Step 3: Output Level and Clipping
Note: This test should be performed as briefly as possible.
1. Set the TSG to the 1kHz setting.
2. Set the FSM to the RMS/Peak A-Weighted mode.
3. Adjust the drive level to achieve 2 amps of output current.
Measure the field strength using the FSM, and use this and
Note 1 (see page 19) to determine the extra current required.
Record the current and number of steps required, as these will be
needed again.
Note: If more than 9.0dB is required to achieve 0dB, a different
loop design or more powerful driver is required. This is potentially
due to metal loss.
3. Set the TSG to the 1kHz setting.
4. Set the FSM to the Third Octave F= 1000Hz setting.
5. Adjust the line level until the only the first orange LED is turned on.
6. Adjust the drive level to achieve 2 amps of output current, as
indicated by the driver LEDs.
Set the TSG to the pink noise setting and record the value
measured by the FSM.
Set the FSM to the Third Octave F= 100Hz setting and record
the value measured.
Set the FSM to the Third Octave F= 5000Hz setting and
record the value measured.
10. If the difference between the values measured at 1000Hz and
5000Hz is less than 3dB, record the results and move on to
Step 3: Output Level and Clipping. If the difference is higher than
3dB, move on to step 11.
11. Increase the HF comp and repeat steps 3 to 10.