f) Function "Sunrise/sunset" (symbol "
In the basic display mode of the weather station, select the function "Sunrise/sunset" with the button
" (6) or "
" (7). The corresponding symbol (see above) blinks.
The following setting options and displays are available now:
Switching the display data
Briefly press the button "SET" (5) repeatedly to switch between the following displays:
• Date, city code and sunrise/sunset times
• Time, city code and sunrise/sunset times
• Date, city code and corresponding degree of longitude/latitude
In the display field for the sunrise time, a different value appears depending on the time of day:
0.00 to 12.00 hrs:
The sunrise time of the current day is displayed
12.00 to 24.00 hrs:
The sunrise time of the next day is displayed
Please note that there are no sunrise or sunset times in some locations (with a high degree of latitude),
as the sun shines the whole day (display "FULL") or not at all (display "- - - -").
Entering the location data
• Keep the button "SET" (5) depressed until the time display field shows "CITY" and a three-digit city code blinks
• With the button "
" (6) or "
" (7), you can now select a city close to the location whose sunrise and sunset times
are to be calculated.
You will find a list of cities and city codes in the appendix in chapter 21.
For a quick adjustment, hold the corresponding button for a longer period of time.
• Briefly press the button "SET" (5) to confirm the selection. Now the display shows the sunrise and sunset times.
Entering the data for the city code "USR":
If "USR" was selected as city code, you now have to enter the geographic location in degrees longitude
and latitude (entering the arc degree and arc minute is also possible).
After confirmation with the button "SET" (see above), only lines appear on the display instead of the
sunrise and sunset times.
Enter the data as follows:
• Two lines "- -" blink for the degree of latitude. Enter the degree of arc with the button "
" (6) or "
" (7) (keep this
depressed longer for quick adjustment) and confirm your entry with the button "SET" (5).
• Now two lines "- -" blink for the minute of arc. Enter the minute of arc with the button "
" (6) or "
" (7) (keep this
depressed longer for quick adjustment) and confirm your entry again with the button "SET" (5).
• Now "N" or "S" blinks. With the button "
" (6) or "
" (7), select whether this is the northern ("N") or southern ("S")
degree of latitude. Confirm the setting by pressing the "SET" button (5).
• Now two lines "- -" blink for the degree of longitude. Enter the degree of arc with the button "
" (6) or "
" (7) (keep
this depressed longer for quick adjustment) and confirm your entry with the button "SET" (5).
• Now two lines "- -" blink for the minute of arc. Enter the minute of arc with the button "
" (6) or "
" (7) (keep this
depressed longer for quick adjustment) and confirm your entry again with the button "SET" (5).