Control 4 C4-KD120 Installation Manual Download Page 1



The Control4® Keypad Buttons let you and your customer decide 

how to lay out the buttons on Keypad Dimmers, Configurable 

Keypads, or Configurable Decora or Square Wired Keypads by 

providing multiple ways to attach the keycaps to the devices. 

These buttons come in Contemporary flat or rounded design, and 

single, double, or triple heights, as well as a split up/down button. 

Use any combination to snap the buttons into place easily.


The button configuration defined for the 

Keypad or Keypad Dimmer in Control4 Composer Pro 

must match the physical button configuration for proper 


Keypad button installation

To attach the buttons onto a keypad:

Remove the keypad button tray and the keypad buttons 

from the packaging.

Identify all of the pieces in the keypad tray.

Figure 1: Keypad Button Kit

Determine the desired button layout. Buttons can be mixed 

and matched as desired, using the split up/down, single-, 

double-, or triple-height buttons in the kit.

If you are using the split up/down 

button assembly, attach the assembly 

(Figure 2), and then attach the sensor 

bar (Figure 3). These must be placed 

first in the bottom position (Figure 4). 
Orient the button assembly so that 

the up button is on the right, and then 

slide the mounting holes at the bottom 

of the button assembly over the small 

black prongs that protrude from the 

bottom of the keypad button area.

Snap the sensor bar onto the bottom of the button 

area of the keypad where the small black prongs 

protrude (Figure 3). The sensor bar is the small clear bar 

(Contemporary) or the small bar with a clear window. 


Orient the sensor bar so that the curved edge 

faces toward the bottom of the keypad and protruding 

sensor edge faces toward the top of the keypad.

Figure 3: Attach sensor bar (shown without split up/down buttons)

Figure 4: Sensor bar with split up/down buttons

Sensor bar













Protruding tab faces 

top of keypad 


Curved edge faces  

bottom of keypad


1. Install split up/down buttons 2. Install sensor bar

Split up/down 


Figure 2: Split up/down buttons

Keypad Buttons Installation Guide

Supported lighting models

•  C4-KD120 (-C) 

 Keypad Dimmer, 120V

•  C4-KD240 (-C) 

 Keypad Dimmer, 240V

•  C4-KD277 (-C) 

 Keypad Dimmer, 277V

•  C4-KC120277 (-C)   Configurable Keypad, 120V/277V
•  C4-KC240 (-C) 

 Configurable Keypad, 240V

•  C4-KCB (-C) 

 Configurable Wired Keypad

•  C4-SKCB (-C) 

 Square Wired Keypad

Supported keypad button models

Traditional rounded keypad buttons and Contemporary flat 

keypad buttons (with a -C suffix in the part number) are 

supported by this guide.
•  C4-CKSK (-C)  Color Kit Square Keypad Buttons
•  C4-CKKD (-C) Color Kit Keypad Dimmer Buttons
•  C4-CKKC (-C)  Color Kit Configurable Keypad Buttons
