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Speaker Point™

The Control4


 Speaker Point™ makes delivering audio throughout the home easy and 

cost-effective. This truly easy-to-use device with its integrated 50 watt per channel

digital amplifier instantly delivers music to any room from any connected music 

source in the house. Its small design and wireless capability allows  Speaker Point 
units to be discreetly located throughout the house. And its simple installation and 

configuration makes setting up and using the Speaker Point a breeze.  

It’s all part of the Control4 vision. We bring the benefits of a truly automated home to 

more people with solutions that are affordable, easy to install and designed to adapt 
to any home or lifestyle.

Music Added Anywhere — Instantly

Stream blues to your kitchen, jazz 

to your living room and rock and roll 

upstairs — wired or wirelessly. With 

Speaker Point, everyone’s favorite music 

can be played anywhere in the home.

Features and Benefits

Simple Elegance In Any Room


Compact footprint — Small design allows it to be placed discreetly throughout the home. 


Horizontal or vertical orientation 

— Can be placed flat or upright,  in any inconspicuous

  location around the home. 

Intuitive For Every User


Easy to control — Select and play music using any Control4 System Remote Control,

  Touch Screen, or Keypad.


Easy to use — Plug it in, connect the speakers and it’s ready to go.

Easy To Install


Plug and play ease — Simple, intuitive set up.


Wi-Fi option — No special cables to pull through the home. Connects easily to a WiFi network.


Wired option — Ethernet version is perfect for new construction installations.


Absolute integration and control — Works with any speakers, integrates seamlessly with the

  Control4 home automation system.

Intelligent From Front to Back 


Built-in amplifier

 — On-board, digital 50 watt per channel amplifier fills the room with sound.


Remote controls — Control the music playing in any room from any Control4 System Remote

  Control, Touch Screen, or Keypad. 

 Pre-amp out

 — Easily connect to an external amplifier if desired. 


Wireless option — Intelligent, reliable, wireless connectivity using WiFi for music distribution. 

Affordable For Every Customer


Incredible value 

— Pay less than ever for excellent audio quality and instant audio zones using 

  the latest wireless technology.


Reduced installation costs

 — Efficient, compact technology makes installation quick and easy 

  in any home.


Modular solution — Allows customers to incrementally expand home automation and home audio 

  for less money.

Control4 • 11734 South Election Road • Salt Lake City, Utah 84020 • p: 801.523.3100/1.888.400.4070 • f: 801.523.3199 • 
