5. BIOS Setup
PT-955LXC-DC5311 User’s manual
Virus Warning
When enabled, you receive a warning message if a program (specifically, a virus) attempts to write to the
boot sector or the partition table of the hard disk drive. You should then run an anti-virus program. Keep
in mind that this feature protects only the boot sector, not the entire hard drive.
Many disk diagnostic programs that access the boot sector table can trigger the virus warning
message. If you plan to run such a program, we recommend that you first disable the virus warning.
Activates automatically when the system boots up causing a warning message to appear when
thing attempts to access the boot sector or hard disk partition table.
No warning message will appear when anything attempts to access the boot sector or hard disk
partition table.
Table 5.5. Advance BIOS Feature Selections
Description Choice
CPU L1 & L2 Cache
These allow you to enable (speed up memory access) or
disable the cache function.
Hyper-Threading Technology
These allow you to enable or disable the Hyper-Threading