Contax RTS III Instruction Manual Download Page 4

Summary of Contents for RTS III

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Page 2: ...www orphancameras com www orphancameras com...

Page 3: equipped with other multi modeCarl Zeiss interchangeablelenses wir dankenlhnen daBsie sich fur die contax RTSlll entschieden haben Auf der Grundlagedes Echtzeitkonzeptes der contax RTS serie biete...

Page 4: ...theExposure Mode Aperture priority AutoExposure Shutter speed priority AutoExposure Manual Exposure BulbExposu re Metering System Exposure Compensation 1 Using the Exposure Compensation Dial 2 Using...

Page 5: Rewind Lever Vertical position Shutter Release Lock Vertical position Shutter Release Self timer LED Accessory Shoe Dedicated f lashContact DirectX contact Diopter Adjuster Shutter SpeedDial Shutte...

Page 6: ...ompartment Cover Eyepiece ShutterLever TripodSocket Shutter Curtain FilmMounting Spindle DXContact FilmChamber Data back Contact Eyecup Pre flash Lever DateSetButton DateSelectButton DateModeButton Da...

Page 7: ...Hauptschalter ffi ein ON ry Placez le commutateur principal ffi srr oN ffi Ajusteel interruptor principal en m O N ffi Setthe filmspeedto DX with q theexposure compensation dial ffi Stellen Siedie Fil...

Page 8: ...ement sur S CL ou CH ry Ajusteel arodel selector del modomotorizado a S CL o cH ffi LegenSieden Film u denFilmanfang bis orangefarbenen Marke Patrone undlegenSie Filmtransportrolle ein ziehen Sie ZUT...

Page 9: ...ffi Setthe exposuremodeselector leverto Av g Stellen SiedenBelichtungs ffi O triebsarten Wahlschieber auf Av ffi Placezle levierde s6lection de moded exposition sur Av ffi Ajustela palancadel selecto...

Page 10: ...eselector leverto Tv andset the lensto itsminimumaperture green ffi Stellen SiedenBelichtungs betriebsarten Wah lsch ieberauf Tv unddas Objektivauf den kleinsten Blendenwert ein ffi Placezle levierde...

Page 11: ...iece ring again in place by screwing it in O O Drehen Sie den Okularringwie gezeigt um ihn zu entfernen BringenSie die Augenmuschelam Okular an und schraubenSie den Okularringwieder ein a O Retirezla...

Page 12: ...ffimssc fommfspaW Mmrfoermsfesffi r b mgrrmffimrspx pdrm mee dw dmpnse ds M s pxmrmcrs sry s s s dm d spmn p 1 7 www orphancameras com...

Page 13: ...lick Dismounting the Lens Whilepressing inthe lensrelease button turnthe lens counterclockwise as far as it willgo andpullit outtoward you Afterdismounting the lensfromthe camera protect the lenswitht...

Page 14: ...battery compartment Thecamerawillnotoperate if the and O endsarewrong o The batteriesthat come with the camera are sample batteriesthat can be used only for testingthe camera operation Use the followi...

Page 15: ...ions OFF ON and AEL AElock OFF To setthe mainswitchto OFF turnit so thatthe reddot is concealed At OFF the camera spowerswitchwillturnoff lf youare notusingthe camera setthe mainswitchat OFFto prevent...

Page 16: ...eeven after the mar a has turned on it is recommendedto replacethe batteries as soon as possible Be careful because the marft e will blinkor go out and the camera will no longeroperate if the battery...

Page 17: ...orsichtsmaBregeln flir die Batterien o Tauschen sie immeralleBatterien gleichzeitig gegen frische Batterien desgleichen Typsaus Mischen Sienicht alteundneueBatterien undsolcheverschiedener Typen o Bei...

Page 18: adjuster andturnit untilthecirclein thecenterof theviewfinder appears clear Theadjustable rangeis 1 3 d i o p t e r s o Afteradjustment pushin thediopter adjuster o lf youcannotadjust withthecamera...

Page 19: ...peedare printedon the filmbox Automatically set filmspeedsare notdisplayed on the camera lf non DX coded filmis usedintheautomatic setting mode itsfilmsoeed willbe setto ISO100 Manual Setting lf youus...

Page 20: ...wise intothefilmchamber withitsprotruding enddownward as illustrated Note on the shutter curtain Theshutter curtainis a precision part Nevertouchit withyourfingeror strikeit withthefilmtip Whenthefilm...

Page 21: ...t the main switch at ON and ff deoress the shutter release The mark in the displaypanel the film will automatically advance into positionfor the first shot and the exposurecounter will show O 1 o lf t...

Page 22: ...y appears in theviewf inder it willremain on for additional 16 seconds O ExposureMode Indicator Theexposure modeis displayed Av showsaperture priority autoexposure Tv shutter speed priority autoexposu...

Page 23: ...8000to 4 secondsand LT 6 32 seconds are displayed 8000 shows1 8000seconds and 4s shows 4 seconds lf two shutterspeedsare displayed thier intermediate valueis the shutterspeed being set lf the mark 4...

Page 24: ...heshutter release is depressed youcantake pictures in succession at a rateof upto aboutthree frames sec CL or aboutfiveframes sec CH The frameratewilldifferwiththeshutter speedandthe conditions of bat...

Page 25: ...e Setyourdesired modewiththe exposure modeselector leverwhilepressing in the exposure modelockrelease button Fordetails on theexposure modes seepages58 76 Exposure Check Button Whenthemainswitchis at...

Page 26: ...rom 4 sec to 1 BOOO sec in 1 stepincrements lt can be lockedonlv a t X 1 2 5 Shutterspeed VerschluBzeit Vl fesse d abturation Velocidaddel obturador Shuffer speed dial tock release button Versc hIuBze...

Page 27: ...e camera can be held not only in the horizontal position but also in the verticalpositiondependingon the subject In any case study your comfortablecamera positioning and practice untilyou get used to...

Page 28: ...terie Warnsymbol a nicht um die Batterien zu schonen Systdme RTV Real Time Vacuum Enadoptant uneplaque de pression ceramique et le systdme RTV il estdevenupossible de fixerla planeite du filmd unemani...

Page 29: ...mmwruffi ffas Kmc Nrxrrynx s ffimeffi wvmffiwsre fsmsx m xsmmfmmfosxs msx ffn sxcfs tr s md mf pffmffi 1 6 Fx exrryes s ff9 3 rryaxe ms ffissw sdps s mdm md f mexwcms mp rmm ms 57...

Page 30: ...the aperture suitedfor it to provide correctexposure Thismodeis usefulfor takingfast movingobjects M Manual Exposure In thismode youcan choosethe aperture andshutter speedas desired Intentional over o...

Page 31: ...the aperture and shoot e lf you set the aperturewith the lens aperturering the camera will automaticallyset the shutterspeed suitedfor it In the viewfinder the apertureyou have set and the shutterspee...

Page 32: ...ed and shoot lf yousettheshutter speedby turning theshutter speeddial thecamerawillautomatically settheaperture suited for it Intheviewfinder theshutter speedyouhavesetwillblink andtheaperture automat...

Page 33: ...r speed and shoot e lf yousettheshutter speedby turning theshutter speeddial thecamerawillautomatically settheaperture suited for it Intheviewfinder theshutter speedyouhavesetwillblink andtheaperture...

Page 34: ...ea valor de ajuste Shutter speed Lights shifted value VerschluBzeitanzeigeleuchtet ged nderterWert Vitessed obturation Allumee valeurdecalee Velocidaddel obturador Se enciende valor cambiado Setaperti...

Page 35: ...urador correcta es mds rdpidaque la que usted ha selec cionado la abertura parpadearf Asegure se de que el objetivoestd ajustado a su aberturaminima Si se ajusta un objetivodel tipo MM a una aberturao...

Page 36: ...ND filter Underexposure warning means dark use an changethe correctly Overexposure Uberbelichtung Surexposition Sobrexposicion Underexposure Unterbelichtung Sous exposition Subexposicion lf LT blinkso...

Page 37: ...usetheAE lock Hinweise zum Gebrauch von Kamerazubehiir Diefolgenden Hinweise sindbeiVerwendung eines Objektivs mit einerLichtstdrke unterf 5 6oderanderen Kamerazubehors zu beachten dasmit der automat...
