Standard Practices
Teledyne Continental Motors, Inc.
IOF-240 Series Engine Maintenance Manual
29 November 2006
Replacement Parts
C-2.1. Background
An increasing amount of replacement parts (including standard parts), materials,
appliances, and instruments are represented as being of aircraft quality when actually the
quality and origin of these units is unknown. Users of such units are usually not aware of
the potential hazards involved with replacement parts that are not eligible for use on
certified aircraft. Frequently, such units are deceptively advertised or presented as
“unused,” “like new,” or “remanufactured,” implying the quality of such units is equal to
an original or appropriately repaired or overhauled unit.
The performance rules for replacement of parts and materials used in the maintenance
and alteration of U.S.-certified aircraft are specified in Federal Aviation Regulations
(FAR) 43.13 and FAR 145.57. The responsibility for the continued airworthiness of the
aircraft, which includes the replacement of parts, is the responsibility of the
owner/operator as outlined in FAR 91.163, FAR 121.363, FAR 123.45, FAR 127.131,
and FAR 135.143.
C-2.2. Acceptable Replacement Parts
Teledyne Continental Motors, Inc. (TCM) provides Instructions for Continued
Airworthiness (ICAs) based on the design, testing, and certification of engines and parts
for which TCM is the holder of the Type Certificate (TC) or Parts Manufacturing
Approval (PMA) issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). These
instructions, which include maintenance, repair limits, overhaul, and installation are
applicable only to engines and parts supplied by TCM. TCM does not provide
instructions relating to the installation or use of parts not manufactured or supplied by
TCM. Instructions provided by other engine parts manufacturers or resellers should be
used for their parts. TCM has not participated in design, test, or certification in regards to
aftermarket parts manufacturers and has no experience with respect to such parts.
FAA regulations require only FAA-approved parts be used on a type certified product.
FAA-approved parts may be identified in accordance with the information given below.
TCM does not play any role in the FAA approval of such parts; does not have any
responsibility for the design, certification, service life, repair, overhaul, or quality of such
parts; and has made no determination regarding the effect, if any, that using such parts
may have on TCM supplied engines or parts.
C-2.3. Know Your Supplier
Some reproduced parts and components, particularly instruments, have been
manufactured by entities other than the original equipment manufacturer and are
available for purchase and installation on U.S.-certified aircraft. Often, an original part is
used as a sample to produce duplicates. The reproduced parts
to be as good as the
original part. However, there are many unknown factors to be considered that may not be
readily apparent to the purchaser, such as heat-treating, plating, inspections, tests, and
calibrations. All too often, the faulty part is not discovered until a malfunction or an
accident occurs.