Contax 159MM Instruction Manual Download Page 16

Summary of Contents for 159MM

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Page 2: ...CONru lnstructionmanual Bedienungsanleitung Mode d emploi llanual de inslrucciones w t r qrqebr _ _ w r _ 7 ir ew i tb r W 4 4 er www orphancameras com...

Page 3: ...arnewhen otherinterchangeable ZeissT lenseswith ProgramMode capability are used Die in dieserBroschuregegebenenBedienungsanleitungen beziehen sichauf die Kamerain Verbindung mit dem PlanarT 50 mm tf1...

Page 4: ...sel Einlegen derBatterien Filmeinlegen Einstellung derFilmempfindlichkeit Scharfeinstellung Sucherdisplay Blendenring Versch luR Einstel lscheibe FilmrUckspulen MeRsystem WahlderBelichtungs Betriebsar...

Page 5: ...AE AutoExposure LockLever LensRelease Button Carrying StrapEyelet Self Timer Index Self Timer ButtonLockRing Self Timer Button Self Timer Flasher Deoth of Freld PreviewButton Auto FlashContacts Shutt...

Page 6: ...FilmRewindStud FilmCassette Chamber ShutterCurtain DataBackLED FilmGuideRails WinderCoupling Terminal WinderCoupling FilmRewindRelease Button BatteryCheckLamP ReleaseSocket Sprocket Take up Spool Pres...

Page 7: ...a lenscap of the snapon type attachor removeit fromthe lensby pressing in the two side tabs RemovinEthe Lens Whilepressing the lensrelease button turnthe lens counterclockwise slightly and removeit fr...

Page 8: ...ese batteries LR44or equivalent tr Openthe batterycompartment coveron camerabase by unscrewing it counterclockwise witha coinedge Z Inserttwo batteries stacked together intothe battery holder withthe...

Page 9: ...n for 16seconds Whenthemainswitchis turned back reddot in coveredposition allof theelectrical circuits willbe turnedoff causing allcamerafunctions to cease Whennotusing thecamera makesurethatthemain s...

Page 10: ...eatment VorsichtsmaRregeln fiir die Batterien o Silberoxidbatterien habeneineLebensdauer von etwa einemJahr Alkalimanganbatterien vonetwa6 Monaten Die Lebensdauer der Batterien hdngtjedochvonder Hdufi...

Page 11: ...t when loading film tr Open the camerabackby pulling the filmrewindknob allthewayout 2 Place thefilmcartridge in thefilmchamber Then pushthe rewind knobbackin turning it slightly untilit falls intopos...

Page 12: ...Before closing the cameraback makesurethatthe filmperforations areengaging the sprocket teethandthat thefilmcassette portis properly positioned as shownin theillustration E Takeupanyfilmslackby unfold...

Page 13: ...res are beingmadebeforethe exposure counterreaches 1 thecamerashutter will release at 1 100sec regardless of the selected shutter speed except 8 setting andthe shutter speedLEDwithinthe viewfinder dis...

Page 14: ...y even numbersfrom 2 Ihrough 36 The odd numbers are indicatedby dots marked between the even numbers The orange colorgd numbers 12 20 24 and 36 correspondto the number of exposuresin standard35 mm fil...

Page 15: ...release the ring letting it clickrighton theproper clickstop soonaftersettingthe filmspeed checkto seethatthe exposure compensation dialis set at X1 lf it is at anysetting otherthan X1 youwillnotbe ab...

Page 16: ...ring effectdisappears fromthe collararea 30 giving youa sharp clearimagewhenin focus To focuswiththeoutermattefield turnthefocusing ring untilthe imageappears sharpandclear freeof anyfoggy effect when...

Page 17: ...automatically adjusts the intensity to theprevailing lighting condition o Whenthe exposed filmis sentoutfor processing and printing of standard sizeprints be mindful thattheprints willshowsomewhat les...

Page 18: ...the aperture turnthe aperture ringuntilthedesired aperture settingis aligned withthe aperture distance scale index Theaperture ringcan be usedat in between positions Theminimum aperture setting of 16...

Page 19: ...ingsusingthe Manual gxposure mode 4000 500 60 and 1 represent usableshutterspeedsettings of 1 4000 1 500 1 60and 1 secondrespectively Whenthe settingis shiftedto a next largernumber forexample from 12...

Page 20: ...e to rewind the film into ifs cassette before removing it from the camera tr Depress the filmrewindrelease buttonon camera basefor an instant andletgo 2 Unfold thefilmrewind crankhandle andturnit in d...

Page 21: ...Sincethe metering systemis center weighted you can obtainoptimum correctexposure by framing and metering your subjectin the centerof the viewfinder Die Contax 159MM bietet ein TTL Offenblenden MeBsyst...

Page 22: ...HP setting 1 1000 sec manualexposure mode nt tne LP setling 1 60sec manualexposure 3 mode VorsichtsmaBregeln bei Verwendungvon Zubeh ir BeiVerwendung vonObjektiven mit Maximalblenden von f 5 6oderbeid...

Page 23: 20 o EVnumbers whichareusedto indicate thecoupling rangeof the lightmeter denotethe aperture andshutter speedcombinations thatyieldthe sameexposure effect on thefilmfor a givenlighting condition F...

Page 24: ...gram AE Mode Withthis mode thecameramatches aperture settings witha shutter priority setting oI 111000 second lt is ideally suited forfastactionsportsphotography andfor intentional blurring of theback...

Page 25: ...P is displayed in theviewfinder indicating the camerais in the Program AE mode o WhenolderZeisslenses notfittedwitha program coupling pin areused the P willnotbe displayed 2 Stopthe Lens Downto lts M...

Page 26: ...sateif the exposurein effect is within the working rangeof the camera selected shutterspeeds 1 1000sec for HP and 1 60sec for LP See illustration When a shutterspeed of 1 30sec or slower is indicated...

Page 27: ...5B l Number Normal Program NOfmal Pfogfamm Programme normal Programa normal High speedProgram Schnell Prog ramm Programme a vitesse elev6e Programa de alta velocidad Low speed Program Langsam Program...

Page 28: ...ority AE mode A Selectthe ApertureSetting selectthedesired aperture by turning the lensaperture ring andusetheviewfinder display to confirm the aperture setting E Focus and Compose Compose thepicture...

Page 29: ...camerashakewithhand heldshotsInthiscase useautoflash or support the camera witha tripod 62 Overexposure warning Uberbelichtung Sur exposition Sobreexposicion Underexposure warning Unterbelichtung Sous...

Page 30: ...ure ringto thedesired aperture setting andusethevieMinder display to confirm theaperture setting E Checkthe Exposureand Shoot Depress the shutterrelease buttonpartwayin andthe shutter speedLEDwillpuls...

Page 31: ...ainopen and the film will be exposedfor as long as the shutter releasebutton is held depressed In this case camera shake is inevitable with hand held photography thus the camera shouldalwaysbe mounted...
