5. About Software
About Software for Windows
The bundled CD-ROM “Driver library API-PAC(W32)” contains the functions that provide the
following features:
All of the master mode, slave mode, and interrupt level can be set by software.
Three-wire handshaking is employed to assure transfer even between the sending and receiving
devices different in speed.
For details, refer to the help file. The help file provides various items of information such as “Function
Reference”, “Sample Programs”, and “FAQs”. Use them for program development and troubleshooting.
For using API-GPIB(98/PC)xx
Accessing the Help File
(1) Click on the [Start] button on the Windows taskbar.
(2) From the Start Menu, select “Programs” – “CONTEC API-PAC(W32)” – “GPIB” – “API-GPIB
HELP” to display help information.