2. Setup
Step 3 Initializing the Software
This assigns COM ports to the serial ports on the PC card. On Windows XP and 2000, you can also
change the COM port numbers for existing COM ports.
For use under Windows XP, Windows 2000
On Windows XP and Windows 2000, the COM ports are already assigned by the hardware installation
step. Run Device Manager as described below if you wish to view or modify the COM port settings.
Start Device Manager
(1) Select "System" from "Control Panel" and start [Device Manager].
(2) Check that the new COM ports are displayed in the [Ports] folder.
Updating the Settings
(1) If you wish to change a port number, open the properties page for the port and click the
[Advanced…] button under [Port Settings].
(2) Use the [COM Port Number] combo box to modify the COM port number.
You have now finished installing the initial setting of Software.