6. Functional Description
The clear water pump is operated, e.g. in a rain water cistern or a well with ground water. The clear water may be
submersed entirely (submersion depth max. 7 m from the bottom of the clear water pump/intake opening to the water
There is a corresponding holder on the top that can be used to attach the clear water pump.
The clear water pump must never be attached by the mains cable or hose (e.g. to pull it out of the well).
Attachment by the mains cable will cause damage to the mains cable, danger to life from electric shock!
Attachment by the hose may cause slipping of the clear water pump and thus damage the mains cable,
see above.
The clear water must be operated vertically. Otherwise, the float switch may block inside the casing.
When setting up to extract water after flooding (e.g. in the basement), observe that the minimum water depth is
approx. 5 cm. If the water is lower, the pump will not work because it will take in only air.
Only clean water must be conveyed; the maximum grain size for contamination is 5 mm. Larger contamination
(leaves, dirt particles, stones, etc.) clog the intake openings; they also block the pump and the float switch.
A large rotary button on the top of the clear water pump is used to select the manual or automatic operation mode:
• Manual operation, switch position “MANUAL”
The clear water pump works continually while connected to the mains voltage. In this operating mode, the clear
water pump must never be operated unsupervised for safety reasons (may run day, damage to the clear water
pump, also danger of fire from overheating!).
• Automatic operation, switch position “AUTO”
A float switch integrated in the clear water pump deactivates the clear water pump when the water level drops below
a certain height. Unsupervised operation is possible.
Observe that larger contamination in the conveyed liquid may not only clog the clear water pump intake openings
but also the clear water pump as such. This contamination may also block the float switch.
Therefore, periodic inspection of proper function of the clear water pump is required!