be identified by the presence of analog engine instruments
on the right hand side of the instrument panel. Note that that the SIU was an option, and
may not be fitted to all applicable aircraft. Later Avidyne-equipped aircraft do not have
the analog instruments on the panel (there is a glove box in the location where the
engine instruments were) and all these aircraft are fitted with a DAU. The DAU provides
two RS-232 outputs, one feeds the MFD and is used for connection to the BlueMAX
module, and the other feeds the PFD which displays the primary engine