The on-board computer ships with a standard (default) user login password
—you should change this password immediately as the on-board computer
is first connected to the network (i.e. when you provide network credentials).
The operating system of the on-board computer must be regularly updated
to ensure that newly-available security patches are applied in good time.
Failure to keep the system updated will increase the risk of compromise. You
are responsible for keeping the on-board computer system secure—a big
part of that will usually be to ensure that security fixes are applied promptly.
As shipped, the on-board computer is configured with the Debian
which is intended to perform default
security updates automatically and as required. You should ensure that
this system is configured correctly and able to function normally in its
network environment, or—alternatively—follow your own preferred policy
to maintain system security.
Once software release R190828 (published 28
August 2019) or any later
software release has been installed on the robot, the unattended
upgrades system is disabled, and future system updates will be performed
when a robot software update is invoked. You should therefore perform a
robot software update regularly—please see the robot software update
page of the general documentation for details.
Whichever software release is installed, you may manually update the
operating system at any time, in the usual way.
The on-board computer exposes various network interfaces. You should
operate the robot only within a secure network environment—e.g. not
connected to the public internet—until and unless you are satisfied that the
risks of doing so have been managed satisfactorily. Some of these interfaces
are listed below, for information.
The on-board computer exposes a ROS interface to the network. This
interface can be used to access robot sensor data—including camera
and microphone streams—
without providing further credentials
, which
risks leaking video and audio data to unintended recipients. You should
take appropriate steps to secure this ROS network against access to suit
the needs of your application. Information on preventing unwanted
access to a ROS network is available at
If running only on-board controllers (such as the demo controller) you
do not need to expose the ROS interface to the network—use the
Revision date 17 Feb 2021